The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 34 The battle between father and son

"The shopkeeper is back!"

As soon as Bai Xiuyun arrived home, his wife Xu Guifang hurriedly took a thermos to make tea and water for him.

The way she called Bai Xiuyun just now was not because of any business dealings with his family. But in the Northeast, in some families, the husband and wife will call the head of the family the shopkeeper.

Bai Xiuyun put his hand in his pocket, took out the yellow paper bag and threw it on the Kang table.

"What is this?" Xu Guifang opened the paper bag and saw two strange things, so she asked Bai Xiuyun.

Bai Xiuyun took a sip of water and said, "Bolenggai, the blind bear."

"What are you doing with these things?" Xu Guifang threw them on the table nonchalantly.

"Hey, this is a good thing." Bai Xiuyun picked up the paper bag, wrapped it carefully, and said to Xu Guifang: "I will give you ten pounds of sorghum wine later and soak it in to cure your leg pain."

When Xu Guifang heard this, she felt sweet in her heart, but she said, "Then I don't know how to drink."

"It's okay, just drink less for the day."

"I have to let you drink it before I can drink it."

"Go over to the other side. I brewed it for you. Can I still drink it?"

The couple made some jokes, and Xu Guifang suddenly remembered something and asked: "Shopkeeper, what did Qin Qiang say?"

At this time, Bai Xiuyun's face changed, and his face was full of coldness, and he said: "Then Qin Laosan doesn't know what to do, let him make trouble with Zhao Youcai."

"There are people in Tao Hehua's family."

"Hmph." Bai Xiuyun snorted coldly, with an incomprehensible look in his eyes, "When you have time, go home and ask my father-in-law who he is and who Zhao Youcai is. He, Mr. Qin, is just waiting to suffer a loss."

At this moment, Zhao Youcai, whom Bai Xiuyun was talking about, was deep in the mountains, looking at the black bear that died tragically in the stone jumping pond.

After hunting for many years, Zhao Youcai can naturally tell the difference between a few bullet holes in a black bear. The one he shot the day before yesterday is definitely different from the one he shot yesterday.

"Good marksmanship." Looking at the bullet hole on the black bear's head, Zhao Youcai's heart skipped a beat. He could see that Qin Qiang's shot the day before yesterday had seriously injured the black bear, but it was not enough to make it lose its combat effectiveness.

Moreover, even if we add the three stabbings by the three Tao brothers, it won't work.

"You little bastard!" Zhao Youcai cursed harshly, feeling a little scared. If the bear-beater was really his son, it would be too dangerous.

You know, this is a black bear.

If it is a wild boar, it will only challenge you a few times. It may hurt people if it has tusks, but a sow without tusks can only cause some bruises.

But black bears are different. These guys can kill people.

Thinking of this, Zhao Youcai was so angry that he just wanted to go home and punish Zhao Jun severely.

Just thinking about what he did when he went into the mountain today, Zhao Youcai forced himself to calm down and walked away from the black bear's body.

They all say: The old tiger is in great glory.

After the black bear dies, its scent will also drive away some small animals.

Even those scavengers, such as crows and yellow skins, will not dare to come near here for three or two days.

But the lynx is different. This animal is extremely smart. They can even tell whether a black bear is dead or alive.

If it is alive, the lynx will naturally not come back, but if it is a dead black bear, the lynx will not be polite.

What's more, this Jumping Stone Pond is its home. Even if it is not here now, it will never go far.

Zhao Youcai slowly moved to the side until he was behind a large stone lid.

Zhao Youcai's whole body was completely covered by the big stone hat, which was as tall as the person. He leaned against the big stone hat with his back, and the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle stood on his arm.

He just held the gun, moved his head carefully, and looked around quietly.

Zhao Youcai stayed like this for two hours because he had told Li Dayong that if he didn't return to the forest farm, Li Dayong would not be allowed to bring the old cow.

Therefore, for these two hours, he was the only one, quietly guarding this stone jumping pond.

But two hours later, on the hill behind him, on the ground around the waist of the camel, two people tiptoed to a bastard pit and lay down in it.

These two people were none other than Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu.

"Brother, is it okay to be so far away?" Li Baoyu asked in a low voice, lowering his voice.

Zhao Jun held the gun and asked the gun star to search for his father in the jumping stone pond. After searching for a long time, Zhao Youcai was nowhere to be found. He couldn't help but sigh: "This ginger is still spicy."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Jun rolled his eyes at Li Baoyu and said, "If you can't fight, just try your best."

"Then...then...we can't get beaten when we go home, right?" Li Baoyu asked weakly. At this time, he also knew that he was in trouble. Firstly, he blamed his brother Li Ruhai for being lax, and secondly, he blamed himself for being a bitch. It can't hold two ounces of sesame oil.

Zhao Jun shook his head slightly and sighed: "I will definitely not be able to escape a beating."

"Ah?" Li Baoyu cried sadly, feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Okay, stop thinking blindly." Zhao Jun said: "We can't escape anyway. We two brothers will kill that lynx today and let them see what we can do."

"If you have great ability, you will inevitably get beaten." Li Baoyu murmured.

"What do you know?" Zhao Jun said angrily: "Let them know that we brothers can shoot, and we will not be restricted from hunting in the future. After this beating, we will not need to be beaten in the future."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Li Baoyu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

For them, hunting is really interesting. If they can hunt without restrictions in the future, then it is not impossible to get beaten today.

After all, they are biological fathers, so they may not be willing to kill him. Especially in Zhao Jun's family, there is just such a single seedling. If it is killed, won't the family be wiped out?

When he thought of this, Li Baoyu shook his head hurriedly, as if to get rid of all the bad thoughts towards Zhao Jun.

Gradually, the sun moves westward and hangs directly in the sky.

Whether it was Zhao Youcai in the rock pond, or Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu on the hill, they were all enduring hunger and struggling to support themselves.

Suddenly, Zhao Youcai's ears moved slightly, and he heard a faint sound blown by the wind.

Zhao Youcai immediately cheered up and looked in the direction of the wind. At the same time, the gun leaning on his shoulder fell forward and he picked it up quietly.

At the same time, Zhao Jun on the hillock was suddenly shocked.

Yes, he finally saw Zhao Youcai.

The moment he saw Zhao Youcai holding the gun, he hurriedly stood up from the bastard pit and looked in the direction where Zhao Youcai's gun was pointing.

Being condescending, standing high, seeing far.

Zhao Jun vaguely saw a yellow shadow shuttling in the forest on the opposite hill. The two mountains faced each other, four hundred meters apart.

It was not easy to aim at the shadow-like creature from this distance. Zhao Jun moved forward slowly, controlling not to make a sound.

He waited again, waiting for the lynx to move to the jumping stone pond below. In this case, it can fall within its range.

And Zhao Youcai is also waiting. At this time, he is like a sculpture, standing quietly with his gun in hand.

I saw a yellow shadow coming down through the forest. It seemed to be holding something in its mouth. It looked gray and smooth from a distance, and it should be a hare.

But at this time, the Zhao family's father and son's attention was entirely on the yellow shadow.

"Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly a gunshot rang out. The interval between the two gunshots was so short that when it reached the ears, one could only hear one.

In the gun star, Zhao Youcai saw only a glint of blood, and then something seemed to fall.

He hurriedly moved the gun forward and saw a yellow shadow quickly disappearing from his sight.

"Missed!" Zhao Youcai put down his gun. Before he could sigh, he heard a gunshot from the hill behind him.


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