The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 470: Big businessmen all order live roe deer (monthly ticket in August will add 1616)

Just when the Zhang family and his son were trying to take revenge on the Zhao and Li families, Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin were carrying an iron cage and climbing over the hillocks to come to Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Jun was sitting near the stone pond and resting. When he heard the noise, he turned around and saw the two men carrying a large iron cage and laboriously walking down from the top of the post.

Zhao Jun hurriedly stood up and went over to meet it. The iron cage was heavy at first glance, so Zhao Jun helped him.

After the three of them carried the iron cage to the stone pond, they put it down to rest and catch their breath.

Zhao Jun took advantage of this time to use Zhang Yuanmin's invasion knife. He went to the nearby forest and chopped down two thin fish scale pines.

Then cut off the branches and tops, and cut out two sticks about two meters long.

Zhao Jun placed the stick across the iron cage, and together with Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen who had rested their strength, they carried the cage all the way to the stone cave where the young jackal was hiding.

When the iron cage fell to the ground, Zhao Jun took down the sticks and pliers lying on the cage, and then opened the door of the cage.

Zhao Jun handed Zhang Yuanmin a stick, pointed into the hole, and said to him: "Brother, take the stick and poke it in, slow down."

Then, Zhao Jun said to Jie Chen: "Jie Chen, keep an eye over there. If they show their heads from your side, you can hit them with a stick."

After saying that, Zhao Jun added another sentence, saying: "Hit them lightly, and just hit them until they shrink back."

After hearing Xie Chen's agreement, Zhao Jun made a gesture to Zhang Yuanmin, and Zhang Yuanmin took a stick and slowly explored the stone cave.

The moment the first end of the stick entered the stone hole, several young jackals inside began to squeak.

When they bark, the black tiger outside the cave will bark. When the black tiger barked, the young jackals became even more panicked.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin had inserted the stick in his hand more than half a meter into the hole. He controlled the stick, felt it hit something, and then gave it a tentative move. Zhao Jun on the side used the faint light to see something moving inside the cave.

Zhao Jun quickly took action and thrust the large iron pliers in his hand directly in. After feeling something hit, he opened and closed the pliers. When he felt something was caught, he heard a sharper and more rapid sound.

As Zhao Jun retracted his body, he brought out the pliers that had been inserted into the hole. What came out next was a young jackal whose waist was held by the pliers.

The jaws were not clamped very tightly, and Zhao Jun did not use too much force throughout the process, fearing that the young jackal would be pinched to death.

When the young jackal was about to be pulled out of the hole, its screams became louder and its struggle became more fierce. Its body was hunched over and its two hind legs were holding on to the iron pliers.

The young jackal was pinched out of the hole. Jie Chen over there had opened the cage door. Zhao Jun turned the young jackal aside, lowered the jaws of the pliers, and then threw the young jackal into the cage.

Upon seeing this, Jie Chen hurriedly ran to the cage. After Zhao Jun controlled the pliers and threw the young jackal into the cage, Jie Chen hurriedly closed the cage door.

There is a special ring on the cage door, which is a small mechanism that can lock the cage door.

As soon as it entered the cage, the young jackal kept flapping up, down, left and right, but when the black tiger came in front of the cage, it hurriedly huddled on the other side of the cage, huddled there, shivering.

At this time, Zhao Jun watched through the cage and saw that the young jackal looked like a little red fox, with reddish-brown fur and a white belly. He thought it was very cute, and there was no clue that it would become cunning or ferocious when it grows up. .

But think about it, the cubs of all animals look cute when they are young, even mice.

Zhao Jun used iron pliers to probe into the hole again, and pulled out two more young jackals one after another, and put them all into the cage.

There are four young jackals in this litter. One was eaten by the black tiger just now, and there are only three left.

"Go home!" Zhao Jun put the iron pliers on the cage. The three of them lifted the cage, climbed over the hill and down the hillside, and transported the cage to the car.

Jie Chen's car was equipped with a tarpaulin. Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to cover the cage with the tarpaulin. Then the three of them went up and pulled down the bodies of the four jackals.

When the jackal corpse was carried into the car, the young jackal under the tarp must have smelled it and made a humming sound in its mouth.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers knew why Zhao Jun covered the cage with a tarpaulin.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen asked Zhao Jun, "Shall we go home?"

"Go back." Zhao Jun raised his hand and said, "Go back today, let's take a day off."

What Zhao Youcai said this morning was right. After going up the mountain for two consecutive days, both dogs and people should take a rest.

The car drove all the way back to Yong'an Tun and stopped directly in front of Zhao Jun's house.

It should be because there were three young jackals and four jackal carcasses in the car. When the car was still a few hundred meters away from Zhao Jun's house, the dogs in the two yards started barking non-stop.

In front of the barn, Wang Meilan, who was sitting on the threshold chopping grass for the roe deer, heard the dog barking, quickly put down her kitchen knife and came out of the yard.

