The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 582 Li Ruhai: Brother, just eat it yourself

Just when he was thinking about taking care of Li Ruhai, this kid appeared in front of him, but Zhao Jun had to say hello to Jin Xiaomei first.

Jin Xiaomei smiled and asked Zhao Jun: "Xiaojun, when did you come back?"

"I came back in the morning." Zhao Jun walked to the door with a smile, looked at the earthen baskets carried by the couple and asked, "Aunt, what are you doing?"

Jin Xiaomei said: "There is some work in the fields. In the past two days, Ruhai has helped me do it."

"Ah, oops!" Hearing this, Zhao Jun glanced at Li Ruhai in surprise, and then said to Jin Xiaomei: "We Ruhai have become more successful after going to work. We used to work for other people's families, but we didn't even work for our own family." of."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this. The smile on Li Ruhai's face froze instantly. He glanced at Jin Xiaomei cautiously, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, I didn't go to work today, so I stayed home to help my mother."

This is true. On September 29, this child worked a full day of work for the first time with Lao Yangtou.

When he went home the next day, he leaned against the wall and listened to the conversation between his parents, brother and sister. Only then did Li Ruhai realize that he might be hung up and beaten at any time.

Frightened, Li Ruhai created a seemingly warm situation with the most powerful person in his family by being obedient and helping Jin Xiaomei do farm work.

For this reason, Li Ruhai didn't even go to class today. Before Old Yangtou officially retires and goes home, let Mr. Yang help him for a few days.

Listening to Li Ruhai's own words, Zhao Jun smiled faintly and said to Jin Xiaomei: "Aunt, tell me, our Ruhai family used to not go to school to work for other people's families, but now they don't go to work to work for their own family. It took a long time. , this kid is still happy to work. Hahaha..."

Before Zhao Jun finished speaking, Jin Xiaomei cast her sights on Li Ruhai. Li Ruhai secretly thought something was wrong and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, how many wild boars will you kill when you go to Yongxing this time?" How many blind bears are there? How many roe deer have been caught?"

The child simply had nothing to say and changed the subject, but Zhao Jun also knew that he shouldn't use eye drops too much, otherwise it would be bad for others to notice.

But at this moment, the door of Zhao Jun's house was pushed open from inside, and Wang Meilan quickly came out. As she walked, she called Jin Xiaomei: "Brothers and sisters, I'm stewing chicken for lunch, you and Ruhai come over."

Hearing this, Jin Xiaomei glanced at Li Ruhai and then said to Wang Meilan: "Okay, sister-in-law, let Ruhai pass first. I have some noodles left from steaming the buns this morning, and I'll leave them to bake the dough later."

"Come on, Ruhai." Wang Meilan stretched out her hand to greet Li Ruhai, and said to Jin Xiaomei: "Brothers and sisters, I will go over and bake pancakes with you in a while."

Both women said they wanted pancakes, but in fact they were not going to eat chicken.

These days, chickens raised in rural areas are all native chickens, even if roosters are larger and meatier than hens. But by this time, the roosters back then were only a little over three pounds. It has to be said that Wang Meilan's careful feeding was the reason why he grew so big.

As for a rooster weighing about three pounds, if it is eviscerated, bled, and then stripped of its feathers, what will be left? Even if the three little girls from both families went to school, Zhao Jun, Jie Chen and Li Ruhai would not be able to divide the chicken.

So, when she heard Wang Meilan calling for chicken, Jin Xiaomei said she wanted to go home and make pancakes.

Wang Meilan knew what Jin Xiaomei was thinking, and she was also a mother. Her thoughts coincided with Jin Xiaomei's, so she followed Jin Xiaomei's words and made an excuse for herself.

Zhao Jun knew what the two mothers were thinking, but he did not make it clear. He just smiled at Li Ruhai and said, "Come on, Ruhai, let's go into the house."

"Brother, I'll go there later." Li Ruhai smiled and said, "I'll go back and change my clothes."

In this way, Jin Xiaomei led Li Ruhai home, and Wang Meilan and Zhao Jun also returned to the house.

As soon as Zhao Jun entered the room, he heard the sound of "Gaba, Gaba" coming from the back room. When he looked inside, he saw that his minister was sitting on the Kang picking peanuts.

When Zhao Jun came back, Jie Chen greeted him and said, "Brother Jun, come and eat peanuts. These peanuts are very fragrant."

