The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 538: Eight Dogs Tear the Leopard


Zhang Yuanmin's shouts were drowned in the barking of dogs. As the car came to a stop, the big fat man grabbed the railing on the left side of the car with his front paws, kicked up with his two back paws, arched his back and lifted himself up. The dog's head popped out of the car in an instant, its body leaned out of the car, then stretched out, kicked off its two hind paws, stretched its two front paws, and the whole dog landed firmly on the ground.

Then, the big fat man chased in the direction of where the leopard disappeared!

Not only Big Fatty, but also White Dragon, Big Yellow, Three Fatty, Tabby Cat, Flower Wolf, Little Bear, and Little Flower all jumped down from the car.

Then came the green dragon, the black dragon, and finally the black tiger. Because one of its front legs was injured, it moved a little slower. It staggered when it fell from the car and lost its balance. But when it got up, it quickly chased after the other hunting dogs. .

Dogs passed by one after another. Zhang Yuanmin looked at the dogs in surprise, then looked back at Zhao Jun.


Zhang Yuanmin was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhao Jun's rough movements. Zhao Jun slapped the car fiercely and shouted: "Jie Chen, drive quickly! Chase the dog!"

Upon hearing this, Jie Chen, who was in the cab, quickly started the car and chased the dog away, leaving Zhang Yuanmin dumbfounded.

"Brother! Wait for me!" Zhang Yuanmin jumped up suddenly and waved his arms towards the back of the car.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun shouted back: "Wait here, we will come back to pick you up later!"

Jie Chen, who was in the cab, heard Zhang Yuanmin's shout and wanted to stop the car and wait for Zhang Yuanmin to come up. But when he heard Zhao Jun's words, Jie Chen suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly passed Qinglong and Heilong, chasing the fast-moving Black Tiger.

It was not that Zhao Jun wanted to abandon Zhang Yuanmin, nor that he wanted to adjust Zhang Yuanmin, but that the incident happened suddenly and he was afraid that the dog would be lost.

Because, that is the Siberian leopard.

It was the strongest cat in the three eastern provinces, next to the Siberian tiger, and its combat power was even higher than that of the lynx.

I remember back then, the three dogs of old Xu Pao, tied together and held under the claws of the lynx, did not survive four encounters. If the dogs like me encounter the Siberian leopard, will they be able to escape unscathed?

Zhao Jun was not sure and felt very anxious. Since the death of Hua Xiaoer and Daqing, the current gang of dogs has been the hard work of him and Li Baoyu for more than half a year. Seeing that the dog gang is about to be dragged out, if they fall under the claws of a leopard, it will be heartbreaking!

Two hundred meters away, the leopard burrowed into the forest. This mountain has gentle terrain and short hills. From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the slope length does not exceed two miles.

Because it is close to Yong'an Village, people from the village come to the mountains to draw firewood when they have nothing to do, so there are no small trees in the mountains, only a few large trees growing sparsely.

One of the leopard's hind legs was seriously injured, and half of the calf of the right hind leg was missing, including one of its paws.

This is worse than Black Tiger's lameness.

But even with three legs, the leopard was still more than a hundred meters behind the white dragon when it galloped on the flat ground.

But as soon as it entered the mountain, the leopard's speed slowed down, because going up the mountain requires the strength of the hind legs, and this leopard lost one of its hind legs. When going uphill, the speed was much slower than when running on flat ground.

When the car stopped at the bottom of the mountain, Bailong rushed into the forest at the head of the dog, followed closely by Big Fatty, San Fatty, Tabby Cat, and Tabby Wolf. The older Big Yellow and Little Bear had already fallen behind the car.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu got off the car and did not stop Dahuang and the others, but rushed into the mountain first.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun roared and shouted: "Go quickly! Shoot when you get there!"

When Li Baoyu heard this, he didn't even have time to reply. He grabbed the gun with his left hand and rushed up the slope quickly!

At this time, Li Baoyu understood what Zhao Jun meant. As long as he reached the place where leopards and dogs were fighting, he would shoot directly into the air even if there was no chance.

In this way, even if the leopard cannot be hit, the gunshot can scare it away.

But on their way up the mountain, Black Tiger, Little Bear, Little Flower, Rhubarb, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon passed them one after another, especially Black Tiger. Its lame front legs were not affected at all on the way up the mountain, and it was extremely fast.

Suddenly, there were waves of dog barking coming from the front. Immediately afterwards, a beast roared, making Zhao and Li's scalp numb.

Zhao Jun gritted his teeth and ran up with all his strength.

At this time, the white dragon has intercepted a beast. It is slightly taller than the white dragon. It has a round head and a small head, golden fur, black spots all over its body, three gray claws, and a long tail trailing behind.

Not only was this leopard missing a paw, but its lower mouth was injured and turned outward. The hairy spots on its body only appeared after it was recovered from the trauma.

"Woo..." The moment the leopard was intercepted by the white dragon, Bai Ya roared at the white dragon, and the white dragon roared at the leopard without fear.

"Woof! Woof!" At this time, two deep dog barks came from behind the leopard. The leopard suddenly turned sideways and separated the white dragon on its right side. On the left side of it, Big Fatty, Three Fatty, a tabby cat, a tabby wolf, and four dogs were watching eagerly.

