The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 405 Black Tiger Kills Chicken

In the courtyard of Zhao Jun's house.

Zhu Dashan glanced at the shocked Zhao Jun, laughed heartily, raised his hand and patted Zhao Jun on the shoulder, and asked with a smile: "What do you think? Is your uncle's vision okay?"

Zhao Jun turned his head and looked directly at Zhu Dashan, but he didn't know what to say to him.

There is no way to say this.

If Zhao Jun said that this dog was not good, Zhu Dashan would not believe it. Instead, he would think that Zhao Jun did not want to lend him a good dog.

There was no other way, Zhao Jun could only nodded, turned back to the warehouse and took out a few hemp ropes, preparing to tie up the black tiger and give it to Zhu Dashan to take away.

When Zhao Jun returned to the house, he found that Zhu Dashan had already interacted with Hei Hu. He raised his hand and kept teasing Hei Hu to stand up.

Black Tiger also cooperated with him, jumping up and down. As a result, Zhu Dashan didn't realize that the dog had a problem with one of its front legs.

But seeing Zhao Jun approaching, Zhu Dashan pointed at the black tiger and asked: "This dog, why do you tie it so tightly? It's tied up with five flowers."

It turns out that there are two ropes tied to the black tiger, one is around its neck, and the other is a flat and wide rope, wrapped around the black tiger's back and front elbows, just like the leashes on pet dogs in later generations. .

When Zhao Jun heard this, he smiled helplessly and said, "This dog is so happy. I'm afraid it will harm the garden."

"What's the point?" Zhu Dashan waved his hand nonchalantly and said with a smile: "A good dog, it just has a lot of energy. What can the half-dead dog fight?"

As he said that, Zhu Dashan pointed back at the white dragon lying in front of the kennel with the dog's head on his paws, and said to Zhao Jun: "Just like your dog, it is wilting and whining, and it won't work even if you look at it."

Zhao Jun had just untied the black tiger and tied a hemp rope around his neck. After listening to Zhu Dashan's words, Zhao Jun followed what he expected. When he saw that Zhu Dashan was referring to the white dragon, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

After tying the black tiger, Zhao Jun handed the rope into Zhu Dashan's hand and said, "Uncle, you can take this dog back now. It will have to be left alone for the whole day. You have to tie it up."

"Don't you trust your uncle?" The old man's ability to understand problems was different from that of normal people. He grabbed the rope with one hand and touched the black tiger's head with the other, and said to Zhao Jun: "This dog, I How did you take it away? How did you bring it back to you? I won’t bring you the whole thing."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he knew that the old man had misunderstood him again, and he couldn't help but feel helpless. But Zhu Dashan pointed to the right and said to Zhao Jun: "Leash those two dogs for me too."

Zhao Jun looked up and saw that Zhu Dashan was referring to Big Fat and Three Fatty. Without saying anything, he just held the rope and walked towards Big Fat and Three Fatty.

Zhu Dashan led the black tiger and followed him. He came in front of Big Fatty and Third Fatty and said to Zhao Jun in front of him: "Zhao Jun, are these two dogs also powerful?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jun turned his head and looked at Zhu Dashan, couldn't help but laugh, and asked, "Uncle, how did you see that?"

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Zhu Dashan thought that Zhao Jun was confirming his opinion. He immediately laughed and reached out to touch the head of the black tiger next to him.

Black Tiger also cooperated, raising his neck, head, and squinting his eyes to cooperate with Zhu Dashan.

"Good dog!" Zhu Dashan couldn't help but praise Black Tiger. Then he looked at Zhao Jun, holding the rope with one hand and pointing at Black Tiger with the other: "Look at this dog, it has a tiger head and a tiger head, and it's very lively."

"Ha!" Zhao Jun couldn't help but wanted to say something sarcastic, but when he thought that this was an elder, he quickly held it back.

Zhu Dashan raised his hand, pointed at Big Fat and Three Fat, and said: "Look at these two dogs, they are roughly built and strong."

Zhao Jun was speechless, but this old man had a bit of a temper. To describe him as Northeastern, he was a bit peculiar.

Therefore, Zhao Jun could not persuade him at all.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was silent, Zhu Dashan thought he was right, and immediately smiled and said: "How about it? Is your uncle okay? When your father was alive, I went hunting with him."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled and asked hurriedly: "Uncle, I have never heard of you hunting."

