The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 466: Be filial to your son, Qinglong speaks (update 1316 for August monthly ticket)

This day, Zhao Youcai was in trouble.

Starting from the morning, he followed Xue Baojun's instructions, setting up ambushes and blocking the battle. Until Xue Baojun came after the wild boar, found Zhao Youcai, and officially announced to him that the battle had failed.

Then, Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang followed Xue Baojun to chase the wild boar.

The chase continued until noon, but the wild boar did not stop.

At this time, feeling hungry, Zhao Youcai remembered that neither he nor Wang Qiang had any dry food with them. When he came out of the village, all the dry food he bought on credit from the small shop was given to Xing San.

Therefore, Zhao Youcai proposed to go back to Xinrangchang for dinner. But at this time, Xue Baojun took out a newspaper bag from his shoulder bag, which contained five large cakes.

Xue Baojun said that he had almost figured out the movement trajectory of the wild boar. The three of them took a casual bite first, and then joined forces to fight. Wang Qiang rushed to the battle, Xue Baojun blocked the battle, and Zhao Youcai intercepted the battle.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Youcai grabbed all the five big cakes without saying a word, and then gave two to Wang Qiang, two to himself, and only left one to Xue Baojun.

Xue Baojun stopped at the first sight, but Zhao Youcai said, you are blocking the battle, you are squatting there motionless, why are you eating so much? My brother-in-law and I, one rushes the battle and the other intercepts the battle, it’s all physical work, shouldn’t we eat more?

When Zhao Youcai said this, Xue Baojun was speechless. But he came out in such a hurry that he didn't even cut the pickles into strips. The three of them just drank the cold boiled food Xue Baojun brought and ate the big pancakes.

Big pancakes are made of corn flour.

Food made from corn has a special feature. It's just that when I first eat, I don't feel full. It takes an hour or two before you feel full.

Therefore, in rural areas, many people feel that they are not full when they eat big pancakes, steamed buns, or big rice porridge. But after eating, I will be very hungry again.

Zhao Youcai ate two big pancakes and felt as if he had eaten nothing. But for the two hundred yuan bonus, Zhao Youcai cooperated with Wang Qiang and Xue Baojun to surround the cannon egg.

But by the end of the afternoon, the three of them were completely convinced. This cannon egg was so powerful. It led the three of them and ran back and forth in circles on both sides of the firewood road.

Even if the three of them, Zhao Youcai, cooperated to block and intercept it, as soon as people got close to it, it would take a detour to avoid it, and then run non-stop, wherever there was a needle bush, it would run .

But even so, Zhao Youcai and others did not give up. They followed until about four o'clock in the afternoon.

According to the habits of wild boars, it is time for them to feed.

Herding food is the name of Lingxi Black Province, while in Lingnan Ji Province, it is called herding grass. But no matter which way it is called, it means that the beast eats while walking.

Since the wild boar wants to feed, it won't go too fast.

At this time, Zhao Youcai, Wang Qiang, and Xue Baojun changed from fighting to sneaking around, quietly stalking the wild boar and touching it.

It stands to reason that the combination of these three people is very powerful. The fact that Zhao Youcai and Xue Baojun were selected into that year's tiger fighting team is enough to illustrate their strength.

As for Wang Qiang, he has only been sneaking around for so many years, and he is the best at this. His skills in sneaking around were no less than Zhou Chengguo's, but there was a certain gap between his marksmanship and Zhou Chengguo's.

But even so, the three of them grabbed the wild boar's footprints and touched forward. Several times, they touched the area around the wild boar.

But the forest was too dense and blocked by branches and leaves. The three of them were thirty to forty meters away from the wild boar, but no one could see the wild boar.

They knew the boars were nearby because they heard them chewing acorns.

But every time they moved forward, the wild boar would notice them and run away.

The key is that the three of them supervised each other and never made any noise with each other. So how did the wild boar discover them?

After doing this three times in a row, Wang Qiang stopped Zhao Youcai and Xue Baojun. He put his nose in front of the two of them, smelled it, and said, "You two smell of smoke. The pig probably ran away after smelling it."

After hearing Wang Qiang's words, Zhao Youcai and Xue Baojun looked at each other.

Their fathers were also hunters, and most of the old hunters of that generation had hunted tigers.

These old hunters also told their younger generations that if they want to hunt tigers, they should smoke a pack of cigarettes at home the day before leaving, then take a shower and change into freshly washed clothes.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, you can no longer smoke.

This is because the smell of smoke will make the tiger aware that people are approaching.

Moreover, because the old hunters at that time used foreign cannons, that is, blunderbuss, for sieges.

Therefore, when going up to the mountains to hunt tigers, the gunpowder must be sealed to prevent the smell of gunpowder from leaking out.

In fact, wild animals have a very good sense of smell, and most of them can smell the smell of tobacco and gunpowder.

But sometimes, they don't realize that this smell will bring death to them.

