The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 500 I’m going to post it!

In the early years, Jiang Hua, the old leader, was also a forest farm employee and a mountain farm technician. From a general perspective, he was Zhao Jun's predecessor.

Like Zhao Jun, Jiang Hua didn't pay much attention when he went to work, but he couldn't afford a dog or a gun at that time, so he learned how to explode black bears and brown bears in the mountains.

At this time, the work manual that fell into Zhao Jun's hands had nothing to do with forest farm work. The writing format was like a diary. What could be recorded was not the daily trivial matters, but all the things Jiang Hua had done in his early years.

The old man's narrative was concise and unobtrusive. He never wrote about how many people were there or what they had for lunch. He only wrote about where he made the fried food, how big the bear was and so on.

But for Zhao Jun, it was useless. The blind man holding the bear is not like a mallet. If he holds it in an old village, he will still have it next time.


Thinking of Bangchui, Zhao Jun suddenly looked at this paragraph. It was said that twenty years ago, Jiang Hua was making bombs in the mountains and met a group of mountaineers from Lingnan.

This group of people specially built a shack in the mountains and stayed there for a full month before leaving. The place where they built the shack was less than a mile away from the place where Jiang Hua fired the bombs.

If there is such a group of people living nearby, who are howling and shouting all day long, wouldn't the wild boar and the black blind have to be scared away?

Jiang Hua went up the mountain to sneak explosives for three days in a row. Seeing that the explosives were never triggered, he searched around and found this group of people.

Jiang Hua knew that the black blind man could not be hit, and there were people nearby. If anyone encountered the explosive, he would be in trouble.

So Jiang Hua removed the trap, but he wrote it down exactly.

Although he didn't understand Fangshan, Jiang Hua guessed that the fact that this group of people could live there for a month meant that there must be Bangchui nearby, and there were quite a lot of them.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was looking carefully, the old lady waved to him and said, "My child, you don't need to remember, these are all given to you."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was startled, and then his face lit up with joy. He had just turned back two pages and found that there was a way to make explosives in the back of the work manual.

Jiang Hua recorded these very clearly, and also included illustrations he drew himself. Although the drawings are a bit ugly, mountain runners can understand them at a glance.

"Give this to me..." Zhao Jun just said with a smile, but when he saw the old lady pushing the butter paper holding three bear bile in front of him, Zhao Jun quickly put down the work manual and stopped him: "Ms. Jiang, This is not okay!”

Of these three bear gall bladders, one has been used, but the other two are a copper gall bladder and a grass gall bladder. Just these days, it is not difficult to get it from Shanxia and exchange it for three thousand yuan.

Three thousand dollars!

If you want to earn wages, it will be enough for Zhao Jun for six years. How much money is this?

The old lady pulled Zhao Jun's hand aside across the kang table, pushed the three bear gall bladders to Zhao Jun, and said forcefully: "What's wrong? Here you go, I'll take it."

"I can't take it!" Zhao Jun pointed at the bear bile in front of him and said, "Jiang Nai, do you know how much this thing costs? These two are worth three thousand yuan at least."

The old lady smiled when she heard this and said: "When Mr. Jiang was alive, you told me everything. How could I not know? You just said that you were going to Lingnan these days, and you happened to be there to sell the bile of these two bears." That’s it. After the sale, I’ll leave all the money with you. I’ll tell you when I need to spend money or something.”

At this point, even though they were the only two in the room, the old lady lowered her voice and said to Zhao Jun: "Your nephew, Mr. Jiang, is thinking about my money every day, and I haven't given it to him yet!"

Hearing what the old lady said, Zhao Jun just smiled. He did not comment on Jiangzhou's character. But Zhao Jun didn't want to accept the bear bile that the old lady wanted to give him.

It's not that if you collect bear bile, you have to support the old lady in her old age.

This place in the Northeast is different from "Love in the Courtyard". People get more stubborn as they get older, and they get stronger as they get older.

Moreover, these days are not like ten or twenty years later. There are very few old people lying on the bed asking for help. As long as they are alive, they can generally take care of themselves. Especially the old lady, who has been working hard for most of her life, cooking and washing clothes are not a problem, and she doesn't need anyone to take care of her at all.

Therefore, if you provide care for the elderly, you basically have to wait until the last person is gone and then send it away.

And what this old lady said is, if I sell the money, I will put it with you. You can buy whatever I need.

That one hundred yuan is okay, but three thousand yuan, how to spend it?

Just this old lady, she could spend ten years lying there and spending all her flowers!

Seeing that Zhao Jun still refused to take the bear's bile, the old lady's nose twitched and she choked with sobs: "Zhao Xiao'er, you just left when Mr. Jiang said, so you left me alone. I was helpless at that time. Damn it, I wanted to go with him. But his revenge was not avenged. I went down to see him, how could I explain to him?

When his nephew came, he was worried about our money. When I was forced to run out of moves, I went to find Guofeng, and I fought against him. But I also know that Guofeng doesn’t even hunt, so what else can he do?

