The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 445 Wang Meilan was admitted to the hospital

Two cars entered the mountain one behind the other, and when they arrived at the same place, they both stopped on the side of the road. Liu Jinyong, Hong Yuntao, and Lin Xiangshun got out of the car and came to help Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang hold their dogs.

Five people led eight dogs and walked towards Laoyu Cliff. Along the way, they could only hear the sounds of Laoyu.

Waiting at the top of Lin Class 43, Liu Jinyong walked across the hillside and didn't stop until he reached a certain point.

Lin Xiangshun was walking in front, holding the little bear and the white dragon. When Liu Jinyong stopped, Lin Xiangshun stepped forward and saw a row of wild boar hoof marks in front of Liu Jinyong's feet from top to bottom, extending diagonally to the northwest.

These hoof prints were made by wild boars when it rained in the afternoon four days ago. They had dried up and were almost covered by weeds on the left and right.

Lin Xiangshun squatted down and moved the grass with his hands, only to find that between the left and right hoof prints, there were traces of broken weed blades.

This mark was caused by the half of the wire rope dragging the wild boar.

"Second uncle! Old uncle! Here!" Lin Xiangshun turned around and called Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang.

Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang each led two dogs. Zhao Youcai led Rhubarb and Big Fat, while Wang Qiang led the tabby cat and tabby wolf. All four dogs sniffed here and there and were unwilling to move forward.

He heard Lin Xiangshun shouting twenty meters away, saying that there were traces of wild boars ahead, but Zhao Youcai didn't take it seriously.

Because he knew that the bear Lin Xiangshun was holding was a dog. But now the little bear was in front of the wild boar footprints, and he didn't react. This shows that there is no wild boar scent left around here. In other words, the cannon egg has gone far.

Zhao Youcai shouted twice, led Da Huang and Da Pang to Lin Xiangshun, and then reached out to touch the little bear's neck.

After all, they were members of the same family. The little bear and Zhao Youcai seemed to be quite close. He raised his neck and asked Zhao Youcai to scratch his chin, and then looked around.

Not only the little bear is like this, but the big fat one is too.

Seeing that Zhao Youcai was silent, Liu Jinyong, who was following from behind, hurriedly asked: "Master Zhao, where are we going?"

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he did not reply. Instead, he looked at the wild boar's footprints going down diagonally, and said to Lin Xiang, "Let's follow the footprints and follow them down."

Seeing Lin Xiangshun nodding, Zhao Youcai raised his hand and pointed down. The five of them led the dog gang and followed the wild boar's footprints down the hillside.

Along the way, Zhao Youcai Gai was leading the little bear, then Lin Xiangshun was holding Bai Long and Big Fat, then Wang Qiang was holding Da Huang, and finally Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao were holding Xiao Hua, Tabby Cat, and Hua Lang respectively.

This can be considered a formation. The little bear is a big-headed dog, so he naturally walks in the front. Moreover, it was familiar with Zhao Youcai, and might be able to help Zhao Youcai because of their past friendship.

Next up was Lin Xiangshun, who was good at hunting dogs. The two dogs he led, the big one was a two-headed one.

As for Bailong, to be precise, he is a helper dog, and he is also a top helper dog. He is also known as a hard helper among those around him.

But when the prey is near the white dragon, about three hundred meters away, the white dragon will take the initiative like a dog.

Such a dog is called a tough dog with a sled.

As for the other five hunting dogs, they are all pure help dogs. They will only take action when the leading dog speaks up.

In this way, five people and eight dogs went down to the bottom of the ditch and pond, and then followed the wild boar's footprints up the opposite hillside. The mountains here are very steep and noisy. There are needle poles and bushes everywhere, making it difficult for people and dogs to walk.

After walking to the red pine, the little bear pulled the rope and moved towards the root of the tree. Zhao Youcai was very happy when he saw this. He hurriedly took the rope in his hand and unbuckled the chain tied around the little bear's neck. The little bear ran quickly under the red pine tree. Lower your head and smell.

When Lin Xiangshun saw this, he let go of Big Fat and White Dragon. The two dogs, like little bears, went to the red pine tree and kept sniffing with their noses.

At this time, Wang Qiang led Dahuang to the side of Zhao Youcai and Lin Xiangshun. Unlike the three dogs, Dahuang had no desire to go out.

Wang Qiang held the rope with one hand and subconsciously touched the handle of the gun hanging next to his trouser pocket with one hand. Looking towards the hillside, he said to Zhao Youcai and Lin Xiangshun: "That night, the cannon egg should have been lying here all night."

