The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 472 They are all filial children

After hearing Zhao Jun say that he was going up the mountain after dinner, Xie Chen didn't even drink. He quickly picked up a chopstick and scrambled eggs with leeks and started to cook.

Wang Meilan touched her pocket, took out a roll of money, took a look at it, put the money into her pocket, and then walked out.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Youcai hurriedly shouted: "Lan Na, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to the snack shop." Wang Meilan responded casually and walked to the door without stopping.

When he heard that Wang Meilan was going to the small shop, Zhao Youcai almost jumped up from the bed.

"Why are you going to the small shop?" Zhao Youcai said as he moved from the kang to the edge.

At this time, Wang Meilan had already walked to the outhouse. Zhao Youcai hurriedly got off the kang, pulled up his shoes and chased him out, shouting: "You are fooling around, what are you doing?"

Wang Meilan said: "I'm going to buy two batteries and a few small light bulbs. If the two children are going up the mountain at this time, aren't they allowed to get electric prods?"

The electric stick Wang Meilan mentioned is a flashlight. The AA battery must be placed inside, and the small light bulb on the front is also a consumable item.

Although these are available at home, as a careful mother, I wanted to prepare some more for my son, so as not to have to go to the mountain and the flashlight would not light up again.

At this time, Zhao Youcai felt his heart pounding. He pretended to be calm and said to Wang Meilan: "Lan Na, um... in a moment, when my son and the others were leaving, I just drove by and bought it. Don't go out because of this nonsense. .”

"It's only seven o'clock, what are you afraid of?" Wang Meilan rolled her eyes at Zhao Youcai and said, "Hurry up and eat your meal."

"No, how about I go." Zhao Youcai didn't persuade him, so he quickly asked for help. He also thought about buying batteries and light bulbs by himself, and Wang Meilan had to pay for it.

Once you get the money, it goes into your pocket. As for the light bulbs and batteries, you can continue to pay for them.

But as soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Wang Meilan turned around and looked directly at him, her eyes full of suspicion.

"It's broken!" Zhao Youcai's heart skipped a beat and he thought to himself, "It's bad."

At this moment, Zhao Jun's voice came from the room, and he said: "Dad, just let my mother go, it's okay."

The last two words "It's okay", Zhao Jun obviously emphasized his tone, and fell in Zhao Youcai's ears like the sound of nature.

Because Zhao Youcai suddenly realized that before eating, Zhao Jun once said, "I can't drink with you, but I can buy you big biscuits."

Since he said this, he had discovered the debt he had incurred at the small store. With how wealthy this kid was now, he must have settled the debt.

Now that the accounts have been settled, when Wang Meilan goes shopping again, she pays the bills directly. Neither Wang nor the rich couple will force Wang Meilan to pay the bills. And as long as there is no debt, the previous matter will not be mentioned.

Thinking of this, Zhao Youcai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking: "This man really can't do anything bad. He was so anxious that he almost lost his sense of proportion."

With this thought in his mind, Zhao Youcai, who no longer had any worries, continued to act. He turned around and rushed into the back room and said, "What do you know, kid? Didn't I want your mother to eat first?"

After saying that, Zhao Youcai turned back and smiled at Wang Meilan: "Lan Na, go back quickly, or the food will be cold in a while."

Hearing what he said, Wang Meilan's face turned cloudy. She nodded with a smile and walked out of the house.

Zhao Youcai stretched his neck, looked at Wang Meilan's way out of the hospital from the window next to the stove, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

A big stone fell in his heart, and he thought of the wine and meat on the table, and Zhao Youcai wanted to go back and continue eating and drinking.

But when he turned around, he saw Zhao Jun standing behind him.

"Ouch! Brat!" Zhao Youcai raised his hand and patted Zhao Jun on the shoulder, but remembering that he just reminded him that there was still food money on the account, Zhao Youcai smiled on his face. He was just worried about the minister in the room, so he He whispered to Zhao Jun: "Son, I find that you have become more and more filial recently!"

"Haha..." Zhao Jun chuckled, which made Zhao Youcai feel a little bad. He coughed lightly, raised his hand and gestured to the inner room and said: "Hurry up and eat. After eating, you still have to leave."

"Dad, please eat goodbye first." Zhao Jun put his arm around Zhao Youcai's shoulders and slowly turned him around, so that Zhao Youcai, who had his back to the door of the room, turned his face outward.

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai was stunned, and suddenly his heart was filled with anger. What kind of son is this? You didn't even let me eat. Didn't it just cost him more than a dollar?

He wouldn't be happy if I spent more than one yuan on him? From now on, can you still point to him to provide for yourself in old age?

