The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 530 Zhao Jun wants to station guns

The Yong'an Forest District covers hundreds of kilometers from east to west and has more than 130 forest classes. Zhao Jun has never walked through it all in his life.

When Li Baoyu mentioned Lin Class 65, Zhao Jun suddenly felt very familiar.

Zhao Jun stretched out his chopsticks for picking up meat and paused. After thinking for a moment, he remembered that when he first joined Xialengchang, in the cook shack of 78th Lengchang, he heard that there was a tiger on Lao Guitouzi Ridge, so he He and Zhou Chengguo came to a two-gun probing tiger. Although they escaped unscathed, it was very thrilling.

Zhao Jun never mentioned this matter to anyone, so even Li Baoyu didn't know that there was a tiger in the 65th Lin class.

At this moment, Zhao Jun's reaction was so great that everyone at the table noticed something strange.

Having said this, Zhao Jun stopped hiding it. He put a piece of bear meat in his bowl and said, "That 65 Lin Ban has big claws on his head."

"Ah?" When everyone heard this, the person holding the cup put down his cup, and the person holding the bowl put down his bowl. They all looked at Zhao Jun in shock.

Zhao Youcai stared at Zhao Jun and asked, "How do you know?"

Zhao Jun replied: "At the beginning of spring, Brother Zhou and I went up."

"Brother!" Li Ruhai looked at Zhao Jun excitedly and asked, "What did you hit when you went up? Why didn't I hear you say that?"

"Just cut a whip." After Zhao Jun finished speaking, seeing the different expressions in everyone's eyes, he hurriedly added: "Deer whip."

So, Zhao Jun told everyone about hunting a tiger and grabbing a whip from the tiger's mouth.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen raised his thumb at Zhao Jun and praised, "You are so powerful. You dare to even snatch the prey of the mountain god."

In the legends of the northeastern forest area, the tiger is the mount of the mountain god. According to legend, if a person sees a tiger in the mountain forest, it means he has caught the mountain god traveling. It's just that the mountain god doesn't appear in front of mortals, so people can't see him. Therefore, one must kneel down and kowtow.

Therefore, the story of Zhao Jun catching tigers in the Yongxing Brigade was regarded by the mountain people as Zhao Jun capturing the mountain god alive. To snatch food from the tiger's mouth, it is natural to snatch it from the mouth of the mountain god.

At this time, Zhao Jun turned to Zhao Youcai and said, "Dad, don't go up the mountain to look at the big paw. If you hit that thing, you have to be among the first."

Although there is no talk of sitting in jail and piercing the beast, those big claws are really not something that can be hit casually. Zhao Jun is afraid that his own father will be confused for a while, otherwise, he will not be able to get married after this year.

"That can't be done." Zhao Youcai said without hesitation at all. Siberian tigers are unlike other species. If you go alone, you may not be hunting by humans, but you may be hunting by tigers.

Zhao Youcai didn't know whether his son's tiger capture would have a chance to be listed in the county annals. But if the son catches a tiger and the father is eaten by a tiger, it will definitely make the news.

Zhao Youcai couldn't talk anymore, and Li Baoyu naturally wouldn't mention going there to hunt wild boars again.

These days, there are so many wild boars and roe deer in the mountains. Where can I not hunt them? Do you have to fight with the mountain god for food?

However, where to go tomorrow is still a question.

At this time, Li Ruhai suddenly said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, you go up to the mountain tomorrow to hunt some greyhound roe, chipmunk or something like that. I ate it last year and thought it was quite delicious."

Zhao Jun heard this and put the bit of meat in a bowl. After chewing the meat in his mouth, he said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, get up early tomorrow and let's leave early. Before you leave, you can fill more bullet casings." A few sands, let’s go to the small cement bridge first.”

If you use gunpowder to shoot squirrels, there will be nothing left after one shot. You have to fill the bullet shell of the No. 16 gun with sand, so that the shot will not cause much damage to the squirrel's skin and flesh.

After dinner, the five members of the Li family returned home. Before leaving, Li Ruhai left half a pocket of hazelnuts for Zhao Jun.

