The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 475: Choking Zhang Yuanmin with both hands

Zhang Yuanmin was in the cave and could not move his body, but his arms and head could.

Zhang Yuanmin raised his head and raised his hand. When he shined the flashlight, he spotted a badger, and he stretched forward the iron hook he held in his right hand.

When Zhang Yuanmin handed the iron hook to Badger, the small hook in front was parallel to the ground, and the sharp hook tip pointed to the left.

The iron hook was protruding forward, and the badger opened his mouth and took a hard bite.

This action is similar to that of a dog, but a badger will bite whatever it bites.

The moment he felt the tension on the iron hook, Zhang Yuanmin twisted the hand holding the handle of the hook. As he moved, the tip of the hook that was bitten by the badger in his mouth instantly turned downwards and pierced into the badger's lower lip.

The hook was extremely sharp, and when it penetrated the flesh, the badger only felt a slight pain.

They are all badgers. You honey badger is a flat-headed brother, and I am not bad either. This badger clung to the hook and refused to let go.

But the next second, Badger was frightened again, because Zhang Yuanmin pulled back, and the sharp hook instantly pierced Badger's jaw.

"Ouch!" The badger, who had always bitten to death, opened his mouth and screamed.

Zhang Yuanmin flicked his wrist again, and the badger struggled back desperately.

This is the instinct of animals, but it is like a fish biting a hook. The more it struggles, the harder it is to break free.

Although he was in the cave at this time, Zhang Yuanmin could drag the badger to him, but in that case, he would be easily caught and bitten by the badger.

Therefore, Zhang Yuanmin didn't make any movement with his hands at this time, he just kicked his right leg that was left outside the cave.

Zhao Jun and Xie Chen were chatting outside the cave. Looking at Zhang Yuanmin who was halfway into the cave, Xie Chen said to Zhao Jun with some emotion: "Brother Jun, I know why our brother Zhang is called Badger."

Zhao Jun asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Jie Chen pointed at Zhang Yuanmin, who had his butt and legs hanging out, and said, "He's crawling into the badger's hole."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he couldn't help but turn his head away. Just when he was about to laugh, he heard Jie Chen shouting: "Brother Jun, Brother Jun, my brother Zhang is kicking!"

When Jie Chen shouted the word kick, for some reason, Zhao Jun suddenly thought of Zhang Lifu with his tongue wide open.

Zhao Jun remembered that when Zhang Lifu described the death of his little wild boar, he once said: "The one who ate the soybeans was crunching, and the one who drank the cold water was kicking his legs when he saw it the next morning."

But Zhao Jun reacted quickly and hurriedly squatted with Xie Chen on both sides of Zhang Yuanmin's body, hugged Zhang Yuanmin's thighs one on the left and the other on the right, and pulled him out.

However, Zhao Jun and his ministers did not dare to directly pull Zhang Yuanmin out of the cave, but tried to exert force tentatively.

As Zhang Yuanmin's body was dragged out of the cave by Zhao Jun and his ministers, the iron hook in his right hand pulled the badger out of the cave step by step.

The badger struggled desperately, its limbs fluttering or clinging to the ground. But the hook in Zhang Yuanmin's hand has a hand guard where he is holding it. Zhang Yuanmin's hand was caught inside, and Badgerzi didn't break away from him at all.

Waist, chest, shoulders, as Zhang Yuanmin's head came out of the hole, Zhao Jun and Xie Chen's hanging hearts finally fell to the ground.

After seeing the light again, Zhang Yuanmin first put the flashlight held in his left hand aside, then put his left hand on the ground, kicked off his two hind legs, and got up from the ground.

During this process, Zhang Yuanmin grabbed the hook with his right hand and never let go. The badger was still in the hole with the hook in its mouth, but it opened its mouth from time to time and made a whirring sound, which seemed to be angry or a demonstration.

Zhang Yuanmin got up, and with a little force on his hand, a stream of dust came out of the hole. Hearing the badger's scream, he knew that it had been pulled to the hole by Zhang Yuanmin.

Zhang Yuanmin exerted his strength in the lower plate and competed with Badgerzi. Neither letting the badger retreat into the hole nor dragging the badger out.

Seeing his posture, Jie Chen bent down, took a look into the cave entrance, then stood up and said to Zhang Yuanmin, "Brother, drag him out."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin said angrily: "You two are just trying to make trouble for each other!"