Thinking of this, Zhao Youcai turned his head to the side, looked at Zhao Jun and asked: "Er, what's the matter with you? Can you help me with it?"

Zhao Youcai originally wanted to get angry, but when he thought that he had just found a new clue to fall into Zhao Jun's hands, his face suddenly changed.

When Zhao Jun heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he said: "Dad, if not they call you the second smartest person. You can tell everything at once."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Seeing Zhao Youcai looking at him with a bad look, Zhao Jun hurriedly got down to business and said, "Dad, Jie Chen and I are leaving in a hurry. We will eat first. You can help me go to the warehouse and pull two wide wooden squares. If I want to play a pair, you have to cut me a hundred or so... twenty-centimeter wooden pegs."

Duizi, also called Diaobi, is a type of small-circuit hunting, specially used for hunting badgers.

After entering the mountain, pull down a color tree or a tree about 20 centimeters wide, knock off the branches, and cut off a well-proportioned section in the middle.

Then place the entire tree section where badgers hang out at night, nail wooden pegs on both sides of the tree section, and surround it with a circle of tree strips for cover.

Then prop up one end of the tree segment so that it forms an angle with the ground. They used dead fish and dead birds to set up bait traps underneath. As soon as the badger touched the trap, the tree section crashed down.

There was a blind spot in front of him, and there were wooden pegs on the left and right. When the badger realized what he was doing, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to, and was directly hit to death by a tree section.

Because the two rows of wooden prongs face each other, they are called pairs. And because after the badger touches the mechanism, the tree section that is propped up will be knocked down by force, so some people call it hanging split.

Badgers feed at night. At this time of year, in mid-September, as long as you take your dog up to Zhenggang Liangzi at around ten o'clock in the evening, you can catch the badgers looking for food.

But badgers have sharp teeth and sharp claws, and anything they bite will kill them. The only dog ​​that Zhao Jun's family can use now is the black tiger.

Recently, this dog has made many military exploits. Zhao Jun is very fond of it, but it is not rare enough. He is reluctant to let it go up the mountain four times in three days.

Therefore, Zhao Jun planned to go up and down the mountain overnight. It's only past seven o'clock now. It won't be past eight-thirty when we go into the mountains and find a place. Then plant the tree, cut the branches, and nail the pegs, it's all simple.

You can set up the trap before the badgers release their food. If there is a harvest today, the badgers that were smashed to death tomorrow morning can be carried back directly and boiled in oil.

Planting trees and cutting branches are all things that need to be done after entering the mountain. What is missing now is wooden pegs.

There are wooden squares left over from building a house in the warehouse of Zhao Jun's house. The thick ones are twenty centimeters square. A dozen will be enough for the next pair.

Zhao Jun asked Zhao Youcai to help him saw more than a hundred. It was just to scare Zhao Youcai. Who told him to just hang up the bill at the small shop without telling him, which made him almost unable to get off the stage in the morning.

"One hundred... you can handle it yourself." But Zhao Youcai was not a good person. When he heard that the number was too large, he pinched Zhao Jun with his eyes, dropped a word, turned around and went back to the house to eat.

"Fifty, that's fine." Zhao Jun cut the demand in half at once, but seeing that Zhao Youcai was still unmoved, Zhao Jun couldn't help but sigh and said, "Then when my mother comes back, let her help me with the treatment." Bar."

Talking to smart people saves trouble and you don't have to say everything in detail.

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Youcai stopped abruptly at the door of the east room. At this time, Jie Chen, who was cooking on the kang, looked up and saw him, and hurriedly greeted Zhao Youcai: "Uncle, you and my brother come to eat quickly. , the dishes will be cold in a while.”

"Ah." Zhao Youcai smiled and said, "You eat first, I have to help your brother with the work. If my mother-in-law is in trouble, we have to help out, right?"

After speaking, Zhao Youcai turned to face Zhao Jun, but as he turned around, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Zhao Youcai walked to Zhao Jun and asked, "How many do you want?"

"Fifty pieces, maybe." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "There is a saw in the warehouse, and the saw blades are all broken. It will be quick to use."

Seeing Zhao Youcai looking at him with a gloomy expression, Zhao Jun raised his hand and gestured towards the room, saying: "Dad, thank you for your hard work. I have to eat first, so you go ahead and get started. My mother will be back soon to see if you can help me." I have to praise you for my work."

Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun, who was taller than him, and suddenly felt that this boy had grown up now, had a sinister heart, and was really the son of Wang Meilan and himself.

