The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 498 The two heroes will capture the leopard

The mountain products in the mountains are harvested in small quantities every three years and in large quantities in five years.

This year is a year of great harvest, whether it is walnuts, pine nuts, dates, or mountain grapes, they are all fruitful.

In such a good harvest year, wild boars and black bears rarely come down from the mountains to harm crops. Even roe deer and rabbits can get quite fat in the mountains.

Under such circumstances, top hunters such as Siberian tigers and Amur leopards will never go down the mountain to harm poultry and livestock.

But when Zhao Jun heard Mrs. Jiang say that the Siberian leopard ate sheep, the first thing he thought of was that this leopard should be the one Zhao Youcai had caught.

It has to be said that Zhao Youcai's method of dealing with the Siberian leopard really highlighted the word "fishing".

Just like fishermen use corn grains and other things to make a nest before fishing, Zhao Youcai uses lambs to make a nest when fishing for Siberian leopards.

No one is stupid. After eating lamb twice, the leopard also felt that domestic sheep are more delicious than mountain animals.

Therefore, it later went to hunt the sheep herded by the Yongxing Brigade.

But it still caught the sheep of the Yongxing brigade in the mountains, and it was not greedy enough to go to the village to steal the sheep.

Zhao Jun remembered that he had heard Tao Dabao say that a hunter from their Yongxing brigade had shot the leopard. The leopard was wounded by a gunshot, but the leopard was neither alive nor dead.

Later, Tao Dabao led people to follow him and saw purple-black sticky blood, which showed that the leopard was seriously injured.

Judging from this, it may be that the leopard was seriously injured and had difficulty hunting in the mountains, so it went to the village to hunt domestic sheep.

In this way, it makes sense.

"Jiang Nai." Zhao Jun asked the old lady again: "Then Xing Zhiyong and the others don't have guns? How can something happen?"

"Oh! Don't mention it!" The old lady didn't even eat the dumplings this time, but she said "Don't mention it", which was just a spoken word. She put down the plate and chopsticks and said to Zhao Jun: "You Talk about these three damaged species..."

At this point, the old lady paused and then said: "It's Hu Mantang, his second uncle, and one...I forgot the name of the other one. Anyway, they call him Li Laosan."

"Li Hu!" Zhao Jun answered. This Li Hu was the same Li San who captured the little black bear with Xing Zhiyong last year when he and Li Baoyu went to Yongli Tun to hunt bears.

"Yes, yes." When Zhao Jun called out this person's name, the old lady nodded repeatedly and said, "Just the three of them!"

Upon hearing that it was a meeting between Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu, Zhao Jun asked half-jokingly: "Jiang Nai, aren't they trying to capture that local leopard alive?"

Zhao Jun just asked casually, just because he had a little bad taste in his heart. But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he said this, the old lady slapped her thigh and said, "How do you know?"

"Ah?" This time, Zhao Jun was confused. He asked in disbelief: "Jiang Nai, is it true? Who can do such a ruthless thing?"

No wonder Zhao Jun had such a big reaction. In this mountain forest area, there are many people who dare to measure the black blind man. But there are not many people who dare to go there if they hear that there are tigers and leopards.

Xing Zhiyong and others only thought about catching the little black bear alive last year, but this year they actually wanted to catch the Siberian leopard alive.

"Alas!" Mrs. Lao Jiang also shook her head and sighed: "The men said that the leopard seemed to be injured and it was difficult to catch the sheep, so they said they would use a rope... to catch the live ones."

Zhao Jun couldn't help but feel speechless. Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu seemed to have said the same thing last year when they wanted to catch the little black bear.

But the situation of the leopard is different from that of the little black bear. If you catch the little black bear, you can raise it. If you capture the leopard, can you still feed it sheep every day?

"Alas!" Thinking of this, Zhao Jun couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "Jiang Nai, they didn't say anything, why do they have to capture them alive?"

"I told you!" Mrs. Jiang said: "Hu Mantang's injury was not serious and he did not go to the hospital down the mountain. I heard what he said. It seemed that Li San'er said that once a leopard is shot, the skin will not be damaged." It’s valuable, so it’s better to catch it and strangle it.”

"Aren't you crazy?" Zhao Jun was angry when he heard this, and asked again: "Aren't you going to give up your life or wealth?"

"Who says it's not the case?" the old lady also said: "They don't even think about it. How can they handle a sheep with skin and hair that a leopard can catch?"

"Oh, what a talent." Zhao Jun shook his head and stood up immediately. He could imagine the bloody scene that followed, so there was no need to ask anymore.

"Okay, Jiang Nai, you eat first." Zhao Jun said, "I'll go back and pull you some pails. It's evening, and you can heat up the kang yourself."

"Go." The old lady said, picking up the plate and chopsticks with vinegar on the side, picking up a dumpling, taking a bite and dipping it in vinegar.