After what he said, Zhao Jun and his ministers realized what they were doing. They each picked up a shovel and waited in front of the cave entrance, one on the left and one on the right, holding the shovels high.

Seeing that Zhao Jun and Jie Chen were ready, Zhang Yuanmin put his left hand on the handle of the hook, held it with both hands, planted his feet firmly, pushed his arms back hard, and shouted: "Come out, you!" "

As Zhang Yuanmin exerted his strength, there was a roar, and a big badger was pulled out of the hole by Zhang Yuanmin.

"Bang!" As soon as Badgerzi showed his head, Jie Chen patted it down with a shovel. Badgerzi took a hard blow, but he still struggled unsteadily.

This is a badger. They have rough skin, thick flesh, and sharp teeth and claws. They are almost like a little black blind man.

While Jie Chen was collecting the shovel, Zhao Jun turned the handle of the shovel in his hand slightly and hit the badger's nose with the head of the shovel.

Badgerzi's body straightened up in an instant, and after a slight pause, he lay motionless on the ground.

At this time, Jie Chen took another shot with his spade. The badger didn't move at all, but it was already dead.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuanmin laughed and said, "Jie Chen, learn from your military brother. When you hit a badger, you have to hit it on the bridge of the nose."

A badger can bite you to death, but there is one weak point, the bridge of your nose.

If you are bitten by a badger and hit on the head, it will not let go. But if you hit the bridge of its nose, if the badger does not let go, it will definitely die.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin lifted the hook, and he lifted the big badger, which weighed more than ten kilograms.

Zhang Yuanmin stretched out his left hand, grabbed the back of Badger's neck with one hand, pushed it to the left, then took off Badger's mouth from the hook, and then threw it aside.

After throwing away the badger. Without saying a word, Zhang Yuanmin knelt down in front of the cave and put all the flashlights and iron hooks in.

Seeing Zhang Yuanmin lying down, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen hurriedly supported his upper body and pushed him into the hole...

In this way, Zhang Yuanmin went in and out of the cave four times in total. When the fourth badger was picked off the hook by Zhang Yuanmin and thrown to the ground, Zhang Yuanmin said to the two people on the left and right: "There is another one in here. I have to give it a try." come out!"

Looking at the four badgers piled aside, the big ones weighed fifteen or six kilograms. The four badgers together weighed more than forty kilograms. Even after removing the cooking oil, they would weigh six or seven kilograms.

Therefore, Zhao Jun advised Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, if you have to work hard, don't do it."

Zhao Jun said this because when he was picking at the fourth big badger just now, Zhang Yuanmin kept kicking his left leg and asked Zhao Jun and Xie Chen to push him into the hole until his knees were in the hole.

Now that the badgers are enough, Zhao Jun is afraid that something will happen to Zhang Yuanmin.

But Zhang Yuanmin waved his hand and said: "Brother, bring me some water. I'll drink some water."

"Hey!" Zhao Jun heard this and quickly pushed the shovel aside and ran towards the crooked-neck tree in the distance.

When he arrived at the tree, General Zhao Jun picked off the kettle. When he came back, he ran at a trot, twisting the lid of the kettle while running.

When Zhao Jun returned to Zhang Yuanmin, he had already unscrewed the lid of the pot and handed the pot to Zhang Yuanmin.

Zhang Yuanmin grabbed the iron hook and flashlight with one hand and held the bottom of the kettle with the other hand, and drank four or five sips in a row.

After Zhang Yuanmin finished drinking, he handed the kettle back to Zhao Jun. While Zhao Jun was twisting the lid, Zhang Yuanmin raised the hand that was holding the kettle, raised only one index finger and said to Zhao Jun: "Pull out the one inside. Just leave!”

Although Zhang Yuanmin's words were full of confidence, Zhao Jun persuaded him again worriedly, saying: "Brother, this is enough, or forget it, it's quite strenuous."

"What's the matter? Are you worried about your elder brother?" Zhang Yuanmin heard this, looked at Zhao Jun and laughed, and said: "Brother, don't worry, your elder brother will deal with it, it will be like looking at the pattern and picking up the thing!"

Otherwise, among the four great classics, the one that Zhang Yuanmin read the most was The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This second master Guan's words of exaggerating Yide can also be used by him to put it on himself.

But Li Baoyu was not here, and Zhao Jun and the ministers did not read as much as he did, so they could not understand what he was talking about.

