The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 395 Baoyu shoots (4K)

With Liu Tiezui's efforts, the marriage between Li Baoyu and Liu Mei was settled, but from then on, Li Baoyu surpassed Zhao Jun and became Zhang Laibao's number one mortal enemy.

He had made trouble for Li Baoyu several times overtly and covertly, but Li Baoyu beat him openly every time.

After being beaten several times, Zhang Laibao has become much more honest in front of Li Baoyu recently.

But recently, he sought out Zhang Yuanmin again.

Zhang Yuanmin did not steal his partner, but Zhang Laibao said that Zhang Yuanmin cheated him.

To be more specific, it's the two little black bears.

At the beginning, Zhang Yuanmin entrusted two families to help Zhang Laibao buy these two black and blind bastards from Zhao Jun, which cost him a thousand yuan.

Ever since these two gadgets arrived at Zhang Laibao's house, their family has spent a lot of money on these two little black bears.

At first, because there was nothing for the little black bear to eat at home, Zhang Zhanshan gritted his teeth and bought two cans of malted milk for two days.

Then, Zhang Zhanshan also thought about buying Zhao Jun's ewes, but when he heard that Zhao Jun would not sell them, Xu Meihua could only make rice soup with millet every day until the millet was boiled, and then fed the soup and rice to the little black bear.

Zhang Zhanshan also went to the Red Star Brigade through connections and bought several large barrels of milk from the production team.

Just like this, until the beginning of spring, the little black bear has grown to nearly 20 pounds and has teeth. Xu Meihua feeds the little black bear like potatoes and chopped cabbage every day, just like feeding a dog.

Originally, the potatoes saved last fall were enough for Zhang Zhanshan's family to eat new potatoes. But suddenly there were two dogs and two bears in the house. Gradually, the potatoes stored in his family are going to be eaten up.

There is no way, this family of four, except Zhang Zhanshan who needs to go to work. Xu Meihua, Zhang Laibao, and Zhang Laifa, these three women carry baskets and baskets on their backs every day, go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables, and feed the wild vegetables to the little black bears.

But black bears are omnivores, not herbivores. Just eating grass will cause it to spread thinly.

In desperation, Xu Meihua could only chop the wild vegetables and mix some bean cakes and corn meal into them. At this time, the consumption of the two little black bears in a day was not small.

Moreover, in June, the big trees on the mountain have lost their leaves and the grass has lost their roots, and the weather is hot. When there was no way to dig wild vegetables in the mountains, Zhang Laibao's family relied on food to support their two black bear cubs.

In times of difficulty, brothers Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa went to the river to fish during the day, and even dug mouse holes and shot mice to feed black bears.

It was not until July that the early potatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes grown in the garden began to grow, and Zhang Laibao's family felt a little relieved.

But his family doesn't grow many potatoes after all, so it might be difficult to eat them until autumn comes into the mountains.

At this time, Zhang Zhanshan and the others felt more and more that it was not easy to raise these two black bears.

But fortunately, it's almost the beginning of autumn. As soon as the weather turns cooler, Zhang Laibao takes two small black bears into the mountains and presses on the ground.

At that time, just let the two little black bears look for food on their own in the mountains during the day.

Therefore, the only difficult days are now.

What shocked Zhang Laibao was that one day he got up early and went out to walk the black bears, but he met Xu Changlin who was about to pick up tofu.

Although Xu Changlin had sealed his gun and retired to seclusion, when he saw the two little black bears, Xu Changlin felt itchy for a moment and couldn't help but take another look.

Zhang Laibao also couldn't hold two ounces of sesame oil in his belly. Seeing that Xu Changlin, an old gunner, was paying attention to his little black bear, he couldn't help bragging to Xu Changlin and told Xu Changlin the blueprint Zhang Yuanmin had sketched for him.

Getting carried away with his pride, Zhang Laibao mentioned Xu Changlin's refusal to sell his dog, saying that if Xu Changlin had not sold his dog, he would not have been so lucky.

But what Zhang Laibao didn't expect was that after hearing what he said, Xu Changlin sneered and called him a fool.

