The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 421 A letter of report (Leader Youyue A adds update 25)

The new production manager is called Dou Baoguo. He is forty-five years old this year. He has a bookish look on his face and looks elegant.

But he is quite capable of tossing things around. Today he called both the dispatching and acceptance departments together for a meeting. Also present at the meeting was Fan Zhisheng, director of the forest camp.

The two giants attending the meeting together undoubtedly added a bit of seriousness and tension to the meeting.

When Dou Baoguo revealed the spirit of the meeting, the originally silent conference room suddenly became abuzz with discussions.

Dou Baoguo said two things. The first thing is to support the construction of China. This year’s winter transportation production output will double that of last year!

Isn’t this harmful to people?

Double the output, double the workload. The workers who return to the factory and pull the sleeves can be outsourced by the factory and handed over to the leader of the factory.

Those who can be dispatched and inspected are all staffed. Without staffing, you cannot recruit people at will. Especially for dispatchers, they are not like inspectors. In addition to a minimum salary, the wages of inspectors are also based on piecework. There are many people who pick up rulers, and they are open. Could be a little more. Scheduling means dead wages. If the workload suddenly increases so much, can these people have no objections?

Wu Feng only said one thing, the workload is too heavy and the current manpower is not enough.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Dou Baoguo pushed him back without mercy or force.

Director Dou first sang a few high-pitched words, and then took off his big hat of supporting the construction of China. Wu Feng could only sigh helplessly.

But this was just an appetizer. Dou Baoguo's second proposal was even more bluffing.

He said that as the total production volume increases, the existing firewood accumulation roads, firewood transportation roads, and sledge roads are not enough. Therefore, in the next two months, the forest farm will organize road construction.

Build roads, mountain roads.

Cutting down mountains and cultivating Taoism requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Moreover, Dou Baoguo had more than one road to build. After all, in such a huge mountain farm with tens of thousands of acres of forest, how can one road be enough?

At least ten more roads need to be built.

But there was an example of Wu Feng being criticized before. This time, in a room full of more than 80 people, no one objected.

Seeing that there was no objection, Dou Baoguo announced the adjournment of the meeting on the spot, and then he and the forest camp director went to see Zhou Chunming.

That's right, the two resolutions he just announced were assigned to the dispatching team and acceptance team before they were discussed with Zhou Chunming.

Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road.

But everyone could see clearly that Dou Baoguo was going to Zhou Chunming. Because as long as Zhou Chunming is here, he can't get up. Moreover, Zhou Chunming is only three years older than him. After Zhou Chunming retires, he will not be the top leader for a few more years.

Therefore, Dou Baoguo wanted to do something so that he could seize power as soon as possible.

But in the past few months since he came to the forest farm, Dou Baoguo discovered that the first and second leaders in various departments of the forest farm, and even the master chef in the cafeteria, were Zhou Chunming's confidants.

His studies and stuff are totally useless.

Therefore, Dou Baoguo, who was anxious to jump over the wall, wanted to do something big. Of course, it is undeniable that this guy is a great person at heart.

I don’t know how Dou Baoguo and Zhou Chunming discussed it, but early the next morning, notices were sent to various work groups.

The general meaning of the notice is that this year's forest farm's production target has doubled compared to last year. It is hoped that everyone at the forest farm will work together to support the construction of China, as it is their duty to do so. Moreover, the forest farm will soon build a firewood transport road from the forest farm to Moshilizi, which requires the active cooperation of the dispatching group, acceptance group and return group.

Mountain cutting and road repairing are different from ordinary road maintenance. Mountain cutting and road repairing requires cutting down all the trees on the planned road, and then the road maintenance workers blast with explosives and then smooth the road.

Explosive blasting and smoothing of roads are a matter for later. In the early stage of logging, a chain saw is required to place the tree by hand, the operator pulls the logs to the mill, the inspector checks the scale, the returning team returns to the mill, and the dispatching team mobilizes vehicles for transportation.

Therefore, scheduling, acceptance, return, and fleet are all troublesome.

Originally, this was a time of leisure, and many people could skip work and go back to help their families harvest autumn.

Therefore, no one is happy to be suddenly assigned such a batch of work.

But the announcement has come down, and no one can disobey.

Fortunately, only this road was built for the time being. The forest farm, which had been idle for more than half a year, started operating and all work was carried out in an orderly manner.

First, a site is selected near the planned road, and then the construction workers clear the open space and build a simple corrugated yard, explosives depot, and detonator depot.

Compared with the places where explosives and detonators are stored, which need to be strictly controlled, Lengchang and shacks can be easily and smoothly set up.

After the Lengchang was built, the Guileng group sent two teams and selected a team leader to take 80 Guileng workers to settle there.

Then, he went to the surrounding villages and hired three leaders. Each of these three leaders led a group of setters, with a total of 80 horses and 80 sets.