When the car stopped at the gate of the courtyard, Wang Meilan grabbed the railing of the trunk with both hands, glanced at the car, and said curiously: "Ah, this is the red dog."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Meilan noticed the large iron cage covered by a tarpaulin, and asked Zhao Jun more curiously: "Son, what is in here?"

At this time, Zhao Jun did not immediately lift the tarpaulin, but first put Heihu down in the car and asked Wang Meilan to take Heihu in and tie the chain.

Here, Zhao Jun and his minister Zhang Yuanmin pulled four big jackals from the carriage and carried them into his yard.

As for the cage containing the three young jackals, they can only be temporarily placed at Li Baoyu's house.

Because there is really no room in Zhao Jun’s house. The front of the house, the back of the house, and the barn are all occupied by dogs, sheep, roe deer, and chickens.

Therefore, not only the cage containing the young jackal, but also the other empty cage had no place to put it in the warehouse of Zhao Jun's family, so it had to be placed in the warehouse of Li Baoyu's family.

Watching the three people struggling, Wang Meilan looked at the little jackal for a while and felt that the little thing was not much different from a puppy. Then she looked around at the dogs with different names. Wang Meilan said to Jin Xiaomei: "If you had known this earlier, they would have started spring." Those big claws should be kept by our family."

At this point, seeing Jin Xiaomei's surprised look, Wang Meilan explained: "If we stay, is it enough for the entire zoo?"

Hearing what Wang Meilan said, Jin Xiaomei knew she was joking and immediately started laughing.

Wang Meilan's words were a little bit strange. But think about it, Zhao Jun’s house used to have many animals. But chickens, sheep, and dogs are still poultry and livestock after all.

But what about these two days?

First it was the roe deer, and now it was the jackal. What normal family would raise these?

At this time, Zhao Jun brought Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin over and moved the large iron cage containing the young jackals to the back garden of Li's house.

Without seeing these three young jackals, the Li family's dog stopped barking after a while.

Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei followed them to the backyard to watch the excitement.

Just like that, five people surrounded the cage, but the three young jackals were very frightened. After growing so big, today is the first time for them to meet people, and none of them look like kind-hearted people.

"Mom." Zhao Jun asked Wang Meilan, "What should we feed this thing?"

Wang Meilan glanced into the cage again and replied: "It must have been several months. Is it enough to eat melons and potato seeds?"

"Nothing else." Jin Xiaomei continued, "How about I boil some corn noodles for them for a while."

When Wang Meilan heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Give them food?"

To be honest, Wang Meilan doesn't even know why Zhao Jun wants to bring these three young jackals back.

When it comes to feeding corn noodles to dogs, Wang Meilan is really willing to do so as her conditions are getting better and better recently. But Wang Meilan couldn't bear to feed these three little red dogs. After all, she didn't even have corn noodles for her own dogs.

"Brother." Zhang Yuanmin said to Zhao Jun at the side: "Otherwise, I will go to Dongdagou later to pick up some smelly fish and rotten shrimps, and bring them back to feed them."

Hearing what he said, Jie Chen laughed and said: "Brother, you can't make the cage containing raccoon dogs contain it, so just feed it as a raccoon dog."

before. When Yong'an Village collectively raised raccoon dogs, the villagers often fed small fish and shrimps to the raccoon dogs.

But that’s because fish and shrimp are all included in raccoon dog’s diet.

But this jackal's ancestors have probably never eaten fish or shrimp for several generations.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and then said to Jin Xiaomei: "Auntie, why don't you boil some corn noodles and some vegetable soup and see if they eat it."

"That's okay." Jin Xiaomei immediately responded: "Then I'll go in and boil water and boil some corn noodles for it."

After Jin Xiaomei finished speaking, she walked to the front yard, and everyone followed her to the house. Zhao Jun took a scoop of water from the large water tank. He then returned to the backyard and poured water into the cage's drinking trough.

Presumably these three little guys have been hiding in the stone cave since the jackals went hunting yesterday. If you can handle hunger, you shouldn't be able to handle thirst, right?

Zhao Jun knew that they would definitely not eat or drink while he was watching, so he returned to the front yard and climbed over the wall into his home.

At this time, Wang Meilan had already taken Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers to skin the jackals in the yard.

Zhao Jun did not reach out, but took a look inside the warehouse.

When he came in, two roe deer were eating. What they eat is the water wheat grass that Wang Meilan cut back when she went to feed the sheep yesterday. Wang Meilan chopped up the grass and added a handful of bean cakes to it.

Perhaps the aroma of the bean cake was too tempting, and both roe deer ate it. However, when Zhao Jun came in, they not only stopped eating, but also started to scream "squeak" and "squeak".

When Zhao Jun saw this situation, he knew that he was affecting others' meals, so he withdrew from the warehouse again.

The two roe deer were in good condition. Zhao Jun had already thought of this. Many production teams now catch roe deer and deer to raise.