Zhang Laibao was not convinced, but he heard from Xu Changlin that male black bears would hunt and kill underage cubs.

He, Zhang Laibao, took the two little ones to the mountains to let the big black bear smell them, which would be a massacre.

Hearing what Xu Changlin said, Zhang Laibao was instantly petrified on the spot. He returned home in despair. When he told his family about this, the Zhang family suddenly became a mess.

For this reason, Zhang Zhanshan went to Qin Qiang for consultation. Qin Qiang said that this was indeed the case and that this was the living habit of black bears. Moreover, black bears have sharp noses and their sense of smell is several times that of dogs. Unless Zhang Laibao is always guarding them with a gun, the two little black bears will definitely be in danger.

When Zhang Zhanshan heard this, he angrily scolded Qin Qiang for not telling him earlier. Qin Qiang simply said, "You didn't ask earlier." Zhang Zhanshan was so angry that he almost lost his temper on the spot.

Qin Qiang naturally had his own calculations. When Zhang Laibao believed Zhang Yuanmin's words, he exchanged his dog that could hunt bears for Qin Qiang's family's dog that only recognized wild boars. Qin Qiang naturally made a profit.

Moreover, Zhang Laibao participated in militia training too few times and was far from being able to hold a gun alone.

Zhang Zhanshan is fine, but he has a job in a forest farm, so he can't watch over two blind bears every day.

If the Zhang family insists on protecting the two little black bears, they may have to ask Qin Qiang to take action. In that case, Qin Qiang can get some benefits.

After Zhang Zhanshan returned home, he discussed the matter with his family. Zhang Laibao took two black bears into the mountains at the beginning of autumn. Qin Qiang and the three Tao brothers took turns guarding them until the bears hibernated and let them live directly in the cellar.

By the spring of the next year, Zhang Laibao had mastered his marksmanship. However, if Zhang Laibao wanted to go down the mountain and live a normal life, he might have to wait two years.

Thinking about Li Baoyu who was engaged to Liu Mei, how could Zhang Laibao endure it, but if he couldn't defeat Li Baoyu, he could only hate Zhang Yuanmin.

If he hadn't believed Zhang Yuanmin's lies, why would he have bought these two little black bears.

At that time, Zhang Laibao thought Zhang Yuanmin was a good man and kept calling him Brother Zhang. Looking at it now, Zhang Yuanmin was just helping Zhao Jun cheat him.

So Zhang Laibao went to Zhang Yuanmin to settle the score. But even though Zhang Yuanmin is short, he is very strong.

Brothers Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa faced Zhang Yuanmin, but they were both beaten to the ground. What made the two brothers most angry was that after Zhang Yuanmin beat them, he spat on the ground and said disdainfully: "I can kill even a blind man, you two are nothing."

No one can beat Zhang Laibao, but the family can still live a good life and continue to raise the two little black bears.

But the little black bear, which is already fifty pounds, has a big appetite.

It just so happened that Zhang Zhanshan came back from get off work today and met Liu Hanshan when he entered the village. After hearing Liu Hanshan say that there was a black bear in his corn, an idea suddenly flashed in Zhang Zhanshan's mind.

Black bears in the mountains can go to the fields to steal corns to eat, and so can our own little black bears. However, the little black bear is different from the dog. The dog knows when he is home when he goes out, but the little black bear does not know.

If these two things run away to the mountains after eating, we will be in trouble. But it is not safe for others to follow him. If there are other adult black bears nearby, it will still be a tragedy for his little black bear.

And letting the little black bear out requires someone to watch. Why not just go there and break the corn back.

But this definitely cannot be done in one's own land. If one wants to do so, one has to do so by one's enemy. And Zhang Zhanshan’s enemy must be Zhao Youcai.

But he was tired at the forest farm all day and had to get up early tomorrow to go to work. This burden could only fall on his two sons.

But unlike Zhang Zhanshan, Zhang Laibao's mortal enemy is not the Zhao family, but Li Baoyu.

