The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 443 The wild boar becomes king when he sits in the palace

As soon as Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan left, the two little girls Zhao Hong and Zhao Na went to the Li family next door to play with Li Xiaoqiao.

Li Dayong, on the other hand, came to Zhao's house with a basin containing two pieces of tofu.

After entering Zhao Jun's house, Li Dayong put the large basin of tofu on the stove. Because he was afraid that the tofu would attract flies, Li Dayong even used a curtain to cover the mouth of the basin.

"Brother." Li Dayong entered the east room and said to Zhao Youcai: "I will pick up two pieces of soybean tofu in the morning and make two dishes at noon. Let us two take a sip."

"Okay!" Zhao Youcai was lying on the kang cabinet with his feet on the kang, looking lazy, and said to Li Dayong: "There are tea leaves in the outer room. I just boiled the water, you can make it and drink it yourself."

"Hey." Li Dayong was not polite, and immediately turned around and went to the outhouse, preparing to make tea for himself.

But as soon as he poured the hot water into the big tea vat, the dogs barking in the two courtyards outside the house became a mess.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the honking of a car, and Li Dayong quickly put down the kettle and called Zhao Youcai into the room.

But when Li Dayong finished speaking, Zhao Youcai had already appeared at the door of the east room.

Zhao Youcai held on to the door frame, raised his feet, stretched out his hand to lift up the heels of his shoes, and then said to Li Dayong, "There must be a receptionist at the venue who specially sent a car to pick me up."

With that said, Zhao Youcai raised his hand and patted Li Dayong on the arm, and said, "Brother, I leave the two little ones to you."

"Hey!" Li Dayong heard the words and agreed, saying: "Don't worry, brother."

Zhao Youcai strode out of the room, chased away the dog, and when he looked at the door, he saw two people getting out of the car except the driver.

Zhao Youcai couldn't help but be startled when he saw the appearance of these two people. One of them was Liu Jinyong, the leader of the security team, and Hong Yuntao, the deputy leader of the security team.

Zhao Youcai frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong. If there is a reception at the venue, then the person who comes to pick him up in the car should be the secretary of a certain venue director, and it cannot be someone from the security team.

"Master Zhao!" Liu Jinyong greeted Zhao Youcai outside the door and said, "You should be careful."

As he spoke, Liu Jinyong looked at the Qinglong who stood up like a human with his two front legs touching the fence. He felt that although the dog was not big, there was a bit of ferocity in its eyes.

"It's okay, come in."

Zhao Youcai stood sideways at the door, called Li Jinyong and Hong Yuntao to enter the courtyard, and walked towards the house.

Hong Yuntao seemed to be more familiar with Zhao Youcai than Liu Jinyong. From the moment he came in, he walked all the way to the house, looked at the seven large and small hunting dogs in Zhao's courtyard, and smiled at Zhao Youcai: "Old Zhao, you have so many dogs at home. , Why do you want to buy my dog?"

A few days ago, Zhao Youcai managed Zhao Jun's "borrowing money" and said he wanted to buy a dog from the security team's Hong Lao'er family. And the Hong Lao Er that Zhao Youcai talked about was Hong Yuntao.

"Let's buy it for fun." Zhao Youcai couldn't say that he wanted to separate from his son, so he just agreed casually, and then let the two of them into the house.

When the three of them entered the house, Liu Jinyong and Hong Jiantao were not surprised to see Li Dayong at Zhao's house. Because everyone in the forest farm knew that Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were closer than brothers.

Zhao Youcai asked the two of them to the back room and sat down on the kang. Li Dayong came in with two tea jars of hot tea and handed them to Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao respectively.

After Liu Jinyong and Hong Jiantao thanked Li Dayong, Liu Jinyong looked around the room, but quickly looked away and asked Zhao Youcai, "Didn't your sister-in-law stay home?"

"No." Zhao Youcai took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled out two cigarettes at a time with his right hand, rubbed his thumb upwards, and separated the two cigarettes with his index and middle fingers. One was given to Liu Jinyong and the other to Hong Yuntao.

After the two took the cigarettes, Zhao Youcai took out another cigarette and put it in his mouth. Then, he threw the cigarette pack to Li Dayong, who was sitting opposite him.

These four people were all old smokers. Liu Jinyong and Hong Jiantao, who had taken the cigarettes, each took out matches from their pockets, struck the matches, and lit the cigarettes in their mouths. Then, Liu Jinyong half covered it with one hand and handed the burning match in front of Zhao Youcai with the other hand.

Hong Yuntao, on the other hand, helped Li Dayong light a cigarette.

The four of them took a puff of cigarettes together, and then puffed away one by one.

Liu Jinyong pinched the cigarette with his right hand, put the filter into his mouth, frowned slightly while smoking, grinned slightly, and said to Zhao Youcai: "Master Zhao, where is your son?"

