The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 412 A pack of dogs hunting a bear, half of a leopard’s tail

The rain this year has been very heavy, and there is stagnant water in the ditches and ponds in the mountains. After the dog walks through the ditch and pond to work, you can see mud hanging on the dog's belly.

Therefore, Zhao Jun and the others were wearing boots.

But although the river was not deep, the deepest part was already up to my waist. When I walked down the river to the other side, my clothes were soaked. It will be uncomfortable to walk on the mountain road again.

So Zhao Jun and others took off their clothes, pants, and boots and prepared to cross the river naked.

While taking off his clothes, Wang Dalong asked Zhao Jun: "Xiaojun, where did you get that big black dog of yours?"

When Wang Dalong asked about the black tiger, Zhao Jun smiled and said, "I picked it up."

"Picked it up?" Wang Dalong was startled when he heard this, and asked quickly: "Where did you pick it up? That dog looks good."

As soon as Wang Dalong said this, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu both looked at him with strange expressions.

Wang Dalongcha received strange looks from the two men and asked in confusion: "What happened?"

Zhao Jun smiled faintly and asked Wang Dalong, "Brother Long, how do you see that the dog is good?"

Wang Dalong was stunned by Zhao Jun's question. He casually folded his pants in half and rolled them up as he said, "That dog was the first to speak!"

"This..." Zhao Jun couldn't tell Wang Dalong. The black tiger usually likes to bark when nothing happens.

And Wang Dalong continued: "It was also the one who took my four dogs into the water just now."

At this point, Wang Dalong saw that Zhao Jun was silent, so he smiled and asked: "Xiao Jun, tell me the truth, is this black dog a big dog?"

Zhao Jun blinked, not knowing how to answer. Even if it's not the case, Wang Dalong analyzed the black tiger very clearly. Even if he says it's not the case, Wang Dalong can't believe it. But let's say it is, it really isn't.

Seeing that Zhao Jun still didn't speak, Wang Dalong thought a lot in an instant, and said confidently: "I think this dog has an injured leg. Is it that after the injury, it is not as good as before the injury? Because of this, you don't like it." "

Zhao Jun's brows formed a figure-eight shape in embarrassment. He and Li Baoyu looked at each other, and they couldn't help but laugh.

"You must have been right." Wang Dalong also laughed at this time. He piled the folded clothes and trousers together, then the smile on his face faded, and he said seriously to Zhao Jun: "I see this dog, take me Those four dogs are just right, or you can sell them to me."

"Brother Long, this..."

Before Zhao Jun could finish speaking, Wang Dalong interrupted him and said, "Xiao Jun, give me this dog, and I'll give you a hundred yuan. Do you think that's okay?"

Wang Dalong was so anxious to bid, but he was afraid that Zhao Jun would ask for a high price, so he acted smart and tried to block Zhao Jun first.

One hundred dollars!

If it were anyone else, Zhao Jun would really sell it to him.

But Wang Dalong can't.

It's not because of anything else, just because the two families are related, and Zhao Jun is afraid that the people in the village will say that he can only be cheated by his relatives.

"Brother Long!" Zhao Jun raised his hand, stopped Wang Dalong who wanted to say something, and said to him: "Don't worry, what is this dog like? Wait and see, you will know."

The three of them were talking and had already finished taking off their clothes and pants. They rolled up their clothes and trousers together, then put their two boots together, pinched their clothes, trousers, and boots with one hand, and raised them above their heads. The other hand, holding the gun and shoulder bag at the same time, went down to the river one after another and walked towards the other side.

Fortunately, the weather is hot and the clothes and pants are thin and can be held in one hand.

Fortunately, the river is not fast. The current will hinder the three people from crossing the river, but they can overcome it.

There are just some stones at the bottom of the river. The surface has been washed away by the river water, and the surface is extremely smooth. It is very slippery to walk on barefoot.

Therefore, they crossed the river carefully by feeling the stones, hoping to cross to the west bank first, and then go south along the river bank.

When the three of them crossed the river, the dog gang, led by Little Bear, went down the river and headed south.

At this time, on the west bank of the river, nearly 1,500 meters away from Zhao Jun, a black bear was lying on the edge of the river, tilting its head and pressing the left half of its face into the cold river water.

Logically speaking, the bears that were blown away by bombs should have injuries to their mouths. But I don’t know what happened to this black bear. One eye was blinded by the explosion, and the left side of his face was all bloody.

Although I don’t know what caused this, the bear’s current condition is pretty good.

Yes, for a bear, even one blind eye is better than having its mouth blown open.

