The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 504 Guan Yu among dogs

Zhao Jun climbed up the opposite hillside, and just as he was about to continue climbing, he heard someone behind him shouting: "Brother! Brother! Wait for me!"

Zhao Jun heard the voice and recognized that it was Zhang Yuanmin, so he stopped and waited for him to come.

After a while, Zhang Yuanmin came up panting. As soon as he arrived in front of Zhao Jun, he asked: "Brother, are you a black blind man?"

Zhao Jun nodded and asked, "Brother, are you watching?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yuanmin raised his hand and pointed upward, saying, "I stood on the opposite side and saw a big black blind man running up."

Zhao Jun glanced up subconsciously. At this time, it was quiet above, and only the mountains and forests could be seen.

Zhao Jun glanced at the mountain when he came back again, and then asked Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, why did you come here?"

"It's just a roe deer, so we don't need to watch it." Zhang Yuanmin said, "I'm thinking of letting Brother Jiechen be there, and I'll come over and help you. If you want to hit the roe deer or something, I can help you pull it." "

At this point, Zhang Yuanmin stood on tiptoe and glanced up twice, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, if you want to chase the blind man, I will accompany you."

Zhao Jun waved his hand upward and said to Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, let's go up and take a look. I just took a shot and I should have hit it!"

Zhang Yuanmin nodded in agreement, followed Zhao Jun with his gun in hand, and guarded Zhao Jun.

If it were not for Zhang Yuanmin, Zhao Jun would definitely be worried and nervous along the way. But with Zhang Yuanmin here, Zhao Jun felt a lot more at ease.

This is not because Zhang Yuanmin is very capable, but because he is reliable. No matter what danger he encounters, he will not run away. This is the most important thing.

The two walked up more than 200 meters, and Zhao Jun signaled Zhang Yuanmin to stop.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuanmin immediately stood against the tree and aimed his gun around.

Zhao Jun took two steps forward, squatted down and glanced at the ground, then waved his hand to signal Zhang Yuanmin to come over.

When Zhang Yuanmin came closer, he saw blood on the ground, a pool of bright red blood.

Zhang Yuanmin asked: "Brother! Are you on fire?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Brother, I'm going to look ahead. Please pay attention."

After listening to Zhao Jun's words, Zhang Yuanmin immediately replied: "Hey, don't worry, brother."

Zhao Jun held a gun in one hand and walked forward along the blood trail with his waist bent. After walking about four or five meters, he stopped, straightened up and looked left and right.

"What's wrong, brother?" Seeing Zhao Jun stand up, Zhang Yuanmin relaxed his vigilance a little. Although he still held the gun, his eyes were aimed at the ground.

Zhao Jun said: "This black blind man is fine. I shot him and shot him to death."

What Zhao Jun meant was that although the black blind man was shot by him, he was not seriously injured, but his skin was broken.

"Can't you?" Zhang Yuanmin was very surprised when he heard this, and said: "Brother, did you remove its skin? Or did you remove its chamber?"

Breaking the skin and breaking the chest are both terms used in playing games. Breaking the skin means breaking the skin, which is just a skin injury.

Blow-through means that the bullet penetrates the body of the prey. If it penetrates the chest upward, it is called an upper empty chamber; if it penetrates the chest below, it is called a lower empty chamber.

Compared with skin leakage, chest leakage is much more serious. Of all the animals in this mountain, after being shot, no matter whether it was an empty chamber or an empty chamber, the only one that could survive for more than twenty-four hours was a blind bear, not even a tiger.

"Skin escaping." Zhao Jun pointed to the ground and explained to Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, look, from here up, there is blood on one side. If there is escaping, shouldn't there be bleeding on both sides?"

"Ah! That's not good!" Zhang Yuanmin said, "I saw a lot of blood just now, so I thought it was a blow to the chest."

"That's not it." Zhao Jun pointed to his feet and said, "You see there is less bleeding here, right?"

At this point, seeing Zhang Yuanmin nodding, Zhao Jun pointed forward again and said: "Brother, go, look in front, there is more bleeding."

Zhang Yuanmin listened to Zhao Jun's words and took two steps forward to see that it was indeed what Zhao Jun said. He walked further and found that there was less blood coming out. But moving forward, there was another large pool of blood.

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin turned around and asked Zhao Jun, "What's going on?"

Zhao Jun smiled and didn't say anything. When Zhang Yuanmin came closer, he pointed at the different blood stains and said: "The black blind man is about to run. His body is opening and closing with his four legs. His body is unfolding. When they are closed, there will be less bleeding. When they are closed, the body will be squeezed, and more bleeding will occur."

"Ah!" Zhang Yuanmin suddenly realized it, and then pointed forward and said: "Brother, shall we continue to chase him?"

"Why did you chase it away?" Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "It was frightened by the gun, but it was not seriously injured. It is running without a foothold at this time, and we can't catch up."

"What should we do?" Zhang Yuanmin asked.

