The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 545 Li Ruhai got his wish

Zhao Jun doesn't drink, he just eats quickly. He and Wang Meilan put down their chopsticks one after another. Wang Meilan went to the outhouse to clean the pots and clear the stove, while Zhao Jun went back to his room to prepare his luggage.

Although you can only stay for a week when you go to Yongxing Brigade, you still need a change of clothes and labor protection supplies.

Labor protection supplies are all issued by the forest farm. Such as labor protection gloves, cotton shoes, wool felt socks, wool felt pads, Zhao Jun's family never lacks these.

In the east room, Zhao Youcai and his ministers were drinking wine, but they were thinking about the old man mentioned by their son.

Although Zhao Youcai doesn't do mountaineering, he has been working in the mountain farm for so many years and knows many people who do it. Naturally, he has heard the saying "Go around the old fort and you will have enough to eat for the rest of your life."

He also knew that the first time his son went to the mountains, he took a big mallet worth thousands of yuan per seedling. If he could follow him, he would dig out the big ones and put the small ones in his pocket. , isn’t this just money?

The more Zhao Youcai thought about it, the happier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he looked forward to it. But at this moment, the voices of Li Dayong and Wang Meilan saying hello came from the outer room.

Immediately afterwards, Li Dayong entered the east room and said to Zhao Youcai: "Brother, are you drinking?"

Li Dayong's family also stewed pork ribs today, but he was so annoyed by Li Ruhai that he was not even in the mood to drink. After grabbing a few bites of food, he came to Zhao Youcai's house and discussed with Zhao Youcai about arranging for Li Ruhai to guard the door.

"Come, brother!" Zhao Youcai called to Li Dayong and said, "Get on the kang and have a drink."

"Uncle Li." Jie Chen also greeted Li Dayong, stood up and said, "I'll get you a vat."

"No need." Li Dayong raised his hand, stopped Jie Chen, then sat sideways on the edge of the kang and said, "I can't drink."

Seeing Li Dayong's appearance, Zhao Youcai asked with great concern: "What's wrong, brother?"

At this time, Wang Meilan came in with two teapots, one large and one small. The small one was empty for Li Dayong to drink. The big tea vat was brewing hot tea. In this way, Li Dayong could drink whenever he wanted, and drink tea whenever he wanted.

"Dayong, what's wrong?" Wang Meilan put the two teapots in front of Li Dayong, and then said, "I heard Ruhai stopped crying."

"Oh." Li Dayong sighed and pushed the empty vat in front of Jie Chen, asking Jie Chen to pour wine.

Jie Chen was startled and thought, didn't he just say he wouldn't drink? But he didn't dare to ask. He just unscrewed the lid of the wine barrel and poured half a jar of wine into Li Dayong.

Hearing Li Dayong sigh, Zhao Youcai asked: "What's wrong, brother, tell me."

Li Dayong glanced at Zhao Youcai with an expression of embarrassment. He was now the deputy leader of the dispatching team. Even if there were several field leaders, they would still have to give him some credit.

But asking Li Ruhai to guard the door was not easy to handle.

His family is different from those of Zhao Xiaoshuan and Zhang Laifa. Both he and Li Baoyu are already working in forest farms, and they are both good positions.

Now if he arranges his fourteen-year-old son in a forest farm, people around him will comment that the old Li family looks too ugly.

After hearing what Li Dayong said, Zhao Youcai raised his head and looked at Wang Meilan. Neither of them spoke for a while.

"Brother, you and Brother You are drinking together." Wang Meilan took the first step and rubbed oil on the soles of her feet and said, "I'm still alive in the outer room."

"Yeah." Li Dayong said: "Sister-in-law, you are busy."

After saying that, Li Dayong turned his attention to Zhao Youcai.

"Oops." Zhao Youcai also sighed and said with a wry smile: "Okay, brother, don't worry about it. I'll watch Lao Hong from the security team tomorrow morning and I'll tell him."

The guards at Yongan Forest Farm are under the control of the Security Department.

Hong Yuntao, the deputy leader of the Security Section, has a good relationship with Zhao Youcai. Not long ago, Zhao Youcai bought a litter of dogs from Hong Yuntao.

The litter of dogs is still kept at Hong Yuntao's house, and Zhao Youcai brings some food to Hong Yuntao every once in a while.

As for errands like doorman, Zhao Youcai's face will definitely work.

Zhao Youcai also understood what Li Dayong meant, and immediately said: "I won't tell Lao Hong that Ruhai is your child, just say that he is a relative of mine."

When Li Dayong heard this, his face instantly glowed with joy.

But at this moment, Jie Chen, who was opposite Li Dayong, whispered: "Uncle Zhao, Uncle Li, this is probably not possible. Our family is like the sea..."

Speaking of this, Jie Chen hesitated for a moment, organized his words in his mind for a while, and then continued: "This is not an ordinary child. He will go tomorrow morning, and by evening the whole forest farm will know that he is my Uncle Li's son." ”

"That's not good!" Zhao Jun, who didn't know when he appeared at the door, continued: "There are many people from our village in the forest farm. Who doesn't know him, Li Ruhai?"