Because if you are blind, you will not die. But if the bear's mouth is rotten, the bear will not live long. In a few days, even if no one comes to hunt, the bear will die.

Moreover, before death, a black bear unable to eat will have difficulty maintaining its physical strength, and its combat effectiveness will inevitably decrease sharply.

This is why Qin Qiang came to pick up a bargain yesterday.

But when things came to a close, Qin Qiang realized that things were not what he thought.

But Qin Qiang never mentioned this important information when he was in Tunbu last night.

I don't know if he was so sad that he forgot about it, or how. Anyway, he just didn’t say it.

But even if he didn't say it, Zhao Jun knew.

Because Jiang Hua's fatal injury was caused by a bear biting through the back of his head. There's no way a bear can do this if its mouth is blown open.

Although he didn't know what happened to the bear, Zhao Jun was already prepared.

At this time, the black bear lying on the edge of the river suddenly raised its head from the river water. It looked at the river and saw the little bear swimming towards it.

As the black bear raised its head, mung bean flies all over the sky bit at the festering bear's face. At this time, there were still some maggots that had not been washed away by the river squirming in the flesh and blood.

The black bear stood up and stood like a human, holding a pair of bear paws on his chest and staring at the little bear with a fierce look.

If it were normal, the black bear would leave. But after being injured, the black bear just wants to tear apart all invading enemies.

If it were normal, the little bear would have barked long ago. But now it was in the water and couldn't make a sound, so it could only continue swimming towards the black bear.

Near the shore, the water level was low. The little bear's front paws stepped on the sandy beach submerged by the river, and his upper body was lifted up from the river water.

Immediately afterwards, the little bear came out of the water. Where he stood, the water only covered the dog's paws.

The little bear glanced at the black bear, suddenly swayed, and dense water droplets splashed out from the little bear.

After shaking off the water, the little bear directed a series of barks at the black bear.

The little bear shouted, and the dog gang still in the river sped up and swam towards the little bear in unison.

At this time, thousands of meters away.

Zhao Jun faintly heard the barking of dogs and hurriedly reminded Li Baoyu and Wang Dalong, who were already dressed, saying: "Go quickly! Be careful!"

These two passwords were somewhat contradictory, but Li Baoyu and Wang Dalong didn't talk nonsense and followed Zhao Jun to move the grass.


The roar of an angry bear overwhelmed the barking of dogs.


The black bear rushed towards the little bear. As the little bear hid on the shore, the black bear plunged into the river water. The water splashed away instantly. The three fat men who came were unable to dodge and were slapped by the black bear and flew out.


The three fat men fell into the water, the river surface churned, and blood spread with the ripples of the river water.

The third fat man raised his head and emerged from the water. He choked on the water and made a whirring sound in his throat.

The scattered dog gang, some swam away, and some took the opportunity to land ashore. The white dragon, rhubarb, tabby cat, and tabby wolf came ashore one after another. Following their instincts, the first thing they did when they got ashore was to shake off the water on their bodies, and then they roared at the black bear.

The dogs in the river swam in all directions to avoid the black bear attacks.

Seeing that the group of dogs dispersed, the black bear turned back and rushed to the shore. The five dogs dodged to the left and right, but they couldn't get far until they found weeds as tall as a person.

"Ouch..." A scream was heard, and the flower wolf who couldn't dodge was slapped away by the black bear.

The flower wolf fell into the grass, and there was dense green grass as a cushion. The flower wolf fell not hard, but on its buttocks, the bear's claws scratched three bloody grooves one inch long.

At this time, the little bear and the dogs gathered at the river again and roared at the black bear.

The dogs in the water all gathered around the little bear.

Soon, twelve dogs gathered along the river bank. Hualang, who was absent, hid deep in the grass.

The dog gang looked at the black bear warily. The grass was not conducive to fighting, and the water fight was not advantageous either.

On the other hand, black bears push flat on the grass. If they enter the water, the impact of the river water will have minimal impact on them.

The standing black bear was possessed, with its front paws on the ground. It looked at the group of hunting dogs indifferently, and then stepped eastward.

Wherever it passed, the grass fell down and was trampled to the ground.

As soon as the black bear left, the white dragon rushed out first, followed by the little bear and the big yellow, while the little flower followed the little bear.

The white dragon chased the black bear, but before it could bite the black bear, the black bear turned around.

Facing the black bear, Bailong hurriedly hid aside. But there was grass next to it. The moment it stepped on the grass, the tall grass fell to the grass next to it, and the fall slowed down instantly.

Without trampling down the grass, the white dragon could no longer move forward. At this time, the black bear has arrived, so I stretched out my hand to catch it.

