The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 541 How dark! (September monthly ticket will be updated in 2035)

Don’t they all say that a cook will never die of hunger in a famine year?

Being a chef is a pretty good job these days. There is no shortage of food, no worries about drinking, and nothing to talk about. The key is to meet many people and make many connections throughout the year.

Take Zhang Zhanshan for example. With his character, he still has many favors in the workplace.

There is also Zhao Youcai, even though he has a weird temper, his mass base is not bad, especially after he went to the in-laws with Zhou Chunming.

The key point is that learning to cook is still a craft. If you don’t work in the forest farm in the future, you will starve to death wherever you go.

Zhang Guoqing was confused. He couldn't understand why the apprentice workers in his canteen were inferior to the gatekeepers.

Zhou Chunming and Yu Quanjin looked at each other again. The two of them felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

There once was a young man who even looked down upon as an inspector and only asked for a job as a gatekeeper.

By the way, Li Ruhai!

At this time, Zhou Chunming suddenly realized that Li Ruhai had already said the same rhetoric that Zhang Lai had just said about his father dying, his brother being crippled, and his mother farming.

But what people didn't expect was that Li Ruhai's words to deceive others came true on Zhang Laifa.

"Li Ruhai..." Zhou Chunming suddenly remembered the scene when he first met Li Ruhai, and felt a little emotional for a moment. That child was really different.

"Laifa!" Zhang Guoqing called Zhang Laifa in a low voice. He couldn't understand how things could develop like this, and whether there was something wrong with this child's brain.

But Zhang Laifa was blinded by hatred. He hated Zhao Jun's family and Li Baoyu's family, but he was too young, so what could he do?

But just now, he learned from Li Ruhai that the doorman position was Li Ruhai's dream position, and he started to want to stop him.

If you can't deal with the older ones in your family, then deal with the younger ones in your family.

When he heard Zhang Guoqing calling him, Zhang Laifa said stubbornly: "Director Zhang, I have decided, I want to be a doorman!"

Zhang Guoqing: "..."

Although he was angry, Zhang Guoqing said no more after seeing that Zhang Laifa had made up his mind. Anyway, I helped whoever I could, and I said what I needed to say. It was the children who chose this path. What else could Zhang Guoqing say?

Zhou Chunming glanced at Zhang Guoqing and saw that he was speechless. Zhou Chunming looked at Zhang Laifa again and said, "You have thought about it!"

"Secretary Zhou, I've thought about it!" Zhang Laifa replied firmly.

"Okay!" Zhou Chunming nodded when he heard the words, and said to Quan Jin: "You are less than, you take this child to the mail room and let Lao Yang take care of him more."

You don't just look at the door casually. There are rules for who can and cannot let in.

Yu Quanjin agreed, then waved his hand to Zhang Laifa and led him out the door.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Zhang Guoqing said goodbye to Zhou Chunming and left.

Half an hour later, Yu Quanjin came back. Zhou Chunming, who had written the wrong manuscript, tore off a piece of manuscript paper, balled it up and threw it into the wastebasket. Then he raised his head and casually asked Yu Quanjin, "Here?" Is the child arranged?"

Even when Zhou Chunming asked, he didn't expect that Yu Quanjin shook his head and said: "Not so good."

"Huh?" Zhou Chunming was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure out how his secretary could arrange the doorman. How could he not understand the arrangement?

Yu Quanjin looked at Zhou Chunming and said, "Old Yangtou said he wouldn't take the child with him."

"Ah?" Zhou Chunming didn't expect that the problem would lie here, and immediately asked: "Why is this?"

Yu Quanjin frowned and replied: "Old Yangtou said that his braid was reserved for Li Ruhai."

Zhou Chunming: "..."

Zhou Chunming was speechless, and Yu Quanjin also looked embarrassed. People of his previous generation yearned to join the army and become workers, while people of his generation just wanted to shine in leadership positions.

Unexpectedly, this next generation of people actually want to see the gate.

It destroys values!

This morning, Zhao Jun slept at home. He slept until noon when Wang Meilan woke him up.

"Huh?" Zhao Jun opened his eyes and asked, "Mom, have you eaten?"

"Come on, dinner will be ready soon." Wang Meilan said, "You should get up first, your uncle is here."

"Ouch!" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly got out of bed and got off the bed to put on his shoes.

He knew that his uncle must have something to do when he came. No matter what happens, even if you are a nephew, you have to take care of it.

Zhao Junzhuo pulled on his shoes and came out of the west room. When he arrived in the east room, he saw Wang Qiang waving the leopard's head there.


"Wake up." Wang Qiang looked up at Zhao Jun and said with a smile: "My nephew is so good that he even knocked down a Siberian leopard."

At this time, Wang Meilan came in with a teapot, placed it on the Kang table in front of Wang Qiang, and then said: "Your nephew is here. If you want anything, just tell me."