"Dad!" Zhang Laibao said to Zhang Zhanshan: "We brothers went to the ground to break off the corn stalks. Unlike the black blind man, the stalks of corn stalks did not fall down. If we didn't go to the ground and looked carefully, we could not tell that the stalks were missing. Now the old Li family also How can you bother to take care of the land when you are building a house? Laifa and I went there at night and stole... no, we broke him off for a few days until there was no one left in his land, and then we went to break off the two Gudongs."

When Zhang Zhanshan heard this, he felt it made sense. When the black blind man enters the ground, he pounces on a large area, but this is not the case for humans. My children were breaking them inside, and no one would know that the corn had been stolen unless I went inside to take a look.

In this way, the Zhang family had dinner early in the evening, and brothers Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa went to sleep on the kang early. They slept until midnight when Xu Meihua came from the opposite room and woke them up.

Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa got up from the kang, dressed neatly in black, and came out of the back room.

At this time, Zhang Zhanshan was waiting in the outer room with his clothes on, while Xu Meihua took out two flashlights from the east room and handed them to the two brothers respectively.

"Mom." Zhang Laifa took the flashlight and asked curiously: "When did our family get two electric prods again?" As he said that, he pushed the switch and closed his eyes because of the small light bulb in front of him, and quickly turned the switch back. , put out the flashlight, and then said to Xu Meihua: "It's still new."

Xu Meihua nodded with a smile and said: "Stealing... no, taking Wang Meilan's."

Zhang Laibao raised his thumb and praised: "Good job!"

"Okay!" Zhang Zhanshan stopped from the side: "Don't say it's useless. Get the electric baton for you two. Don't light it when nothing happens. Don't let anyone see it."

It's dark and bright, and it suddenly lights up, which will definitely attract people's attention.

Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa both agreed, and took advantage of the dark night to leave the house and head straight to the southern land.

In the middle of the night, no one was walking on the road in the village. Fortunately, there was a moon today. Zhang Laibao and Zhang Laifa walked for more than 20 minutes under the moonlight before arriving at Nan Dadi.

When they got here, Zhang Laibao turned on the flashlight and looked for the land of Li Baoyu's house with Zhang Laifa.

"This piece belongs to Lao Tian's family, and this piece belongs to Lao Xu's family. That piece... seems to belong to the really big crotch family!" Zhang Laibao gritted his teeth and said, "Wait until I finish breaking off Zhao Jun's family, and then I'll break off yours."

The two brothers walked south along the underground path, counting all the way, until they came to a field. Zhang Laibao pointed forward, then took out the labor protection gloves from his pocket, handed them to Zhang Laifa, and said to him: "We Go in, touch the big one and break it off home."

"Okay." Zhang Laifa took the gloves, but said to Zhang Laibao: "Brother, I can't do much."

Zhang Laifa and Li Ruhai are older on one side and still underage. Zhang Laibao can make a full sack in one trip, but he can only make half a sack at most.

"It's okay!" Zhang Laibao turned off the electric prod and said to Zhang Laifa, "I can do as much surgery as I can in one trip. At worst, I'll come back tomorrow."


The two of them went to work as they were told, carrying sacks and heading into the fields, one hand holding the corn leaves in front.

The corn leaves are so hard that when scratched, a red mark will appear on the neck, which is a burning pain. Therefore, this job is not easy to do.

When the two brothers arrived at the center of Li's house, they split up, heading south and north, breaking off corn sticks and putting them into sacks.

At this time, there were two thatched houses in the northernmost part of the land. This was built in the early years when the villagers mobilized everyone to pay for their work, and it was specially used for farmers to rest at night.

In one of the thatched houses, Wang Qiang was holding a gun in one hand and waving a cattail leaf fan to swat mosquitoes with the other.

On his left were Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu and Wang Dalong who were whispering.

Wang Qiang is here to drive the black blind man into his corn field, and Li Baoyu is here to drive away the wild boar from his corn field. And Zhao Jun came with them both. As for Wang Dalong, he may be here to join in the fun.

