The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 454 The Wild Boar King kills another person (please vote for me)

"Ho! Ho ho!"

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Pigs roared and dogs barked in chaos. The wild boar was sitting in the pit. Four dogs, two yellow and two black, stood around the entrance of the pit, constantly roaring at the wild boar in the pit.

But they can't reach the wild boar by stretching their necks. If they want to bite the wild boar, they have to go into the pit.

At this time, a black dog came around behind the wild boar, slid its two front paws down the slope of the pit, and then used its two hind legs to rush out and bite the wild boar's back.


The wild boar was attacked in the lower back and turned around suddenly, throwing the black dog away from him.

The black dog escaped from the wild boar and fell into the pit. Just as he was about to jump forward and attack again, the big mouth of the wild boar came in front of him. The black dog turned around and wanted to run away, but when he turned around, he realized that it was facing a slope, not a straight road.

At this time, the black dog's hind legs used strength again, and it was too late to go uphill.



The sound of the pig's mouth hitting the dog was heard at the same time as the black dog's scream.

The pig's teeth pierced the lower abdomen of the black dog. As the black dog flew up, its intestines were pulled out by the pig's teeth.

When the black dog landed on the ground, its intestines hung down under its body, making it impossible for it to get up.

But when the wild boar attacked the black dog, they became confused when they heard the barking of the dogs. The other three hunting dogs all went down into the pit and started fighting with the wild boar.

The dusty pit was nearly four meters long and two meters wide. It looked quite large, but as a battlefield between hunting dogs and wild boars, the hunting dogs couldn't get out of the way.

If a wild boar chases a dog, how far can it run? After running a few steps, they arrived at the slope. As soon as the dog went up the slope, the wild boar followed and struck, and no hunting dog was spared.

But after hearing the screams one after another, hunting dogs flew out of the pit, and a black dog's neck was ripped open, with a large artery broken and blood gushing out.

There was also a black dog with a fan-shaped hole in his ribs, similar to that of Niu Guoliang that day. Whenever he breathed, air would come out of the wound.

The last yellow dog had one of its hind legs broken by a wild boar, and its main beam was broken by a hoof of the wild boar. Then it was picked out of the pit by the wild boar, and it lay beside the pit whining.

In just three or four minutes, all five hunting dogs were wiped out.

This is the Wild Boar King!

No wonder the besiegers all said: A wild boar becomes king when he sits in the palace!

This Wild Boar King is different from the Wild Boar God. The Wild Boar God lives a long time, is huge, can gather pigs, and is guarded by hundreds of calling wild boars.

The wild boar is crowned king based on its ferocity and fighting prowess.

This wild boar killed two people in a row, and today he also killed a bunch of hunting dogs. He is truly the wild boar king.

"Feng'er! Feng'er!" The wild boar snorted repeatedly from its nose and stepped uphill to get out of the pit. But just as it was about to step out of the pit, it suddenly heard a noise.

The wild boar pulled back and crawled into the pit again.

"Big yellow!"

This is the alpha dog of his family. He is a five-year-old Meng Xi, stupid dog Chuan, and a three-year-old guard dog. His physical strength and experience are at the peak, he has a good scent, understands human nature, and fights fiercely.

This kind of dog is the heart of the hunter. In Northeastern dialect, it is the eyeball.

When the dog is at home on weekdays, no matter how difficult it is, Xue Liwei will boil rice and noodles for it.

But at this moment, seeing the dog lying there motionless, Xue Liwei's heart was bleeding.

Hearing the wails of other hunting dogs not far away, Xue Liwei couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and headed straight for the big pit with his gun in hand.

At this time, Xue Liwei was about seven or eight meters away from the pit, and he couldn't see the wild boar in the pit at all.

Xue Liwei picked up the gun and pulled the trigger toward the edge of the pit.


There was a gunshot, dust flew up, and there was no movement in the pit.

But around them, the yellow dog whose spine was broken by the wild boar, and the black dog whose intestines were picked out, all subconsciously raised their heads and wanted to get up when they heard the gunfire.

After being so seriously injured, he still wanted to get up and fight again after hearing the gun. In the words of a siege fighter, this dog was hardened.

However, the two dogs were so seriously injured that they were unable to get up for a while. When they found that they could not help their owners, the two dogs lowered their heads to the ground and whimpered loudly.

Hearing this voice, Xue Liwei felt like his heart was cut by a knife, and his eyes were filled with tears.

His five dogs, three yellow and two black, are all a combination of thin and stupid dogs. Such dogs are smart, brave and fast.

Moreover, three yellow dogs belong to one litter, and two black dogs belong to another litter. The dogs that grew up together cooperate in hunting, and have a high degree of tacit understanding, advancing and retreating together.

In the past few years in Lingnan, Xue Liwei, who was in his prime, took this gang of dogs and the modified No. 16 machine gun with a fast firing rate and long range in his hand to travel across Lingnan. It can be said that he killed pigs when he saw them. , meet a bear and slaughter a bear.

But to fight a siege, not only do you need strong people and strong dogs, but you also need to be familiar with the living habits of wild animals and the topography of the mountains.

