The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 513 The black tiger that everyone praises

Zhang Laifa waited in the birch forest outside the village for nearly an hour before Xu Guohua arrived.

It wasn't that Xu Guohua was arrogant, but that Xu Guohua was working in the fields when Xu Meihua went to find him. As soon as he heard that his sister had "business", Xu Guohua left his work in the fields and ran home.

After waiting home, Xu Guohua simply took a sip of water, changed the clothes he had taken up the mountain, and after everything was packed, he came to Zhang Zhanshan's house, picked up the pickles and a change of clothes that Xu Meihua had brought for Zhang Laibao, and followed the direction Xu Meihua said to meet Zhang Laibao. Convergence.

After meeting Zhang Laifa, Xu Guohua first looked at the black tiger. When he raised his head and looked at Zhang Laifa, he couldn't help but admired: "This dog looks really good!"

Regarding the first impression Black Tiger gives people, those who do siege and those who don’t do siege are completely two extremes.

As long as people go up the mountain to hunt for dogs, their first reaction when they see the black tiger is that this is not a fence dog, otherwise it would not be raised like a pig or a lamb.

But if people who don’t understand see it, they will definitely think that this is a good dog, because this dog is very attractive from beginning to end.

"Yeah." Zhang Laifa handed the rope that tied the black tiger to Xu Guohua with one hand, pointed at the black tiger with one hand and said, "Uncle, don't look at this lame dog. He is really good at catching chickens!"

"Really?" Xu Guohua took the rope and pulled it to his side. Black Tiger came to him and obediently wagged its tail at Xu Guohua twice.

"Oh!" Xu Guohua felt that this dog was good. He reached out and patted the black tiger on the head twice, and then said to Zhang Laifa: "I'm leaving. You go back. Your father and mother are waiting for you at home."

"Hey, uncle, please slow down."

The uncle and nephew went their separate ways. Xu Guohua carried a handful of canvas bags on his back, led the black tiger into the mountain, and headed straight for 42 Lengchang.

After walking over mountains and hills for nearly three hours, Xu Guohua arrived at the gate of 42 Lengchang.

Standing outside the gate, Xu Guohua shouted at the top of his lungs: "Zhang Laibao! Lai Baozi!"

At this time, winter production had not yet begun, and none of the returning workers and tenants had entered the factory. It stands to reason that at this time, Lengchang only needs an old man working the clock.

But ever since Jiang Ershuan led Zhang Laibao, two dogs, and two bears to this Lengchang ten days ago, Lengchang 42 has become lively.

Needless to say, Zhang Laibao raised the two little black bears well. Not only did they not attack people wantonly, but they also liked to be close to people.

These days, no one is digging wells in the mountains, and every village must be built close to a water source.

In front of the 42 Lengchang, there is another branch of the river, where Zhang Laibao needs to carry fish and catch shrimps.

Zhang Laibao was reluctant to eat the fish and shrimp he caught, so he fed them to two little black bears. In addition, there are many jujube vines growing on a hillside behind No. 42 Lengchang. Zhang Laibao takes the little black bear to eat jujubes every day.

In addition, in the first three days after arriving at No. 42 Langchang, Zhang Laibao became familiar with the nearby mountain fields. Then, he set many traps near Linban 42, including wild boar and roe deer.

Zhang Laibao learned this craft from Qin Qiang. Moreover, he learned from Qin Qiang that his two dogs had never been to the mountains or hunted since the first month until now.

After resting for such a long time, the dog will definitely come back to life again when he goes up the mountain. He used to recognize the wild boar, but now he no longer recognizes it.

But such a dog is different from a dog that has never been beaten once. This kind of resurrected dog, as long as you drag them for a few battles, the dog will be fine.

Originally, Jiang Ershuan introduced Xue Limin to Zhang Laibao because he wanted Zhang Laibao to accept Xue Limin as his teacher and let Xue Limin help Zhang Laibao drag the dog.

But when Zhang Laibao told Qin Qiang his idea, Qin Qiang told Zhang Laibao that it was not reliable. Because dragging the dog is not the purpose of Zhang Laibao, dragging the bear is the most important thing. After all, those two bears cost a thousand yuan, and even though I didn’t eat the pie that Zhang Yuanmin painted for Zhang Laibao, it tasted delicious just thinking about it.

But the problem is, Xue Limin's dog must recognize the blind man. Zhang Laibao took his dog and bear to surround Xue Limin. Before they entered the mountain, the two black blind men from Zhang Laibao's family had to be surrounded by Xue Limin's dogs.

It wouldn't work if he just asked Xue Limin to drag the dog. Because as soon as you enter the mountain, it’s not up to anyone to tell you what the dog will be like. The two dogs of the Zhang Laibao family have never hunted black bears since they were young, and they have never tasted the taste of bear meat. If they are trained by Xue Liming's dog gang and come back to knock their own two little black bears, they will be in big trouble. .

This didn't work, that didn't work either. Zhang Laibao and Qin Qiang discussed it for a while and finally decided to come to the mountains.