As for this cannon egg, the first person to hurt it was Niu Guoliang.

Niu Guoliang was a tenant, and the smell of cigarette smoke on his body was very strong. The wild boar remembered it clearly.

Therefore, when the wild boar smelled the smoke from Zhao Youcai and Xue Baojun, it felt panicked.

When a wild boar panics, its first reaction is to run.

After hearing what Wang Qiang said, Zhao Youcai and Xue Baojun felt that it made sense, and then stopped chasing him.

After giving up, Xue Baojun said goodbye to Zhao Youcai, saying that he had to go back to Lingnan tomorrow.

Although the autumn weather is crisp at this time, Xue Liwei's body cannot stay here.

In any case, Xue Baojun had to escort his nephew back and let his brother and sister-in-law take care of Xue Liwei's funeral.

After seeing off Xue Baojun, Zhao Youcai and Wang Qiang also walked home. On the way, Wang Qiang asked Zhao Youcai why he didn't let Zhao Jun bring the dog.

The old uncle loves his nephew. In Wang Qiang's view, the wealth does not go to outsiders. The money falls in the hands of his nephew, even if he does not share it with himself, it is okay.

But Zhao Youcai said at that time that he took two days off and did not go to work, but he kept this from Wang Meilan.

If Zhao Jun were to come now, wouldn't his absence from work be exposed?

Moreover, now that we know why the wild boar is alert, we only need to take a bath at home and change into new clothes before coming back tomorrow morning.

When Wang Qiang heard this, he felt it was reasonable. When he and Zhao Youcai returned to the village, they went back to their respective homes.

He only ate two pancakes at noon, and Zhao Youcai was not full at all. He had been running around in the afternoon, and he was already starving.

After entering the village, he was so hungry that his legs and stomach were cramped.

But when I got home and entered the room, I saw a table full of sumptuous meals, especially the braised pork dish, which was so tempting.

Therefore, Zhao Youcai even made trouble and covered it up. Seeing Li Baoyu serving him a bowl of rice, Zhao Youcai wanted to make a bowl of rice with braised pork and broth.

But what Zhao Youcai didn't expect was that his son was too filial.

Half a plate of tiger vegetables, green peppers, cucumber shreds, green onions, and coriander segments. In Northeastern dialect, it is a watery dish.

Looking at the tiger vegetables spread on the rice and listening to Zhao Jun's words, Zhao Youcai glanced at him, but seeing his son's innocent face, Zhao Youcai took a bite of the tiger vegetables into his mouth.

This dish was spicy, crispy, salty and refreshing, but Zhao Youcai said it was not as good as the braised pork just now.

Zhao Youcai stretched out his chopsticks, added slices of luncheon meat, and chewed them into his mouth. However, he felt that the braised pork was still delicious.

"Eat slowly." Seeing that Zhao Youcai didn't look good eating, Wang Meilan hurriedly advised: "If you like the tiger dish, I'll mix it for you later!"

"I..." Zhao Youcai didn't know how to answer, so he only speeded up his cooking.

Zhao Youcai was really hungry, and the tiger food was really good for him.

Soon after half the bowl of rice was eaten, Zhao Youcai put down his chopsticks, raised the rice bowl and said, "Baoyu, give me another bowl."

"Hey!" Li Baoyu obeyed, stood up, took the bowl and went to the outhouse. At this time, Zhao Youcai stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of braised pork, put it in his mouth and chewed: "Lan Na, your braised pork seems to be missing something?"

"What's missing?" Upon hearing this, Wang Meilan hurriedly asked Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai smacked his lips and said, "I didn't taste it..."

Zhao Youcai had already planned to taste the braised meat until he was full.

And he had to go through all the trouble because people who drank outside would not be able to eat big fish and meat when they got home.

If you want to eat meat, you have to find a way.

At this time, Li Baoyu came back with the rice bowl, and Zhao Youcai reached out to take it. He had already thought about it. As long as he took the rice bowl, he picked up the plate of braised pork and poured the meat and soup into his bowl. Then a moment.

But what Zhao Youcai didn't expect was that Zhao Jun took over his job before him.

I saw Zhao Jun smiling at Zhao Youcai and saying: "Dad, my mother's braised pork is very good. You have been drinking, so you can't taste it. Let's eat some tiger food, this one is delicious."

With that said, Zhao Jun picked up the remaining half plate of tiger food and was about to put it into Zhao Youcai's rice bowl.

"Hey, hey." Zhao Youcai stopped him hurriedly and said, "How can there be someone like you? The aid people and the ministers are here. You gave them to me. What can I eat?"

"It's okay, uncle!" As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Jie Chen continued: "What can we eat? You are the elder, I have to let you eat first."

After saying that, Jie Chen also picked up a piece of braised pork, put it in his mouth and chewed it. Then, he said to Wang Meilan: "Auntie, your braised pork is very well done and the taste is quite good."