Bailong wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. Fortunately, Rhubarb bit the black bear's butt from behind, and the black bear pulled back its palm. When Rhubarb dodged, Bailong took the opportunity to slip away.

The thirteen dogs gathered together again, and the barking became louder and louder. Sanpang and Hualang were slightly injured, but they were not serious and did not affect the battle.

But in this tall grass, the dog gang couldn't disperse, surround, or contain the black bear.

Suddenly, Big Fat rushed out and caught up with the black bear. Since following Zhao Jun, Big Fatty has become much braver than before. Moreover, after eating bear meat several times, Big Fatty fell in love with this fat-rich meat.

But from the last siege to now, except for the black tiger who stole the chicken, the big fat ones have never had any meat.

Now that there was a black bear in front of him, Big Fatty found the opportunity and rushed over.

He took a big bite, bit the black bear's hind legs viciously, then turned around and ran away.

The black bear, on the other hand, turned around and gave chase.

Although the grass underfoot has been trampled down by the black bear, when the dog's paws step on the fallen grass, it is inevitable that one foot will be deep and the other will be shallow.

The black bear, who was usually much slower than a dog, now caught up with Big Fat. Seeing that the big fat man was about to be killed, he dodged towards the dog gang on both sides, and all of them attacked the black bear in an instant!

This scene is really spectacular!

Thirteen dogs, except for the big fat one who was being chased by the black bear, and the black tiger who had been standing in the distance watching the enemy formation, the other eleven hunting dogs all pounced on the black bear and bit them.

"Hang! Hang..."

The roar of a bear exploded from the hunting dogs, followed by the screams of dogs. Xiaohua, Bailong, Xiaoxiong, and the two black dogs of Wang Dalong's family were all scratched by the black bears and suffered injuries.

At this time, Rhubarb bit the black bear's butt, shaking his body and biting desperately.

The soft spot was dug out, and the black bear didn't care about dealing with other dogs. He just grabbed the bear's paw back. The black bear grabbed Dahuang, who couldn't dodge, and then stuffed it under his butt.

When the black bear sat down on him, Dahuang let out a scream and all his feces and urine came out.

Seeing Dahuang in danger, Bailong, who had fought side by side with him for the longest time in the dog gang, rushed forward desperately, but as soon as he reached the black bear, he was forced back by the black bear's paw.

But when the black bear attacks the white dragon with its palm, its body inevitably leans forward. In this way, the pressure on rhubarb is reduced a lot.

At this time, the black bear seemed to be lying on the ground, and Rhubarb was pressed under its crotch.

As the black bear leaned forward, all eleven dogs except Rhubarb and Black Tiger pounced on the black bear.

The most ruthless one is Bai Long!

It bit the black bear's ulcerated left face, and then heard a shrill roar. The black bear jumped up and headed straight for the white dragon.

As soon as the black bear charged, Dahuang took the opportunity to struggle to his feet, then staggered away.

The black bear caught up with the white dragon and swung his palm. The white dragon flew out with a scream and landed in the grass.

Unlike Hualang just now, Bailong struggled but couldn't get up quickly.

After whipping the white dragon away, the black bear turned around fiercely. At this time, all the dogs retreated!

Dahuang and Bailong, the two toughest dogs in the dog gang, were both injured. The ferocity of the black bear suppressed the other hunting dogs, and no one dared to step forward.

These dogs, including Little Bear and Big Fatty, need other dogs to lead the charge when they see a fierce fight.

And today's battle is not only a fierce battle, but also a fierce battle.

"Hang...Hang..." Seeing that the dogs did not dare to step forward, the black bear roared fiercely at them twice before turning around and trying to leave.


At this moment, a dog swooped in. Its black fur stained with water shone like satin in the sunlight.

When the black bear heard the weird cry, he couldn't help but look back, but the black tiger jumped down and took a bite of the black bear's crotch.

The black bear howled, turned around and gave chase.

As soon as the black bear moved, the black tiger ran away and ran towards the river along the way.

The grass along the road has been trampled down by black bears. When other dogs run on it, one foot is deep and the other is shallow, which has a great impact on their movements.

But the black tiger is lame in one leg. When it runs, it always has one foot high and one foot low.

So, this is normal for it.

And, it's so fast!

The black tiger runs, the black bear chases.

Wherever they passed, the dog gang dispersed. But as soon as the black bear passed by, the dogs started digging at the bear's buttocks and hind legs from behind.

The black bear turned around, and the dog gang dispersed like an ebbing tide.

The black bear roared in protest, scaring the dogs from taking a step further.