For example, at the beginning of spring, when Zhao Jun and Huang Gui arrived in Yongshengtun, they had to go to the mountains in advance to find out the situation in the nearby mountain fields.

It’s not that Xue Liwei doesn’t want to, it’s not that he doesn’t understand. But he also knew that Zhao Youcai was also interested in the cannon egg, and he was afraid that the reward of 200 yuan would fall into Zhao Youcai's hands.

In this way, Xue Liwei stayed overnight in Xinrangchang yesterday. This morning, Hong Yuntao rushed to Xinrangchang with two colleagues from the security team, and was pulled up the mountain by Xue Liwei.

When they arrived at the foot of Laoyu Cliff, Xue Liwei released the dog, and the big yellow dog went out.

His group of dogs grew up together and always advanced and retreated together. Five dogs came out at the same time, and soon they started to make noises.

But what Xue Liwei didn't expect was that the dogs caught a big badger.

This is completely normal. After all, you may encounter any situation during a siege. But when Xue Liwei arrived and killed the badger, the five dogs rested for a while before rushing on. This process was delayed for nearly an hour.

Then, when the dog gang smelled the cannon eggs again, the wild boar had already made its nest.

Then, the pigs fled and the dogs chased them away, fighting and running away.

What Xue Liwei didn't expect was that there was a pit here.

According to the mountain runners, this kind of pit is called a bastard pit. The small turtle pit is where the wild boar's bones are buried.

But the big bastard pit is the place where the wild boar ascends to the throne.

This cannonball is sitting in the palace here and proclaiming himself king, and the sacrifices for its enthronement are none other than the dogs of the Xue Liwei family.

"Bang!" Xue Liwei fired another shot at the bastard pit. At this time, what he was holding was the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle provided to him by the security team of Yong'an Forest Farm. He could change bullets without firing a single shot. After the gun passed, only dust was flying, but not a single wild boar hair was hit.

The jealous Xue Liwei was eager for revenge, but he couldn't see the wild boar in the pit. Even with a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, it was in vain.

Xue Liwei walked forward again, reaching a place about three meters away from the pit. He could even see the edge of the pit opposite, but he still couldn't see inside the pit.

Xue Liwei has been running in the mountains for five or six years. He has encountered this kind of situation and knows that if the pit is deep, it is possible to sight the wild boar in the pit only by walking half a meter away from the pit.

But the problem is, this wild boar is not dead. Xue Liwei walked closer, and the wild boar jumped out. If he attacked him at close range, Xue Liwei would not get any benefit.

But Xue Liwei also knew how to deal with it. He aimed his gun at the bastard pit, then turned his head to look left and right. When he saw a stone not far to his right, he quickly moved over with his gun and slowly squatted down, holding the gun in his left hand. Without moving, after touching the stone with his right hand, he grabbed it, stood up quickly, and threw the stone into the pit.

Xue Liwei's shot was really accurate. The stone went straight into the pit. Suddenly, there was a roar and dust flying in the pit.

The unknowing wild boar thought something had entered the pit to attack it, so it started flopping in the pit.

Seeing this, Xue Liwei quickly moved to the left. There was a tree stick about one meter long and as thick as a goose egg. Xue Liwei wanted to pick it up and throw it into the pit. Only by frightening the wild boar would he be able to Chance to shoot.

Xue Liwei came to the tree stick, still holding the gun with his left hand, and touched the butt of the gun to his left chest. He squatted down and picked up the tree stick with his right hand. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw a plume of soil smoke coming out of the pit two meters away. .


When the accident happened, Xue Liwei's brain and hands were out of sync. Before his brain could react, he had already raised the stick in his hand and threw it towards the wild boar.

If he just let go, stopped and fired, he might be able to turn the tide of the battle. But when he lifted the stick, his brain reacted, and it was already too late.

At this time, all the sticks were raised, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Xue Liwei could only smash the tree stick at the wild boar, but it was too late to put the gun in his face.

He didn't even take aim, he just pulled the trigger and fired two shots, all hitting the wild boar. But the speed of his retreat was far less fast than the speed of the wild boar.

The wild boar rushed up to Xue Liwei, thrust its head into Xue Liwei's crotch, raised his head, and heard a scream. Xue Liwei was pushed behind him by the wild boar and fell heavily to the ground.

The wild boar turned around and ran towards him again. When he came closer, he lowered his head and thrust his mouth into Xue Liwei's body. He jerked his head forward and heard another scream.

"hurry up!"

"It's in front!"

"Pig! Pig!"

At this time, shouts came one after another not far away, and the wild boar flapped its ears and ran straight ahead.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One hundred and fifty meters away, Hong Yuntao and three other people started shooting with their guns.

But at this time, the wild boar's butt was facing them. In the language of mountain running, this was called shooting in the butt. It was too difficult to hit a pig's butt as a target.

Six shots, one shot missed, and the wild boar disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Quick!" Hong Yuntao put away his gun and shouted, the three of them rushed to the bastard pit and rescued Xue Liwei from the pit with all their hands.