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Youcai blinked and Li Dayong looked embarrassed.

Zhao Youcai raised his head, raised his chin at Zhao Jun, and said, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"What should we do?" Zhao Jun said, "This matter is easy to handle."

After saying that, Zhao Jun asked Li Dayong: "I heard Ruhai say several times that he has a staff at the forest farm. What's going on?"

When Zhao Jun asked about this, Li Dayong said: "Isn't that the old Yangtou from the mail room? That relative of your brother-in-law's family must let Ruhai take over his shift."

"Uncle Yang?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, but he couldn't figure out when Li Ruhai got in touch with the old man.

Seeing Zhao Jun stunned, Li Dayong explained: "When you were in Xinrangchang, didn't you let Ruhai look for you?"

"Ah!" Zhao Jun suddenly realized that if Li Dayong hadn't said it, he would have really forgotten that he had asked Li Ruhai to rest in Lao Yangtou's shack.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Ruhai stayed in that shack for less than an hour.

Moreover, such a stubborn old man was actually defeated by Li Ruhai, and even the establishment and positions were passed on to Li Ruhai. This was the heir to the mantle.

Zhao Jun then thought about it, if it was really because of this that Li Ruhai dropped out of school, then the root cause was actually himself. If I hadn't asked him to go to Xinrangchang, I'm afraid this wouldn't have happened.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun couldn't help but think that Li Ruhai's fate had been changed by him, whether for good or bad.

But seeing Li Dayong's troubled look, Zhao Jun said: "Uncle Li, you can take Ruhai with you tomorrow. Anyway, this kid is taking over from my uncle Yang, and others can't say anything if they know about it. As for Zhang Laifa, he is taking over His father's and his brother's classes are in conflict with ours. He works in his class and we work in ours."

Hearing this, Zhao Youcai frowned and said, "That's what you said, but now the mailroom is working in third shift. If Ruhai goes back, can it still be in fourth shift?"

There are three forest farm janitors working three shifts. They go to take over this morning and get off work the next morning. In this way, you can work for one day and stay overnight, and you can take two days off at home.

As for the original three doormen, except for Old Yangtou, the other two old men, although they are not young yet, have not yet reached the retirement age.

Zhang Laifa took over Lao Yangtou's post, and there were still three guards. But if Li Ruhai goes again, it will be a four-person shift.

Last day, three days off?

There are no such idle guards in the whole province?

"Alas!" Zhao Jun couldn't help but sigh and said, "If not, Dad, you can go find my brother-in-law. Their logistics boiler room is short of people, right?"

"Ah? That won't work!" Before Zhao Youcai could say anything, Li Dayong said first, "Ruhai can't do the job in the boiler room!"

The office buildings and processing workshops of Yongan Forestry Farm are provided with central heating in winter. It is impossible to burn large boilers just by burning firewood. They have to burn coal.

The coal was piled outside, and the furnace burner had to push the cart into the boiler room. This was not an easy and laborious job that a child like Li Ruhai could do.

As for transferring one of the other three doormen, it was a failure. The original two old men were already quite old, so they dared to chase Zhou Jianjun and scold him when they were asked to push coal.

And Zhang Laifa is also a child. If a fourteen-year-old child is asked to push coal, people will have to say that Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong are avenging their private revenge.

"What can't you do?" Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Isn't there a water boiling room in the boiler room? The person in charge of the water boiling room is Chen Dalai's father, right? Isn't it time for him to retire at his old age?"

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong looked at each other and both thought it was feasible.

The large boilers are only used for heating in winter. Boiler workers start burning the boilers from mid-October to May of the following year. Other times, I just do odd jobs in the logistics.

But regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, field leaders and workers must drink boiled water. Therefore, there is a special boiling water room in the boiler room, which is responsible for boiling water all over the forest farm.

The forest farm has a special large water tank. Outside of the heating period, someone needs to burn the fire. But burning a small boiler is not difficult and tiring. It just takes a little bit of digging out the ashes to bury it.

As for the heating period, it's simple. When the boiler room burns a large boiler, there is a large water tank connected to the large boiler.

As soon as the big boiler burned, the water in the big water tank boiled, and there was no need to even burn the stove.

These two water tanks, one in winter and one in summer, are under the control of the boiling water room. Most of the work in the water boiling room is to add water to it.

It’s not tiring, it’s just a matter of fetching a few buckets of water. As for fetching water, it is also convenient. There is a pressurized water well outside the boiler room.

Zhao Youcai held a porcelain vat, touched it with Li Dayong, and said, "This is easy to handle. I will go find Jianjun tomorrow morning and ask him to send Zhang Lai away."

If one of the three guards leaves, it must be Zhang Laifa. Those two old men, who had one day off and two days off, were living a wonderful life, so they suddenly asked them to go to work every day, who can do it?

"Brother..." Li Dayong said, "I'm causing trouble for you."

If it were normal, Zhao Youcai would definitely have said, "What's the trouble? We are not outsiders."

But this time, Zhao Youcai said nothing and only took a sip of wine silently.

What’s more, arranging this job for Li Ruhai is more difficult than arranging Li Baoyu’s job in the motorcade!

