The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 448 Wang Meilan: I’m done!

Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

Those who hunted were all wild boars and blind bears, and no one would admit that they were inferior to others.

But if you want to rise to the level of tiger hunting, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Xue Liwei knew that his marksmanship was still lagging behind that of his third uncle Xue Baojun, let alone the former tiger-fighting hero Zhou Chengguo.

As for Zhao Youcai, his marksmanship is not something that Xue Liwei looks up to. But as soon as Xue Liwei entered the gate of Lengchang, he saw eight dogs tied in a corner of Lengchang.

Xue Liwei knew that these three dogs were extraordinary when he saw the conditions and scars on Little Bear, Dahuang, and Bailong.

Looking at this dog gang, there are eight hunting dogs, which is not something that ordinary people can afford to feed.

You know, Xue Liwei and his whole family are frugal and only have five dogs.

As for his trip, even if he could kill the wild boar, the profit would not exceed thirty yuan. Moreover, there is a risk of hurting or killing the dog.

There is nothing we can do about it. Zhang Guangcai Ridge divides two provinces. The west of the Ridge is the Black Province. There are large and small forest farms in the mountain forest area. Most of the villagers and villagers are employees. They usually carry an iron rice bowl and take care of their family fields when they have time. , the life is stable, and there are not many people around.

Lingnan is Ji Province, and most of the mountain people there are farmers. In addition to farming, they also hunt. When winter comes, there is no other way to make money except going up the mountain.

Therefore, there are many full-time hunters in Lingnan.

And when they caught prey, they didn't eat it themselves like Zhao Jun did, or give it away to others.

After hunting down prey, Lingnan hunters would leave at most three to five kilograms of meat for themselves after feeding the hunting dogs.

Then cut up the rest of the meat into five kilograms each, tie them with wires, and then take them to the market to sell. Even if a pound of meat only costs a dime, they are willing.

Therefore, when Zhao Qingqing asked Xue Liwei to avenge Niu Guoliang, he didn't even pay a penny. He told Xue Liwei that as long as he could knock out the cannon eggs, a carriage would help Xue Liwei send the meat back to Lingnan.

Xue Liwei thought about it, three hundred and seventy to eighty kilograms of cannon eggs can produce two hundred and dozens of kilograms of meat, which costs a dime per kilogram, which is more than twenty yuan.

So, he made this trip across the mountains and ridges.

But at this time, seeing Zhou Chengguo and Zhao Youcai there, Xue Liwei retreated and prepared to go home.

This is not only due to the consideration of strength, but also considering that I am not familiar with this mountain field. In the end, you may not make any money, and you may have wasted a few days in vain.

As for Zhao Qingqing’s request, as long as someone kills the wild boar, isn’t that enough?

But as soon as Xue Liwei finished speaking, he heard someone knocking on the door outside. Hong Yuntao, who had not yet sat down on the edge of the kang, went to open the door. He was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly greeted: "Secretary Yu, why are you here? Come in quickly."

The person who came was Zhou Chunming's secretary Yu Quanjin.

As soon as Yu Quanjin entered the shack, he saw Zhao Youcai sitting cross-legged on the Kang. He hurriedly walked closer and greeted Zhao Youcai first: "Master Zhao, you are here too."

"Yeah." Zhao Youcai nodded and agreed.

At this time, Yu Quanjin greeted Lin Xiangshun and Liu Jinyong.

Regardless of these two people, one is the team captain and the other is the security team leader, but as long as there is no leader at the field director level, Yu Quanjin will definitely greet Zhao Youcai.

"Secretary Yu." What was unexpected was that Dou Baoguo greeted Yu Quanjin without any embarrassment.

Dou Baoguo was quite open-minded. He thought that if he waited for Yu Quanjin to greet him, he would be the only one embarrassed. But if he had opened his mouth first, Yu Quanjin might be the one who was embarrassed.

Sure enough, Yu Quanjin looked at Dou Baoguo and didn't know what to call him for a moment.