"Where did you go to hear about it?" Zhu Dashan smiled and waved his hand: "That was a long time ago, and you were not there at that time."

"Yeah, you're right." Zhao Jun responded and secretly cursed: "If you had done it earlier, I wouldn't have my dad yet."

At this time, Zhu Dashan looked around the yard, smacked his lips, and sighed: "When I stood in your yard for a while, I still thought of your father. At that time, your current age, I was following your father all day long. Damn it, what is your father doing? I'll help him drag it home and eat some meat when he's done."

Speaking of this, Zhu Dashan suddenly asked Zhao Jun: "In Dawei, is this called Jie Da'er?"

Zhao Jun's eyes widened and he didn't know how to answer. In his two lifetimes, this was the first time he saw someone describing his height like this.

With Pa'er, that's talking about dogs. A helping dog is called a helping dog, and it is also called a beating dog.

In desperation, Zhao Jun could only pretend that he didn't hear anything. At the same time, he pushed the ropes tied to Big Fatty and Three Fatty into Zhu Dashan's hands and said, "Uncle, I didn't push you away when you were young. My mother didn't let it go." Home, I'm still in a hurry to go to work, so I won't keep you here."

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed to the white dragon and the little bear over there and asked, "Are you holding those two dogs?"

"No!" Zhu Dashan shook his head and said, "That one is wilted and bitch, what can a bitch do? I don't want it. I have these three dogs."

After saying that, Zhu Dashan led the three dogs and walked out of the courtyard. As he walked, he turned back and said to Zhao Jun: "Hurry up and pack up and go to work. When I use up these three dogs, I will bring them back to you." Don’t worry about this dog, it won’t bring you anything you lost.”

"Uncle, please walk slowly and come here when you have time." Zhao Jun originally wanted to tell the old man a few more words, but after hearing what he said, he could only swallow the words that came to his mouth. But I thought in my heart: "I'm not worried about the dog, but I am worried about you."

In fact, this is quite good. If Zhu Dashan takes away the little bear and Bailong, Zhao Jun will really be worried. But I was worried because I was afraid that the dog would get hurt.

But the old man had to lead Black Tiger, Big Fatty and Three Fatty away, so Zhao Jun no longer worried about the dogs.

With the temperament of Big Fat and Three Fatty, if Zhao Jun were here, they would fight with the black bear. But if Zhao Jun is not there, then they will definitely escape unscathed.

As for the black tiger, what Zhao Jun was worried about was that he was afraid that it would harm Zhu Dashan.

How could Zhu Dashan know this? The old man borrowed dogs, and they were three "good dogs" he had chosen. He was very happy, and happily led the dogs home, humming as he walked. Ditty: "My grain, my grain. Autumn harvest, fill the warehouse, ah, ah! ah! ah!"

"Ouch!" Suddenly, the three dogs struggled forward together. Zhu Dashan was startled, grabbed the rope and looked forward, and saw Li Baoyu walking towards him.

"The eldest son of the Li family!"

"Master Zhu!" Li Baoyu, who had just returned from Liu Mei's house, saw that his elder greeted him first, so he nodded to Zhu Dashan and responded. But seeing Zhu Dashan leading three dogs, Li Baoyu asked, "How did you lead them out?"

"A black man has entered my corn field." Zhu Dashan said: "I had no choice, so I went to Lao Zhao's house to borrow some dogs to drive away the black man."

Li Baoyu didn't know who Zhu Dashan borrowed the dog from. He just thought that Zhao Jun had gone to work and only Wang Meilan, who didn't understand dogs, was at home.

Otherwise, Zhao Jun would never lend these three dogs to Zhu Dashan.

Thinking of this, Li Baoyu also glanced at the black tiger sandwiched between Big Fat and Three Fatty, and kindly said to Zhu Dashan: "Master Zhu, you can't lead them..."

"Why not?" Before Li Baoyu could finish speaking, Zhu Dashan interrupted him and said angrily: "This is my grandson-in-law's dog. Why can't I get it?"

"No..." Li Baoyu was speechless, and the old man didn't want to hear anyone finish what he said.

"No way!" Zhu Dashan rolled his eyes, interrupted Li Baoyu, and said, "You have a good relationship with Zhao Jun, but we are relatives. I want to borrow a dog, but Zhao Jun didn't say anything. What are you doing?" So many words?"