If you hadn't gone that day, you, Mr. Jiang, wouldn't have been able to avenge you! It was still hot at that time, could I really see him getting maggots? "

After saying these words, the old lady covered her face and cried.

This crying made Zhao Jun's head pound. He quickly got up and looked around to see if there was anything he could use to wipe the old lady's tears.

But the old lady had a handkerchief in her pocket. She took it out and wiped the corners of her eyes, wiped out the runny nose, and then stuffed the handkerchief back into her pocket.

"Okay, okay." Zhao Jun hurriedly advised: "Let's stop crying. Why are we talking and saying that we are here?"

"Isn't this bear bile for you? Don't you want it?" The old lady wiped the tears on her face with the back of her hand and said: "We held a banquet in this courtyard that day. I have already thought about it. I won't wait until dawn the next day. If you hang yourself, it’s your mother who persuaded me.”

"Ah!" Hearing what she said, Zhao Jun remembered that the old lady went back to the house without eating a few bites that day, and then Wang Meilan also went in. I don't know what the two of them said, and then the next day the old lady followed Jiangzhou is gone.

Zhao Jun sat sideways on the edge of the kang and asked the old lady, "Nai Jiang, what did my mother tell you that day?"

"I can't tell you that." The old lady raised her chin and gestured to the bear bile on the table, saying: "Hurry up, collect these three bear bile, and sell the two that can be sold to it. The remaining one was used because I had a thorn in my eye last year and my eyes were blurred. Mr. Jiang gave me a spoonful and drank it. Don’t tell me, this thing is really good."

Zhao Jun was stunned, his eyes were blurred with thorns, and he started to pick out the bear's gall! That bear bile costs over a thousand yuan, and a spoonful of it is worth a hundred and eighty yuan. The key is, after you finish digging it out, the rest cannot be sold.

At this time, Zhao Jun couldn't help but sigh and said: "I, Mr. Jiang, am really willing to give up on you!"

When the old lady heard this, she raised her head slightly, her lips trembled, and she said softly: "That's right."

After saying that, the old lady turned around with red eyes, pursed her lips, pointed to the bear bile on the table, and said, "Put it away."

"Hey." Zhao Jun no longer refused this time, stood up and said, "I'll keep it."

Seeing Zhao Jun wrap up the bear bile one by one with butter paper, the old lady said: "You seal the broken one and keep it at home. When you get married and have a child, if the child has a rash, give it to him. Just use it.”

"Hey." Zhao Jun still responded with a smile, and then put the wrapped bear bile back into the small wooden box. In addition, there was the work manual.

When watching Zhao Jun put away the work manual, the old lady frowned and said: "Zhao Jun, don't imitate your Mr. Jiang in making explosives. That thing is not safe. No one will teach you step by step. No way. You can beat a dog." , let’s beat the dog."

"Jiang Nai, I know." Zhao Jun knew that the old lady's words were well-intentioned. Wrapping bombs is a technical job. Many people had bombs fall apart during the process of wrapping bombs, breaking fingers and blinding their eyes. There are not a few.

Zhao Jun had no interest in Mao Zhaozi, but he wanted to study the story of the gang of mountain warriors.

According to Jianghua's records, the group was led by Shenbang, and fifteen or six people lived and ate in the mountains for a month.

This is not a sightseeing tour!

Without the big stuff, they would never have stayed in the ravine for so long!

Jiang Hua ran for the mountain, but did not let go. He remembered the incident of this group of people who let go of the mountain, just to put an end to the incident where he dropped the bomb.

But Zhao Jun Fangshan, and he is very experienced. He wanted to try to deduce the old village where the group took ginseng. If he could gain something, that would be even better!

However, Zhao Jun only borrowed this work manual to read. After excerpting all the useful information, he would return it to the old lady as a souvenir.

"Jiang Nai, my family is setting up a shed today. I'm going back first." Thinking that he should leave, Zhao Jun stood up and said goodbye with the small wooden box in his arms. Before going out, he said to the old lady: "I'll come over tomorrow afternoon and give it to your house." The roof of the barn is nailed down so it doesn't leak."

"No need to worry, no need to worry." The old lady said as she sent Zhao Jun out of the door: "You should be busy and you don't have to come see me all the time."

"Then if you have nothing to do, come to my house." Zhao Jun turned around at the door of the hospital and said to the old lady, "Have a chat with my mother or something."


When Zhao Jun returned home, there was no one in the front yard, and everyone went to the backyard to build a shed.

Zhao Jun first returned the small wooden box to the house, then came out and went to the backyard to help.

A group of people worked until after six o'clock in the evening before Zhao Jun's livestock shed was completed. Everyone washed their faces and hands and went into the house. Wang Meilan, Jin Xiaomei and Yang Yufeng had already prepared dinner.

The three families were divided into two tables. After they had eaten and drank enough, Wang Meilan gave Zhang Yuanmin the last remaining front leg of the wild boar and asked them to take their children home early.