At this time, Xue Liwei was still in a coma, but when he saw bleeding from his back and thighs, Hong Yuntao was frightened and hurriedly untied Xue Liwei's clothes, tore his vest to pieces, and looked at the wounds on Xue Liwei's back.

There were long cuts, which were parallel to the spine. The flesh on both sides of the wounds was turned outwards, and bleeding continued.

Hong Yuntao hurriedly took out a bandage from his pocket and wrapped it around Xue Liwei's wound. He even asked two members of the security team to treat the wound on Xue Liwei's leg.

"Tighten it tight!" Hong Yuntao shouted to the team members under him. If the wound on his thigh was not tightened tightly, Xue Liwei could bleed to death.

"Bang!" As soon as Hong Yuntao finished speaking, he heard a gunshot from ahead.

Hong Yuntao was startled, raised his eyes and looked forward, murmuring: "Who fired the shot? This wild boar must be shot, it's so harmful!"

This morning, Hong Yuntao and two members of the security team accompanied Xue Liwei up the mountain first.

Under the old bird, Xue Liwei's dog gang caught a badger and won a small victory. Then they caught up with the wild boar, and five hunting dogs chased the wild boar, covering more than five miles in one go.

Hong Yuntao and the two members of the security team shot a lot of bullets on weekdays, but they had never been to the mountains to practice. When they started running, they couldn't catch up with Xue Liwei, who had been running in the mountains all year round.

When they arrived, Xue Liwei also lay down.

After binding Xue Liwei's wound, Hong Yuntao took a look and saw that Xue Liwei's face was as white as paper.

"Oh my God!" Hong Yuntao knew something was wrong and quickly put his hand under Xue Liwei's chin. He couldn't help but call out "Mom", threw the gun next to him to a team member, and then asked another team member to help Xue Liwei on his back. Then Hong Yuntao ran down the slope with Xue Liwei on his back.

One team member was behind, helping Hong Yuntao support Xue Liwei. Another team member picked up the gun Xue Liwei had dropped, and then went after Hong Yuntao.

The wild boars and people were gone, and the smoke from the battlefield cleared away, leaving only the howl of a hunting dog.

The hunting dog whose spine was trampled by a wild boar will not die for a while, but being alive is a kind of torture for it.

About ten minutes later, two people walked up the hillside, it was Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang.

This morning, Hong Yuntao accompanied Xue Liwei up the mountain, while Liu Jinyong stayed in Xinrangchang to wait for Zhao Youcai.

When Zhao Youcai arrived, Liu Jinyong distributed equipment to him and Wang Qiang, and then accompanied them up the mountain.

The three of them, led by Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang, followed the wild boar's tracks until they found the place where the wild boar lay down yesterday. However, they only heard urine and no wild boar.

Zhao Youcai made a prompt decision and brought Wang Qiang and Liu Jinyong here to block the fight. But as soon as they came, he saw a cannon egg coming down the hillside, crossing the firewood road and going up the opposite hillside.

As soon as Zhao Youcai picked up the gun, he saw that the cannon egg had disappeared into the bushes, leaving only the pig's butt exposed.

Zhao Youcai moved the muzzle of the gun upward, but after the shot, there was no sound in the trees on the opposite hillside.

Zhao Youcai and others chased after them, but found that the grass and forests here were deep and there was no trace of the wild boar.

Then Liu Jinyong said that he just heard someone firing six shots in a row. It must be Xue Liwei and Hong Yuntao, and he was going to join them.

Zhao Youcai did not refuse. Although he partnered with Xue Liwei, Xue Liwei had to take the lion's share of the money, but this was the rule of siege, and he, Lao Zhao, had always abided by the rules.

Moreover, Zhao Youcai was very interested in Xue Liwei's gang of dogs. He knew that these days, in this vast region of Northeast China, there were only the Chaodong Duo Meng Xi and the Stupid Dogs. Xue Liwei's ability to obtain so many such dogs must be due to his connections in Zhaodong.

Zhao Youcai, who recently wanted to develop a dog gang, wanted to ask Xue Liwei if he could help him find some dogs. As for the cost, he, Zhao Youcai, could still afford it.

But as soon as the three of them came down from the opposite hillside, they saw Hong Yuntao and others coming down from this hillside.

Seeing Hong Yuntao carrying someone on his back, Liu Jinyong stepped forward to take a look and secretly thought something was wrong. He hurriedly followed Hong Yuntao and sent Xue Liwei to the carriage.

Seeing Xue Liwei's appearance, Zhao Youcai knew that this person was going to be a troublemaker, and he immediately felt very uncomfortable. After all, this was his old friend's nephew, and he was picked to death by a wild boar, which made Zhao Youcai feel sad.

Therefore, Zhao Youcai wanted to go back with him to see if he could be of any help.

However, the carriage space when they arrived was limited, and Xue Liwei had to lie in the middle, and the others could not fit in, so Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang walked to Xinrangchang.

But after passing the battlefield just now, he heard the howling of dogs, and Zhao Youcai hurriedly came up from the slope to watch.

When he looked up, Zhao Youcai couldn't help but sigh.

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