The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 436 The black tiger digs out the bear's crotch (monthly ticket for August adds 316)

In the winter in the Northeast, the mountains are covered with heavy snow and the sky and the earth are white.

Such a harsh climate environment is a test for Northeastern people. It is also a test for the wild animals in the Northeast.

Among all tests, the most crucial is food.

In the Northeast, in winter, vegetation stops growing, and mountains and rivers are covered with ice and snow. Roe deer can only chew the treetops of secondary forests, rabbits chew the bark of locust trees, squirrels and badgers gather food, and wild boars eat grass in the snow. ,dried fruit.

Bears, on the other hand, spend the cold winter by hibernating. Therefore, they will accumulate enough fat in autumn.

Bears are omnivores and their diet is wide ranging, including pecans, hazelnuts, pine nuts, and even the hives guarded by wasps.

But these things are too troublesome for the bears' large intestines to eat.

Not to mention the beehive, if you just pointed at this, the bear would have starved to death. As for the dried fruits on the trees, bears who can climb trees can get them, but going from one branch to another consumes too much energy.

Therefore, the main food source for bears to catch autumn fat is jujubes.

Round dates are wild kiwi fruits, mostly green, with soft skin, smooth and hairless, and can be eaten directly.

In late autumn, the round dates picked after the frost will be more delicious, and they are also one of the few fruits found in Northeastern people.

Round jujubes grow on vines, usually around big trees. The more the vines climb, the denser they become and the more fruits they bear.

They mostly grow in dustpans on hillsides, so Li Baoyu could roughly guess the location of the black blind man as soon as he heard Zhao Jun's words.

This is the experience of siege, judging the location of the beast through the seasons and its habits.

This saves time, effort, and fewer detours.

To find this black bear, it is very simple, just take the hunting dog and grab the gangliangzi and walk away.

If a mountain is compared to a human nose, then Gangliangzi is the bridge of the nose. The corresponding hillsides on both sides are the two sides of the bridge of the nose.

When running in the mountains, people can save energy by stepping on the beams all the way up the mountain. Moreover, when hunting dogs, walk along Gangliangzi. No matter which side of the hillside there is prey, the hunting dogs on Gangliangzi can smell it.

It has been nearly a month since we crossed the river to hunt bears in early August, and the minor injuries suffered by several dogs have healed.

Today, going up the mountain, except for the black tiger, the other ten dogs, including the green dragon and the black dragon, were very excited.

They ran around, sniffed everywhere, and returned to Zhao Jun from time to time. The same was true for Qinglong and Black Dragon, the two puppies. They rarely stayed in front of Zhao Jun and kept running around.

Moreover, they both advance and retreat at the same time!

"Brother." Li Baoyu also saw the difference between the two puppies. He stood there and waited for Zhao Jun for a while. When Zhao Jun came to him, Li Baoyu pointed at the green dragon and black dragon running down the hillside to the east. , said: "You have good taste. These two little ones may be able to make a difference."

"Haha." Zhao Jun nodded with a smile, and then said unceremoniously: "No, maybe, these two must be top dogs."

Li Baoyu just smiled when he heard this. He just thought it was a good wish of Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun continued to walk forward, but before he could take two steps, he felt someone stepped on his heel.

Fortunately, Zhao Jun was wearing boots, otherwise his shoes would have been trampled off with just this one move.

Zhao Jun pursed his lips, reached back with his right hand, and grabbed the semi-automatic rifle carried on his right shoulder.

"Brother, calm down!" Seeing this, Li Baoyu hurriedly advised: "The war is about to begin. It is unlucky to kill the general first!"

"Go to the other side!" Zhao Jun smiled and pushed Li Baoyu, then turned around and looked at the black tiger standing behind him, pointed at the black tiger and said with a smile: "With the look of a bear, can he be considered a general?"

The black tiger didn't seem to know that Zhao Jun was hurting it, and kept wagging its tail at Zhao Jun.

That's right, the kick just now was made by it.

All the other dogs ran out, but it was the only one that followed Zhao Jun closely, never leaving. But he followed too closely and stepped on his heels.

This is a dog with no future in a dog gang.

But at this time, Black Tiger didn't take it seriously. It opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue, and made a haha ​​sound. Seeing Zhao Jun looking at him, the tail behind Black Tiger waggled even more happily.

Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed at Black Tiger, shouting: "Keep your head first!"

"Woof woof..."

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, he heard the cry of a little bear coming from ahead. Zhao Jun looked up and saw the little bear running down the western hillside and going down in a flash.

Xiaohua, who had been following the little bear, followed the little bear's footsteps down the hillside.

Listening to the little bear's voice, the rhubarb, white dragon, big fat, three fat, tabby cats, and tabby wolves scattered in all directions ran towards the west hillside one after another.