Even Wang Qiang could see it. This was already obvious, because the grass under the tree was bent upside down, and it was obvious that the wild boar had nested there.

"Yeah." Lin Xiangshun knew that not only that, the wild boar should have peed under the tree after getting up from its nest the next morning, otherwise the three dogs wouldn't have sniffed there repeatedly.

However, the three dogs sniffed and sniffed, but there was no other reaction.

This means that the wild boar is still far away from here.

Zhao Youcai whistled and continued walking up with the three dogs. Now that there are no wild boar footprints, we can only let the leading dog lead the way.

But whether it was a little bear or a big fat man, they always ran and stopped, stopping after running thirty or fifty meters to wait for Zhao Youcai.

It seems to be quite well-behaved, but even Wang Qiang, who was trying to escape, knew that this was a sign that the hunting dog was unwilling to work.

After a long circle, near noon, Zhao Youcai and others, with their hunting dogs, came to the place where Paozao killed the man yesterday, which was next to the newly built firewood road of Yong'an Forestry Farm.

Seeing that there were traces of collapsed earth on the originally flat place, the little bear went over and smelled it, then raised his head and glanced across the road, but did not move.

Lin Xiangshun, who had been observing the little bear, had a keen view of this scene. He called Zhao Youcai and pointed to the other side of the road.

Zhao Youcai didn't ask why, he whistled when he saw this, and then strode towards the south side of the firewood transport road.

Daonan is still a hillside, but the mountain is gentle. Zhao Youcai led the hunting dog up the slope, but he saw the little bear and the big fat man sniffing on the surrounding tree climbing bars.

Zhao Youcai's eyes lit up and he gestured to Wang Qiang and others. Then the five of them didn't worry and looked at the two-headed dogs quietly.

After a while, the little bear ran up to his head and kept barking while running.

Hearing the cry of the little bear, Bailong followed quickly up the hillside. But the big fat man suddenly swayed on the spot, his drooping ears swaying with his body.

After the little bear left, Zhao Youcai and Lin Xiangshun focused all their attention on Big Fatty, but after the guy finished shaking himself, he ran to the poplar tree in front, lifted his legs, and peed two drops of urine.

It has been more than an hour since we entered the mountain. The fat man walked and peed all the way, and now he still has two drops left. It is no longer easy.

And when the big fat guy finished urinating, he stood in front of the tree, with his two front legs on the ground, and his two hind legs kept kicking back in turn.

This is releasing your own scent and planning your own territory.

"Woof! Woof!"

At this time, two dogs barked from behind. Zhao Youcai turned around and saw Xiaohua barking loudly towards the hillside.

Zhao Youcai hurriedly called Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao and asked them to let go of the dogs.

As soon as the rope was loosened, the little flower disappeared in a flash, but the three fat men, the tabby cat, the flower wolf and the big fat man were sniffing and sniffing around, listening to the cry of the little bear above, but they were indifferent.

"Hey! Hey!"

Zhao Youcai kept making noises, urging the four dogs to move forward while walking up with a gun on his back.

But although Big Fatty and the four of them kept running in front of Zhao Youcai and others, the distance between them and the five of them was never more than fifty meters.

At this time, everyone could no longer hear Little Bear's barking. Zhao Youcai knew that the little bears should have gone into the ditch and pond.

In this way, the mountain peak blocked the sound, so the barking of the dog could not be heard.

So, Zhao Youcai hurriedly greeted everyone and hurried up.

The higher they went, the faster they reached the top of the mountain. Big Fatty and the four of them were getting further and further away from Zhao Youcai.

Suddenly, the big fat guy raised his head and shouted twice. The roar of this big fat guy was full of anger. Then, the big fat man ran away and went straight down the slope without stopping when he got to the post.

This time, the three fat men, Huatao Mao, and Hua Langcai all became energetic, following in the footsteps of the big fat man, and turned over.

"Let's go!" Zhao Youcai shouted, took off his gun and ran straight up.

When I got to the top of the post, I heard dogs barking and making a mess. If nothing else happened, the dog gang must have surrounded something!

For people who fight dogs, when they hear the barking of dogs, their adrenaline will rise and they will forget their previous fatigue.

At this time, young Lin Xiangshun had surpassed Zhao Youcai, followed closely by Wang Qiang, while Zhao Youcai was only on par with Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao.

This was not part of Zhao Youcai's plan. He came here just to kill the wild boar with his own hands and regain the qualification to taxidermize the forest farm. If they are overtaken by Wang Qiang and Lin Xiangshun, they will have no choice but to take the credit.