At this point, Wang Meilan turned to Zhao Jun again and said, "Your uncle said he wanted to see you for something. I asked him what he wanted, but he still didn't tell me."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he chuckled and asked Wang Qiang, "What's wrong? Uncle, if you need anything, tell me, and my nephew will take care of it for you."

"It's nothing." Wang Qiang said with a smile: "Even if I go up to the mountain in the morning and hunt three wild boars in the mountain, I can't fix it myself."

"Ah." Zhao Jun understood as soon as he heard it, and said immediately: "Uncle, let my mother cook some food at noon, and we will eat at home. After eating, Jie Chen and I will go with you. We can eat as many pigs as there are. return."

"Yeah." That's what Wang Qiang came for. After hearing what Zhao Jun said, he smiled and said, "It has to be my nephew. He drives up the mountain for hunting."

What Wang Qiang said is true. For so many years, hunting people have only walked up the mountain. It is normal to go back and forth forty or fifty miles a day. People like Zhao Jun who drive hunting are probably the first of their kind in the entire Changbai Mountains.

Wang Meilan went to the outhouse to cook, while Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang were chatting in the back room. Zhao Jun said: "I brought back a pig this morning, with cannon eggs, about 500 kilograms. My mother has finished grilling them, and I don't want the meat either." Otherwise, let my mother send it to you."

The two families lived in the same village, and Zhao Jun hunted prey. After sharing it with others, Wang Meilan would go and deliver some meat to Wang Qiang and Lin Xiangshun's family.

Wang Qiang also took all the black men he had beaten in the past two days, so Wang Qiang wouldn't think much about what Zhao Jun said.

Moreover, Wang Qiang also said: "Cannon egg meat is not delicious, we will not eat that. Today I will hunt an old sow and two yellow-haired pigs. You can take whatever meat you want."

"Okay." Zhao Jun was not polite, but he remembered something and asked again: "Uncle, did you disembowel that pig?"

"Ah." Wang Qiang responded: "They must all be disemboweled."

Zhao Jun asked again: "Is there any wild boar belly left?"

"I'm keeping it." Wang Qiang said, "I hung the wild boar's intestines on a tree, and I'm keeping the wild boar's belly. Three, do you want it?"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun said: "My mother has a bad stomach. She went to Lingnan Hospital two days ago. The doctor gave her a prescription. She said that it is effective to wrap the wild boar's belly with millet and steam it in a pot."

Wang Qiang heard this and quickly asked: "What's wrong with your stomach? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay!" At this time, Wang Meilan continued outside: "It's just a bit unsatisfactory, it's not that bloody."

Wang Qiang frowned, ignored Wang Meilan, and asked Zhao Jun: "How long can three wild boars last?"

"You can eat it for a week if you don't talk." Zhao Jun understood what Wang Qiang was thinking and said hurriedly: "Uncle, you don't have to go out to hunt wild boars. I will pick up the dog in two days."

"It's okay." Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "I was out for a walk, and I shot the wild boar when I saw it. I can't let it go now. When it gets cold in the winter, we'll give your mother more pig bellies to save."

Wang Meilan, who was cooking in the outer room, heard the conversation between her brother and her son, and felt warm in her heart. She felt that life was very beautiful.

After lunch, Jie Chen drove Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang up the mountain and brought back three wild boars.

When the car entered the village, it first went to Wang Qiang's house. Zhao Jun and Jie Chen wanted to unload the car for Wang Qiang, but Wang Qiang only allowed two small yellow pigs to be unloaded and insisted that Zhao Jun take the whole old sow back.

Zhao Jun talked hard and finally walked away with a small yellow hairy child and three wild boar bellies.

Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei grilled wild boar in the morning and had to grill wild boar in the afternoon.

Jie Chen helped them both, while Zhao Jun chopped off the front leg of a wild boar, took a jar of Heixiazi oil and a piece of black bear meat, and went to see Mrs. Jiang.

After I came back that day, I was busy looking for black tigers, and I still didn’t give the old lady the money from selling the bear bile.

When Zhao Jun arrived at the old lady's house, the old lady was embroidering on the kang. The earth was rejuvenated and the swallows were returning.

Hearing Zhao Jun's voice, the old lady poked the needle into the embroidery, put the embroidery on her lap, looked at the things in Zhao Jun's hand, and asked with a smile: "Is this all meat for me?"

"There is meat." Zhao Jun put the things in the outer room, went into the inner room and said to the old lady: "There is also oil, open it and eat it."

The old lady smiled and nodded, asked Zhao Jun to sit down, and handed the embroidery in her hand to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun took it and took a look and praised: "Old lady, you are very skillful with your hands."

After being praised by the younger generation, the old lady smiled proudly, took back the embroidery work, and then said: "I will embroider two pillow covers for you with this pattern, and you can put it on your pillow after you get married."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "Old lady, I see that when people get married, they are all like mandarin ducks, dragons and phoenixes."

"What is that?" The old lady curled her lips and just said something. When she saw Zhao Jun take out a wad of money from his pocket, the old lady's face changed and she stopped talking. She just said: "Hurry up and give me the money." I’ll put it away!”