But remembering the faint threat in Zhao Jun's last sentence, Zhao Youcai's cheeks twitched, and he reluctantly went outside the house, entered the warehouse and dragged the wooden squares one by one to the front of the house.

Then, Zhao Youcai went into the warehouse again and picked up a new bent-handle saw from where the tools were kept.

In the northeastern mountain villages, sawing wood and making fire is a common thing, but since Zhao Youcai started working, he would go out early and come back late. This business has long been unskilled for him.

He came out of the warehouse and came to the square of wood with a saw, then he remembered that he didn't have the Kabbalah.

Kabbalah, to put it bluntly, is a Y-shaped tree branch. Two Kabbalahs, one on the left and one on the right, are inserted into the ground at a distance, and then the square is placed on it, and then the saw is used to cut the wood.

By this time, it was already dark outside.

Zhao Youcai was working in front of the house, using the lights in the house to illuminate him. When he thought that the little little kid was eating in the house, and he, the father, had to work for him, Zhao Youcai became very angry.

Looking down at his fists, Zhao Youcai suddenly remembered that around this time last year, that little kid sneaked up the mountain and was blasted by him.

How long has it been since then? The fist that beat him like a drum was now helping him work with a saw.

For a moment, Zhao Youcai felt very regretful.

If I had known this, I would have beaten him harder last year.

If I had known today, I would have just picked up two more cigarettes when I paid the bills in the past two days.

If I had known today...

"Uncle!" Suddenly, a voice interrupted Zhao Youcai's thoughts.

"This little boy is here." Zhao Youcai knew it was Li Baoyu without even looking.

Seeing that Zhao Youcai ignored him, Li Baoyu held the courtyard wall with both hands and asked Zhao Youcai, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes and looked at Li Baoyu, thinking: "This guy is very energetic, let him help him work."

So, Zhao Youcai said: "Your brother wants to go up the mountain and get a pair of pegs, and he wants me to saw two pegs for him. He wants them in a hurry. Look at you..."

Before Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he saw Li Baoyu climbing over the wall and striding towards him.

Zhao Youcai's face was filled with joy. He turned over his hand and was about to hand the saw handle he was holding to Li Baoyu.

But when Li Baoyu came to Zhao Youcai, he glanced into the room through the window and saw Zhao Jun and the ministers eating on the Kang, so he strode towards the door.

Zhao Youcai handed over the saw, but it was empty. He could only sit on the pony and start sawing the wood.

"Brother." Li Baoyu entered the house and asked, "Are you going up the mountain?"

"Yes." Zhao Jun was chewing rice. He looked up at Li Baoyu and asked vaguely, "Baoyu, have you finished eating?"

"No, I was drinking with my dad..." At this point, Li Baoyu changed the subject and said, "I'll go back to eat right away, and I'll go with you after dinner."

After saying that, Li Baoyu walked quickly outside the house.

Li Baoyu went out and saw Zhao Youcai sitting there sawing wood, so he called out: "Uncle!"

"Hey!" Zhao Youcai stood up from his pony with a smile on his face.

But things did not develop as he thought. Li Baoyu raised his hand and pointed in the direction of his home and said: "Uncle, you are busy, I will go back first."

Zhao Youcai didn't say anything. He just rolled his eyes at Li Baoyu. When he sat back on the pony, he muttered: "If you don't help me work, don't greet me."

But Li Baoyu didn't hear what he said at all, climbed over the wall, and hurried into the house to eat.

Seeing Li Baoyu enter the house in a hurry, Li Dayong shouted to him: "I asked you to pick up garlic for me, what did you do?"

Speaking of this, Li Dayong glanced at Li Baoyu's hand, frowned and asked, "Where's the garlic?"

When Li Dayong said that he was harvesting garlic, he did not grow garlic at home, and at this time, the season for harvesting garlic had already passed.

The garlic he is talking about is after harvesting garlic in the field, the garlic seedlings and garlic heads are braided together like a big braid. This is called braided garlic.

Then, dry the braided garlic. After the garlic seedlings wither and turn yellow, although the garlic is still attached, the garlic will fall off if you pull it with a little force.

Don’t they all say that if you eat meat without garlic, the flavor will be reduced by half?

While eating just now, Li Dayong suddenly realized that he had not peeled the garlic. He did not dare to instruct Jin Xiaomei, who was also sitting on the edge of the kang, so he instructed Li Baoyu.

Li Baoyu was also a filial child. When his father wanted to eat garlic, he got up, put down his chopsticks and went out. But after walking around Zhao Jun's house, things changed when he came back.

At this time, Li Dayong asked about garlic. Li Baoyu shoveled the rice into his mouth and said, "Stop eating garlic. Let's forget it after eating."

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