But it's always a bit embarrassing to pretend to take credit, so Zhao Youcai quickened his pace and ran down the slope quickly.

But as I ran, the barking of the dog disappeared. Then Wang Qiang and Lin Xiangshun in front were seen stopping. Lin Xiangshun strode forward with his gun in hand, while Wang Qiang stopped and slowly adjusted his breathing.

Zhao Youcai's footsteps also stopped. Liu Jinyong, who was passing him, also stopped when he saw this and asked: "Master Zhao, what happened?"

Before Zhao Youcai could say anything, he saw Big Fatty, Third Fatty, Tabby Cat, and Tabby Wolf, all four dogs coming back.

Zhao Youcai's face darkened, and he continued walking down the slope, only to see Little Bear, Dahuang, White Dragon, and Xiaohua all coming back.

"Old Zhao." Hong Yuntao gasped and shouted to Zhao Youcai: "How come these dogs are back?"

Zhao Youcai had a sullen expression and said nothing. When they arrived at the second rib of the mountain and walked a short distance down, everyone saw that the surrounding weeds and needle poles had been knocked down in patches.

Zhao Youcai, Lin Xiangshun, and Wang Qiang stepped forward to identify them carefully. Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao stood aside, looking around anxiously and curiously.

After just two glances, the three of them took the dogs and moved across the hills, heading east.

"Master Zhao!" Liu Jinyong quickly caught up with Zhao Youcai and asked, "Is that the cannon egg?"

Zhao Youcai nodded solemnly, said nothing, and strode forward.

If it were another wild boar, it might be impossible to tell the difference. But this wild boar was dragging a wire rope, and the weeds broken by the wire rope were different from the weeds that had been trampled on.

Lin Xiangshun was walking forward when he suddenly grabbed Zhao Youcai and said to him, "Second uncle, we can't go any further!"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai paused and turned to look at Lin Xiangshun.

Lin Xiangshun pointed to the front left and said, "Under that is the firewood transport road to the 43rd Taipan."

Lin Xiangshun is a forest farm driver, and his familiarity with this mountain farm is unparalleled by others.

When their group first entered the mountain, they went to the Laogu Cliff above the 43 Forest Farm, and then walked around in a big circle until they reached this place. Under the hillside at their feet was the firewood road leading to the 43 Forest Farm.

Zhao Youcai was stunned when he heard this, and for a moment he only reacted. He and his group circled around, but he didn't understand why Lin Xiangshun refused to move forward.

You must know that those who were hiking over the mountains this morning saw a wild boar right in front of them. If the little bear could get a ride on the pig again, Zhao Youcai was sure that he could kill the wild boar today.

So, why don't you follow?

Seeing that Zhao Youcai kept looking at him, Lin Xiangshun no longer pointed to the left front, but pointed to the front, and said to Zhao Youcai: "The bottom is the firewood transport road, and there must be pits dug by road maintenance workers on the slope above. Let's drive out again. , that wild boar can easily sit in the palace."

When Lin Xiangshun was talking, Wang Qiang, Liu Jinyong, and Hong Yuntao all gathered around him. Wang Qiang has been fighting siege for many years, so he naturally knows what it means to sit in the palace. Although Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao didn't understand, they heard Zhou Chengguo mention it once before coming here.

They remembered that Zhou Chengguo had personally said that although a cannon egg of more than three hundred kilograms was not big, once it sat in the palace, any number of other dogs would be in vain.

Thinking about this, Liu Jinyong and Hong Yuntao turned their attention to Zhao Youcai. At this time, Zhao Youcai looked at the dogs around him, then raised his head and looked ahead, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Let's go back!"

At the same time, Lingnan, in front of Xin'an Town Hospital.

Jie Chen had just parked the car on the side of the road. Wang Meilan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced out the window, then turned to look at Jie Chen and asked, "My child, why are you parked in front of the hospital?"

"Aunt, I'm going in to find a relative." Jie Chen said, opened the car door and got out of the car, and before closing the door, he said to Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei: "Aunt, you guys sit down first, I will be back soon. "

"Don't worry, kid, just go ahead." Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei didn't think much about it, and they continued chatting in the car.

But as soon as Jie Chen walked into the hospital, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, who were in the trunk, got out of the car and came to the door of the hospital, waiting for Jie Chen to come out.

Normally, every Sunday, there are only doctors on duty in each department of the hospital.