Fortunately for Zhao Jun, he knew what Zhang Yuanmin's character was, so he didn't ask if he didn't understand. However, Jie Chen asked more thoroughly: "Brother, what did you just say you wanted to take? Isn't this a badger's cave? Is there anything else?" ah?"

Zhang Yuanmin helplessly glanced at the minister and said, "That's called searching for things!"

Having said this, the minister still looked confused. Zhang Yuanmin sighed, shook his head slightly, and said in a more serious tone: "Just pinch it with your hands!"

I don't know why, but Zhao Jun, who was just a little worried about Zhang Yuanmin, suddenly felt his heart tightening and had a bad premonition when he heard Zhang Yuanmin say the words "hold it with your hands".

But Jie Chen had just arrived a few days ago, so how could he know the evil behind these words? He only heard a strong sense of confidence in Zhang Yuanmin's words.

So, before Zhang Yuanmin was about to drill the hole, Jie Chen praised him appropriately and said, "Brother, I have seen it today. You are really good at catching badgers."

"Hahaha..." After waiting for a long time, Zhang Yuanmin finally had something to praise himself. Zhang Yuanmin couldn't help laughing. Without saying a word, he knelt down at the entrance of the cave. He sent the flashlight in his left hand and the iron hook in his right hand into the cave.

Then, with the help of Zhao Jun and his ministers, his arms, head, chest, waist, buttocks, thighs, and knees entered the hole one by one!

At this time, Zhao Jun saw Zhang Yuanmin continuing to kick his left leg, but Zhao Jun's hand left Zhang Yuanmin's foot.

If you push people further in, they will all go in.

"Brother Jun!" Seeing Zhao Jun stop, Jie Chen called him softly.

Zhao Jun sighed inwardly and could only continue to push Zhang Yuanmin in together with his ministers.

There was nothing we could do about it. Now that Zhang Yuanmin was in the cave, he couldn't hear anything he said to him.

At this time, because Zhao Jun and Jie Chen did not continue to push him in, Zhang Yuanmin, who was in the cave, seemed to be anxious and kicked hard twice with his left foot.

Zhao Jun was helpless when he saw this, but he could only continue to push Zhang Yuanmin into the cave with all his strength.

With this push, Zhang Yuanmin was left with only two pairs of feet outside the cave.

Can't push it any further!

Suddenly, Jie Chen thought of a very serious problem and hurriedly pointed to Zhang Yuanmin's two feet left outside the cave and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, our brother Zhang has already gone in with both legs, how can he still pedal?"

Zhao Jun glanced at Xie Chen and wanted to reply: "You just realized it?"

But when the words came to my mouth, I thought that the child was still young, so I changed my words: "It's okay, as long as we see his right foot move, we will pull him out."

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Zhang Yuanmin's right foot actually started to move, and it didn't just move once, it kept moving.

This is the signal!

Zhao Jun hurriedly greeted the minister, and the two men carefully grabbed Zhang Yuanmin's trousers and pulled him out of the hole.

Calf, knee... When the thigh also came out of the hole, Zhao Jun and Xie Chen held Zhang Yuanmin's thigh on the left and right to exert force, but at this time, Zhang Yuanmin's butt was stuck at the entrance of the hole.

Zhao Jun and his ministers pulled hard twice, but found that Zhang Yuanmin's butt was still stuck there, motionless.

Both of them panicked instantly.

This is normal. Zhang Yuanmin is not naked. He is still wearing clothes. When he pushes and pulls, the clothes accumulate, which may get scratched or stuck in a small space.

Just because you were able to get in, doesn't mean you can get out now.

Just because it came out four times before, doesn't mean it can come out a fifth time.

At this time, not only Zhao Jun and his ministers were anxious, but Zhang Yuanmin was also anxious.

Feeling Zhao Jun and Jie Chen let go of his legs, Zhang Yuanmin kicked back hard twice, but after kicking, they didn't see the two men continuing to pull him out, so Zhang Yuanmin kicked several times in succession.

At this time, Jie Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, I can't work hard, what should I do?"

Zhao Jun frowned and looked at Zhang Yuanmin. Zhang Yuanmin must have been scared at this time, kicking his legs back one after another.

In the past two days, I listened to the advice of my brothers and practiced typing on the computer. At the beginning, I was really unskilled and rushed, but I feel that sharpening the knife will not stop me from chopping firewood.

Brothers, just wait for me for two days and it should be done soon. I feel like I have made a lot of progress today compared to yesterday.

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