Just as Zhao Jun turned around to leave, he saw Ma Ling walking from a short distance carrying a five-pound bucket. Judging from the color of the bucket, it should be soy sauce.

Seeing Zhao Jun, Ma Ling was also stunned. She jogged two steps towards this side and asked Zhao Jun, "What are you doing here?"

"My mother made dumplings. Let me give some to Jiang Nai." Zhao Jun gestured to the old lady and then asked Ma Ling, "What are you doing with so much soy sauce?"

"My mother said she wanted pickles, so she and her fourth aunt dug some earth rings in the mountains...Hey, Grandma Jiang called me." As Ma Ling was talking, she saw the old lady waving to her, and she said to Zhao Jun He made a sound, then walked around Zhao Jun, walked towards the old lady, and said, "Grandma Jiang."

The old lady raised the plate and said, "Pour me some clear sauce."

Qingjiang is soy sauce. Mrs. Lao Jiang’s family came from Guandong in the early years, so that’s what it was called in her hometown.

"Ah? Hey." Ma Ling looked at the soy sauce bucket in her hand, quickly agreed, and went to unscrew the lid of the bucket.

At this time, Zhao Jun came over, took the soy sauce bucket, and poured a little less soy sauce on the old lady's plate. When he returned the soy sauce bucket to Ma Ling, Zhao Jun smiled and said to the old lady, "You old lady, If you don’t like it, just tell me and I’ll pour it for you as soon as I enter the room.”

The old lady raised her head and smiled at Zhao Jun, saying, "I don't have any more Qingjiang."

Ma Ling had just screwed on the lid of the bucket. After hearing what the old lady said, she said to Zhao Jun: "Go into the house quickly and take out the soy sauce jar from Grandma Jiang's house. I'll pour some for her..."

At this point, Ma Ling turned to look into the courtyard and saw white smoke coming from the doors and windows of the house. She nervously grabbed Zhao Jun's arm and said, "What's going on in that house?"

"No, no." Zhao Jun said hurriedly: "The firewood at Nai Jiang's house got wet, and the house was filled with smoke."

"Ah." After hearing this, Ma Ling thought for a while and said, "My dad went to Hegouzi. I wonder if he's coming back? I'll go back and see if he's coming back. I'll ask him to carry some firewood to Grandma Jiang." "

"No need." Zhao Jun stopped: "I will deliver it in a moment. Don't bother me, Uncle Ma."

"That's okay." Ma Ling pointed toward the room with a smile and said, "Go quickly and take out the soy sauce jar."

"Hey." Zhao Jun responded and ran into the house to take out the soy sauce jar, only to find that Ma Ling was just sitting there chatting with the old lady in just two minutes.

But Ma Ling is different from Li Ruhai. She doesn't ask around or tell other people's family affairs. She only answers when the old lady asks her.

Seeing Zhao Jun come out, Ma Ling unscrewed the soy sauce bucket. When she was pouring the soy sauce, Mrs. Jiang kept shouting "enough, enough", but when Ma Ling stopped, the jar was just one centimeter away from being full. . In Ma Ling's bucket, the soy sauce was less than one-fifth.

"You girl!" Seeing this, the old lady shook her head and said, "You gave me all the clear sauce you made."

"No." Ma Ling picked up the bucket and smiled: "There are still so many, it's enough."

Then, Ma Ling said to Zhao Jun: "Then you can help Grandma Jiang sort out the pail. I will go back first."

"Well." Zhao Jun responded: "Then I won't send it to you."

"No need to send it off." After Ma Ling said to Zhao Jun, she turned back and said to Mrs. Jiang, "Grandma Jiang, I'll go back then."

"Hey." After hearing Ma Ling say she was leaving, the old lady put the plate and chopsticks aside and got up to see her off.

Zhao Jun hurried over and helped the old lady sit down. The old lady held Zhao Jun's arm and said, "Boy Zhao, this girl from Lao Ma's family is not bad!"

"Yeah!" After hearing what the old lady said, Zhao Jun nodded without thinking.

Ma Ling is indeed similar to Wang Meilan in some aspects. Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are so kind. When they encounter poor people, they will help them when they can.

It's just that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have never lived together in the previous life, and I don't know how they will get along in this life.

Watching Ma Ling go away, Zhao Jun told the old lady to eat the dumplings while they were hot, and then he went home. It happened that the house was building a warehouse today, and the cut wood cubes were good for the fire, so he pulled a bunch of them over to the old lady.

When Zhao Jun arrived home, he found that Zhao Youcai had recovered from the shock of losing the dog and was carrying boards to the backyard with Li Dayong.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming back, Zhao Youcai shouted to him: "Hurry up and get to work. If you make two mistakes in one day, you won't come back after you go out."

"I..." Zhao Jun didn't want to say anything at first, but Zhao Youcai retorted and he felt unhappy. He happened to see Wang Meilan coming out of the house, so Zhao Jun pretended to say to Zhao Youcai: "Dad, something happened to me, Uncle Hu. do you know?"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai paused when he heard this, motioned to Li Dayong to put down the board, and then asked Zhao Jun: "Who are you, Uncle Hu?"