Before Zhao Jun could answer, Wang Meilan said, "Jie Chen, save the peanuts and eat them after dinner. It's time to eat. If you eat a lot of peanuts, can you still eat chicken?"

Jie Chen laughed. He knew Wang Meilan meant well and was not afraid that he would eat them, so he collected all the peanut shells on the table and prepared to add them to the stove later.

"Mom." Zhao Jun was a little curious and asked Wang Meilan, "Where did the peanuts come from?"

These days, there are no large-scale peanut farmers in rural areas, and only a few families grow some themselves.

"Your sister-in-law Zhang brought it to her." Wang Meilan opened the lid of the pot and said, "She told me that I didn't remember it very well. It wasn't given to her by a friend."

The sister-in-law Zhang mentioned by Wang Meilan was Yang Yufeng. Hearing that it was her who gave it to her, Zhao Jun didn't say anything.

I just remembered that when I went to Ma Ling's house, I saw Ma Ling and Wang Cuihua pickling mustard dumplings. Zhao Jun asked Wang Meilan, "Mom, do we have pickled mustard dumplings? Do we have to pickle them?"

After winter in the Northeast, there are few green vegetables, and pickles are indispensable for almost every household. In Zhao Jun's family, mustard knots account for the largest proportion of pickled vegetables.

In ordinary households, at least one tank is required for marinating, and some have two or three tanks.

"It's marinated." Wang Meilan took down the steamed rice first, and then replied to Zhao Jun: "It's not marinated here, it's marinated in our new house. There are three tanks of marinated rice."

At this point, Wang Meilan added another sentence and said: "Yesterday afternoon, your sister-in-law Zhang came to help me marinate it, and her bells also came."

Zhao Jun knew as soon as he heard that Yang Yufeng must have come to help him during the days he left.

At this time, Wang Meilan took a basin and a spoon to prepare the chicken stewed with mushrooms. The chicken meat in those days also rotted quickly. It had only been stewed for more than half an hour, and the skin of the chicken feet, bones and sticks were stewed to pieces. In this case, the chicken will be good too.

Before serving the dishes, Wang Meilan continued to say to Zhao Jun: "We don't know how you discipline your brother Zhang and sister-in-law Zhang. I look at the child Lingdang with so much curiosity. Oh, in the future, you two sisters must be like Lingdang, I don’t think about anything anymore.”

Zhao Jun nodded repeatedly when he heard this. Xiao Lingdang is much more playful than her father. She studies well and is sensible. She never has to worry about her family.

Wang Meilan suddenly sighed again and heard her say: "Lingdang, this child, looks very much like me when I was a child. Your grandma, your grandpa, as well as relatives and friends at home all praise me."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, but Jie Chen was opening the dish rack inside to get the dishes and chopsticks. Zhao Jun could only nod his head and said "hmm".

Zhao Jun had never seen what Wang Meilan was like when she was a child. But according to his old uncle Wang Qiang’s recollection, Wang Meilan’s affairs were much more complicated when she was a child.

In the Northeast, saying a person has many things to do does not mean he is busy. Rather, he said that this person was pretentious and difficult to deal with.

According to Zhao Youcai's rebellious statement, Wang Meilan's little Qian'er is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

As for what Wang Meilan just said, those who praised her, Zhao Jun and his grandfather had two sons, but Wang Meilan was the only daughter. The family was rich, so she loved this apple of her eye very much.

As for her relatives, when they saw that Mr. Wang and his wife loved their daughter, of course they praised her. Otherwise, how could they take advantage of their family?

But Zhao Jun didn't dare to complain about this kind of thing, regardless of Jie Chen's presence or not. Seeing Wang Meilan put the chicken stewed with mushrooms into a basin, Zhao Jun hurriedly replaced Wang Meilan and put the dishes on the table.

When the hard dishes were served, before Li Ruhai came over, Wang Meilan said to Zhao Jun and Jie Chen, "You two eat first, and I'll call Ru Hai."

"No, Mom." Zhao Jun stopped Wang Meilan and said, "We'll wait for him. The kid has been working all morning and needs to wash his face when he gets home. Let's wait for him for a while."

Wang Meilan didn't feel anything at all, and just said to Zhao Jun and Jie Chen: "Okay, I'll fry some more cabbage. You guys can eat in a while, and I'll go to your aunt's house. You've eaten all the chicken, so there's no need to give it to you." We stay.”