The leopard's eyes flashed coldly, and it glanced left and right, grinning, roaring, and demonstrating to the five dogs.

The leopard roared again, and Sanpang, the tabby cat, and the tabby wolf also started barking and biting. In an instant, the dogs barked in confusion, but they suppressed the leopard's roar.

There is one dog on the right and four dogs on the left. The leopard wants to rush forward, but it knows that the moment it moves, it will be attacked by the five dogs.

If it were in the past, it would have stretched its body, more than two feet, five or six meters away, and turned around to arrive.

At that time, the five dogs were chasing the leopard, and the leopard turned back to kill him. Because of its speed, which was far superior to the dogs, it was easy to kill the lone dog.

Moreover, leopards can also climb up trees and jump up into trees. When dogs chase them to the bottom of the tree, leopards will pounce from above and kill the hunting dogs.

But at this time, the leopard lost one of its hind legs. It was difficult to jump and climb up the tree. Therefore, the leopard did not dare to break through rashly, but just wanted to scare away the five dogs with its claws.

In the past, leopards could really do it. But after last night's battle, it may be an exaggeration to say that these dogs have been transformed, but they will not shrink back even if they face a strong enemy.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..." A series of weird dog barks came, and the black tiger ran wildly. This dog ran like a rabbit, with a strong body and fast pace.

As soon as the leopard saw the opponent's reinforcements, it didn't have time to think too much and jumped more than two meters away. But as soon as it landed, the white dragon followed it.

It's only two meters away. Within this distance, the white dragon is not much inferior to it!

The leopard suddenly turned around and bit Bailong's neck. Bailong was startled and wanted to hide or run, but it was too late.

"Woof!" A short dog barked. Big Fatty bit the leopard's head and yanked it back, causing the leopard to roll backwards.

The leopard let out a sharp scream and stretched one of its front paws back, trying to catch the big fat man. The leopard's front paws have five toes, and the five sharp claw tips poke out from between the hairs of the palms and claw at the fat neck.

This claw is strong enough to scratch the big fat throat!

But the leopard's claw failed to land on Big Fatty. Third Fatty was beside him, opened his big mouth, bit the leopard's front leg, and pulled it back without letting go.

Big Fat and Three Fatty worked together and instantly knocked the leopard to the ground.

"Woof!" Bailong's eyes suddenly turned red after escaping from the leopard's teeth. He opened his mouth and bit the leopard's other front leg, and also pulled it back!

The three dogs stretched the leopard's front body!

"Ouch! Ouch!" The black tiger came closer and saw the leopard with its belly facing up and its tail dragging under its body. It pushed one hind leg on the ground, trying to use its strength to escape from the bites of the three dogs. The black tiger plunged into the leopard's two Between the hind legs, just open your mouth and take a bite.

The leopard let out a heart-rending scream, and then kicked up its remaining hind paw and dug it into the black tiger's chest.

The leopard attacks White Dragon, Big Fat, and Black Tiger. Every move is a killing move. As long as its sharp claws attack the dog, the dog will be seriously injured even if it does not die. However, its previous two moves were resolved by other dogs, and the black tiger has always been Just one bite and then run away. When the leopard raised its paw, the black tiger had already run aside.

The leopard kicked into the air with one paw. At this time, except for the tip of its tail, there was no part of its body that could touch the ground. The leopard's entire body was instantly dragged down by Big Fatty, Three Fatty, and White Dragon. Tabby Cat and Hualang took the opportunity to pounce on the leopard, biting the flesh on both sides of the leopard's chest.

At the same time, Little Bear, Little Flower, and Rhubarb all arrived. Little Bear and Little Flower each bit one of the leopard's hind legs. Rhubarb opened its mouth and bit the leopard's lower back. They worked together to stretch the leopard in the air.

At this time, the black tiger who was taking advantage of the situation took another bite. It was still in the same position. The black tiger bit it and then pulled it back. The leopard let out a scream, which made Li Baoyu's scalp numb as he was about to arrive.

When dogs bite prey, they like to shake their bodies and shake their hair to ensure that they can tear the prey with the force of their bite.

At this time, eight dogs bit the leopard and tore it backwards.

The leopard let out a shrill scream!

Suddenly, the leopard's cry stopped abruptly, and Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, who had not yet arrived, secretly said something bad.

They were afraid that the leopard had killed their dog, but they didn't know that the leopard didn't bark because its neck was broken by the fat man!

The fat man who tore off the leopard's head suddenly leaned back, kicked his legs, and stood up.

At this time, not only the leopard's head, but also the entire leopard was torn alive by these dogs!

In ancient times, five horses divided a body, but now eight dogs tear a leopard apart!

The neck, limbs, no, all five limbs were torn off by dogs. At this time, Big Fatty held the leopard's head in his mouth, White Dragon, Third Fatty, Little Bear, and Xiaohua each held a leopard leg, and Black Tiger held a leopard gun in its mouth. They shook their heads from time to time and shook the parts they tore off.

