The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 560 Wang Meilan’s family has no money. My son will follow me, Zhao Youcai.

The Li family also had braised bear meat today, but Teacher Xiao's sudden visit interrupted the family's meal.

At this time, Xiao Nan was about to leave. Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei wanted to keep the meal but were refused, so they could only send the teacher outside and then go back to the house to eat.

Xiao Nan came out of Li's house, got on her bicycle and hurried out of the village. When I was about to leave the village, I saw a group of people crying and making noise in the courtyard of a house in front of me. There were many spectators gathered around the entrance of the courtyard.

The paths between the villages are not wide to begin with, and most of the people watching the excitement are older people, and those with children.

Xiao Nan was afraid of bumping into someone, so she hurriedly got off the bicycle and pushed the bicycle forward. At this moment, a cry of "Ouch" suddenly sounded in the courtyard, which suddenly startled Xiao Nan.

Although she is Li Ruhai's class teacher, Xiao Nan is not like Li Ruhai. She doesn't want to watch the excitement, she just wants to stay close to him and leave quickly.

"I borrowed it, please borrow it." When the cart passed behind people, Xiao Nan said out loud, for fear that someone would suddenly retreat and hit the car.

At this time, I heard a middle-aged woman say to the little daughter-in-law next to her: "Qiuyue, you said this is like the sea and it doesn't leave home. It's not fun to see such a bustle."

"It's not bad." The younger woman next to her nodded in agreement and said, "Tomorrow when Ruhai comes back from get off work, we will tell him about it. With all this excitement, we can't leave him behind."

Xiao Nan: "..."

It's a good thing that this kid dropped out of school, otherwise it would have delayed his future.

After one night, the mountains and fields were filled with white mist.

But in the morning, the chimney of Zhao Jun's house was smoking. Zhao Youcai lit a fire and put the washed wild boar belly in the big pot.

This is preparation for making "medicinal diet" for Wang Meilan.

Wang Meilan got up from the kang at a little after 5:30. When she came out of the room, Wang Meilan, who was stretching her arms into her sleeves, saw the steaming cauldron, and her face suddenly darkened.

Wang Meilan enjoyed Zhao Youcai's kindness to her, but she still couldn't enjoy the pork belly and steamed millet.

At this time, Zhao Youcai, who had gone out to walk Erhei, came back with his dog. As soon as he opened the door, Erhei got in first and approached Wang Meilan.

"Hehehehe." Zhao Youcai came in later, smiled at Wang Meilan, and said, "Lan Na, you got up at the right time. The wild boar's belly has been steamed for you."

Wang Meilan frowned when she heard this, but she didn't say anything. She just raised her leg and gently touched Er Hei with the instep of her outer foot, and Er Hei walked to the west room in a sensible manner.

Wang Meilan ignored Zhao Youcai and just poured water into the washbasin from a thermos bottle. When washing her face, Wang Meilan rolled up her sleeves to avoid getting her sleeves wet.

As a result, a big golden bracelet was exposed.

Although she likes gold coins, Wang Meilan does farm work every day, holding firewood and carrying things in her hands, which makes her feel distressed.

In comparison, this bracelet is just fine. When working, cover it with the sleeves of your clothes. When you want to show off, roll up your sleeves.

The basin where Zhao Jun's family washes their faces and hands is placed in the northwest corner of the outhouse. Two nails are nailed on the north wall, and a No. 8 wire is screwed on it, with the family's towels on it.

Wang Meilan had just finished washing her face with water in her hands. When she reached out to touch the towel on the No. 8 line, she found nothing.

"Huh?" Wang Meilan was startled. She washes her face every day and puts the towel in a fixed position. She can touch it even if she doesn't look up.

But at this moment, Wang Meilan heard Zhao Youcai say: "Lan, it's over here!"

With that said, Zhao Youcai handed the towel to Wang Meilan's hand. Wang Meilan took the towel and wiped her face. When she took the towel off her face, what Wang Meilan saw was Zhao Youcai with a flattering smile on his face.

After living together for more than twenty years, who doesn’t know who?

Wang Meilan glanced sideways at Zhao Youcai and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Haha." Zhao Youcai chuckled and said, "Lan Na, give us some more money."

Wang Meilan didn't say anything. She just put the towel on the No. 8 line that served as a clothesline, and then reached into her pocket.

Ever since Zhao Youcai cooked pork belly and steamed millet for the first time and expressed his gratitude to Wang Meilan, Wang Meilan thought that the next time Zhao Youcai asked for money, she would give him one or two yuan.

Seeing Wang Meilan taking out his pocket, Zhao Youcai's eyes lit up and he grinned. But maybe he was eager to show off, so he raised his left hand and pointed his index finger at Wang Meilan, and said with a smile: "Lan, that thing is steamed, I'll cut it into a piece for you. Eat it while it's hot."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai turned around and ran to the stove.