"Go back!" Zhao Jun said: "Hurry up and get the whole family of roe deer. Have a meal at home at noon and bring the dogs in the afternoon."


The two of them went downhill and returned along the same path. Halfway through, they disemboweled and bled the roe deer that Zhao Jun had killed, and then dragged it downhill to meet Jiechen. Then they combined their efforts to tie up the male roe deer, and it was carried by Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin.

And Zhao Jun was not idle either. He dragged the dead roe deer. In this way, the three of them went down the mountain and put the two roe deer, dead and alive, into the carriage. Then Jiechen heard Zhao Jun's words of "go quickly" and stepped on the accelerator to drive towards Yong'an.

The car stopped at the door of the house. Wang Meilan, who was cleaning the kennel, heard the noise and ran out, watching Zhao Jun and the others lift the roe deer from the car.

The male roe deer, with its four hooves tied up, saw that it was in a strange environment. Not only did it scream at the top of its throat, but it also shook its only moving head from side to side.

"Mr." Wang Meilan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw the horned roe deer carried into the courtyard by Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers.

She had heard from Zhou Shujuan that July and August were the loving seasons for roe deer. It happens to be September now, and most female roe deer are already pregnant at this time.

If the pregnant female roe deer can keep her cubs, the big one will give birth to a small one, and the small one will give birth to a young one. The more babies you have, the more money you make.

At this time, she saw Zhao Jun dragging a dead female roe deer from the car, so she stepped forward and said to Zhao Jun: "Son, why don't you kill the male and capture the female?"

Hearing what my mother said, Zhao Jun immediately became happy. He said: "Mom, do you really regard that mountain farm as our home? We will fight wherever we say we will fight?"

When the same words came out of her son's mouth, Wang Meilan was not angry. She smiled and gestured to the courtyard: "Okay, Mom knows, come in quickly."

Zhao Jun dragged the roe deer into the courtyard. All the dogs in the courtyard barked at him, and the free-range black tigers, green dragons, and black dragons surrounded him.

Zhao Jun dragged the roe deer to the north corner of the barn. It was shady and didn't see much sunlight, so it was relatively cooler.

As soon as Zhao Jun put the roe deer down, the black tiger lay down in front of him, wagging its tail vigorously.

The other dogs were like this too, looking at Zhao Jun expectantly.

"Son." At this time, Wang Meilan followed in, came to Zhao Jun's side, pointed at the dead roe deer and asked, "Why did you put it here? Let's eat it."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "Don't eat it. Send this roe deer and the male roe deer to my brother-in-law tomorrow morning."

"Isn't that good?" Wang Meilan glanced towards the back of the house. She didn't see Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers coming back. She thought they were settling the male roe deer, so she said to Zhao Jun: "Son, I'm following You went up the mountain together, and we didn’t even give anyone food to eat, that’s not good.”

"It's okay." Zhao Jun said: "We just met a black blind man in the mountains. I will take the dog into the mountain to have a look in the afternoon. If I can let it eat it, we will eat the black blind man's meat in the evening."

"That's okay." Wang Meilan felt relieved after hearing what Zhao Jun said.

At this time, Wang Meilan heard Zhao Jun say again: "Mom, you go into the house and bring out a basin, hang the lantern for this roe deer, take it to the house, tidy it up, and stir-fry small peppers for lunch."

These days, people don't like to eat pig offal, and even pig hooves are rarely eaten.

As for Heixiazi's internal organs, if even dogs won't eat them, humans will not eat them either.

But the heart, liver, tripe (dǔ) of the roe deer and fried green chili are extremely tender and delicious.

It's just that Zhao Jun raised dogs. He usually killed the internal organs of roe deer and fed almost all of them to the dogs.

At this moment, Wang Meilan was still thinking about feeding the dogs, especially looking at the pitiful black tiger that seemed to have almost broken its tail, Wang Meilan couldn't bear to say: "Why don't you leave some to feed the dogs?"

Zhao Jun glanced at Wang Meilan and asked: "Mom, how much can a roe deer get out of the water? We have so many dogs, how do we feed them? Stop feeding them, put some corn noodles in them at noon, and wait until they go into the mountains to hunt them down Blind bears, feed them meat.”

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Wang Meilan also figured it out. Indeed, this roe deer was meant to be used as a favor to the son-in-law. Cutting meat from the roe deer to feed the dogs would definitely not work.

As for the internal organs of a roe deer, even the seven dogs in my yard would probably not be able to share enough.

Zhao Jun signaled to Wang Meilan and asked her to quickly go into the house and get the basin. And he himself squatted down next to the roe deer.

As soon as Zhao Jun squatted down, without saying a word, Black Tiger came over and sat down next to Zhao Jun, wagging his tail constantly and stretching his head to lick Zhao Jun's face.

What is dog licking? That’s it!

Zhao Jun raised his hand and pushed the black tiger away, but it came closer again. Zhao Jun pushed again, but Black Tiger returned.

Zhao Jun finally became impatient, raised his hand and pointed at Black Tiger's kennel, and shouted: "Get out!"