In the past few days when Zhao Jun's family was building a house, Wang Qiang was the one who worked the hardest, followed by Zhang Yuanmin, and after Zhang Yuanmin, it was Wang Dalong.

This kid came uninvited, and on the first day he came, he explained that he was here to help his aunt's family with work, and he didn't want a penny, and then he worked hard on the construction site.

Work was suspended this afternoon, but Wang Dalong came to Zhao Jun's house after dinner. After hearing that Zhao Jun said he was going to keep vigil in the fields tonight, he came home with a gun on his back and couldn't stop him.

Anyone who is familiar with Wang Dalong knows that this kid must have a motive for doing this. But the two families can be considered relatives, and Wang Dalong is full of goodwill, so no one can turn him away.

"Uncle Qiang!" Wang Dalong called Wang Meilan aunt, and naturally called Wang Qiang uncle. He just heard him say: "It's twelve o'clock, should we go for a walk? The dog outside keeps barking."

The dog Wang Dalong was talking about was Big Fat brought by Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun brought the big fat man and tied him outside the thatched house.

Once in the field, the big fat guy kept barking, which meant there was a wild boar or black bear nearby.

"Let's go!" Wang Qiang put the cattail leaf fan aside, stood up with a shotgun, and walked out of the thatched house first.

Zhao Jun and others followed him out. The four of them walked together, but when they reached a fork in the road, they separated in two. Wang Qiang and Wang Dalong walked towards Wang Qiang's corn field one after the other. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu walked towards Li Baoyu's land.

At this time, Zhao Jun was holding Wang Qiang's barrel-mounted gun. He had always been curious about guns with machine barrels. He had exchanged guns with Wang Qiang in the thatched house just now, and he had been holding it in his hand.

Entering Li Baoyu's home, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu did not separate, but Li Baoyu was in front and Zhao Jun was behind.

The two were staggered and supported each other.

Suddenly, Li Baoyu paused and stopped. Zhao Jun behind him stopped. The two of them kept silent and listened attentively, hearing the crunching and crunching sounds of the corn in front of them.

What is this thing eating corn? Zhao Jun held a gun in his left hand and a flashlight under his left arm.

Zhao Jun turned the flashlight away with his right hand and shined the beam forward, but as soon as the flashlight turned on, he heard a sputtering sound.

Wherever the sound passed, the corn pole fell to the left and right. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu wanted to chase forward, but the corn blocked the road, so they had to go around hard.

"Slow down! Slow down! It looks like Huang Maozi." Zhao Jun whispered a few words to Li Baoyu. The two walked along the cornfield. Li Baoyu became more and more angry as they walked. This is food! It's all because of his parents' hard work and early morning greed.

At this time, Zhao Jun also turned off the flashlight in order not to disturb the wild beasts. But when I walked about ten meters, I vaguely heard movement from the corn on the right.

Li Baoyu looked back at Zhao Jun, but in the dark night he couldn't see Zhao Jun's face, but he could see Zhao Jun pointing to the right.

Li Baoyu went through it first and moved forward cautiously, trying not to make a sound.

Suddenly, Li Baoyu saw a dark thing through the gap in the corn leaves, arching back and forth in front of it, as if breaking off the corn stick.

"Black blind man!" Li Baoyu's heart moved, and as soon as he stopped, he poked the muzzle of the gun through the gap between the corn leaves!

At this time, Zhao Jun, who was reaching out for him, had already turned on the flashlight, and a beam of light shone forward.

Through the corn leaves, Li Baoyu saw that it was still a dark thing.

This is the black blind man!

Li Baoyu did not hesitate and pulled the trigger.

But at this moment, the black guy noticed the light and screamed immediately.


This is human movement!

But at this time, gunshots also rang!

Yesterday, the two chapters were published together. I’m getting older and can’t stand it anymore, and I’m tired. I woke up at eight o’clock this morning.

This is a true story that happened in the 1980s. A second-rate boy, who did not grow his own land, stole corn from others, and made the farmer a blind man and died in one shot.

Then, the brigade leader paid some money for the farmer and settled the matter.

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