But when it barked, the black tiger seemed to have received the signal, stopped, and rushed to kill the black bear again.

This time, the black bear turned around and attacked before the black tiger could bite it. But Black Tiger braked halfway, turned around and ran away.

Black bears chase other dogs, always getting closer and closer. The only way to chase the black tiger is to get further and further away.

At this time, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Wang Dalong arrived. But what they saw was the black tiger fleeing into the distance, while other dogs were surrounding the black bear.

"You made a mistake!" Wang Dalong's heart skipped a beat, thinking that it was Zhao Junrenyi's fault, otherwise it would be difficult for him to agree just now.

Thinking of this, Wang Dalong aimed at the black bear and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before the black bear fell to the ground, Wang Dalong fired five shots and Zhao Jun fired six shots. Li Baoyu, on the other hand, was on guard and did not fire a single shot.


There was a strange barking of dogs, which was particularly eye-catching, but the black tiger rushed over in a hurry, and together with the ten hunting dogs, bit the black bear lifelessly.

"Brother Long!" At this time, Zhao Jun put down his gun and asked Wang Dalong with a smile: "Can't you buy this dog?"

Wang Dalong smiled bitterly upon hearing this and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, don't laugh at your brother, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu laughed together, and the three of them walked towards the black bear corpse.

When he came closer, he saw that the black bear's head had been blown open and its brains were bleeding all over the floor, so there was no need to shoot again.

At this time, the three of them discovered that two dogs were missing. But there was a rustle in the grass nearby, and Dahuang, who was attracted by the sound of gunfire, limped out of the grass.

It was scratched by a black bear on its back, but the wound was not deep. It would be better to bandage it and take some time to recover. It also has one hind leg that was sat on by a black bear, but this is a serious injury and should be fine after just two days of care.

Zhao Jun whistled twice, but when he heard movement in the grass next to him, he hurriedly parted the grass to greet it, and saw that Bailong's body was made like a blood gourd.

But seeing as it can walk, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"Brother Long! Baoyu!" Zhao Jun said to them: "You two hurry up and wrap up all the injured dogs."

Between dogs and bear bile, Zhao Jun always chooses to take care of dogs first and then pick bear bile. Wang Dalong had some different opinions on this, but Zhao Jun was the leader. As long as Zhao Jun spoke, no matter what opinions he had, he could only hold them back.

And Zhao Jun's arrangement was right. All the dogs, except Black Tiger, were seriously or lightly injured. It's hot at this time, so you must apply medicine and bandage as soon as possible.

After Wang Dalong and Li Baoyu agreed, Zhao Jun took Bailong to the riverside and washed away the blood on him. Only then did he realize that a palm-sized piece of skin had been lifted off Bailong's left shoulder.

Zhao Jun hurriedly took the pain tablet powder and bandages to bandage him. After the bandages were completed, he took Bailong back.

When Zhao Jun came back, he saw eleven dogs lying around the black bear. Only the black tiger was still holding one of the black bear's ears, shaking its head and pulling it.

"Now you are more capable, start driving!" Zhao Jun drove away the black tiger, and together with Li Baoyu who came to help, turned the black bear over. Then, Li Baoyu continued to bandage the bear's wounds, while Zhao Jun pulled out his knife, disembowelled the black bear, and took out the bear's bile and put it in his bag.

Next, it’s time to cut the meat and feed it to the dogs. Starting from the little bear, then the white dragon, big fat, big yellow, three fat...

Finally, feed the black tiger.

After waiting for such a long time, Hei Hu was extremely anxious. Seeing Zhao Jun hand over a piece of meat, Black Tiger bit the meat into his mouth, but he didn't even chew it and swallowed it in two mouthfuls.

Zhao Jun was shocked. This dog didn't eat enough when he was at home, but he wasn't so greedy.

Seeing the black tiger looking at him longingly, Zhao Jun could only cut another piece of meat for it, but the black tiger still did the same.

Seeing that the black tiger was so useless, Zhao Jun deliberately competed with it. If it could eat it, Zhao Jun continued to cut and feed it.

In this way, the black tiger swallowed four pieces of bear meat in a row, each piece was a finger and a half thick and the size of a palm.

When Zhao Jun went to cut its meat again, he saw the black tiger walking away. It was far away from other dogs, standing there with its head lowered.

Black Tiger's actions attracted everyone's attention. Then, Heihu gasped and vomited out all the meat he had just eaten.

Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, Wang Dalong: "..."

Four pieces of bear meat fell on the grass. The black tiger lay down in front of the meat, looked around cautiously, then bit into a piece, held it with the dog's paw, and slowly bit it.