Strangely enough, Black Tiger, who had been so shameless just now, saw Zhao Jun getting angry and immediately ran back to his kennel with his tail between his legs.

After scolding Black Tiger, Zhao Jun called Qinglong over, pointed at the dead roe deer, and said to Qinglong: "Qinglong, look at this meat for me!"

"Woof! Woof!" Qinglong seemed to agree, barking twice in response to Zhao Jun, and then lay down in front of the roe deer, drooling. While looking at the roe deer meat.

Zhao Jun walked towards the backyard, but before he arrived, he saw Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen returning.

Zhao Jun knew that the two men might have settled the male roe deer, so he invited them into the house to drink water.

The three of them entered the house and just sat down around the Kang table when they heard two dogs barking outside the house.

Zhao Jun looked out through the window and saw the black tiger lying in front of the dead roe deer again. But this time, the one who blocked it became Qinglong.

Qinglong stood up and raised his neck. Black Tiger instinctively turned his head away from looking at Qinglong.

Zhao Jun showed a smile on his face and watched this scene quietly.

According to what Li Baoyu said in his previous life, Qinglong is the second master Guan among dogs, the most benevolent and righteous man.

I remember that one year, Qinglong was injured while hunting a bear and was raised in the house by Zhao Jun. Just in time to celebrate the New Year, Ma Ling pulled out half a fan of wild boar ribs from the snow, dragged them into the house and placed them by the fire wall in the outer room, waiting for the ribs to melt so that they could be stewed at night.

Then, Ma Ling carried her son back to her parents' house for a visit, forgetting that Qinglong was still in the house.

When Ma Ling came back in the afternoon, she found Qinglong lying next to the melted ribs, with his mouth open and drooling, but he didn't move a bite of the wild boar ribs placed on the ground.

Although Qinglong was small at this time, he did not disappoint Zhao Jun. It lay down in front of the roe deer and watched. Not to mention the black tiger, even the black dragon tried to come over for a bite, but was bitten back by the green dragon.

Looking at the black tiger again, although it is much bigger than the green dragon, at this time, the black tiger, instead of being anxious, is lying on the ground, wagging its tail at the green dragon from time to time.

But it is like this, it is destined to wink at the blind man. The black dragon sitting on the other side groaned and looked aggrieved. The green dragon was indifferent, so how could he care about the big black fat man, the black tiger?

Seeing that Qinglong had perfectly completed the task assigned to him, Zhao Jun went to the outhouse, took the intestines of the roe deer, processed them briefly, and then fed them to Erhei who was recovering in the west room.

After two days of penicillin injections, Erhei's injuries were obviously healed and he started to like to eat again, so Zhao Jun gave him a sick meal.

On Wang Meilan's side, the heart and liver of the roe deer were pulled out with cold water, and the belly of the roe deer was washed with salt and water, and then cut into shreds and blanched.

After taking out the shreds from the roe deer's belly, Wang Meilan boiled five bowls of corn noodles with hot water in the pot, and Zhao Jun took them out to feed the dogs.

The moment Zhao Jun walked out of the room, Black Tiger, who was still "confronting" Qinglong, quickly got up and ran back to his kennel, waiting for Zhao Jun to serve him food.

After Zhao Jun fed the dogs in his own yard, he climbed over the wall next door and fed all the dogs in Li's yard.

After a while, we need to lead some of the dogs up the mountain, and let them eat something before we start the siege.

After all the dogs had finished eating, it was time for Zhao Jun to eat. Wang Meilan quickly prepared four dishes, two cold and two hot.

There are two hot dishes, one is fried roe deer heart, liver and tripe with green peppers ordered by Zhao Jun, and the other is fried shredded potatoes.

Two cold dishes, one is cucumbers and one is tomatoes mixed with soy sauce.

Normally it should be tomatoes mixed with sugar, but these days we have guests at home, and we have been cooking a lot of this dish, so Zhao Jun’s family doesn’t have much sugar, so we can’t use Little Naughty tomatoes mixed with it, right?

After Zhao Jun and the others had eaten and drank enough, they rested on the kang in the west room for a while. At about 1:30, the three of them got up, dressed neatly, and came out of the house with guns on their backs.

As soon as Zhao Jun came out of the house, he saw that the black tiger, which had finished eating the corn noodles, was running hard against the roe deer again, still lying in front of Qinglong, wagging its tail from time to time.

"Black tiger!" Zhao Jun shouted at it, and the black tiger came beside Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun took the rope from Zhang Yuanmin, tied the black tiger first, led it out of the hospital and put it into the carriage.

At this time, except for Bailong, Dahuang, Huamao, Hualang and Sanpang, the other dogs had recovered from their injuries, so Zhao Jun tied up the little bear, the big fat little flower, the black tiger, the green dragon, and the black dragon one by one. Zhang Yuanmin, Jie Chen took them out of the house in batches.

At this time, seeing that Zhao Jun did not intend to take him, Bailong gave up!

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