Seeing the displeasure on the old lady's face, Zhao Jun moved his hands and said, "This is selling bear bile..."

"I don't want anything to sell!" The old lady pointed at Zhao Jun's hand holding the money and shouted: "Hurry up and put it away, I said it is for you, it is for you!"

Hearing what the old lady said, Zhao Jun smiled and took the money back.

"That's right!" The old lady smiled, and then said to Zhao Jun: "My old lady is rich, and I won't be interested in anything less."

After saying that, seeing Zhao Jun laughing, the old lady pretended to have a straight face and said: "Really, don't believe it. Yesterday morning, Zhang Zhanhe came and said he wanted to buy my longevity materials. He offered a high price, but I didn't even sell him!"

"What?" Zhao Jun's face changed. He suddenly thought that Zhang Zhanshan left suddenly and did not prepare longevity materials. It was reasonable. Zhang Zhanhe could think of a way to buy longevity materials, so he had enough brains.

Who to buy from is a question. Who can take out longevity materials and sell them if he is not a money-minded person?

Moreover, it is disgusting to come to buy longevity materials. Zhang Zhanhe came to the old lady to buy them because he saw that the old lady was alone and easy to bully.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun felt very angry. He is not a big shot, and when he is angry, it will naturally show on his face.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was angry, the old lady advised: "My child, it's okay, we are not like him."

After the old lady finished speaking, seeing that Zhao Jun's expression did not soften, she changed the subject and said, "When Zhang Zhanhe came, Old Mrs. Xu stayed at my house."

"Old Mrs. Xu?" The old lady's method was really effective. Zhao Jun asked curiously: "Which old Mrs. Xu is it?"

"That's Xu Changlin's wife." After the old lady finished speaking, she asked Zhao Jun with a smile: "I said I wouldn't sell it, what did you guess?"

Hearing the old lady's question, Zhao Jun blinked. He knew that Zhang Zhanhe did not dare to go too far and did not dare to force the old lady to buy her longevity materials.

And judging from the old lady's demeanor, she must be up to something interesting.

Suddenly, Zhao Jun thought of a possibility and asked the old lady: "Zhang Zhanshan...can't it be the old Xu family who sold him?"

"Yes! It's Lao Xu who sells it on the pole." The old lady nodded, and then asked: "But guess what, how much does Lao Xu's family pay to Lao Zhang's family?"

Zhao Jun was speechless. Does this thing even have a starting price?

Seeing that Zhao Jun was silent, the old lady raised her hand, stretched out a slap, and showed Zhao Jun a gesture.

Zhao Jun was startled and asked hurriedly: "Five hundred?"

"No, no." The old lady shook her head and said, "One hundred and fifty!"

"Ouch!" Even though it was one hundred and fifty, Zhao Jun was shocked.

He works as an inspector at a forestry farm, and in spring he goes to Lengchang to buy large red pine logs for longevity timber.

The person who buys longevity wood selects the wood in the leng yard, and the workers in Guileng carry it aside separately. The inspector also has to inspect the wood, mark it on the wood, and then issue an invoice.

People who buy longevity wood take the check to the forest farm to pay. After paying the money, they get a receipt, and then take the receipt to Lengchang to pull the wood.

Once he gets the wood, it's up to him how to process it.

When making longevity materials, the main thing is to prevent insects and moths. For example, golden nanmu is insect-resistant because of its fragrance.

Golden nan is not produced in the Northeast, so the best is Korean pine, because pine is oily and antiseptic and mothproof.

The length of red pine wood used for longevity wood is required to be more than six meters. The thin end must also reach sixty centimeters in diameter. In this way, we can ensure that the coffin top, coffin bottom, and coffin bangs are all single boards.

The large red pine wood needed to make such a coffin costs about 100 yuan in Yong'an Forest District.

But if a forest farm employee comes to buy it, the forest farm has an internal price, which is only 50 or 60 yuan.

Including post-processing, it doesn't cost more than eighty yuan.

But the old Xu family sold longevity materials to Zhang Zhanshan and actually charged 150 yuan, which was an additional 20 to 30 yuan on top of the normal price.

Moreover, with Xu Baoshan here, the longevity materials of the old Xu family are at worst the internal price, and maybe even cheaper.

The old man Xu Changlin is quite dark!

The old lady also told Zhao Jun: "I heard from Mrs. Xu that their old man has a nephew who is the leader of your inspection team. You said he paid the black man's family so much money."

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded in agreement, chatted with the old lady for a while, then stood up and left.

Zhao Jun came out of the old lady's house and went back to his own home, but as he walked, he ran into Xu Changlin.

The old man smiled at Zhao Jun and said, "Man, I heard that you were hunting a leopard?"

"Ah." Zhao Jun responded, just smiling and not saying much.

At this time, Xu Changlin said: "I know where there are stone tigers in this mountain. Do you dare to take a look?"

I did the nucleic acid test in the morning, but it was delayed.

There will be another chapter added at 4/5 o'clock.

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