"Less than!" At this time, Zhao Youcai called Yu Quanjin. Yu Quanjin respected him, and Lao Zhao would not embarrass his own secretary.

"Hey, Master Zhao." Yu Quanjin stepped forward, smiled, and Dou Baoguo nodded, then turned to Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai asked, "Are you here because of something?"

"Yes." Yu Quanjin nodded in agreement, and then said: "Secretary Zhou asked me to come over and see how things are going here."

After Yu Quanjin finished speaking, seeing that everyone was silent, he knew that the cannon egg had not been knocked down yet, so he continued: "Secretary Zhou said that whoever can knock down the wild boar will be rewarded two hundred yuan by the forest farm. "

As soon as Yu Quanjin said this, Zhao Youcai raised his eyelids.

"Secretary Yu." Liu Jinyong stepped forward and said to Quan Jin: "Master Zhao and the others have to go to work tomorrow. I just heard that Master Zhao's son is on vacation at home. I am going to let him come tomorrow."

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he hurriedly wanted to speak. But at this time, I heard Xue Liwei say: "Uncle Zhao, Uncle Zhou, you guys have to go to work tomorrow? I won't leave then. I'll stay here and help you beat the pig in the forest farm."

"This..." Zhao Youcai only hesitated for a second and then said to Xue Liwei: "I'm fine. I'll ask for leave from the work tomorrow. If you have something to do, you should go back quickly. If you don't wait a little longer, it will be dark. ”

"I won't leave until it gets dark." Xue Liwei said to Dou Baoguo beside him: "Boss Dou, I'll stay in your shack at night, okay?"

From Director Dou to Commander Dou, Dou Baoguo adapted to the change in status very well, but he could not help but bear a grudge against Zhao Jun.

He also knew that Zhao Youcai and Zhao Jun were father-in-law. If they didn't have the two hundred yuan, no one would have any problem hunting the wild boar. But since the forest farm rewarded him with two hundred yuan, Dou Baoguo didn't want the money to fall into Zhao Youcai's hands.

So, Dou Baoguo said to Xue Liwei enthusiastically: "Why not? You can live in my shack for as long as you want. I have everything to eat there."

"Hey! Thank you for taking the lead, Dou." Xue Liwei was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Dou Baoguo.

Dou Baoguo smiled and said: "What do you call Dou Boss? Call him Uncle Dou!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Quanjin was quite satisfied. As Zhou Chunming's secretary, he knew that the National Day was coming soon, and at this juncture, this wild boar must not harm anyone again.

Therefore, someone must eliminate it. As for who hit him, it doesn't matter.

At this time, in the Lingnan Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Wang Meilan was spending money like water in the front, carrying boxes of drinks, soda, liquor, sacks of candy, and whole cartons of cigarettes, all into the car.

But the speed at which she spends money is far less than the speed at which her son earns money later.

Looking at the row of ginseng in front of them, Sun Haizhu and Sun Desheng looked surprised.

"Brother-in-law, second brother." Jie Chen smiled at the two of them and said, "You have to pay a high price, and I will get a share of it."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Jun, who was sitting in the armchair, laughed and said nothing.

"Ah?" Sun Haizhu looked at Jie Chen in surprise, and asked with some disbelief: "Xiao Chen, I heard from our mother, didn't you just go there a few days ago?"

"Ah!" Jie Chen nodded, then pointed at the ginseng and said with a smile: "We still can't get away from home, otherwise we would have been here long ago."

"Oh!" Sun Desheng looked at Zhao Jun and said with envy: "Brother Zhao Jun, have you entered the old village?"

Zhao Jun smiled and nodded when he heard this, which was regarded as admission.

"Second brother!" At this time, Sun Haizhu said to Sun Desheng: "Go and take care of this guy. Weigh these sticks one by one, and then you can settle the accounts for your brother."

At this point, Sun Haizhu turned to Zhao Jun and Xie Chen, nodded his head, and blinked his eyes. This was telling them that you can rest assured about the price.

With Jie Chen here, Zhao Jun was of course relieved. Without even saying polite words, he, Sun Haizhu, had to pay the highest price.