But the green dragon and the black dragon came up from the east slope, stood on the post and looked to the west. Listening to the cry of the little bears, they did not go out.

"Hey! Hey!" Zhao Jun opened his mouth and waved his arms to the west, but Qinglong and Black Dragon ran three or five meters away, stopped again, turned around and looked around.

Zhao Jun knew that these two dogs were too small and had difficulty opening their mouths to bite for a while.

But Zhao Jun was not in a hurry because he knew that this was a necessary process for hunting dog training. At the same time, he also believed that the achievements of these two dogs in this life would be greater than those in their previous lives.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin and his minister, who had been walking behind, rushed up. Just as Zhang Yuanmin was about to speak, he heard the black tiger next to him scream "aoao" and jumped out directly from Zhao Jun.

Black Tiger shouted as he descended the western slope.

Strangely enough, Qinglong and Heilong didn't react at all to the little bear's cry, but when they heard the black tiger's cry, they both followed him out!

"Hurry up!" Zhao Jun picked up the gun on his shoulder, greeted the three of them and ran down the hillside.

On the west hillside, near Goutangzi. Beside a dustpan, a colored tree grows diagonally. There are dense jujube vines climbing around the tree. The vines are divided into countless branches and grow around the branches, with strings of jujubes hanging on them.

Among the branches of the tree, less than one and a half meters above the ground, sat a black bear. It used both hands to stuff jujubes into its big mouth.

After eating for a while, it twisted its buttocks, stuck out its short tail, and took a dip under the tree.

At this time, there were several pools of green poop around the roots of the tree.

The big black bear ate leisurely, with its two hind legs resting on both sides of the tree, dangling from time to time.

But at this moment, a series of dog barks affected the black bear's good mood for eating.

The sound comes first, then the dog comes!

I saw eight dogs running in a chain on the hillside, running down the hillside.

The big black bear didn't care about them. He continued to roll the round dates with his palms. He slapped them and brought them to his mouth. He took a bite and green juice splashed all over his face.

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The little bear and the little flower were the first to come to the tree. They looked up at the black bear on the tree and roared.

But the big black bear still ignored it and continued to eat.

Immediately afterwards, Rhubarb and White Dragon also arrived. They went to the tree and barked twice at the black bear, but the black bear still ate big and big.

In Northeastern terms, this black bear didn't bother them at all.

Rhubarb and Bailong may have felt provoked, so they separated to the left and right, and both jumped up to bite the two hind legs of the black bear.

The black bear's right hind leg was first bitten by the white dragon. The black bear leaned to the right, raised its right leg, and dug under its right palm.

Bailong immediately let go, still under the tree, raising his head and calling upwards. At this time, the black bear's left leg was bitten by Rhubarb again, and the black bear fell to the left again, forcing Rhubarb to let go.

But the moment the black bear turned to the left, the white dragon jumped up again and bit the black bear's calf.

The black bear hurriedly turned its body to the right, but this time, it suddenly lost its balance and fell directly from the tree!


The black bear was only more than one meter high from the ground, but when it fell and hit the ground, dust flew into the air.

At this time, Big Fat, Three Fatty, Tabby Cat, and Tabby Wolf also arrived. Seeing the black bear planted from the tree, eight dogs swarmed up.

The black bear rolled on the spot, turned over, stood up, and opened its mouth with a "scream".

The eight dogs immediately dispersed and started barking at the black bear.

The black bear stands like a human, with its front paws raised on its chest, its small eyes scanning left and right, and roars coming from the bear's mouth.

"Ang! Aung!"

What people didn't expect was that among the eight dogs, the first ones to bite were Big Fat and San Fat. They attacked from behind the black bear. Big Fat bit the black bear's butt, and San Fat bit the black bear's left thigh.

The black bear grabbed back with its left and right palms, and Big Fat and Three Fatty retreated one after another. But the moment the black bear retracted its palms, the little bear, Xiao Hua, and Rhubarb who had just circled behind the black bear all bit at the black bear.

The black bear dug its right palm back again and turned around at the same time. But when it turned around, the white dragon took the tabby cat and the tabby wolf and dug behind the black bear again.

The angry black bear turned around again and scattered the white dragon, tabby cat and tabby wolf. But at this time, seven or eight meters away in front of it, a big black dog with two puppies was roaring at it.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The barking of the two puppies was covered up by the weird sound of the big black dog. The black bear opened its mouth and also roared in protest.

It just wants to eat some jujubes in peace, but these dogs want to eat its meat!

Who cares how much anger is contained in its roar, Little Bear, White Dragon and other hunting dogs surrounded the black bear, attacked its retreat, and bit it.

