The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 407 That black dog is a head dog

"Ouch! Ouch..."

The roar of black tigers echoed in the night sky, there were sounds of nocturnal birds flying in the mountains and forests, and there were sounds of wild beasts walking through the corn fields not far away.

No matter how good they think at home, when the time comes, the three generations of the Zhu family can't help but feel a little uneasy.

Zhu Dashan and Zhu Aiguo both took off their shotguns from their bodies. Although Zhu Jiang had not touched the knife, he nervously showed off his knife and hand axe.

The war seems about to break out!

But suddenly, Black Tiger closed his mouth, and the howling stopped abruptly.

The three members of the Zhu family were all startled, and saw Heihu turning back and looking at them.

Zhu Dashan thought that the dog was waiting for his order, so he immediately held the gun in his right hand, waved his left arm forward, and said: "Up!"

The black tiger seemed to understand, turned his head forward, ran forward, and made a series of calls at the same time.

Strangely enough, when the black tiger roared, Big Fatty and Three Fatty came out.

Zhu Aiguo was a little excited. He kept facing Zhu Dashan and said, "Hey, Dad, the dogs are out!"

"Yeah." A glimmer of light flashed in Zhu Dashan's old, cloudy eyes, and he said with a smile, "These three dogs are really good."

As he spoke, he turned to Zhu Aiguo and Zhu Jiang and showed off: "I went to Zhao Jun's house to pick these three dogs myself."

"Dad, you're really good." Zhu Aiguo complimented him cooperatively, but Zhu Jiang interjected from the side: "Sir, let's get rid of him quickly."

"Yeah." Zhu Dashan glanced at his grandson unhappily and said, "

You put that knife away, you don't need it, just use the electric baton and shine it. "

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jiang put away his ax and invasion knife as Zhu Dashan said, and then took out a flashlight from his shoulder bag to light the way forward for Zhu Aiguo and Zhu Dashan.

In this way, Zhu Aiguo held his gun at the front, Zhu Dashan was in the middle, and Zhu Jiang was at the end.

The three of them entered the corn field and walked among the rows of corn.

Walking among the corn bushes, it was inevitable that the bodies would be scratched by the corn leaves. The three of them walked very slowly and with great difficulty.

With Baomi blocking the way, the three of them could no longer see the dog, but the black tiger kept barking, as if showing them the way.

"The black dog brings harm to people, but it is really good to go hunting." During the walk, Zhu Jiang couldn't help but praise the black tiger. At this time, he still naively thought that his family could defeat the black blind man.

"I'm young, you don't understand." Zhu Dashan, who was in front of Zhu Jiang, turned around, as if he understood everything, and told Zhu Jiang, "Look, the black dog went out first. When he barked, the two fat guys followed him out. .I’m telling you, according to what they said during the siege, that black dog is a leading dog.”

"Master, you are so awesome, you know it."

"That's right." Zhu Dashan smiled proudly and said, "When I was young, Zhao Jun's father went to the mountains to hunt, and I even beat him up."

"Master, what do you mean by beating me up?"

Zhu Jiang didn't understand and asked, but Zhu Dashan didn't understand and dared to answer. But just as he was about to speak, the surroundings fell silent.

"Yeah!" Zhu Aiguo was stunned, and turned around and asked Zhu Dashan, "Dad, why didn't the black... head dog stop barking?"

"Well..." The smile on Zhu Dashan's face faded, he blinked, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he said eagerly: "Let's go, those three dogs must have started working with the black blind man."

At this point, seeing that his children and grandchildren didn't believe it, Zhu Dashan also explained: "Think about it, why are you calling us if we fight together?"

"Isn't that right?" Zhu Aiguo frowned and said, "That year, the dogs of the old Wang family and the old Qin family were fighting, didn't they also bark?"

When Zhu Dashan heard this, he was silent for half a second, but he still said firmly: "That dog fighting with a dog, can it be the same as this? How fierce is that black blind man!"