Upon hearing this, Wang Meilan reached into her pocket, released Qian Da's hand, and took it out.

At this time, Wang Meilan had nothing in her hands. When she looked at Zhao Youcai who was cooking the pot, she became very angry.

It's so early in the morning and I haven't even eaten a bite of food yet. If I just let myself eat that thing, can I still eat it?

After Zhao Youcai picked up the pot, he used the lid to fan out the steaming heat in the pot, then put the lid aside and took down the large plate on the drawer with both hands.

Zhao Youcai held the plate with both hands, quickly moved the plate to one side, and placed it on the pot table. Then he let go as if he was electrocuted, raised his right hand, pinched his earlobe, and rubbed it gently.

Zhao Youcai turned around, smiled at Wang Meilan, and said, "Lan Na, I'll give you a piece while it's hot."

"I won't eat!" Wang Meilan bluntly refused Zhao Youcai. After saying this, Wang Meilan saw Zhao Youcai remove his hands from his ears and knew that he was holding a plate that was too hot. Wang Meilan was touched but didn't want to eat that thing. She was helpless, entangled, pain!

But Wang Meilan couldn't bear to refuse Zhao Youcai's kindness, so she added: "I will eat after breakfast."

"Ah, that's okay." Zhao Youcai didn't think much about it. He just looked at Wang Meilan's hand that took out the money and asked cautiously: "Lan Na, that money."

When Zhao Youcai asked about money, Wang Meilan's eyes fell on the steamed millet with pork belly. She said to Zhao Youcai expressionlessly: "What is money? The family has no money."

"What?" Zhao Youcai was stunned. He never expected that Wang Meilan would give him such an answer. Even if you say no, it's better than saying the family has no money!

Wang Meilan put her right hand on her left arm, put down her left cuff, and covered the nearly 50 grams of large gold bracelet. Then she said to Zhao Youcai without changing her face: "After building a house for my son, there are still other expenses to pay, okay?" Money.”

After saying that, Wang Meilan walked into the back room and left a message to Zhao Youcai, saying: "Get some soybeans in a basin and pick up two pieces of soybean curd. You can deal with one in the morning."

Zhao Youcai stayed where he was, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. Eating so much tofu and calling it a bite, what do you think this bitch is talking about?

But Zhao Youcai didn't dare to say anything. He took out a noodle bag from the dish rack, poured some soybeans into the basin, and then left the house with the basin in hand.

When Zhao Youcai walked to the door of the tofu shop, he saw Ma Dafu coming out with a basin.

This is the future in-laws, so we have to exchange a few words.

"Brother." Zhao Youcai greeted Ma Dafu first and said, "Come to pick up tofu?"

"Yeah." Ma Dafu lifted the basin and said, "My sister-in-law burned her feet. She can't get off the ground. My daughter is working at home. There is nothing I can do. I'll come."

"Ah." Upon hearing what Ma Dafu said, Zhao Youcai hurriedly said: "I am the same, your brother and sister have stomach problems, and your son is still home. If there is no cure, I have to come."

"Oops." Ma Dafu heard this and asked, "What's wrong with my sister's stomach? Does it hurt? Take some painkillers."

"No." Zhao Youcai shook his head and said, "My son took her to Lingnan Hospital and said she had inflammation. The doctor gave her a folk remedy, steaming millet seeds in the belly of a wild boar. Why don't you eat it at home?"

"Oh my god." Ma Dafu said with a smile: "I'll go to the hospital to see thirteen tricks, and then I'll give you all the home remedies."

"Who says it's not?" Zhao Youcai laughed and said, "Brother, I won't say any more. You should go back soon. The tofu will be cold in a while."

"Yes." Ma Dafu held the basin with one hand and waved to Zhao Youcai with the other: "Let's go, second brother, let's have a drink someday."

"Hey, that's good." Zhao Youcai said goodbye to Ma Dafu, went into the tofu shop, exchanged the soybeans for two pieces of soybean tofu, walked out and walked home.

After walking a few steps, Zhao Youcai heard someone calling him from behind: "Hey brother, hey brother!"

Yes, this is calling him.

The man called "Second Brother", but he had a big tongue.

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he knew without looking back that the person coming was definitely talking about Lifu.

Zhao Youcai turned around and saw Zhang Lifu running towards him.

Zhang Lifu must have something to do when he comes this early in the morning!

The two of them had a good relationship. Zhao Youcai got straight to the point and asked, "What's going on? You came here in a hurry. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah!" Zhang Lifu said to Zhao Youcai, "There's something good going on!"

When Zhao Youcai heard what Zhang Lifu said, he quickly asked: "What good thing is this?"

But what Zhao Youcai didn't expect was that Zhang Lifu asked Zhao Youcai, "Where is the boy at home? I'll look for him."