The black tiger, with the green dragon and the black dragon, roared from the side and cheered for his companions.

This black bear weighed just over three hundred before autumn. In the past month or so, I have eaten 350 to 60 pounds, and I have gained a lot of fat.

When you are fat, you are lazy.

Moreover, bears don't like fighting. After eating all morning and fighting for a while, they are all gone. Isn't it just a waste?

Therefore, when the black bear once again broke out of the dog gang, it rushed directly to a big tree, placed a pair of front paws on the trunk, and was about to climb up the tree.

It wants to climb the tree, but the dog gang won't do it. They haven't eaten meat for almost a month, how could they let the black bear run away like this?

A group of dogs rushed to the tree, headed by Big Fatty, and supplemented by Bailong, Dahuang, and San Fatty. They grabbed the black bear's butt and hind legs and started sawing with the black bear that was clinging to the tree with all four paws.

Then, the tabby cat and tabby wolf also jumped up one after another, looking for a place to bite on the black bear.

Only six dogs were seen, biting the black bear's butt, calves, thighs, and back palms, trying to pull it off.

There were too many dogs in front of them, and they were crowded together, making Little Bear and Little Flower unable to eat. They had no choice but to join the cheerleading team headed by Black Tiger, cheering for their companions with roars.

At this time, the black bear was digging into the tree with its four paws, trying to climb up, but couldn't!

In desperation, the black bear dug its left front paw into the tree trunk and reached down with its right paw, trying to force the dogs back.

But before it could catch it with one paw and the six dogs retreated, the black bear with three bear paws was torn from the tree by the six dogs.

The black bear fell on its back, and the six dogs all let go and retreated!

The black bear hit the ground, with its legs in the air and the back of its head hitting the ground. This made the black bear feel dizzy for a moment!

At this time, the dogs were all around, but the black tiger, which had not moved, suddenly rushed towards the black bear.

"Ouch! Ouch! Woo..."

The first two "oohs" are the normal calls of black tigers. The "Woo" sound behind it was that the black tiger had bitten something.

Just when the black bear was on its back, the black tiger was not polite. He rushed under the black bear's raised hind legs and took a bite of the black bear's private parts!

"Ouch..." This sound was not made by the black tiger, but by the black bear. The vital part was attacked, and the pain caused the black bear to wake up instantly. He kicked down with both back paws, and the black tiger hurriedly let go and retreated.

From the beginning of the war to this moment, the black bear made such a roar for the first time. Hearing such a miserable cry, the dog gang did not dare to attack the black bear for a while.

Zhao Jun, who was still on his way down the mountain, heard the black bear's scream and ran down with all his strength, gun in hand.

Zhao Jun was surprised at this time, because in his impression, a black bear would only make such a sound if it was traumatized.

But the black bear is covered with long hair, rough skin and thick flesh. No matter how hard the hunting dog bites, it can separate the skin and flesh of the wild boar, but it cannot bite the black bear.

Zhao Jun really couldn't think of anything else besides knives and guns that could cause such great damage to a black bear.

But he knew that once the black bear was injured, it would become even more ferocious. Zhao Jun was afraid that something might happen to his hunting dog, so he ran down as hard as he could.

But now the black bear, because of the severe pain in his lower body, subconsciously thought of an action similar to sit-ups to sit up first.

But before it could sit up, the black tiger arrived again. Still in the same position, the black tiger bit it and pulled it back hard. Then before the black bear could react, the black tiger let go and ran away!

"Ouch..." The black bear's shrill scream was heartbreaking. It no longer tried to sit up, but turned over and lay on the ground. After waiting for two seconds, it suddenly stood up. Regardless of the siege of the little bear and other hunting dogs, it went straight to the black bear. Kill the tiger.

At this time, the black tiger had already run far away, and was watching from a distance with the green dragon and the black dragon. When he saw the black bear rushing this way, the black tiger turned around, ran up the slope, and returned the same way.

The green dragon and the black dragon were both stunned for a moment, but when they saw the black bear rushing towards them, the two dogs turned around and chased the black tiger.

"Aw! Aw! Aw..." The black tiger made a series of calls while running.

Behind the black tiger are the green dragon and the black dragon, and behind them is the black bear.

The black bear was running, roaring continuously, but the distance between it and the black tiger was getting further and further away.

If it were in the past, under this situation, the black bear would have given up chasing.

But today, even if there were eight dogs chasing and biting him, the black bear never gave up chasing the black tiger.

At this time, the distance between Zhao Jun and the black bear was probably more than a mile, but he saw the black tiger running towards him first.

"This dead dog!" Zhao Jun, who didn't know the situation clearly, gritted his teeth with hatred and thought to himself: "Kill him back again!"

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