With that said, Zhu Dashan pointed forward and changed the subject: "Don't say it's useless, let's go quickly. The noise just now was silenced. Let's go over there and beat him to death so that we can go home and sleep."


The three men quickened their pace and walked forward through the corn bushes.

At the same time, the black tiger ran out of the corn bush, but the direction it ran was towards Yong'an Tun.

Behind Black Tiger, Big Fat and Three Fatty followed him all the way.

If the black tiger still barks at this time, the three members of the Zhu family must know that the dog has escaped. But that's all, it doesn't bark!

Therefore, three generations of the Zhu family are still traveling among the corn bushes.

Half an hour passed, and another hour passed. The three people were sleepy and tired until they came to an open space.

Originally, there were corns standing here, but the black bears caused a lot of damage, causing all the corns to fall over.

The three of them sat down to rest and looked at the fallen corns. Zhu Aiguo was so angry that he couldn't help but look around and said to Zhu Dashan and Zhu Jiang: "This mess was fine yesterday. It must have been caused by the black blind man just now." ."

"Yeah." Zhu Dashan nodded in agreement, and added: "Those three dogs must have come here just now, and frightened the blind man away."

Even now, this old man is still boasting.

"Master!" Zhu Jiang couldn't help but ask, "Where's the dog? We've been looking for it for so long? Why is it still missing?"

"You kid don't understand anything." Zhu Dashan criticized Zhu Jiang and pointed to the side. There was not so much corn, but there was a small path.

Just listen to Zhu Dashan say: "Did you see it? The black blind man ran over there, and the three dogs were designated to chase him."

After saying that, Zhu Dashan took the military kettle handed over by Zhu Aiguo, unscrewed the lid, took a sip of water, then handed the kettle to Zhu Jiang, and said: "Let us rest for two more minutes, and then we will catch up."

"Okay!" Zhu Aiguo responded, then took the kettle from Zhu Jiang's hand and started drinking water.

At this time, Zhu Jiang asked Zhu Dashan: "Master, if this black blind man dares to kill him, can't we give Zhao Jun a share?"

"That's necessary." Zhu Dashan raised his pistol and signaled: "Not only must it be given to Zhao Jun, but it must also be given to Chen Dalai and Big Crotch."

"Then what's left?" When Zhu Jiang heard this, he felt a little worthless. The three of them had worked hard all night, killing black bear gallbladders and still getting three shares.

"You can't give them too much." Zhu Dashan said: "If this courage sells for a thousand yuan, take out two hundred and give it to them. If it can sell for two thousand, take it out..."

"Dad!" Seeing that the two men were studying how to divide the money, Zhu Aiguo stood aside and stopped him: "How to divide it, we'll talk about it when we get back. Let's move forward first. I've been tired from work all day, so I'll finish it quickly. , so go back to sleep."

After hearing what Zhu Aiguo said, Zhu Dashan and Zhu Jiang both stood up, each holding a weapon and a flashlight, and moved forward along the path trodden by the black bear.

But at this time, Black Tiger, Big Fat, and San Fatty had returned to Zhao Jun's house and lay down in the yard to sleep.

Dogs recognize home, and hunting dogs that go up the mountain recognize home even more.

This is also the reason why Zhao Jun brought back Big Fat and four other dogs and kept them at home for more than half a month before he dared to take them out.

If Zhu Dashan listens to Zhao Jun, he takes the little bear and the white dragon with him, and then pairs them with the big fat ones.

When the dog is led to the corn field like this, the little bear smells the scent of a black bear or a wild boar. When he starts barking, he leads the dog gang to catch up with the prey, and Big Fat and Three Fatty won't run away.

But Zhu Dashan has a keen eye for dogs. He doesn't want the little bear or the white dragon, but prefers the black tiger.

In this way, it would be surprising if the three dogs he brought, one cunning and two slippery, could work for him.

But the three grandparents and grandchildren didn't know that the three dogs had run home. They rummaged through two acres of land, and when it was daylight, they still couldn't find Heixiazi and the three dogs.