Zhao Youcai blew out the smoke and replied: "I took my mother to Lingnan, saying I wanted to buy something or something."

"Ah..." Liu Jinyong heard this and looked at Hong Yuntao. Hong Yuntao asked: "Old Zhao, when did your son leave? When can he come back?"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was stunned, put the hand holding the cigarette on the Kang table, glanced at the two of them and asked, "Do you have anything to do with him?"

"Yeah." Liu Jinyong flicked the cigarette ashes into the half can on the kang table, and then said to Zhao Youcai, "I have something to do with him in the field."

"What happened to my son?" Zhao Youcai's eyes widened for a moment, and he stared at Liu Jinyong and asked, "Did he do something?"

"No, no." Seeing that Zhao Youcai had misunderstood, Liu Jinyong quickly waved his hand and said, "That's not the case, Master Zhao, don't worry, just listen to me."

"Yes." When he heard that Zhao Jun was not responsible, Zhao Youcai breathed a sigh of relief, flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said, "Speak slowly."

Liu Jinyong smoked a cigarette and said, "That was...the day of the 9th, right?" As he said that, he turned his attention to Hong Yuntao.

"Yes!" Hong Yuntao said, "Wednesday, the 9th."

"Yeah." Liu Jinyong nodded, then turned to Zhao Youcai and said, "Didn't there be a bank account in Xinrangchang that day? Did the cannon egg get smashed to death?"

"Ah, yes!" Zhao Youcai's eyes lit up, he had some guesses in his mind, and he couldn't help but get excited to give it a try.

At this time, Hong Yuntao took over the conversation and said: "Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon, I was still a tenant in Xinrangchang, pulling a log to Lengchang, when a cannon egg jumped out halfway, and he knocked down two more condoms. household."



Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were both shocked when they heard this. Li Dayong looked at Liu Jinyong beside him and asked, "Are you going to pick two people to death together?"

"No." Liu Jinyong said: "Pick one to death."

Zhao Youcai frowned, turned to Hong Yuntao, and asked: "What you didn't say just now, are you going to ruin both of them?"

"Ah!" Hong Yuntao nodded, and then explained to Zhao Youcai word by word: "I picked one down and frightened the other."

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he curled his lips and stopped talking. Li Dayong rolled his eyes at Hong Yuntao, and then asked Liu Jinyong: "Is it still the cannon egg? Picking another person to death?"

"Yeah." Liu Jinyong said: "I heard from the condotester who fainted from fright that Cannon Egg still had a condom on him. He should be the one who picked the death on No. 9."

At this time, Zhao Youcai raised his left hand, with his index and middle fingers raised, and said to Liu Jinyong: "It's only been three days, has it picked two people to death?"

"Yeah." Liu Jinyong said with a bitter look on his face: "Yesterday, the wild boar's tusk hit the main artery in the leg, bleeding and dying."

"Tsk." When Li Dayong heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Zhao Youcai also sighed, put out his cigarette butt, and asked Liu Jinyong: "Does our market have to bear some responsibility for this account?"

"Yes." Liu Jinyong said: "This man is from Dagui Village. After we took him back last night, people from his village came to our forestry all night. Secretary Zhou came from home again in the middle of the night. .”

The nature of the man who died yesterday was completely different from Niu Guoliang. Niu Guoliang went hunting on purpose and died, while this man was accidentally attacked by a wild boar while pulling the trap. If the forest farm cannot comfort people, I'm afraid it won't work.

Hearing this, Zhao Youcai slowly shook his head and said, "This cannon egg is not easy to hit!"

This is to take the initiative and tell you how difficult the matter is first, and then wait for you to ask for help. This way, your status can be improved invisibly.

But what Zhao Youcai said was not a lie. Wild boars rarely attack people, let alone kill them.

It would still be possible if he was a blind man, but this was the first time in his life that Zhao Youcai had heard of a wild boar killing two people in a row.

After listening to Zhao Youcai's words, Hong Yuntao nodded in agreement and said, "It's hard to fight. Otherwise, I can come to you... ahem."

Coincidentally, Hong Yuntao, who was smoking and talking, choked on the smoke. He coughed twice before continuing: "Are you looking for your son?"

As soon as these five words came out of Hong Yuntao's mouth, Zhao Youcai's smiling face instantly turned gloomy.

Hong Yuntao would not look down on a good person and continued: "Last night when Secretary Zhou returned to the forest farm, he called Zhou Chengguo here. This morning, ten people from our security team went over there with Zhou Chengguo. "

Seeing that Hong Yuntao was halfway through speaking, Li Dayong asked: "Is it over?"

At this time, Zhao Youcai also became interested. Although he did not look at Hong Yuntao, his ears were already perked up.