Looking at the hazelnuts in the big basin, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered the time he and Li Baoyu dug out squirrel nests when they were hunting squirrels last year.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jun thought of a way to make a fortune, so he went to the door of the west room and asked Jie Chen, who was sitting on the edge of the kang washing his feet, and said, "Do you know how much an air gun costs in my brother-in-law's supply and marketing cooperative?"

Jie Chen, who was washing his feet, raised his right foot and put his ankle on his left knee. He wiped the water on his feet with a rag in his hand. He raised his head and replied, "I really know this. Last year our village, Chen Laowu, bought an air gun to shoot. I asked my brother-in-law to buy a handful of gray-skinned and half-sanded chickens. Normally, the supply and marketing cooperative sells them for 80, but my brother-in-law charged him 75."

"Seventy-five." Zhao Jun held his hand on the door frame and looked at Erhei who was lying on a sack to recover from his injuries behind the door, but he was thinking about other things.

At this time, Jie Chen, who had finished wiping his feet, came out with a basin. Zhao Jun put away his arms to make way for him.

After Jiechen left the house and poured the water, he came back and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, do you want to buy an air rifle?"

The air gun mentioned by Zhao Jun and Xie Chen is a high-pressure air gun. This gun cannot shoot large prey, but it is best for shooting squirrels, rabbits, sand chickens, pheasants and other small things.

But Jie Chen couldn't figure out why Zhao Jun wanted to buy an air gun since his family had a semi-automatic and a 16-gauge barrel gun.

But seeing Zhao Jun nodding as he poured foot-washing water into the basin, Jie Chen said, "Brother Jun, if you want to buy it, just throw 70 yuan to my brother-in-law."

When Zhao Jun heard this, his eyes lit up. After placing the thermos bottle next to the footbath, he stood up and asked Xie Chen, "What if I buy more?"

"What?" Jie Chen was a little confused. He blinked at Zhao Jun and asked after a while: "Buy more. How much can you buy?"

Zhao Jun raised his hand, raised an index finger, and said: "One hundred."

"How much?" Jie Chen was shocked and asked, "Brother Jun, I didn't hear you clearly. Please say it again."

In fact, he heard it clearly, but he just couldn't believe his ears.

"One hundred." Zhao Jun replied to the minister again, and then said: "This matter cannot be discussed on the phone. You can go back and ask your brother-in-law this time. Just send me a message after you say hello."

"Brother Jun." Jie Chen approached Zhao Jun nervously and asked, "Why do you need so many air guns?"

"I won't do anything else." Zhao Jun knew that if he didn't explain clearly, Jie Chen might not be able to sleep at night, so he said, "You know Huipi, right?"

"I know." Jie Chen said, "Why don't we just kill the gray skin tomorrow morning?"

Zhao Jun nodded and continued: "I heard news that our export volume of gray leather will increase, and the price will go up by then."

There were no squirrel breeding companies these days, so the gray skins collected by supply and marketing cooperatives were hunted from the mountains by hunters.

Due to climate reasons, the quality of gray leather in the Northeast is much better than that in the South. From early years, the gray leather in the Northeast has been exported abroad to earn foreign exchange.

If the export volume increases, the price of gray leather will definitely rise a lot.

"Then with the air rifle..." Halfway through his words, Jie Chen understood what Zhao Jun meant. He nodded slightly and said: "The price of gray leather has increased, and there will be more people shooting gray leather. Brother Jun, when the time comes, you can Airsoft, you can earn at least ten yuan!”

Hunting gray skins is not like hunting black bears or wild boars. It is easy to get injured if not done properly. There is no danger in getting rid of gray skin, and you will gain a lot of profits.

Therefore, if the price of gray leather is really going to double, then there will definitely be many more people using gray leather than before.

If you only want to remove gray skin, a high-pressure air gun will suffice. As for a high-pressure air gun, Sun Haizhu offered a friendly price of 70 yuan, and Zhao Jun sold it for 80 yuan. One handful of this can earn ten yuan, and one hundred handfuls can earn one thousand yuan.

This thousand yuan is a lot of money now. But Jiechen knew that only rich people like Zhao Jun could do this. By pressing a batch of high-pressure air guns, we can earn nearly 20% profit.