"It's over!" On the way home, Zhu Dashan looked frustrated and said angrily: "Now I've lost my dog ​​to someone else, how can I explain to them?"

As he said that, Zhu Dashan remembered that before he left Zhao Jun's house, he and Zhao Jun had patted their chests and promised that they would never lose the dog.

This time it was a slap in the face, and it was the same face.

At this time, Zhao Jun also woke up. Although he was worried about Black Tiger and Big Fatty, the dog was taken away by someone else, and he, the owner, could not sleep well.

When he woke up in the morning, his first feeling was to go to the toilet. Zhao Jun got up from the kang, pulled on his shoes and went out.

But as soon as he opened the door, he was almost jumped by the black tiger.

"Back!" Zhao Jun's face was overjoyed. He hugged the black tiger with one hand and rubbed its head with the other, while the black tiger pushed up with his feet and wanted to lick Zhao Jun's face.

Zhao Jun pushed it away and swept it to the side. When he saw the big fat man and the third fat man coming over, he felt extremely at ease.

Zhao Jun sat down at the door and interacted with the three dogs for a while, then grabbed the black tiger by the back of the neck, pulled it to the kennel, and tied the chain.

Two chains, double insurance, must not be missing.

After locking the black tiger, Zhao Jun took Da Pang and San Pang and walked towards their kennel.

But halfway through, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something and hurried to the warehouse door and pulled it open.

As soon as the door opened, Qinglong and Black Dragon both jumped out. At this time, the green dragon was already half a meter long, while the black dragon was a bitch, slightly smaller.

Zhao Jun ignored the two dogs that kept picking at his legs, stretched his neck and glanced into the warehouse. He felt relieved until he saw a big rooster and an old hen standing on a worn-out bench.

It's not that he doesn't worry about Qinglong and Heilong. These two dogs have lived with the three sheep and two chickens since they were young. They don't bite chickens or sheep.

It's just that the black tiger that Zhao Jun is worried about is not a good dog.

Seeing that both chickens were there, and the chicks in the fence next to them were also quite happy, Zhao Jun closed the barn door with confidence, then tied up Big Fat and Three Fatty, and then took Qinglong and Black Dragon out.

When he came to the hut, Zhao Jun reached out and pointed at the roots of the poplar tree next to him, and told Qinglong and Heilong, "Sit down!"

After giving the order, the two dogs sat obediently under the tree, watched Zhao Jun enter the latrine, and waited for Zhao Jun to come out.

Zhao Jun did not dare to delay for too long, so he quickly relieved himself and came out.

Zhao Jun was not afraid that Qinglong and Heilong would run away. He knew that if he didn't come out, the two dogs would never leave, and they would guard outside the latrine like guards.

With them guarding it, no one else, no matter who they are, can even think of entering this hut.

After Zhao Jun came out, he took the two dogs and walked to the west of the village until they came to the door of Zhu Dashan's house.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the courtyard, Zhao Jun smelled the aroma coming from Lao Zhu's house, and it was also the aroma of stewed chicken.

Zhao Jun was startled and murmured to himself: "The conditions are pretty good. We can eat chicken so early in the morning."

With that said, Zhao Jun raised his hand, pointed at the door of Zhu Family Courtyard, and said: "Sit down!"

Green Dragon and Black Dragon heard the sound and ran to the door of Zhu's house. They both turned around and turned their backs to the Zhu's yard. They sat on the left and right at the door, like two door gods.

Zhao Jun walked into Zhu's courtyard and shouted: "Who is at home?"

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, he saw Wang Juan coming out of the room.

When Wang Juan saw it was Zhao Jun, she immediately smiled and said, "Xiaojun, why are you getting up so early?"

"Auntie." Zhao Jun said hello to Wang Juan, and then was forced into the house by Wang Juan.

As soon as he entered the back room and looked at the steaming cauldron, Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Auntie, why do you kill chickens when you wake up so early in the morning?"