"Yes, yes." Upon hearing this, Li Baoyu nodded quickly and said, "Master Zhu, you are right, I was wrong."

"You're not bad!" Zhu Dashan looked away from Li Baoyu and said, "You and Zhao Jun have a good relationship, but we are still relatives!"

After saying that, Zhu Dashan took the three dogs and left. Black Tiger walked among Big Fat and Three Fatty, but Zhu Dashan still didn't notice anything wrong with the dog's legs and feet.

Looking at Zhu Dashan's retreating figure, Li Baoyu laughed, shook his head and said to himself: "You are related to my brother, and that dog will not harm you lightly."

Zhu Dashan took the three dogs home and tied them up in the barn where the sundries were piled.

I have to say that this old man has a stubborn temper and harsh words, but he has a good heart. He also carried some hay and spread it on the ground for the three dogs to lie down.

After tying up the three dogs, Zhu Dashan came out of the barn and walked to the front of the house, shouting: "Juan! Juan!"

"Hey! Dad, are you back?" A middle-aged woman heard the voice and came out of the house and asked, "What did Zhao Jun say?"

"The child can't come." As soon as Zhu Dashan said this, he saw Wang Juan was a little disappointed, and immediately smiled and said: "I have to learn (xiáo) every day now, and I can't be greedy at night. As soon as I thought about it, I gave him a dog to borrow. coming."

"Borrowed a dog? Where is it?" Upon hearing that Zhu Dashan borrowed a dog from Zhao Jun's house, Wang Juan was very curious and followed Zhu Dashan to the warehouse to take a look.

Dogs that fight around are not annoying to anyone. Big Fat and Three Fatty just lie down on the hay quietly.

As for the black tiger, he opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and wagged his tail at the two of them, looking very cute.

"This dog is so good!" When Wang Juan saw the black tiger for the first time, her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but admired: "Look at it, it's as fat as a ball and shiny."

I have to say that Black Tiger's appearance is getting better and better.

Since it arrived at Zhao Jun's house, it has been eating a lot. Even in the dog days, when the daytime temperature is 33 or 4 degrees above zero and other dogs cannot eat, it is not affected at all.

In addition, it can act cute and please, so Wang Meilan, Zhao Hong, and Zhao Na all like it. They usually eat dry food and save some from their mouths to feed the black tiger.

At this time, the black tiger has a small head, a big body, and is as fat as a ball. Moreover, with its shiny black fur, judging from the appearance, this is definitely a good dog.

"Juan!" Zhu Dashan also liked seeing the black tiger, and hurriedly said to Wang Juan: "Hurry up, put some corn noodles in and feed the dog!"

After Wang Juan heard this, the smile on her face froze. She lives a very careful life. When she eats a pot head or a big pancake, she has to dip her fingers in it and put it in her mouth. At this time, it was a bit embarrassing to ask her to feed the dog corn noodles.

Zhu Dashan also knew that his daughter-in-law could live well, so he advised her: "If you want the dogs to work, you must first let them eat enough. How much food can be saved by driving the blind man away at night?"

When Wang Juan heard this, she thought it was right. Her expression softened slightly, she nodded and said, "Okay, Dad, I'll listen to you."

Wang Juan went into the house, washed the pots and boiled water. When the water boils, pour the boiling water into the corn noodles and blanch them until cooked.

In order to make the three dogs eat well and full as soon as possible, Wang Juan also deliberately put the basin of hot corn noodles in cold water to cool it.

Then, she found a broken basin and a trough, divided the corn batter and fed it to the three dogs.

But these three dogs had eaten at home in the morning. It was not yet nine o'clock, and neither Big Fat nor Three Fatty could eat. However, seeing that Black Tiger had eaten up his share, he wagged his tail pitifully at Zhu Dashan.

The result of Zhu Dashan's softening of heart was that Black Tiger ate all the corn batter himself.

Seeing this, Wang Juan felt both distressed and worried. The distress was that the good food had gone into the dog's belly, and the worry was that the black tiger would eat it.

It can be seen that after the black tiger finished eating, he lay on the ground and licked his paws, so she and Zhu Dashan returned to the house with confidence.

At this time, Zhu Dashan's grandson Zhu Jiang was still at home. It's just that he stayed up all night last night and didn't sleep all night. When he came back this morning, he lay on the kang and couldn't get up.