But Jiechen didn't know that after the spring of next year, the price of gray leather would rise by half, and even the price of high-pressure air guns would also rise steadily. Within half a year, it went from eighty to ninety, and then to one hundred.

Half a year later, it rose directly to one hundred and two, and later to one hundred and fifty. At the highest point, it rose to one hundred and eighty.

Is this price scary?

No, even if it reaches the highest level, it will only cost two pieces of gray skin.

Zhao Jun remembers that from the beginning of next spring, the price of gray bark will increase. After the summer and autumn, many forest farm workers will get up early in the morning and come out from home, go into the mountains to hunt for gray bark, and then go directly to work.

Not to mention, the annual militia target practice is really not in vain. Even those hands that are useless can still treat four or five pieces of gray skin in a month.

This is much more than salary!

In this case, what is a 180-meter air rifle?

So Zhao Jun wanted to use air rifles to make a fortune. Since his rebirth, he has made a lot of money and saved a lot of bear bile.

Zhao Jun also knew that before the ban on guns, the price of bear bile was about this. It's better to sell them all for money and make a fortune from Tunbo Airsoft.

Thinking about these things randomly, Zhao Jun gradually fell into sleep. After a night, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen got up at four o'clock in the morning.

Because he had said hello in advance last night, Wang Meilan brought the food to the table when Zhao Jun and Jiang Chen came back from washing up.

Eggplant, stewed potatoes and steamed buns with noodles. After Zhao Jun and his ministers finished eating, they packed up their things, changed their clothes, carried their guns, and went out with dry food.

When they arrived outside the door, Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to get in the car and wait while he climbed over the wall to the next door to call Li Baoyu.

When Zhao Jun entered Li's house, Li Dayong, Jin Xiaomei and Li Ruhai were eating in the west room, and Li Baoyu was carrying a bag on his shoulder.

Zhao Jun entered the house and said hello to Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei. He heard Li Ruhai say to him: "Brother, you and I are going to hunt greyhounds today. Can you bring us back alive? My three sisters and I are both. I really want to have a little animal to play with.”

This kid is really smart. When he wants something, he knows to bring three little girls with him.

Zhao Jun was startled when he heard this. He thought for a while and then said to Li Ruhai: "Ruhai, if we want to capture him, we don't have time to serve him."

"I'll take care of you!" Li Ruhai puffed up his chest and said, "The hazelnuts Aunt Qi brought yesterday are ready-made, so I'll feed them."

Seeing the child's light words, Zhao Jun also wanted to find something for him to do, so as to save him from having to go out and mess around all day, so he nodded and said: "Okay, you can stay at home and wait."

After hearing Zhao Jun's promise, Li Ruhai happily jumped up from the kang.

Seeing that he was so successful, Zhao Jun hurriedly dragged Li Baoyu out. After waiting outside the house and closing the door, Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu, "Baoyu, last time I borrowed three large iron cages from the Tunbu, is there one left?"

When Zhao Jun was catching jackals in the mountains that day, he sent Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers to the Tunbu area and borrowed three large cages from Zhao Guofeng.

Let one of them hold the three young jackals. A chicken is being kept in Zhao Jun's house to guard against black tigers.

There is still one cage left in Li Baoyu's barn.

After receiving Li Baoyu's affirmation, Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed towards the warehouse and said: "Let's pull it out and carry it up."

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Brother, what are you doing with that big cage?"

Zhao Jun glanced at the west room of Li's house and could see Li Ruhai on the kang through the glass, gesticulating and talking to his parents.

Zhao Jun smiled lightly and said: "If someone is willing to help us raise it, we will catch it."

"Ah?" Li Baoyu probably understood that his brother was going to trick his younger brother, but he was more excited than Zhao Jun. He rushed to the warehouse in two steps, moved the large iron cage standing on one side out, and moved it back to the other side. Said: "Brother, I can fix it myself without you."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Jun really didn't reach out. But when Li Baoyu moved the cage to the door, Zhao Jun held the door for him, allowing Li Baoyu to get out smoothly.

When passing by Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu suddenly stopped and asked: "Brother, that greyhound is quite smart, how should we catch it?"

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