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, the smile on Wang Juan's face froze. This chicken was the one killed by the black tiger yesterday. Yesterday, she ate dumplings at the beginning of autumn and didn't have time to eat the chicken.

But Wang Juan also took off the feathers of the chicken with tears in her eyes. When she opened the belly of the chicken, she found that there was still a half-shaped egg inside.

If this chicken doesn't die, it can still lay many eggs.

But now that the matter was over, Wang Juan could only drain the chicken with cold water.

But last night, three generations of the Zhu family went out to "fight", and Wang Juan couldn't sleep well at home. She stayed up until dawn and no one came back, which made her feel relieved.

Because even if there is an accident, it is impossible for all three people to have an accident. But now that no one has come back, Wang Juan guesses that they hit the black bear and are dragging it home.

After all, at this time, unlike in the winter when there is snow on the road, dragging a black bear on the dirt road would be very difficult. Moreover, the weather is hot and you will be sweating every time you walk, so you will inevitably have to go slower.

Thinking of this, Wang Juan heated up a pot and stewed the chicken. She thought that when her grandparents and grandson came back, she would treat them well and let them have a good meal of chicken before going to bed.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming at this time, Wang Juan was filled with gratitude, thinking that if Zhao Jun had not borrowed the dog, the men in her family would not be able to kill the bear bile.

"Aunt, stop working." When Zhao Jun heard that Wang Juan wanted to boil water to make tea for herself, he quickly stopped her. In fact, he came here just to tell the Zhu family that the dogs had gone home on their own.

As for fighting the black bear, Zhao Jun knew without asking that it was impossible.

"It's okay! It's hard for you kid to come here." Wang Juan smiled and said to Zhao Jun: "Auntie is making chicken stew today. You can eat it at home later."

"No, no." Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun quickly stood up to leave, and said to Wang Juan: "Auntie, I'll tell you what I think..."

Before Zhao Jun finished speaking, he heard a dog barking outside the window.

Zhao Jun was startled and hurriedly turned around and ran outside. Wang Juan put the kettle in her hand on the stove and followed Zhao Jun outside the house.

At this time, in Zhu's yard, three big chickens, one male and two females, climbed onto the wall in panic.

At the entrance of the courtyard, the three members of the Zhu family were stopped by Qinglong and Heilong. The two dogs hunched over and yelled at the three of them, looking eager to try.

"Whose dogs are these?" Zhu Dashan shook his head and shouted. When he arrived at Zhao Jun's house yesterday, Qinglong and Black Dragon were still locked up in the warehouse, so he didn't know that these two dogs were also raised by Zhao Jun.

"Come here!" Zhao Jun shouted while standing in the yard. The two dogs turned around and ran in front of Zhao Jun, sitting on the ground waiting for Zhao Jun to speak.

Zhao Jun walked toward Zhu Dashan and others, and the two dogs got up and followed him, like two little followers.

"Uncle! Uncle." Zhao Jun greeted the two elders first, then smiled at Zhu Jiang and nodded.

But the three people from the Zhu family looked at Zhao Jun, but they didn't say a word. They only nodded awkwardly in response.

Until now, they still don’t know that Black Tiger, Big Fat and Three Fatty have gone home on their own. They all thought that the dog chased Black Bear all the way up the mountain, so they walked some way into the mountain.

Moreover, the three of them were whistling for the dog as they walked. I didn't see the dog coming back until my cheeks hurt from the blow.

Therefore, the grandfather and grandson decided that the dog borrowed from Zhao Jun's family had been lost by their own family.

This made them very embarrassed when they saw Zhao Jun.

At this time, Wang Juan came to the door and looked behind the three people. When she saw nothing, she looked at Zhu Aiguo and asked, "Where is the black blind man?"

"What?" Zhu Aiguo was stunned, not knowing what Wang Juan was talking about.

"Juan." Zhu Dashan reacted first and said to Wang Juan, "Don't ask anymore."