But before coming, Jie Chen helped Zhao Jun find someone, and the person he found was the natal sister of his third aunt's biological sister-in-law.

Although they are a bit detoured, they can still be considered relatives.

Moreover, the aunt Jie Chen was looking for was a physician herself, and was particularly good at treating heart disease.

It is precisely because of this kind of relationship that this aunt specially changed her shift with her colleagues two days ago, and today she is waiting for Zhao Jun to bring Wang Meilan for an inspection.

Standing in front of the hospital at this time, Zhao Jun was very nervous. In the past six months, Wang Meilan has been in good condition, but Zhao Jun is still worried and does not dare to take it lightly.

After all, the heart is different from others. If something happens, it will move very quickly.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen came out of the hospital and waved to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun nodded subconsciously, then turned to the passenger side, gently opened the door, and said to Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei inside: "Mom, Auntie, you two, come down."

"Ah?" Wang Meilan was startled, looked around and asked, "Son, where is this? Isn't it a supply and marketing cooperative?"

"Sister-in-law!" Jin Xiaomei patted Wang Meilan and said, "Maybe the supply and marketing cooperative is here on the left and right? Let's get out of the car and walk a few steps."

"That's okay." Wang Meilan didn't think much and just said: "It happens to be three or four o'clock in the morning. I'm tired too. Let's get out of the car and take a walk."

"Mom, this way." When Wang Meilan got off the car, Zhao Jun was going to lead her to the hospital.

"Ah?" Wang Meilan looked up at the hospital plaque. She took a step back, avoided Zhao Jun's hand, and said, "Son, what do you want to do in the hospital?"

"Oh my God!" Zhao Jun approached Wang Meilan in two steps, held her arm, and persuaded her nicely: "I'm here by the way. Let's go in and take a look."

"Ah?" Wang Meilan was a little confused, and then subconsciously glanced at the hospital plaque, and then said: "Son, what are you talking about? We are fine, what are we doing in the hospital?"

"Mom." Zhao Jun pointed at Jie Chen over there and said with a smile: "Jie Chen has relatives in this hospital. How great is this? Let's go in and check."

At this time, Wang Meilan felt a little dazed. She didn't understand what was happening to her son. Not to mention that Zhao Jun is not usually a person who likes to take advantage. The key point is that even if he likes to take advantage, he would never take advantage of this.

"I'm not going!" Wang Meilan immediately shook her head and said decisively: "It's already noon, let's go shopping quickly. After shopping, you and your sisters are still at home with your father."

With that said, Wang Meilan turned around and headed back to the car.

Seeing Wang Meilan like this, Zhao Jun was also a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to explain it to Wang Meilan. He couldn't tell Wang Meilan, Mom, you may not live for a few days, right?

At this moment, Li Baoyu came to Zhao Jun and whispered in his ear: "Brother, if the aunt doesn't go, let's go in for her."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he turned his head instantly, glanced at Li Baoyu, and then sighed: "That's the only way it can be!"

At this time, Wang Meilan was helping Jin Xiaomei get into the passenger seat. She wanted to help Jin Xiaomei get in first, and then let Jin Xiaomei pull her up.

But when Jin Xiaomei got on the bus and Wang Meilan stretched out her hands to Jin Xiaomei, her left and right arms were held by someone.

"Ah!" Wang Meilan was startled, but when she looked to the left and right, she saw it was Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu. Then she felt relieved, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What are these two children doing?"

However, without saying a word, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu held Wang Meilan from both sides, turned around and ran towards the hospital.

"Hey! Hey..." Jin Xiaomei, who was in the passenger seat, was shocked when she saw this and shouted in the car.

"Put me down! Damn kid!" Also shouting was Wang Meilan who was being held up.

She yelled and kept kicking her legs, but she only weighed more than 90 pounds. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu easily lifted her up without her feet touching the ground, and she quickly arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

Seeing this, Jie Chen hurriedly turned around and trotted ahead to lead the way.

There are not many doctors and nurses in the hospital today, and not many people come to see the doctor. But these four people still attracted everyone's attention wherever they passed.

When Jin Xiaomei chased her into the hospital, she heard someone whispering next to her: "What those two guys are carrying is mentally ill, right? How can they be sent here? This disease needs to be taken to Lingxi."

Jin Xiaomei: "..."

Sorry for the late update.

Thank you brothers for sending me rewards and monthly tickets. Last month’s monthly tickets were updated, and I still owe 12 chapters. Today is the 17th, and there are 13 days left in this month. ,

Starting from tomorrow, fulfill them one by one.

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