Although Zhou Chengguo was hunting a bear last winter, his horse stumbled and he was seriously injured. But his marksmanship and skill are among the best in the entire forest area.

But since Zhou Chengguo has already gone up the mountain, and Liu Jinyong and Hong Yunfeng have come to visit in person, it proves that even Zhou Chengguo has not been able to capture the wild boar.

At this time, I only heard Liu Jinyong say: "We went up the mountain at around five o'clock in the morning and walked around the newly built road. Finally, we saw the big pig's hoof mark at the bottom of Laolu Cliff on the top of 43 Taipan."

Hearing this, Zhao Youcai raised his hand and asked, "The hoof marks must be several days old, right?"

Zhao Youcai said the essence of the matter. There is no snow on the ground this autumn, and wild boars can leave hoof marks unless it rains.

In the past few days, it rained heavily only on the afternoon of the 9th, so the hoof marks left by the wild boars could only be from that day.

At this time, Li Dayong asked next to him: "How did you know it was the cannon egg?"

"Ah." Liu Jinyong replied: "Didn't it break the condom? It was still holding half of the wire condom on its body, and there were marks on the muddy ground."

"Yeah." Zhao Youcai nodded, and then asked: "Then what?"

"Then, we walked not far down." Liu Jinyong also put out the cigarette butt and continued: "A wild boar was startled, but he didn't look at the shadow and didn't grab a gun to shoot."

At this point, seeing that Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong were silent, Liu Jinyong said again: "Hearing the noise, it's a big lone guy, so we'll follow him, but this wild boar is quite treacherous, and it will run wherever it makes trouble. We As soon as the security team left, tree strips were scraped on their bodies, and Zhou Chengguo refused to let us follow them."

This group of people are on the prowl, so they should make no sound when touching the wild boar. But as soon as the tree strips are hung, how can the wild boar not run away?

After listening to Liu Jinyong's words, Zhao Youcai asked again: "What if it's over again?"

Hong Yuntao answered from the side and said: "It's done. He personally carried a gun and chased the big lone man, but he couldn't catch him after more than an hour."

"Yeah." Liu Jinyong said to Zhao Youcai: "Zhou Chengguo said that the one we follow is probably the big lone man. But the pig is too treacherous and will run away when it hears any noise. We can't keep up, so we must have a guard dog. Then he said , let us come to your Zhao Jun."

"Yes!" Hong Yuntao slipped to the side again and said, "Old Zhao, once your Zhao army goes away, what kind of wild boars can't be hunted?"

This was really a compliment, but Zhao Youcai felt a little unhappy when he heard it. He said, "Zhao Jun has gone to Lingnan. I don't know when he will come back. If you are not in a hurry, just wait for him."

"This..." When Liu Jinyong heard what Zhao Youcai said, he quickly winked at Hong Yuntao and told him to pay attention to what he said. Then Liu Jinyong said to Zhao Youcai: "Master Zhao, when I came in just now, I saw everything in your courtyard. It's a dog. This Zhao Jun is still alive. See if you can lead the dog up the mountain and beat the eggs of this cannon."

"Lead the dogs..." Zhao Youcai glanced outside subconsciously. He knew all the dogs outside, but he had never led these dogs up the mountain. He led them out suddenly, not to mention whether the dog gang could work for him. These dogs When you get to the mountains, whether you can run home or not is a question.

"That's right!" Hong Yuntao interrupted again and said, "Old Zhao, you can go, it doesn't have to be your Zhao Jun, right?"

As soon as Hong Yuntao said this, Zhao Youcai's face turned pale, and Liu Jinyong hurriedly asked: "Master Zhao, look, you can take the dog with us, okay?"

"What's wrong with that?" Before Zhao Youcai could say anything, Hong Yunfeng spoke up and said, "What do you mean by that? You don't need a butcher's knife to kill a chicken. All you need is Lao Zhao, not his son."

After Hong Yunfeng finished speaking, he saw Zhao Youcai turning to look at him. For a moment, Hong Yunfeng felt that there was something sinister in Zhao Youcai's eyes.

"You idiot, what are you talking about?" Li Dayong felt unhappy, and in desperation, he called Hong Yunfeng by his nickname.

Hong Yuntao is usually a bit dumbfounded, both when he talks and when he does things. But he was a straight man and never had bad intentions. Relying on his strong skin and flesh, he became the deputy leader of the security team.

"Master Zhao." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Liu Jinyong hurriedly said to Zhao Youcai: "Just lead your dog and help us. When we came, Zhou Chengguo said that this cannon egg is not sitting in the palace now, so he must A whole bunch of tough dogs were put in place to beat him. Otherwise, if he waits until he sits in the palace, he will become the wild boar king, and no matter how many dogs he beats, he won't be able to beat him down."

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