The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 577 The hanging sheep appears

Zhao Jun was shocked when he saw Dahuang's appearance. He quickly dropped the sack and retreated step by step with his gun in hand.

Previously, he thought the prey was shot by Zhang Yuanmin and Tao Fei, so he put away his guns. But when he saw something unusual about Dahuang, Zhao Jun realized something was wrong. He quickly took off his gun and raised it to the sky to shoot.

No matter how powerful Rhubarb is in combat, the key is that in this forest, the only ones that can keep it away are those three ferocious cats.

Tiger, leopard, lynx!

And the distance between this place and Qingshi Dingzi made Zhao Jun conclude that it must be a tiger!


As soon as the gunshot rang out, Dahuang, who ran thirty meters away, dodged behind a tree, where the cat became motionless.

Normally, Dahuang would have rushed in front of Zhao Jun when he heard the gunfire, but at this time Dahuang was all numb. If it hadn't been emboldened by the sound of the gunshot, it would have run farther.

Zhao Jun quickly looked back, then retreated quickly. When he came to Da Huang, he saw the old dog lying there trembling.

Zhao Jun squatted down, took out a rope from his backpack and put it around Dahuang's neck. While tying the rope, Zhao Jun comforted Dahuang.

But this doesn't seem to be of much use.

After Zhao Jun tied the rhubarb, he tied it to a tree. Then he stood up and shot three times in the sky.

After three shots, Zhao Jun carefully walked back to the sack that he had left behind, untied it quickly, took out a bundle of double rattles, pulled out three in a row, inserted them into the ground, and then struck a match. Light the fuse.


The dog recognized the sound of gunfire, but not the firecrackers. Listening to the sound, Dahuang tugged on the rope uneasily, but did not dare to bark.



Six consecutive explosions were heard on the hillside. Zhao Jun put his gun under the creaking hole on his right hand, pulled the sack with his left hand, and returned to Dahuang.

He put down the sack, took out two bundles of firecrackers, and tied them to himself with small strings. Tie a bundle on the belt of the shoulder bag, tie another bundle on the belt of the military water bottle, and then stuff four or five loose items into the shoulder bag.

There are medicines, bandages, etc. in the shoulder bag. No matter how much there is, Zhao Jun will not be able to carry it.

The remaining two kicks and sacks were left under the tree by Zhao Jun. He untied the rope that tied Rhubarb, held a gun in one hand and held Rhubarb in the other, and continued to follow the blood trail.

In just thirty meters, Dahuang walked very reluctantly. Once he reached the place where he had just escaped, Dahuang even pulled the rope and tried to run away, but was held tightly by Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun raised his leg and pushed the inside of his foot against Dahuang's butt, trying to urge him forward. But Dahuang just refused to move, not wanting to move even a step.

Zhao Jun couldn't help it. It could be seen that Dahuang was obviously scared, which was different from Black Tiger's letting go.

Black Tiger is a shameless dog. If you give it a kick when you let it go, it will run away.

But right now, Dahuang must be smelling the smell of tiger and not daring to go forward. In such a situation, you can only comfort it but not hit it, otherwise the more you hit it, the more frightened the rhubarb will be. Maybe after a slap, it lies on the ground and doesn't move.

Zhao Jun squatted next to Dahuang, hugged its neck and gently comforted it, and said to Dahuang: "Dahuang, we still have to move forward. Those two guys haven't come back yet. I don't know if the big paw should let the big paw It was taken away."

When Zhao Jun said this, Dahuang seemed as if he didn't hear it and just leaned his head in Zhao Jun's arms.

It's scared!

Moreover, it is not familiar with those two people.

Seeing that Dahuang didn't buy it, Zhao Jun's hand holding Dahuang's neck pushed its chin forward, making Dahuang look at the extension of the blood stain, and continued to persuade: "Dahuang, you can't be cowardly! Last year, when Hua Xiao'er was left here, she still The two of us are trying to catch a big paw, but now it’s your turn, what do you think you’re going to do if you tuck your tail and run away?”

Zhao Jun said that he didn't know how much Dahuang could receive from this big string, but when Zhao Jun mentioned Hua Xiaoer, Dahuang turned his head and looked at Zhao Jun.

Dogs are very interesting animals. Sometimes their memory is very short; sometimes their memory is very long.

They will have a deep impression on people or companions who have been in contact with them for a long time, and they can also distinguish familiar names.

Dahuang and Hua Xiaoer have been together for many years, but they haven't seen each other for more than half a year. It doesn't know where that companion has gone, but Dahuang still reacts when he hears a familiar name.

Dahuang didn't quite understand the meaning of Zhao Jun's words. Maybe in its simple thinking, Dahuang thought that Zhao Jun meant Hua Xiaoer was in front.

Dahuang moved his eyes away from Zhao Jun's face and looked forward. Although it couldn't see anything, it could smell a strange smell in the air.

This was the first time he smelled this smell, but what was different from other smells was that the moment Dahuang smelled this smell, he felt fear in his heart and his body involuntarily wanted to leave. It seems that only by staying away from here can it feel more at ease.

But Zhao Jun pulled it back again. When Zhao Jun suddenly mentioned Hua Xiaoer, Dahuang simply thought that its old friend was in front.

So, when Zhao Jun patted Dahuang's butt again to urge it, Dahuang slowly walked forward.

After walking three or four meters, Dahuang raised his head and sniffed twice. Then he looked back at Zhao Jun.

There's nothing we can do about it, Rhubarb's habits are like this. As soon as it arrives in the mountains every day, it gets excited and runs around. But once the excitement wears off, it will follow its owner obediently and will not go out until the leader dog calls.