After hearing what her father-in-law said, Wang Juan's expression changed and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

But it was not because of anything else, but because she thought that her father-in-law might have seen Zhao Jun coming and was afraid that Zhao Jun would share the meat and bear bile with her family, so she couldn't bring up the matter of the blind bear.

That's right, Wang Juan believed that her family had hunted a black bear.

Moreover, Wang Juan is a very particular person. In her opinion, her family must thank Zhao Jun for being able to kill the black bear bile this time. It is not good to hide and tuck it away like this.

Zhu Dashan didn't know how much drama was in his daughter-in-law's heart, so he only said to Zhao Jun: "Zhao Jun, my uncle wants to tell you something."

At this point, Zhu Dashan didn't intend to hide it anymore. He bit the bullet and said to Zhao Jun: "Those three dogs in your family..."

Zhao Jun smiled and continued: "I've gone back!"

"Didn't come back." Zhu Dashan answered subconsciously, but he reacted instantly and looked at Zhao Jun with surprise on his face and asked, "The dog went back?"

"Ah!" Zhao Jun responded: "I'm here, and I'll tell you that those three dogs have returned to our home."

Hearing this, the three descendants of the Zhu family couldn't help but look at each other. Zhu Dashan frowned and asked Zhao Jun, "When did you go back?"

"I don't know about that." Zhao Jun said, feeling that something was wrong with Zhu Dashan's face, so he said to them: "Uncle, my mother still has some work to do. She asked me to help her, so I will go back first." .”

Zhu Dashan didn't react for a while and didn't say anything. But Zhao Jun didn't take it seriously and said to Zhu Aiguo: "Uncle, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Zhao Jun couldn't reply to Zhu Aiguo, so he turned to Wang Juan and said, "Aunt, thank you, but I won't eat here today."

At this time, Wang Juan didn't know what happened last night, but she just felt guilty towards Zhao Jun. After hearing what Zhao Jun said, she hurriedly said: "My chicken is almost ready to be stewed. Let me serve you some."

"No, no need." Zhao Jun waved his hands quickly and walked out of the hospital. When passing Zhu Jiang, he nodded to Zhu Jiang, then took Qinglong and Heilong and walked quickly towards home.

Wang Juan chased him out of the courtyard, waved at Zhao Jun's back and said, "Zhao Jun, come here when you have time."

After saying that, Wang Juan turned around and said to Zhu Aiguo: "Look, my child said hello to you before he left. Why didn't you say anything?"

Zhu Aiguo stayed up all night, his face was a little pale and a little flushed at this time. He took a deep look at Wang Juan, sighed and said: "My head is so muddy that I can't react."

At this point, Zhu Aiguo looked up at Zhao Jun's leaving figure and the two puppies following him, and said, "This kid is a good kid, but his dog is not that good."

He had forgotten that he had praised Black Tiger several times.

Wang Juan was stunned when she heard this, but remembering what happened during the day yesterday, she shook her head and said, "Why don't you kill a chicken? I've stewed that chicken for you. When it's old and fragrant, I'll celebrate it for you."

Seeing that the three of them didn't talk to each other, Wang Juan laughed again and said: "It's just a chicken. Compared with the black blind man, how big is it? How small is it?"

After Wang Juan finished speaking, she saw Zhu Dashan and Zhu Aiguo, father and son, looking at her blankly.

Wang Juan was a little confused, but she heard Zhu Jiang say: "Oh my god, where did the black blind man come from?"

More than ten minutes later, chicken stewed with mushrooms was served. A large plate full was placed in the center of the Kang table, and the aroma was fragrant.

But no one in the Zhu family used chopsticks.

Suddenly, Zhu Dashan raised his hand and slapped the table, shouting: "Eat, when you're full, I'm going to find someone to make two bombs, or I'll be killed by that black blind man!"

Thanks to the brothers for the rewards and monthly tickets. Five thousand words at noon and five thousand words at night. Any more will be given to the brothers.

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