After Zhang Yuanmin's family of three left, Li Dayong returned to his home with his son and daughter, leaving only Jin Xiaomei to help Wang Meilan wash the dishes and clean up the outhouse.

After everything was cleaned up and Jin Xiaomei left, Wang Meilan boiled a large pot of water. They had all been busy all day, and it was just a good time to warm their feet and relieve their fatigue.

After washing, Jie Chen went to sleep on the kang. He was really tired today, his head touched the pillow, and he fell asleep soon.

As for Zhao Jun, he did the least work today, and he didn't feel too tired. He took the work manual left by Jiang Hua and lay on the kang to study it.

At the same time, Zhao Youcai in the east room was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. In fact, he felt very tired, but when he closed his eyes, his mind thought of the leopard.

"Lan Na." Suddenly, Zhao Youcai spoke up and called Wang Meilan tentatively in a low voice. ,

"Well..." Wang Meilan's voice was very weak, she must have been about to fall asleep.

Zhao Youcai thought about it for a while, then decided to seek wealth in danger, and immediately said: "I want to go to Wynn tomorrow."

"What are you doing?" Wang Meilan, who had her back to Zhao Youcai, turned around immediately when she heard the voice, stared and asked, "You are energetic again, aren't you?"

"" Zhao Youcai whispered: "Then Brother Hu is injured? You said, it's okay if we don't know. Now that we know, why don't we go and see him? I'm wondering..."

"Stop wondering, we just pretend we don't know." Wang Meilan interrupted Zhao Youcai directly. After thinking about it, she decided to give Zhao Youcai a vaccination first, so she continued: "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do. Let me tell you, there are people at home these days, and I’m not the same as you two, so don’t get too excited!"

As soon as Wang Meilan said this, Zhao Youcai immediately changed from lying on his side to lying on his back, looking at the roof of the shed and letting out a long sigh.

Hearing him sigh, Wang Meilan shook her head and said, "Go to bed quickly. It's been a tiring day."

But what Wang Meilan didn't expect was that as soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Youcai cursed: "You little brat!"

"Who are you scolding?" Wang Meilan stood up immediately, clenched her fist with her right hand, and struck Zhao Youcai on the shoulder.

"I didn't scold you." Zhao Youcai said hurriedly: "I scolded that little calf. He deliberately told me that there was a leopard in that place, so that I couldn't sleep well."

When Wang Meilan heard this, she rolled her eyes at Zhao Youcai and said, "You are his father, how can you talk about your son like that?"

"Ha!" Zhao Youcai sneered and said, "You still blame me for talking about him? That boy and Li Baoyu hid my dog. When you are done, come back and tell me that the dog is lost!"

"What?" Wang Meilan, who had just laid down, sat up again when she heard this. She looked at Zhao Youcai and asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

"This bitch is walking around the alley with his son!" Zhao Youcai thought to himself, pinched Wang Meilan with his eyes, and said, "I am his father, how can I not know what he is doing?"

Wang Meilan slapped her lips together and said, "You are his father, so don't be like him."

"That's right." Zhao Youcai sighed and said, "Don't I think so too? Otherwise I would have beaten him long ago."

After saying that, when Wang Meilan was lying down, Zhao Youcai turned to his side and said to Wang Meilan, "When I get to work tomorrow, tell him to bring the dog back."

"Why?" Wang Meilan asked in confusion: "Why don't you tell your son directly?"

Zhao Youcai closed his eyes, raised his chin, and said, "Save him some face."

Wang Meilan heard this and smiled: "Don't tell me, you really look like a father."

Just when Wang Meilan was praising Zhao Youcai, Zhao Jun in the west room had read Jiang Hua's work manual from beginning to end. The intuitive and useful information was that group of people who had let the mountain go.

Although I don’t know if this group of people is still around, or whether they will come back to their old haunts. But the wealth in the mountain is not exclusive to him. Zhao Jun also wants to find that place. He wants to see if there is any big stuff hidden in the old village where more than ten people can search for it for a month.

"The 61st class is behind the block, climb up, and then grab the post to the west and walk two miles..." Zhao Jun muttered the address recorded by Jiang Hua, and the mountain-shaped terrain automatically appeared in his mind.

This is the place where Jiang Hua dropped the bomb, and from here it can be inferred that the group of people laid down the shack.

There must be a water source around where they build the shack. And 61 Linban, go over the mountain and go west, you will be the famous Xuexiang in the future.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhao Jun was startled, sat up suddenly, and couldn't help but said: "I'm going to lose my temper!"

That’s it for today. I changed it mainly on a whim. I want to write about the most legendary old village here, and I just used Jiang Hua’s work manual to introduce it. Otherwise, the work manual is just the eighteen tricks of bullying.

Finally, thanks to the brothers for the rewards and monthly votes. I will update two chapters at noon tomorrow. Before the end of the month, I have to pay off last month’s monthly pass...

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