Roe deer are easier to feed than deer, whose eyes bulge when angry.

"Son!" At this time, Wang Meilan called Zhao Jun, but she didn't ask Zhao Jun to work. When Zhao Jun came to her side, Wang Meilan asked: "What are you going to do with those three little red dogs? Are you really leaving home? To feed yourself?"

When Zhao Jun heard this, he felt that he had been impulsive in the morning. Perhaps because the numbers are small and difficult to handle, no one in these eight villages has ever raised jackals.

But Zhao Jun felt that it might be better if he was raised from an early age. But these young jackals should be four or five months old now. It may not be easy to raise them to maturity.

Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen were left to help Wang Meilan skin the jackals, while Zhao Jun came out of his home and went to the Tunbu to find Zhao Guofeng.

As soon as they met, Zhao Jun thanked Zhao Guofeng first. When Zhao Guofeng saw Zhao Jun coming, he was also happy and told Zhao Jun that he could use the iron cage and iron pliers whenever he wanted.

Since Zhao Guofeng was so generous, Zhao Jun was not polite. He asked Zhao Guofeng for help and called Yongxing Brigade again.

The person who answered the phone over there was Yu Xuewen, the brigade secretary. When he heard that it was Zhao Jun, Yu Xuewen was very enthusiastic and opened his mouth to invite Zhao Jun to play with them.

Zhao Jun responded vaguely, and first asked Yu Xuewen whether he would send back the semi-automatic gun he borrowed from their brigade before November.

Yu Xuewen said that he had not received any news yet. Maybe the superiors would not come to inspect the equipment this year, so Zhao Jun would use the gun first.

Not only that, Yu Xuewen also asked Zhao Jun if there were still enough bullets. If not, he would ask someone to bring some to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun didn't dare to trouble others with such a trivial matter. After politely declining, Zhao Jun asked Yu Xuewen for help and asked the city's zoo if they needed jackals. If you want, he has three of them, and they can be packed away and cheaper.

When Yu Xuewen heard this, he was not surprised. After all, Zhao Jun captured a tiger alive in front of him. How could a mere red dog compare to the King of the Mountain?

Yu Xuewen agreed to Zhao Jun's request without even thinking about it.

I have to say that Yu Xuewen is also very good to Zhao Jun. Last time Zhao Jun asked him to help get potassium aluminum cyanate, and Yu Xuewen asked Wu Feng to bring it over the next day.

Getting along with each other is mutual.

So Zhao Jun asked Yu Xuewen if their Yongxing brigade needed live roe deer? If necessary, he can help Yu Xuewen catch some in winter.

There is no snow now, and there are rare roe deer footprints all over the mountains and plains. But in winter, when traces of roe deer can be found, it will be easier to catch their feet.

When Yu Xuewen heard this, he immediately told Zhao Jun that there were roe deer, deer, and the newly born wild boar, also known as Xiao Hua Bangzi.

These three items, how much Zhao Jun has, their brigade will collect. As for the price, Zhao Jun will never suffer a loss.

Knowing that Yu Xuewen was busy, Zhao Jun put down the phone after talking about business.

But as soon as he put down the phone, Zhao Jun met Zhao Guofeng's expectant eyes.

"Zhao Jun." Zhao Guofeng came to Zhao Jun's side and said, "Uncle wants to tell you that if you can catch roe deer, I can catch two for my uncle."

"Uncle Zhao." At this time, Zhao Jun did not dare to take care of everything. He only explained to Zhao Guofeng: "The leaves are about to fall in autumn now. If you want to catch them alive, you have to touch them. I dare not give you a guarantee. You have to wait." It’s winter, that’s no problem.”

"Okay!" Zhao Guofeng nodded directly and said, "Wait before the twelfth lunar month, you can catch four for my uncle. Money and other things, we men can talk easily."

This is another big one!

Zhao Jun thanked Zhao Guofeng and came out of the camp, ready to see Ma Ling. But on the way to Ma Ling's house, Zhao Jun saw Jiang Ershuan walking in the village with Zhang Laifa.

Seeing this person, Zhao Jun suddenly became wary.

Although this was the first time I saw this person in this life, Zhao Jun had dealt with him in his previous life.

At that time, Zhao Jun first teamed up with Zhang Laibao to fight siege, but later they parted ways, and Zhang Laibao actually stole Zhao Jun's dog.

After stealing the dog, Zhang Laibao hid the dog in Jiang Ershuan's farm. It would be two years until Zhao Jun found the dog.

That Zhang Laibao really hurt others but not himself. He just locked a good dog in the farm and turned a guard dog into a guard dog.

However, if this kind of thing happens once, it cannot happen again.

Zhao Jun had already thought about it. As soon as his dog was lost, he would go directly to 42 Lengchang, push Jiang Ershuan's head shack away, and then come back to deal with Zhang Laibao's family.

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