"What?" Zhao Youcai knew that the boy Zhang Lifu was talking about was Zhao Jun. When he heard that Zhang Lifu was looking for Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Why are you looking for him?"

Zhang Lifu took half a step back, looked at Zhao Youcai with an awkward frown, and whispered: "I'm looking for him to besiege."

No matter how low his voice was, Zhao Youcai could still hear him, and Zhang Lifu's words made Zhao Youcai very proud.

"Haha! Haha!" Zhao Youcai sneered twice in succession, but Zhang Lifu was frightened. In the early years, there was a saying in the village: If you are not afraid of night owls, you are afraid of the laughter of Ergudong.

Zhao Youcai stared at Zhang Lifu and said in a gloomy tone: "Zhang Lifu, shouldn't you be looking for me when you are encircling me?"

"Second brother!" Zhang Lifu was so nervous that he could no longer speak loudly. He hurriedly said to Zhao Youcai: "The boy said that you have been very busy at work all day. What are you asking me to watch in the mountains? Just tell him that when the time comes, he will Go fight.”

Zhao Youcai said, "What did you tell him?"

Zhang Lifu swallowed his saliva, blinked his eyes, and explained: "Second brother, I really didn't tell him specifically that time. I asked him to send you a message. At the beginning of spring, I went to the mountains to cut the branches. , looking at a bunch of pigs.”

"A bunch of pigs..." Zhao Youcai frowned upon hearing this, but Zhang Lifu continued: "There must be seventy or eighty of them."

As soon as Zhang Lifu said this, Zhao Youcai was stunned on the spot.


Zhao Youcai didn't expect that Zhang Lifu had told Zhao Jun about the pig god's traces.


Zhang Lifu didn't tell Zhao Jun, Zhang Lifu asked Zhao Jun to tell him!

But the little kid didn't tell him at all. He took people to fight the Pig God and made a lot of money along the way!

Seeing that Zhao Youcai didn't say a word and his face was still uncertain, Zhang Lifu was frightened. He hurriedly said to Zhao Youcai: "Second brother, don't get angry with the child. The child is a good boy. He is afraid that your work unit is busy. Let's finish it." If I look at some prey in the mountains and I can't catch it, just tell him and he won't be indebted to me after he hunts it."

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he turned his head sharply and stared so hard that Zhang Lifu dared not speak. Zhao Youcai said, "Don't you know whether I am busy or not?"

When Zhang Lifu was in trouble, Zhao Youcai took him in and worked odd jobs in the canteen. Over the years, Zhao Youcai has also helped Zhang Lifu. It was also true that Zhang Lifu was grateful to Zhao Youcai, but he didn't know what was going on between them.

Seeing that Zhang Lifu was silent, Zhao Youcai asked again: "What news have you conveyed to him? What benefits has he given you?"

"Second brother, why did you say that we are like spies?" Zhang Lifu said solemnly: "I came to you the second time, and you didn't leave home that day. I wonder how busy you are now. The kid met me a few days ago and...he had to give me a hundred dollars."

At this point, Zhang Lifu straightened his back and raised his voice: "This boy is Renyi. He said he gave me the share, but I know that the child is taking care of me because his uncle is in trouble. Why don't you tell me? , Second brother, this child is the son of the old Zhao family, it’s up to you! Benevolence and righteousness! If it weren’t for you back then, would I be where I am today?”

When Zhang Lifu said this, Zhao Youcai's face brightened a little, and he nodded and said, "Well, he just follows me."

"Yeah, yeah." Zhang Lifu nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Now that the matter has come to this, Zhao Youcai doesn't intend to make things difficult for Zhang Lifu anymore. The key is that his poor brother has to be taken care of by him from time to time, and there is nothing to gain.

So, Zhao Youcai said to Zhang Lifu: "The boy has not left home, he has joined the Yongxing Brigade."

"Ah?" Zhang Lifu was stunned and asked, "What were you doing there?"

"Hey." Zhao Youcai said, "I'm going to catch the roe deer."

"Why go all the way to catch roe deer?" Zhang Lifu also said, "We have roe deer here. I saw a bunch of five of them yesterday afternoon."

After Zhao Youcai heard what he said, he immediately had an analysis in his head and asked Zhang Lifu: "A clear cut? Or a clear soup forest?"

Zhang Lifu knows how to set a trap. If these roe deer can be caught in a trap, he will never come to Zhao Jun.

And setting a trap, whether it is a wild boar, a roe deer, or whatever. The clear soup forest will definitely not work, the mountain farm must be peaceful, and the denser the needle bush, the better.

"Clear cutting." Zhang Lifu said: "Just put it on the old explosives warehouse in your forest farm and go to the 28th Linban."

"Ah!" Zhao Youcai nodded, waved to Zhang Lifu and said, "Come on, come home with me. After breakfast, we go up the mountain and beat these roe deer."

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