Compared with the neck and legs, the leopard's torso is stronger, and the tabby cat, tabby wolf, and rhubarb couldn't break it open even if they tore it apart.

At this time, Qinglong and Black Dragon arrived, and the two puppies arrived late. The first thing they saw when they arrived at the battlefield was the big fat man holding a leopard head in his mouth and shaking it.

Qinglong and Black Dragon came over curiously, wanting to see what the seniors had caught, but Big Fatty saw the two puppies approaching and glanced sideways to the left and right. When he saw Black Dragon opening his mouth to grab the leopard's head, Big Fatty took it in his mouth. He held the leopard's head and ran down the mountain.

The green dragon and the black dragon chased the big fat man curiously, and they saw Li Baoyu walking up the mountain quickly before running far.

Li Baoyu couldn't hear the sound of leopards roaring or dogs barking up the mountain. He was worried that the dog gang had been attacked by the leopard's poisonous claws. He was running up the mountain in a hurry when he saw the big fat man coming towards him.

"Big Fatty!" Li Baoyu shouted at the top of his lungs. Big Fatty was startled, stopped and looked forward. When he saw it was Li Baoyu, Big Fatty opened his mouth, and the leopard head rolled down from the top.

The green dragon and the black dragon followed closely behind Big Fatty. They pounced from the left and right and bit into Big Fatty's ears together.

This is not a real bite, but a puppy playing. This is called skin-tearing in Northeastern dialect, but only puppies do this.

Most big dogs would not care about small dogs. Big Fatty shook his head to avoid their mouths, then turned around and ran up the mountain again.

Qing Long and Black Dragon both turned around and chased the big fat guy away. Only Li Baoyu was left, staring blankly at the leopard head that rolled to his feet.

"This..." Li Baoyu bent down, grabbed the gun with one hand, and grabbed the leopard's head tremblingly with the other hand. At this time, the leopard's eyes were open, and he refused to close his eyes.

This may be the first time a Amur leopard has died in a dog's mouth since the species existed.

When Li Baoyu's hand touched the leopard's head, his first feeling was that it was a little wet. Li Baoyu just thought it was the fat man's saliva, and then he put the gun on his shoulder and touched the fur on the leopard's chin. It felt very soft.

Li Baoyu observed carefully that the leopard's head had a golden background, which is the color of the Northeast leopard's fur in autumn. If it is winter, the background color will be a little whitish.

In addition, the leopard's head is covered with tiny black spots, and although the yellow leopard eyes are lifeless, they still retain a ferocious look.

Seeing this, Li Baoyu looked up to the sky and shouted: "Brother, come quickly!"

At this time, Zhao Jun was still more than 200 meters away from Li Baoyu. When he heard Li Baoyu calling him, Zhao Jun's heart skipped a beat. He thought something had happened to the dog, so he ran up as fast as he could.

Like Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, who was grabbing the gun with one hand and the leopard head with the other, was also trying his best to move up.

When Zhao Jun saw Li Baoyu's back, he found nine big dogs from two families lying in a mess under a big tree. Li Baoyu pointed at them and muttered, and Qinglong and Heilong heard the sound and rushed to Zhao Jun. .

"Brother!" Li Baoyu heard the movement, turned around and saw that it was Zhao Jun, and he also ran towards Zhao Jun.

"What's going on?" Zhao Jun looked at Li Baoyu who was running towards him and the hunting dogs who were gradually surpassing Li Baoyu, but he was full of doubts.

Zhao Jun was quite worried when he saw blood stains on the ground just now, but seeing that the hunting dogs from both families were there and they could run and jump, Zhao Jun felt relieved. But the dog is fine, why is Li Baoyu like this?

Li Baoyu rushed to Zhao Jun, hugged Zhao Jun, and wailed: "Brother, more than 10,000 yuan is gone!"

Seeing Zhao Jun in a daze, Li Baoyu hurriedly pulled Zhao Jun to the left. As he walked, he scolded the dog.

At this time, Zhao Jun had already seen a leopard placed under a green poplar tree.

That's right, it's a pose.

Leopard head, legs, body, tail, and spear.

Zhao Jun glanced at Li Baoyu in surprise, pointed at the dog gang gathered around, and asked, "Did they tear it apart?"

Li Baoyu nodded and said, "It was like this when I got here."

Zhao Jun looked around at the dog, and finally his eyes fell on the mutilated leopard leg. Zhao Jun went over to pick up the leopard leg. He understood at a glance that his dog gang was outmatched.

But in this mountain, any dog ​​that dares to attack the Siberian leopard is a first-class surrounding dog.

Seeing Zhao Jun holding the leopard leg, the black tiger stretched its head over. It didn't want to eat it, but it just wanted to interact with Zhao Jun, so it wanted to grab the leopard leg.

"Go!" Li Baoyu chased away the black tiger, squatted down next to Zhao Jun, pointed at the leopard divided into several parts, and asked: "Brother, can this still be sold for money?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jun dropped the leopard legs, pointed at the leopard gun, and said jokingly: "Take this back and make wine. When you meet people, you will say it belongs to the little tiger. No matter who you ask for help, you can't bring it with you."

Li Baoyu: "..."

There's another update at about one o'clock.

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