Zhu Dashan didn't take any rest last night, so he got on the kang to catch up on his sleep when he returned to the house. It wasn't until lunch that the two men were called out by Wang Juan.

Wang Juan makes beans stewed with potatoes. When the stew is done, a curtain is placed on top, and steamed steamed buns are cooked in one pot on the curtain.

When the three of them were sitting on the kang eating, Zhu Jiang asked Wang Juan, "Oh my God, today is the beginning of autumn. Why didn't you cut off a piece of meat and come back to make dumplings?"

"How can I have money? I still need to cut meat!" Wang Juan took a bite of the steamed bun and mumbled as she spoke: "Don't we have to keep all our money for you to marry a wife?"

When Zhu Jiang heard this, he just kept eating and stopped talking.

At this time, Zhu Dashan put down his chopsticks, picked up the three-cent wine cup, took a sip of wine, put down the wine cup, and then picked up the chopsticks again, then said to Wang Juan: "Juan, when will you and Patriot have time to work together?" Yes, you two go to Lao Wang’s house and settle the affairs of the two children as soon as possible.”

At this point, when Wang Juan nodded, Zhu Dashan added, "Look at Zhao Jun and Ma Ling, it's a deal."

"Dad." Wang Juan sighed and said, "How can we compare with others? How rich is Zhao Jun's family? They built five large tile-roofed houses."

"Yes." Zhu Jiang took a piece of beans and sucked it into his mouth, and then jokingly said to Zhu Dashan: "Sir, you have to build me five large tile-roofed houses. The matter between Wang Yanru and I can be settled tomorrow!"

"Go to the other side." Even when talking to his grandson, Zhu Dashan was very upright. He just heard him say: "Five big tile-roofed houses! I can't get them back even if I sell the bones of your father and me!"

After quarreling with Zhu Jiang, Zhu Dashan said to Wang Juan: "It's the beginning of autumn. If you don't buy meat, you still have to make dumplings. If not, you can cut some leeks and make some leeks and eggs later."

"Okay." Wang Juan nodded and said, "I happened to have saved five eggs in the past few days, which is enough for our family to make a meal."

Zhu Dashan heard this and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "When the dog days come, chickens are not willing to lay eggs. It has been how many days and only five eggs have been saved."

"Oh! Oh..."

As soon as Zhu Dashan finished speaking, the crow of a hen came from outside the window.

The three members of the Zhu family were shocked. They knew that this was the crow of an old hen after laying eggs.

A rooster crows and a hen lays eggs. This is common sense. But after laying the eggs, the hen will make a high-pitched cry. This is to show off, and it means that the mother is more valuable than the child.


Suddenly, the hen screamed, but the three members of the Zhu family didn't take it seriously.

Because Lao Zhu’s family not only has three old hens, but also a big rooster. When a rooster and a hen are making love, the rooster behaves violently and usually rides on and grumbles at the hen.

Moreover, he won't let go until he gets off the hen.

It's so tight that the hen cries out in pain.

But soon, the hen's screams disappeared, because the rooster only held the sky for three seconds.

At this time, Wang Juan, who was full, put down her chopsticks, got off the kang and stepped on her cloth shoes. She smiled at Zhu Dashan and Zhu Jiang and said, "I can pick up another egg. We can put six eggs in the dumplings tonight!"

Hearing her words, Zhu Dashan and Zhu Jiang's ancestors and grandsons both had smiles on their faces. Life is not easy these days. We can’t eat meat, but it would be nice to have eggs.

Zhu Dashan picked up the small wine cup and poured the remaining wine into his mouth. But at this moment, Wang Juan who walked into the outer room screamed: "Dead dog!"

Leng Buding's voice frightened Zhu Dashan so much that he poured the wine into his mouth and choked it into his trachea.


Chia porridge is a dialect, which means cooking porridge.

I remember a sentence in the masterpiece of Chinese literature, "J Ping Mei", which is: Immediately make a big pot of rice with beans and rice.

The interpolation here means to cook.

For the sake of quoting scriptures, brothers should also be rewarded with a monthly ticket, hahaha...

Updates will continue at noon tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Finally, I would like to recommend another good book to my brothers, "Star Hunt". It is suitable for reading slowly. It is really good.

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