Not long after, Sun Desheng left and returned, holding the small wooden box containing the scale in his hand.

When Sun Desheng came in, he put the box on the table, opened the wooden box, took out the scale, weighed the ginseng one by one and gave the price.

On Sun Haizhu's side, he took out a pen and notebook. Sun Desheng reported the number of grams and the price, and he wrote it down in his notebook.

Sun Haizhu's desk is long and slender, Sun Desheng is working on one side, and Zhao Jun and Sun Haizhu are sitting opposite each other on both sides of the table on the other side.

The grams of the two seedlings of Erjiazizishen were both around six grams. Based on the quality, Sun Desheng rated one seedling at forty-eight grams and the other at forty-five grams.

But Zhao Jun saw that Sun Haizhu's price for the two seedlings in the book was fifty and fifty-three.

Sun Desheng’s price for the Simiao lampstand was between seventy-five and eighty, but when Sun Haizhu recorded it, he recorded eighty.

As for the leaves of the two seedlings and four grades, all weighing more than 10g, Sun Haizhu cut them according to their appearance. Although the small ones were small, they had good appearance. Although the big one is big, the quality is different.

Sun Desheng looked around the three of them and said with a smile: "They are not outsiders. These two seedling sticks cost two hundred yuan each."

"Okay!" Sun Haizhu responded with a smile, but the price given to Liang Miao Bangchui in the book was one hundred and fifty.

When Zhao Jun saw this, he didn't say anything, he just raised his head and looked at Sun Haizhu. But when Sun Haizhu nodded, Zhao Jun smiled at him.

"Brother-in-law." But Jie Chen beside Zhao Jun couldn't help it. One seedling was only fifty, two seedlings was only one hundred.

After holding the mallet, Zhao Jun told Jie Chen that if three people hold the mallet, the three will share it equally; if four people hold the mallet, the four people will share it equally.

No matter how good he is, this is how the old Zhao family has always divided their wealth. Those who don't have a good relationship will never run together. But as long as we can go up the mountain together, we are brothers. No matter what we catch, we will share it equally.

This was something Jie Chen had never thought of, and it also made him admire Zhao Jun from the bottom of his heart, and made him determined to only follow Zhao Jun's lead in the future.

Previously, Sun Haizhu paid more for each Miao Bangchui, which made Jie Chen very happy. But he was happy, not because he was given a lot of money, but because he felt that his family could help Zhao Jun.

Therefore, even if it is a few dollars, it makes Jie Chen feel face-saving.

At this time, Sun Haizhu wiped out Liangmiao Bangchui for one hundred yuan, and Jie Chen's face instantly turned red.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Jun grabbed his arm. Jie Chen blinked twice before he realized that he was anxious, so he sat back next to Zhao Jun.

Looking at Sun Haizhu again, he didn't even look at Jie Chen. He only looked at Sun Desheng and said with a smile: "Second brother, what do you think of those two big guys?"

"These two..." Sun Desheng pondered for a moment, looked up at Zhao Jun, pointed at one of the seedling sticks, and asked: "Is this a fifth-grade leaf? Or a sixth-grade leaf?"

"Sixth grade!" Zhao Jun took a look and saw that Sun Desheng was pointing to the Miao Wuye stick. Because Sun Haizhu was nearby, Zhao Jun was not polite and just talked about it.

"Compared with the last time, the quality of this one is far behind." Sun Desheng said, and then said to Sun Haizhu: "When you get to the top, you can get one thousand."

After saying that, he pointed to the fifth-grade leaf of the seedling and said, "This one doesn't exceed six hundred."

Sun Haizhu heard this and asked, "That's six hundred."

"Yeah." Sun Desheng nodded.

"Okay." Sun Haizhu stood up, closed the notebook, held it in his hand, then patted Sun Desheng on the shoulder and said, "Second brother, you pack it up while I take them to settle the bill."

Then, Sun Haizhu raised his chin at Zhao Jun and motioned to follow him.