Zhao Jun replied: "It's Hu Mantang from Yongli Tun, I am Uncle Hu."

"Who?" At this time, Wang Meilan heard the conversation between father and son and hurried over here. As she walked, she asked: "What happened to Hu Mantang? What happened?"

Not only Wang Meilan, but Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong, Jin Xiaomei, Zhang Yuanmin, Yang Yufeng, Li Baoyu, Jie Chen, and Li Ruhai were also very curious. Regardless of whether they knew Hu Mantang or not, they all gathered around Zhao Jun.

Especially Li Ruhai. This child had just been repaired by Li Dayong and his wife. He should have been beaten to tears. After the tears dried on his face, there were streaks of tears on his little face.

But when he heard the news, although Li Ruhai did not dare to come forward, he stood on tiptoes and looked outside the crowd.

Zhao Jun didn't show off, and said directly: "Didn't Jiang Nai just come back from Wynn Village? She mentioned my uncle Hu, saying that my uncle Hu's family is raising sheep this year, and the lambs attracted leopards two days ago."

"What the hell?" Zhao Youcai took a step forward, grabbed Zhao Jun's hand, and asked eagerly: "Another leopard?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and told the story of how Hu Mantang, Xing Zhiyong, and Li Hu captured the Siberian Leopard, but ended up being admitted to the hospital. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Minister Zhao Youcai sighed, shook his head and said, "Isn't this eggless? Are you looking for an eggplant to carry it away?"

"Dad!" Zhao Jun quickly added another sentence and said: "This leopard seems to be the one you shot last time."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Youcai suddenly raised his head, glanced at Zhao Jun, then turned around and called everyone to start working.

Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong carried the planks again. When Li Dayong saw Li Ruhai trying to sneak out of the courtyard, he immediately shouted: "You little brat, if you dare to go out again today, I'll see if I don't break your legs!"

"I..." Li Ruhai, who was threatened, froze in place for a moment, turned his head and said aggrievedly: "I won't talk about my Aunt Zhou, is that okay?"

"No!" Jin Xiaomei came over, slapped Li Ruhai twice on the back, and said, "I can't say anything! How old are you? You fight with a bunch of old ladies every day. You have to have that time. Just help me and your aunt do some work at home."

When Li Ruhai heard the words from the family steward, he realized the seriousness of the matter. When he thought that he would not be able to speak freely in the village in the future, Li Ruhai felt extremely uncomfortable.

In grief and anger, the child broke the jar and followed Jin Xiaomei's words, "Aren't you two old ladies too?"

Jin Xiaomei was startled, then realized what she was doing, and her cold eyes were like two knives cutting into Li Ruhai's face.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Ruhai hurriedly ran to the backyard.

At this time, Wang Meilan also came over, punched Zhao Jun, and said: "Tell me, why do you have to say that to your father? If he wants to know where the leopard is, it's time for him to speculate again!"

Zhao Jun chuckled and said, "If he doesn't work properly, Mom, you'll deal with him."

"This child." Wang Meilan smiled and said no more. But since she didn't refute, it proved that she also thought so in her heart.

Putting the fishing and law enforcement matters aside for now, Zhao Jun told Wang Meilan about Mrs. Jiang's situation. Wang Meilan hurriedly pointed to the stack of coffins against the wall and said, "Put it over there for the old lady to move. It's all over there." It’s easy to burn.”

In forest areas, there are particularities in chopping and burning firewood.

Chaoshu, Qiuzi, and Fraxinus mandshurica are three types of wood that are easy to chop and burn. As for poplar, willow, and linden, these three types of wood are not easy to split or burn.

If it were an ordinary person, they wouldn't pick it if they didn't have the conditions, but for Zhao Jun, whatever was easy to hack would be pulled home. Burn whatever is easy to burn.

Zhao Jun called Li Baoyu and Jie Chen to come over and help, and the three of them moved a lot of wood to the car. Before going out, Wang Meilan took out a small jar of pickles and a small jar of bear oil and asked Zhao Jun to take it to Mrs. Jiang.

Then, he also put a few cabbages in the sacks and asked Zhao Jun to take them with him.

Before Zhao Jun left, he went to the door of the warehouse and took a piece of wild boar meat. Then he got in the car and showed Jie Chen the way to Ma Ling's house first.

When the car stopped in front of Ma Ling's house, Ma Dafu was squatting in the yard poking something. When he heard the noise, he looked up at the door and saw Zhao Jun coming down with wild boar meat. Ma Dafu hurriedly rubbed his hands on his pants. Then he strode towards the door.

But at this moment, what he uncovered released a foul smell. Although they were fourteen or five meters apart, when the wind blew, the stench hit his nostrils, causing Jie Chen to frown and whisper, "Did someone pull him into the courtyard?"

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