Such a large scale belongs to Dalengchang. The acceptance team must send two inspectors to assist in checking the ruler.

Xu Baoshan's management of the acceptance team is very user-friendly, so during the internal meeting, Xu Baoshan said that if anyone volunteered to go to the Xinlang yard to inspect the inspection, he would arrange it directly. If not, everyone in the acceptance team, including him as the team leader, will take turns together.

At this time, although there is an extra piece-rate salary for inspection, the inspector is not short of money. Instead of going to Xinlangchang to check the food, it’s better to go home and pick up the corn.

Therefore, there are very few people who are willing to take the initiative.

Xu Baoshan asked around and found exactly two people who were willing to go. One was his apprentice Ma Liang. The other is an old technician named Handelin.

Ma Liang did it because he wanted to make progress, and the veteran technician did it because he had many sons in the family and there was no shortage of manpower for picking corn, but his sons needed money to get married.

In this way, the two technicians settled in the forest farm, while Zhao Jun and the others continued to study in the field.

On August 18, the forest farm issued a notice. The task was issued on the 19th, the construction of Xinchang was started on the 20th, and the construction of Xinchang was completed on the morning of the 24th. In the afternoon of the same day, Ma Liang and Handelin packed their bags and moved in directly.

But just a few days later, on Monday the 31st, the two of them came back from Lengchang.

You know, once production starts, the inspector will not have a day off. Moreover, these two people did not notify anyone in advance before returning.

At that time, the entire acceptance team was studying together under the leadership of Xu Baoshan. When Ma Liang and Han Delin pushed the door open together, Xu Baoshan was sitting opposite the door, and Zhao Jun and other inspectors were sitting on both sides.

Therefore, Xu Baoshan was the first to see Ma Liang and Han Delin.

Seeing them coming back, Xu Baoshan was stunned.

Work is in full swing over at Xinlang Factory now, and the new production director has made it clear that he will light up three fires. If you don't work hard at this time, and you still run back, aren't you looking for trouble?

But the next second, Xu Baoshan saw the appearance of the two people clearly and couldn't help but became furious. When Zhao Jun and others looked towards the door, Xu Baoshan stood up from his seat, then slammed the study manual in his hand on the table!

"Who did this?" Xu Baoshan's roar echoed in the room. Only then did Zhao Jun see that Ma Liang and Han Delin had bruises on their noses and faces, and there were several shoe prints on their work clothes.

"Master!" Seeing Xu Baoshan, Ma Liang seemed to see a relative. He rushed to Xu Baoshan and shouted: "Those pullers, beat me!"

As soon as Ma Liang said this, the entire acceptance team immediately exploded.

Since the establishment of the Yongan Forestry Farm, no one has dared to hire an inspector.

It is simply unheard of and appalling that a condom puller dares to hit the inspector!

"Old Han!" At this time, Chen Xingwang, the oldest among the acceptance inspectors, said angrily: "Who beat you? Let's go find him! What a rebellion!"

When Xu Baoshan heard this, he reacted instantly, pushed Ma Liang out, pointed towards the room, and shouted to everyone: "Stop imitating it, listen to what's going on!"

Then, Xu Baoshan took a step back, sat down on the table, and said to Ma Liang and Handelin: "What's going on? Tell me?"

Ma Liang was about to speak, but Xu Baoshan raised his hand to stop him. Xu Baoshan raised his chin, gestured to Han Delin, and said, "Old Han, you say it."

After all, Ma Liang is young, impatient and impulsive. But Handelin is different. He is an old man in the acceptance team, and he has a good personality and never gets along with others.

But today, not only is my face red, but my face is also swollen.

Han Delin looked sad and said to Xu Baoshan: "Team leader, I don't know either. Ma Liang and I checked there and there was nothing wrong. From last week..."

Speaking of this, Han Delin thought for a while and asked Ma Liang next to him: "Is it Friday?"

"Yes!" Ma Liang nodded and said, "It's Friday. They have been noisy since last Friday..."

Handelin pressed Ma Liang's arm to stop what Ma Liang was going to say next, and then he continued to tell Xu Baoshan: "A group of tenants said that we had four pieces of wood they pulled, and we didn't give them a measuring stick. Keep accounts for them.”

As he said that, Han Delin pulled Ma Liang beside him and said: "Liangzi and I, neither of us knows what's going on, and we saw the wood they mentioned. How can we measure the wood that is not there?"

When Xu Baoshan heard this, his face suddenly filled with anger and shouted: "Is it because of this that I beat you guys?"

"Ah!" Han Delin nodded heavily and said, "On Friday, Saturday, Sunday, including this morning, we were four days short of them.

No, it was just past nine o'clock. The boss named Zhao scolded us when he came, talked nonsense, and flirted with us. He said that we were holding them back and refused to give them a proper inspection.