In the ten days since he entered the mountain, Zhang Laibao has been running and slipping over the mountains and ridges all day long. He was young, and although his legs and feet were not very agile, he had a fire in his heart. These days, he is more diligent than a coward like Xing San.

Like Xing San, sometimes he would slip out his condoms only once every two or three days, or even four or five days, but Zhang Laibao would slip out twice a day. He was hardly idle and wandered around the mountains with his gun on his back every day.

Diligence can make up for weakness. These ten days have been a transformation process for Zhang Laibao and his dogs and bears.

The day after he put the trap on, Zhang Laibao was walking in a nearby mountain farm and found that someone else had put a trap on a roe deer.

The roe deer was still alive, so Zhang Laibao ran back to Lengchang without stopping. After returning to Lengchang, he led the bear and the dog and went straight to the roe deer's trap.

Zhang Laibao's two dogs were still separated from each other for a long time, and they did not take the initiative to look for prey along the way. They didn't scream and rush out until they were less than fifty meters away from the roe deer's nest.

When the dogs barked, the two little black bears held by Zhang Laibao also rushed out. As soon as Zhang Laibao untied the iron chains that tied them, the two little black bears chased the two dogs and ran away.

Less than fifty meters away, Zhang Laibao arrived quickly. When he arrived, he saw two dogs and two bears surrounding the roe deer, jumping back and forth. The dogs barked and the bears roared and made noisy noises, but neither moved forward. superior.

Looking at the roe deer again, he was so frightened that he lay there motionless, with his head cocked, looking around helplessly.

Zhang Laibao knew that everything had to go through a process, so he was not in a hurry or discouraged. He cut a stick nearby and stepped forward, gently stabbing the roe deer in the back.

The roe deer got excited and stood up from the ground. Its tail lifted up and its white buttocks was very conspicuous.

At this time, the memories hidden in the depths of the two dogs played some role. They pounced on the roe deer together, biting the roe deer and pressing it to the ground.

The two dogs and the roe deer kept tugging and tearing, but the two little black bears never moved forward.

The stalemate lasted for more than half an hour. Zhang Laibao used a knife to kill the roe deer. Then he disemboweled the roe deer, skinned it, and distributed the meat to the dogs and bears.

These two little black bears haven't had a few full meals since Zhang Zhanshan fell. Zhang Laibao, who had captured the roe deer, was not stingy at all and fed them openly.

After the dogs and bears had eaten all the trenches, a roe deer weighing more than fifty kilograms would have only one hind thigh left.

According to the rules of mountain running, Zhang Laibao should hang this thigh on a tree and leave it to the person who sets the condom.

But who is Zhang Laibao?

He directly led the bear and the dog, carried the roe deer's legs and returned to Lengchang. He asked the old cook Zheng Jinming to lick the roe deer's legs. Together with Jiang Ershuan, the three of them ate and drank together in the evening, and they were very happy.

From the next day, Zhang Laibao stopped letting the little black bears go to the mountains to eat jujubes. He would pick the jujubes back and feed them to them. Moreover, Zhang Laibao only gave the dogs and bears one meal a day, but they were not fully fed.

Three days later, Zhang Laibao's condom trapped a female wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms. Zhang Laibao rushed to the scene with the dog and the bear as soon as possible.

But no matter how much he urged and provoked, the two dogs just wouldn't move forward. Zhang Laibao had no choice but to shoot and kill the wild boar.

After killing the wild boar, Zhang Laibao disembowelled the wild boar, bled it, and distributed the internal organs to the dogs and bears.

After all the internal organs were eaten, Zhang Laibao took them back to Lengchang without caring whether they were full or not.

Then, he asked Jiang Ershuan to go up the mountain together, pull the wild boar back, and let Zheng Jinming eat a large pot of wild boar ribs, and the three of them drank until midnight.

In the next two days, Zhang Laibao only gave the dogs and bears water, and did not give them anything dry to eat. The hungry dog ​​howled, and the hungry little black bear dug holes in the ground to dig out bugs to eat.

Fortunately, one day later, Zhang Laibao was slipping a trap in the mountains and found a roe deer that was getting into the trap.

Zhang Laibao returned to Lengchang and fed some of the wild boar bones left after shaving the meat to the dogs and bears. Looking at the dogs and bears that almost chewed the bones, Zhang Laibao put his shotgun on his back and took them into the mountains.

This time, when they were still about a hundred meters away from the roe deer trap, Zhang Laibao's two dogs rushed out.

Zhang Laibao then untied the rope from the bear. When he came closer, two dogs and two bears had already torn the roe deer apart.

This roe deer was about the same size as the one that the black tiger led the dog gang to eat, but the bite force of the black bear was far better than that of the dogs. The two black bears bit off the roe deer's spine, tore the skin and flesh, and shared it with the dogs.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Laibao stood far away from the tree and let them eat freely.

Although not even a roe deer leg was left this time, Zhang Laibao returned to Lengchang with the dog and bear contentedly.

From then on, Zhang Laibao only fed the dogs and bears once every two days, and the portions were not large.

This resulted in the dogs and bears he raised rushing upwards as fast as they could when they saw the trapped prey, whether it was a roe deer or a wild boar.