At this time, Wang Dalong lowered his head, fearing that Zhao Jun would regret it and sell the black tiger to him.

After all the dogs were full, Zhao Jun and others also skinned and decomposed the black bear. The large pieces of bear meat were put into sacks and sunk into the river. They were then weighed down with big rocks to prevent them from being washed away by the current. .

Then, Zhao Jun carried the bear's head on his back, Li Baoyu and Wang Dalong each carried two bear paws, and the three of them started their return journey with thirteen dogs.

If we return the same way, we still have to cross the river. It would only take a little trouble for the people, but the dog gang had injuries on their bodies and had just been bandaged, so it was not suitable to go into the water again.

So, Zhao Jun led the team to take a detour.

They climbed over mountains and hills, climbing to the top of a hill.

Suddenly, the black tiger that had been following Zhao Jun suddenly barked twice.

Its cry frightened Zhao Jun who was walking in front of it.

Zhao Jun turned around and cursed Black Tiger, then continued to climb up. After crossing the top of the mountain and going down the mountain, all the dogs, led by the little bear and the black tiger, rushed out, stopped three or five meters away from the people, and started to bite the poplar forest in front of them.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly handed the sack with the bear's head to Li Baoyu and took off the semi-automatic rifle from his body.

But when he walked forward, the dog gang dispersed and stopped moving forward. They only wandered around Zhao Jun.

Such a situation made it impossible for Zhao Jun to guess what was ahead.

But when I reached the second side of the mountain, I saw something hanging down from a poplar tree in front of me.

Zhao Jun took a closer look and couldn't help but stop.

That's a roe deer skin!

Seeing Zhao Jun raise his hand, Wang Dalong and Li Baoyu both put down the sacks they were carrying, picked up their guns, and stood guard with their guns.

Zhao Jun walked over and took a look and saw that there was still meat in the skin of the roe deer, and the bones were still attached to the meat. There were also pieces of roe deer bones scattered on the ground.



Suddenly, the sounds of two animals were faintly heard in the forest. Moreover, none is a wild boar, none is a roe deer, and none is a deer.

It’s not even a bear, it’s all predatory noises.

Moreover, you can vaguely hear that it is one person versus a group!

"Woof woof woof..."

Around Zhao Jun, a group of dogs barked at the forest.

Along with the sound of dogs, the roaring in the forest fell silent.

Zhao Jun stood still. Behind him, Li Baoyu and Wang Dalong stood with their guns drawn.

In less than a minute, the dog gang calmed down, and all the wild beasts in the forest must have retreated.

So, this is not a tiger.

The king of the mountain will not give way to a dog.

At this moment, the black tiger jumped out from Zhao Jun's side and went straight into the forest.

"Come back!" Zhao Jun shouted, but the black tiger had disappeared into the grass in the forest.

Zhao Jun whistled fiercely. In Zhao Jun's opinion, although this black tiger is quite useless and is still a loser, it is better to keep it for Zhao Youcai to look after his home and care for his family than to throw it in the mountains.


The sound of scraping the grass sounded, and Big Fatty and Third Fatty stepped forward to meet him. They saw the black tiger running out of the forest again, avoiding Big Fatty and Three Fatty, and quickly coming in front of Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun was just about to raise his foot to kick the running guy, but he saw the black tiger holding half of its tail in its mouth!

Seeing the tail, Zhao Jun's pupils shrank. When he looked up at the roe deer skin hanging on the tree, his heart was filled with confusion.

At this time, Wang Dalong and Li Baoyu both saw the small half of the tail that was thrown by the black tiger at Zhao Jun's feet. They couldn't help but move their steps and stepped forward together.

Wang Dalong bent down and picked up the tail, looked at Zhao Jun with shock on his face, and asked: "Brother, what's the thing that can bite off the tail of a native leopard?"

The update is late again, and I have kept my brothers waiting for a long time.

Yesterday I was chatting with my brothers in the group and they were talking about it. As of now, all the hunting plots are adapted from real events.

Including Mr. Lao Jiang, who had just been bitten to death by a black bear. In reality, he really exploded and knocked the bear unconscious. Then he was bitten through the back of the head by the black bear and died on the spot.

As for the black tiger, it is also true. Although it is lame, it is the famous black lame here.

Finally, I would like to thank my brothers for the rewards, subscriptions and monthly passes. Thank you very much for your love.

I’ve been writing a lot lately, and updates are often late. I'll make some adjustments today and won't update it at noon today. But I go earlier in the evening instead of staying so late. My brothers can’t stand it, and I can’t stand it either.

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