When Wang Meilan heard this, a smile appeared on her face. When she saw Zhao Youcai looking at her, she said, "Your son is looking at you, so just eat it quickly. If you don't eat it now, you will have to think about it again when you can't eat it in the winter."

What Wang Meilan said is not an exaggeration at all.

These days, when winter comes, fresh vegetables are no longer available in mountain forest areas. There are no cucumbers or green peppers, so how can we still eat tiger vegetables?

This past New Year, when the Zhao and Li families had New Year's Eve dinner together, Zhao Youcai mentioned that he wanted to eat tiger vegetables.

Then, Zhao Jun remembered it.

Otherwise, this child is filial.

Zhao Youcai looked at the tiger vegetables in the bowl and secretly complained in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin, who was sitting on his right, picked up the wine glass that Zhao Youcai had not touched and said, "Uncle, you didn't drink this wine either. Did you leave it outside and drink too much? Then this glass, my nephew. I drank it for you."

After speaking, Zhang Yuanmin poured all the wine in Zhao Youcai's cup into his own cup.

Zhao Youcai: "..."

He hated it in his heart. He didn't drink just now because he was too hungry, so he hurriedly took a bite of rice to fill his stomach.

Now that his stomach was full, Zhao Youcai wanted to drink some wine to relieve his fatigue, and then have a good sleep.

Unexpectedly, the wine was gone!

"I'll be fine if I drink. Since you're here, I have to drink with you." Zhao Youcai said to Zhang Yuanmin, then looked to the side and motioned to Zhao Jun to get a wine bucket and pour it for him.

"What else are you drinking?" Wang Meilan saw this and quickly dissuaded her: "They are helping the people for your own good, so don't drink."

"Yes." Zhang Yuanmin smiled and said: "Uncle, we are not outsiders. If you are willing to drink, I will come back one day, and then we can drink again."

"That's right." Wang Meilan continued: "You've gone out to have a drink, and you still drink when you come back? Your body doesn't want it anymore?"

"Dad." Zhao Jun returned his hand, pushed the wine barrel to the edge of the kang, and then said to Zhao Youcai: "Stop drinking and eat more vegetables."

At this point, Zhao Jun pulled down Li Baoyu beside him and said: "Baoyu, you and Jie Chen, you two will drink with our elder brother until you are done drinking!"

"Hey!" Hearing this, Li Baoyu and Jie Chen all picked up their wine glasses, touched them with Zhang Yuanmin one by one, and then raised their necks to drink.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Youcai blinked his eyes, lowered his head, and competed with the tiger vegetables and rice in the bowl.

Good wine, good food, and there is also time to end the party.

After they had had enough wine and food, Zhao Jun, Jie Chen, and Li Baoyu sent Zhang Yuanmin out together.

At this time, Zhao Jun held two flashlights in his hand, handed one to Zhang Yuanmin, and said, "Brother, please watch carefully when you walk."

"It's okay, brother." Zhang Yuanmin took the flashlight, suddenly remembered something, and said to Zhao Jun: "By the way, look at our roe deer."

"It's not good!" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly turned on his flashlight and walked towards the warehouse.

When he reached the door of the barn, Zhao Jun stopped. When he reached for the door, he turned sideways and asked the other three people, "Why doesn't this roe deer make any movement at all?"

Hearing this, Li Baoyu raised his chin towards the warehouse and said, "Brother, can you open it and take a look?"

Zhao Jun opened the warehouse door and shined his flashlight inside, and saw Qinglong rushing towards him.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sounds of "squeaking" and "squeaking" coming from the warehouse.

Qinglong just grabbed Zhao Jun's legs and wagged his tail at Zhao Jun, but when he heard the cry of the roe deer, he turned around and rushed towards the roe deer again.

This little guy came up to the male roe deer, jumped up, and bit the male roe deer's thigh.

In an instant, the only "ah" sound left in the male roe deer's mouth was "ah".

"Ouch!" Upon seeing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly shouted: "Qinglong is back!"

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Qinglong let go of the male roe deer and ran back. As Qinglong let go, the male roe deer lay on the ground and said nothing.

The female roe deer, however, did not dare to say anything at this time and looked cautiously towards this side.

Taking a glance just now, Zhao Jun vaguely saw that there were wooden shelves around the male and female roe deer, and the spaces between the wooden clamps were not very spacious, leaving not much space for the roe deer.

Moreover, the two roe deer's limbs were tied with ropes, and the other ends of the ropes were tied to the surrounding shelves.

There is also a rope bridle on the roe deer's head, and a rope is also drawn from the bridle, which is tied to the wooden stake in front of the roe deer.

Such roe deer have their limbs and head tied up in a small space. They can't move, so naturally they can't run away. Just being able to stop them from screaming is all thanks to Qinglong.

But what surprised Zhao Jun even more than being able to keep the roe deer alive was: Qinglong spoke!

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