What dog comes back to life, no longer exists. The two little bears didn't need to drag them, they just moaned and fucked.

This morning, Zhang Laibao went up the mountain to run a trap and found that he had trapped a nearly 200 kilograms old man.

This is still a boar.

Zhang Laibao hurried back to Lengchang, briefly fed the dogs and bears some food, and then took them out to hunt.

After arriving at the place, the dogs and bears cooperated with each other and pinned the wild boar to the ground. One of the cubs actually broke the wild boar's leg bone.

Seeing this, Zhang Laibao was overjoyed. He stepped forward to kill the wild boar and disembowelled it to feed dogs and bears.

When Xu Guohua arrived, Zhang Laibao, Jiang Ershuan and Zheng Jinming were skinning and removing the meat from the wild boar.

As soon as Xu Guohua shouted outside Lengchang, the dog tied next to the shack began to bark. Zhang Laibao was slightly startled and raised his hand to signal Jiang Ershuan and Zheng Jinming to stop talking and listen to the noise.

When Xu Guohua shouted again, Zhang Laibao was sure that his uncle was here, so he ran to the gate of Lengchang with great expectation.

When Zhang Laibao came into the mountain, Zhang Zhanshan said that he would definitely steal the black tiger to Zhang Laibao.

Zhang Laibao knows that his family is good at stealing things. But if I want to deliver the dog myself, I am afraid that only my uncle Xu Guohua can take on this important task.

Sure enough, the Zhang family and Xu Guohua lived up to Zhang Laibao's high expectations. The moment Zhang Laibao saw Black Tiger, his eyes widened.

This dog looks so spirited, and its fur is smooth and smooth. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on it. As the black tiger limps forward, its fur undulates like silk.

Big, black, and lame, all three points are correct!

Zhang Laibao was overjoyed. He took a few steps to meet Xu Guohua and said, "Uncle, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired." Xu Guohua smiled and said, "Laibao, are you feeling fine?"

"Very good." Zhang Laibao took the rope that tied the black tiger and led Xu Guohua inside.

Xu Guohua walked around with the Zhang family president on weekdays. The dogs and bears raised by Zhang Laibao all knew him. When they saw Xu Guohua coming, they stopped barking. Instead, they looked at the black tiger curiously.

If an ordinary dog ​​suddenly arrives in a new environment and there are other dogs here, its attention will definitely be on the other dogs.

But who is Black Tiger? The owner who even had his leg broken after being kicked by a big red deer did not forget to eat. At this time, like Xu Guohua, his attention was completely attracted by the wild boar meat.

Xu Guohua greeted Jiang Ershuan and Zheng Jinming, and then said to Zhang Laibao: "My nephew, you have made a fortune. You have only been in the mountains for a few days, and you are still treating such a big wild boar."

"That's right!" Before Zhang Laibao could speak, Jiang Ershuan answered from the side: "Lai Bao may have had a hard day, walking around in the mountains every day. Sometimes I feel bad just looking at him."

Zhang Laibao heard this and smiled at Xu Guohua. Although Jiang Ershuan was also a relative of his family, Jiang Ershuan was definitely not as close as his mother-in-law, so Zhang Laibao said to Xu Guohua: "Uncle, you finally came here, so just stay here for the night. Wait until tomorrow morning and let me Jiang Ershuan Second uncle will drive you back."

From Lengchang to Yong'an Village, which is nearly thirty miles, Jiang Ershuan definitely doesn't like to move. But Zhang Laibao had spoken first, so what could he say? We can only follow Zhang Laibao and leave Xu Guohua to stay.

It was almost five o'clock at this time, and Xu Guohua couldn't leave even if he wanted to, so he agreed to it.

"Hey, hey." Suddenly, Zheng Jinming shouted twice. It turned out that the black tiger took a piece of wild boar tenderloin in his mouth while several people were talking.

Zheng Jinming stood up and was about to press Black Tiger's head. Seeing this, Zhang Laibao hurriedly said: "Uncle Zheng, let him eat."

Zheng Jinming was slightly startled and said distressedly: "What a good piece of tenderloin, it's all in vain!"

"It's not for nothing." Zhang Laibao looked down at the black tiger and said with a smile: "This dog is very powerful. He can catch four hundred kilograms of wild boar by himself. With him here, you can eat enough of the meat."

"Really?" Zheng Jinming looked at Heihu in surprise, and Jiang Ershuan looked similar to him.

Only then did Jiang Ershuan realize that this dog was the barking dog that Xue Limin mentioned. This dog was stolen from the Lai Bao family and owned by the old Zhao family!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ershuan felt very panicked. He knew about the grievances between the Zhang and Zhao families, but the grievances had nothing to do with him.

And Jiang Ershuan didn't want to get involved, after all, he and the old Zhang family were related. Furthermore, is Zhao Youcai an ordinary person?

Just when Jiang Ershuan was about to say something to Zhang Laibao, he saw that the black tiger had just swallowed the last piece of wild boar meat, and immediately lowered its head and picked up another piece.

What is even more surprising is that the black tiger took the meat into his mouth, but still did not chew it, but swallowed it in one bite.

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