Zhao Jun stood up and said to Sun Desheng: "Second brother, I have troubled you again today."

"What are you talking about? Brother." Sun Desheng shook his head and smiled.

Jie Chen also thanked Sun Desheng, and followed Sun Haizhu out of the office with Zhao Jun.

Coming to the finance room, across the wooden counter, Sun Haizhu clenched his fist, knocked twice, and said, "Leave the account with me for 2,800 yuan."

As soon as Sun Haizhu said this, the cashier at the counter responded, but Zhao Jun and Jie Chen who were following Sun Haizhu looked at each other and were shocked.

According to what was recorded in Sun Haizhu's account book, two seedlings were worth two jiazi, one seedling was fifty, and one seedling was fifty-three; four seedlings were worth eighty, and forty-eight was three hundred and two; and two seedlings and four leaves were given by Sun Haizhu. Record it as one hundred and fifty, which is three hundred.

Fifty plus fifty-three, plus three hundred and three hundred and two, this is seven hundred and twenty-three.

According to Sun Desheng's price just now, the fifth-grade leaves are 600 yuan and the sixth-grade leaves are 1,000 yuan, which is a total of 2,323 yuan.

But at this time, Sun Haizhu turned around and gave all the 2,800 yuan he took from the cashier to Zhao Jun.

This is an extra four hundred and seventy-seven yuan. If you throw out two seedlings and four-grade leaves, you will get an extra one hundred yuan, which is still an extra three hundred and seventy-seven yuan.

"Brother." Sun Haizhu pointed at a large pile of money in Zhao Jun's hand and said, "You click it, this is two thousand eighty."

When he came to the last number, Sun Haizhu glanced at Jie Chen.

Jie Chen grinned. His brother-in-law's actions made him look good in front of his friends.

At this time, Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, you gave it to me, why should I check it?" After saying that, he opened his shoulder bag and stuffed the money inside.

Seeing this, Sun Haizhu smiled and nodded at Zhao Jun.

In the finance room, no one said a word. After coming out of the finance room, Zhao Jun asked Sun Haizhu, "Brother-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Sun Haizhu shook his head and said with a smile: "Our supply and marketing cooperative accepts sticks, but we can't accept pharmacies. So if we encounter good ones, don't we have to give more?"

Speaking of this, Sun Haizhu added another sentence, saying: "Besides, I also have time to make money for the company. Those two seedlings and four-grade leaves can earn at least a hundred yuan."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and said nothing more.

The three of them walked from the back to the front and heard many people talking. Zhao Jun listened carefully and seemed to be saying that some rich man came to the supply and marketing cooperative to sweep goods.

Zhao Jun smiled at Jie Chen and said, "Are there any rich people these days?"

"That's not good." Xie Chen said, "The rich man doesn't come here to buy anything?"

"What are you talking about?" Sun Haizhu said to Jie Chen with a smile: "Do you look down on us?"

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen laughed together, but suddenly, Zhao Jun heard a familiar voice.

"Put it all on for me, I'll wrap it up!"

No, then why did you abuse the master? Chapter 445, isn’t that Dr. Zhou’s own brain? If she wants to tell that thing, who can believe it? Jie Chen is her relative, so she doesn't even believe it? The old Zhao family only has one son, so why should we fight? So how can we cause trouble for Zhao Jun?

This week Shujuan is a real person. She is good at everything, but the problem is like this. Her mother-in-law’s birthday was celebrated, and her husband’s female colleague came to celebrate her birthday. The child was at home, and no one was watching, so the female colleague brought the child. Zhou Shujuan thought that it was her husband's illegitimate son who came to recognize her grandma.

We don't abuse our master, just like Dou Baoguo didn't hurt or harm Zhao Jun before. Isn't it impossible?

That’s it for today. I’ll try to move all updates to noon tomorrow. I’m a little sleepy at night. From now on, I will write after eating in the morning, and then work after I finish writing. If you don't work all day, you will be tired at night.

Finally, I would like to thank my brothers for their support and love for me, and for giving me rewards and monthly tickets. I am truly grateful.

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