Dogs or no guns is indeed a big problem.

Although it is called Dog Wai, it is the gun that determines the outcome.

Because once a wild boar, especially a boar, exceeds 300 pounds, it will be very difficult to knock it down with a dog.

Conditions are limited these days, and some families don’t even have enough to eat, let alone feed their dogs.

Like most people, raising two dogs is already the limit. With two dogs, it is impossible to pen a boar weighing 300 pounds.

It's like Zhao Jun's previous life, when his dog gang was at its peak, there were four hunting dogs.

One winter, Zhao Jun took his dogs into the mountains to hunt for siege. They walked around for a whole day without encountering any prey.

But on the way home from the mountain, he met a group of pigs. The big-headed dog Qinglong took a look at a 320-pound cannon egg.

You must know that the two tusks of a boar weighing about three hundred pounds are like daggers, straight and sharp, and they are most harmful to dogs.

As for Zhao Jun's four hunting dogs, one was harder than the other. The four dogs surrounded a pig, fighting and walking, and climbed four hills in a row.

Zhao Jun followed them desperately, but the two legs could never catch up with the four legs. Seeing that it was getting late, he became a little anxious and started to shoot in the air to call the dogs.

But by this time, both dogs and pigs were red-eyed.

Until dark, the four dogs did not return, so Zhao Jun had no choice but to stay in a shack nearby for one night.

The man was on the earthen bed in the shack, but the four dogs were alive and dead outside. Zhao Jun could not sleep. While he was tossing and turning, he could only hear something scratching at the door.

Zhao Jun felt something in his heart and hurried down to the ground to open the door. He saw it was Heilong, the only female dog among his four dogs.

Zhao Jun carried the shotgun on his back and followed the black dragon over the mountains and ridges to the riverside. He saw that the wild boar had been bitten to death by four dogs on the ice.

Looking around, within a hundred meters, all the snow up to the knees had been trampled flat, and there was blood everywhere.

It is so difficult for four hard dogs to surround a 300-pound boar. If you encounter a big pig of 700 to 800 kilograms, or even a thousand kilograms, without a gun, it can be said that there is no chance at all.

As for the black bear, it has rough skin, thick flesh, and sharp teeth and claws. If you surround a bear with dogs, you can only entangle it with fighting. It is simply impossible to kill a black bear.

Some people may think it's an exaggeration, but the black bear's injury to a dog is completely different from the wild boar's injury to a dog.

It was the same four hunting dogs in Zhao Jun's previous life. They could attack for eight miles and nail the three hundred kilograms of cannon eggs to the riverside. But when they encountered a ninety kilograms little black bear, they just couldn't take it off. .

Yes, you read that right, more than ninety pounds, never more than a hundred pounds.

Zhao Jun saw with his own eyes that the little black bear was only one meter long. His black dragon, which weighed 120 kilograms, was like a ball under the little black bear's claws, being pulled here and there.

Therefore, if you want to hunt bears, you must have a gun.

But now, Zhao Youcai has said that the two brothers will not be restricted from hunting, but what can they do without guns?

Whether it is a big wild boar or a bear, without a gun, the dog will lose control and give up.

You must know that dogs understand human nature, and dogs have dignity, especially hunting dogs. The more powerful hunting dogs, the more they care about dignity.

If it fails to deliver the goods once, it fails to deliver the goods twice, and if the dog's confidence is damaged a few more times, it will be useless.

Especially the hunting dog that has just been dragged out will always be unable to fight, and it will develop a habit and slowly slip away.

Therefore, Zhao Jun knew very well that he must get a gun.

But the difficulty is that if you don’t care about others borrowing it, most others will not borrow it.

You can buy it with money if you want, but the problem is that Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu have no money.

It's not easy to have pocket money these days. The two brothers have a lot of money in their pockets and they only have three and a half cents together. Let alone guns, it's hard to buy more bullets.

In this way, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu can only trap wild boars in the mountains. If they trap wild boars, they must first see whether the pig is big or small.

If it doesn't exceed 300 kilograms, take your own dog with you and use the knife to capture the wild boar.

If it exceeds 300 kilograms, you need to tell Zhao Youcai or Li Dayong and let them bring guns to kill.

After more than a month of this, the two brothers only hunted two wild boars with their swords.

In the process, Zhao Jun took the big green dog with him and let him hunt twice.

I have to say that this big green dog is really talented. If he can pull it out, he will definitely be a top dog.

It's just that there are too few hunting opportunities, and the big green dog's progress is too slow.

As the weather got colder and colder, a heavy snow fell on Dingzi Mountain, and the white color engulfed the entire mountain.

Whenever it snows for the first time, hunters must be excited.

Because when it snows, prey will leave footprints on the snow when walking and foraging. Hunters who sneak around can use this to track their prey.

As for the one who beats the dog, the alpha dog in the family is bad. Although he can't crack the leaves like Zhao Jun's Hua Xiao'er, he can beat the snow slide with no problem.

The day after the snowfall, Zhao Jun was clearing snow in his yard, while Li Baoyu and Li Ruhai were clearing snow in Li's yard.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu raised their heads from time to time and looked at the distant mountain tops with longing.

During this period, people kept passing by their house, and some were saying that they were going to go hunting in the mountains tomorrow.

Yes, you can’t go up the mountain the next day if it snows.

Because the wild animals in the mountains, whether birds, bears, tigers, etc., never see snow in spring, summer, and autumn. When winter comes, they will be confused when they see snow.

As soon as they were stunned, they all lay still. Since they were motionless, there would naturally be no traces left.

Without footprints, what else do hunters and hounds chase?

But in the afternoon, they will move for no other reason than that they are hungry and need to find something to eat.

If you wait another night, wait until the third day after it snows, and then go hunting in the mountains, you will be able to see the prey tracks.

"Alas!" Zhao Jun shook his head helplessly, threw the big broom on the snowdrift, and entered the house with his hands behind his back.

"Have you finished sweeping?" Wang Meilan asked when she heard the door knock.

"Yeah." Zhao Jun had something on his mind and just responded lightly.

Not long after, Li Baoyu came into his room, sat on the edge of the kang and said, "Brother, shall we go up the mountain tomorrow?"

"Come on!" Zhao Jun stood up from the kang, kicked up his shoes, and said to Li Baoyu, "Get your things ready. We will go up the mountain tomorrow."

"Okay!" Li Baoyu was overjoyed when he heard this, turned around and ran out, going home to pack his things.

Zhao Jun got up and went to the opposite room. Wang Meilan was sitting on the kang, picking up the soles of her shoes. When she saw Zhao Jun coming in, she asked, "What are Baoyu doing? Are you in such a hurry?"

Zhao Jun said: "Mom, help me feed the dog tomorrow morning. We are going up the mountain."

"You still have to go!" After listening to Zhao Jun's words, Wang Meilan put the soles of her shoes aside, pulled Zhao Jun to sit down, and said to him seriously: "Son, can't we not go?"

"Mom, don't worry, I know it well." Zhao Jun said, "Find the hat for me again."

"Alas!" Wang Meilan sighed and began to rummage through the boxes.

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