Then we have nothing to do with him, and we really haven’t seen his wood, so how can we measure it? As soon as Liangzi said a few words, a group of them came up and started beating him. The ruler pole was stuck out for us, and the account book was also torn up for us! "

"I'm CTM!" Xu Baoshan was furious. He stood up and kicked a wooden stool in front of him to the corner. Then he turned around and looked at the acceptance team and yelled: "Let's go! Follow me. Go to the Lengchang and get the Guileng's sharp bar and choke hook, just fuck him for me!"

After saying that, Xu Baoshan kicked open the door and walked out, followed by everyone in the acceptance team whooping.

Zhao Jun followed the crowd, feeling very surprised. He had never heard of such a thing in his life if the condom puller dared to hit the inspector.

As soon as Xu Baoshan and his men left the acceptance team, they saw a jeep parked in front of the door, as if it was waiting for them here in advance.

Xu Baoshan was stunned. There were only three jeeps in the whole forest farm, one for Zhou Chunming and one for Dou Baoguo. The remaining one was shared by several other farm directors. Whoever had something to use could use it.

Before Xu Baoshan could look at the license plate, the back seat door opened.

Dou Baoguo was sitting in the car without even getting out of the car. He looked at Xu Baoshan and shouted: "If your acceptance team doesn't study hard, what are you going to do?"

Xu Baoshan took two steps forward, stood in front of the car door, and told Dou Baoguo about the beatings of Ma Liang and Han Delin. Then, he called the two of them to Dou Baoguo and asked Han Delin to speak again.

After hearing this, Dou Baoguo frowned, looked at Ma Liang and Han Delin, and asked, "Did you two do it according to our acceptance standards?"


"Really?" Dou Baoguo raised his eyebrows and asked in a cold voice: "As for you, you haven't done anything to cross the line? Are you all following the standards?"

When Han Delin heard this, he immediately shut his mouth and quietly gave Ma Liang a hand. When working on a forestry farm, it's often done whatever is convenient and convenient; whatever is faster is done. It is impossible to follow strict rules and regulations.

Moreover, it sounds like Dou Baoguo is looking for trouble! And Handelin knew that although they made no mistakes, they did not follow the regulations in their operations. If Dou Baoguo really wants to find trouble, they will definitely suffer. Why not stand firm now?

Seeing that both of them were silent, Dou Baoguo snorted coldly and said: "You have to be tough when you are forging iron. You have your own problems, why do you blame others for beating you? Then organize your studies and study for so long, what have you learned? "

At this point, seeing both of them bowing their heads in silence, Dou Baoguo turned to look at Xu Baoshan and reprimanded him: "Xu Baoshan, I asked you to lead the team members to study, and you just learned like this? You can't do your job well, and you still have to do it?" Don’t you think it’s a shame to find someone else’s house to fight with?”

At this time, Xu Baoshan was clenching his teeth and his face was red!

Han Delin could understand things, how could Xu Baoshan not understand them? This Dou Baoguo is just looking for trouble. He doesn't talk about the tenant beating people, but just talks about regulations and rules, clearly intending to punish people.

Seeing that Xu Baoshan didn't say anything, Dou Baoguo snorted coldly again and shouted: "What are you doing here? Come back and study hard. If you can't learn well, don't go to Leng. If it doesn't work, I'll recruit you again." There are many technicians who want to eat from this!"

After saying that, Dou Baoguo slammed the car door, and the driver started the car and drove away.

Xu Baoshan let out a long breath, his chest heaving violently. Today's incident made Xu Baoshan very angry.

Zhao Jun looked at this scene and had some concerns in his heart. This Dou Baoguo came for Zhou Chunming, and he came to take a look at Zhou Chunming and other cronies. But he acted like he was ruling the public with justice, and he completely occupied the commanding heights of morality and discipline, and no one could do anything to him.

Ma Liang and Han Delin could no longer go to Xinrangchang. Xu Baoshan suppressed his anger and appointed the two oldest qualified inspectors, Chen Dewang and Xu Zhenghua.

At noon that day, the two of them didn't even have time to have lunch, so they hurried to Xinrangchang with only tools and some dry food.

Before leaving, Xu Baoshan repeatedly told the two of them that they must work in accordance with the regulations when they arrive at Xinlang Chang, even if it is slower, it will be okay. Moreover, the most important point is to find out what the relationship between the leader of the troublemaking gang and the new production manager Dou Baoguo is.

At noon the next day, when Zhao Jun and Ma Liang went to the forest farm to get food, they suddenly heard news.

This morning, at the regular meeting of middle-level and above-level cadres of the forest farm, Dou Baoguo said at the meeting that he received a letter of report that someone reported that the logistics team Zhou Jianjun had misappropriated forest farm materials.

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