Seeing Dahuang stop, Zhao Jun waved his arm at it. Dahuang turned his head and walked forward again with his tail between his legs. Although still physically and mentally afraid, I mustered up the courage to move forward.

Dahuang went to find his companions in his memory, and Zhao Jun also went to find his companions. Zhao Jun couldn't tell the difference between human blood and wild boar blood. So he didn't know whether the big paw was pulling a mountain animal, Zhang Yuanmin or Tao Fei.

Therefore, Zhao Jun had to go and take a look.

After walking for more than thirty meters, Dahuang suddenly went out in a flash. Zhao Jun was stunned, and he quickly chased forward with his gun in hand.

At this time, Zhao Jun had bundles of firecrackers hanging on his body. From a distance, it looked like he was hanging explosives.

After running seven or eight meters, Zhao Jun saw Rhubarb swirling around a bloody thing, but even before he reached it, Zhao Jun could tell that it was not a human, but a wild boar.

When Zhao Jun came closer, he saw that the wild boar was really miserable. A female wild boar weighed nearly three hundred pounds, and most of the pig's butt, internal organs, and belly meat were almost eaten.

In fact, it was Zhao Jun who fired guns and cannons to scare the tiger away, otherwise it would have had to eat for a while.

Rhubarb kept circling around the wild boar. It was still looking for its partner, but there was no smell familiar to it in the air.

So Dahuang was confused.

Zhao Jun felt relieved when he saw that the person the tiger was dragging was not a human being. He had no intention of asking for the wild boar meat, so he just asked Rhubarb to climb to the top of the mountain.

Zhao Jun has a good sense of direction. Even if he is not familiar with this mountainous area, he can clearly distinguish the southeast from the northwest. Zhao Jun knew where the Yongxing brigade was and how to go back.

Although he was a little confused, after hearing Zhao Jun whistle continuously, Dahuang turned around and followed him step by step.

But just when they were about to reach the top of the mountain, Rhubarb suddenly jumped out from behind Zhao Jun and went up in a few leaps.

Along the way, Zhao Jun kept holding his gun. Seeing Dahuang disappear, he quickly followed him.

Zhao Jun knew that Rhubarb had gone out, so the prey must not be too far away!

"Woof woof woof..."

To Zhao Jun's surprise, Dahuang suddenly let out a series of shouts. Zhao Jun grabbed the gun with his left hand, grabbed the small tree next to him with his right hand, and used his strength to pull himself up and onto the steep prong.

After coming up, Zhao Jun took a direct aim with his gun, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When shooting, even if you blink your eyes, the shot will not be accurate, not to mention that Zhao Jun trembled slightly.

Zhao Jun fired three shots in a row, but the shots missed. What's even more "powerful" is that of Zhao Jun's three shots, only the first shot was aimed at the prey, and the other two shots were just make-up.

It is indeed rare for Zhao Jun to be like this. But what's even rarer is that a big goat kicks its legs and disappears in an instant.

The big goat had an injury on one of its hind legs, but it was more than a foot long and quickly disappeared into the forest. Rhubarb followed it and ate ashes behind it.

Zhao Jun put down his gun, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, he could see the goat clearly.

The sheep is not small, weighing a hundred pounds and facing upwards. It is covered with gray hair and has horns on its head that bend back, almost forming a semicircle.

Hanging sheep!

That is the hanging sheep that Zhao Jun has been thinking about for a long time!

At this time, Dahuang ran back, but not to Zhao Jun, but to the place where the hanging sheep had just stayed.

Zhao Jun grabbed the gun and walked towards Dahuang.

When Zhao Jun got closer, he saw what he wanted to see. There was a claw buried in the ground, which was dug out with a big wooden board. The hanging sheep got stuck in it just now. It was larger than the average roe deer and much smaller than a deer. After stepping on it and catching its foot, its hoof was pinned inside.

As Rhubarb chased it away, the hanging sheep became frightened and anxious, and without caring about anything else, it yanked out and really broke free.

And Zhao Jun fired that shot at this moment.

After Zhao Jun fired the first shot, the hanging sheep disappeared from the gun star. Then he moved the muzzle of the gun in the direction where the hanging sheep disappeared and fired two more shots, but to no avail.

Zhao Jun knelt down, looked at the crude trap, and had a plan in mind.

Previously, Mr. Tao said that the Hanging Sheep Spirit would not stay wherever there was a scent of human beings.

But now it seems that is not the case!

Zhao Jun stood up and looked around. He was wondering what the person trying to catch was trying to catch? You can't be like yourself and come here for the hanging sheep, right?

There are rules for besieging people, just like Xing San and those old mountain dogs. Everyone has his own territory in the mountains. If a latecomer knows that there are people in this area who use traps, condoms and other means to beat small people, then he will You can't find food here.

Zhao Jun frowned and didn't care about the trick. He just carried the gun and walked over the mountain with Rhubarb.

But just after walking down the mountain, Rhubarb went out again!

But this time, Dahuang stopped after running three to five meters and shouted twice in front of him.

As soon as the dog barked, someone said, "Who is it? Whose dog is it?"

There was news at home in the morning, and I hadn’t had breakfast yet.

This chapter does not count as an additional update, nor does it count as a guarantee. There was a previous update of 3,000 words, so this chapter will be used to make up for it.

I'll finish my meal, clean up the house, and continue writing. I'll finish the Yongxing brigade affairs today so I can go home! There is still an old man at home!

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