After drinking the wine in the vat, Li Dayong stood up and said goodbye. He had to go home quickly and tell the whole family the "good" news.

Mainly Li Ruhai, don't let this kid "uh, uh" anymore.

After sending Li Dayong away, Zhao Youcai wanted to sneak to the West Room and find an opportunity to ask Zhao Jun about the old manor.

But after clearing away the cooking pot, Wang Meilan went to the West Room to pack the luggage for her two children. Although Zhao Jun and Jie Chen are both older, they are still children in front of her.

Moreover, the boy is not good at packing things by nature, and he has trouble folding clothes and other things.

With Wang Meilan around, Zhao Youcai couldn't say anything. He watched for a while and then went back to the east room.

As soon as Li Dayong got home, he came directly to the West Room. As soon as he entered the door, Li Dayong saw Li Ruhai with his butt sticking out and his head stuck in the kang cabinet.

At this time, Li Ruhai was taking out clothes one by one. When Li Baoyu saw Li Dayong come in, he quickly put the little book aside, reached out and slapped Li Ruhai on the buttocks, and said, "Dad is back!"

"Oops!" After hearing this, Li Ruhai hurriedly pulled his head out of the kang cabinet, and then asked Li Dayong expectantly: "Dad, what did my uncle say?"

"It's settled." Li Dayong said: "It just so happens that Lao Yangtou is at work today, and he will get off work early tomorrow morning. You come with us tomorrow morning and meet him at the forest farm. Let's chat with him."

That's called establishment, and it can be passed on to children to take over.

As for Lao Yangtou and Li Ruhai, they were neither relatives nor friends, so they gave it to them as soon as they were asked to work. This is a great affection!

No matter what, Li Dayong had to come forward to express his gratitude and establish a friendship with Lao Yangtou on behalf of the whole family.

If Li Ruhai really takes over from Old Yangtou, then from now on, the two families will have to move around during the holidays.

When Li Ruhai heard this, his little face instantly lit up with joy. He grabbed the clothes on Li Baoyu's shoulders and tried to shake them twice, but he could only pull the cloth and said, "Brother, do you hear me? I will go to work tomorrow!"

"Not tomorrow!" Li Dayong said, but seeing Li Ruhai's face turning from sunny to rainy, he hurriedly said: "If we go tomorrow, let's chat with Old Yangtou first. He will have a rest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and we will wait for him to come back the day after tomorrow. Go to work and let him take you for a few days."

Li Dayong was very thoughtful and his work was unlike anything else. Whether Li Ruhai could do it or not was another matter. If he doesn't want to do it after two days, that's fucked up.

Therefore, Li Dayong wanted Li Ruhai to go to the forest farm first, and then hang out with Lao Yangtou for two days without settling down. If Li Ruhai is still heartbroken after three shifts, then let him have his way.

Anyway, with Li Ruhai's last-last score, it's impossible to go to high school. It's not bad to be able to go to work early and make money in advance.

In this case, if Li Ruhai can't do it, then let him go home and continue schooling. He will still be the janitor of Lao Yangtou. As for the staff, it would be best if he could keep it for Li Ruhai.

Unlike Li Ruhai, who was full of joy, Li Baoyu understood the key to the problem as soon as he heard it. He said to Li Dayong: "Dad, let Ruhai follow Lao Yangtou. How about the hair?"

Now the one following Lao Yangtou is Zhang Laifa, and Li Ruhai is gone again. Shouldn't the two of them fight with the same master?

Li Baoyu is not afraid of the old Zhang family. Who is left to make a fortune now that Zhang has made a fortune? The key is not to hit a woman without a mother. In rural areas, being without a father is worse than being without a mother.

When the two boys get into a fight over a job, they will definitely pay attention to the old Li family.

Li Dayong understood what Li Baoyu meant and immediately explained: "Your uncle said that he went to find your brother-in-law Jianjun and asked Zhang Laifa to go to their logistics and let the boy take charge of the water room."

"Ah." Li Baoyu heard this, thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said: "Don't say it, this is really good."

"Hot water room?" Li Ruhai suddenly interrupted and asked in a puzzled tone: "What is that for?"

"You don't have to worry about what you are doing." Li Dayong wanted to be quiet now and waved his big hand to run away, but before leaving, he still pointed to a pile of old clothes on the kang and said: "Look at what you paid for, pack it up quickly Now, cover yourself up and sleep."

After saying that, Li Dayong walked out quickly, closing the door behind him when he got out.

But Li Ruhai didn't listen to his words at all and plunged into the kang cabinet again. When Li Baoyu next to him saw this, he sighed helplessly, shook his head, and then picked up the little book.

But at this moment, Li Ruhai stepped back and pulled a dark blue dress out of the kang cabinet.

Li Ruhai grabbed both shoulders of the clothes with both hands, unfolded the tunic suit in front of him, and asked Li Baoyu: "Brother, I want to wear this clothes to work tomorrow, what do you think?"

"Oh my God!" Li Baoyu just looked at it and threw the little book away in fright, and said anxiously: "Isn't this what my grandfather wore before he was alive?"

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