Although the chicken was stewed with mushrooms, Wang Meilan was afraid that it would not be enough for the three of them, so she fried some cabbage slices.

This dish is so cooked, just stir-fry it twice. Here Wang Meilan put cabbage on a plate, and over there Li Ruhai entered the Zhao family.

"Auntie!" Li Ruhai came in to see Wang Meilan serving the dishes. He hurriedly came over and said attentively: "Give it to me. I'll serve it."

Wang Meilan handed the plate to Li Ruhai, and then washed the pot with water. She did this job very quickly. After cleaning up, Wang Meilan went out to Li's house.

In the west room of Zhao Jun's house, Zhao Jun, Jie Chen, and Li Ruhai sat on the Kang table around the Kang table.

There were bowls and chopsticks placed in front of the three of them, with a basin and a plate of two dishes in the middle. Zhao Jun, the elder brother, picked up the chopsticks first and pointed at the dishes on the table. He looked at Jie Chen and then at Li Ruhai. , greeted the two of them: "Quick, let's eat."

"Hey." Jie Chen and Li Ruhai responded in unison, and they picked up their chopsticks from the table. At this time, Zhao Jun picked up the chicken head in the basin, handed it directly to Li Ruhai's bowl, and said: "Ruhai, eat this."

"Ah?" Li Ruhai looked at the chicken heads in the bowl and was stunned.

When Jie Chen, who was about to move his chopsticks, saw this, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Jun.

These days, pig heads are not considered good meat, let alone chicken heads. Based on their understanding of Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun took great care of their younger brothers.

Normally, even if Zhao Jun ate the chicken head himself, he would not give it to Li Ruhai.

Under the puzzled gazes of the two people, Zhao Jun smiled and said to Li Ruhai: "Ruhai, you just went to work, eating chicken heads, everything goes to the head."

These were auspicious words. Li Ruhai laughed when he heard the words, picked up the chicken head and bit off the comb.

But Li Ruhai's smile didn't last long. Zhao Jun turned back and put a piece of chicken drumstick in the basin to give to the minister.

Raising native chickens these days, a group of chickens can get a handful of chaff or a handful of grain a day. The chickens raised in this way are all thin, and the only parts of a chicken that can be called good meat are two chicken legs.

Chicken breasts are meaty, but this part is dead meat. If you know how to cook it in a special way, it would be better like Kung Pao Chicken. But as soon as the big pot is stewed like this, the chicken breast becomes dry and is called dead meat and melon seeds.

Although the chicken neck is live meat, the chicken is too thin. The skin is removed from the chicken neck, leaving only a layer of meat on the surface. When eating, you have to break the bones apart, which is quite difficult.

Chicken wing roots are okay, almost the same as chicken shanks. In addition, the middle and tip of the wings are also a layer of skin.

In this case, although the chicken legs of the native chicken are not big, they are chopped into small pieces when stewed. In this way, in addition to the small pieces of meat being more delicious, people at the table can share a piece of leg meat as much as possible. .

Zhao Jun gave Jie Chen a piece of leg meat, and then gave himself a piece of leg meat. Both of them ate quite deliciously.

At this time, Li Ruhai suddenly felt that the chicken head in his bowl was no longer fragrant.

But there is nothing we can do. Children these days also know how to be frugal with food. Even if the chicken head has no meat, it must be eaten clean.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is not a bone, you have to gnaw it down.

Li Ruhai ate quickly enough, but when he finished the chicken head, Zhao Jun and Chen Chen had already finished two pieces of chicken legs each.

For a chicken leg, chop the thigh into three pieces and chop the calf into two pieces. When Zhao Jun and Xie Chen separated the two chicken wings, Li Ruhai hurriedly threw the chicken skull to the side of the bowl, and his eyes immediately focused on a piece of chicken leg meat.

"Ruhai!" Suddenly, Zhao Jun called Li Ruhai.

Li Ruhai turned his head, looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "What's wrong, brother?"

Zhao Jun pointed his chopsticks at the chicken skull that Li Ruhai had thrown on the kang table and said, "Ruhai, there is Qin Huier here, you have to eat it."

There are chicken brains in the chicken skull, and its image looks like a person kneeling with his hands behind his back. People say this is a kneeling Qin Hui.

When Li Ruhai heard this, his first reaction was that food should not be wasted. He immediately picked up the chicken skull and bit it with his back molars. The child had good teeth and smashed the chicken skull into pieces.

Then, Li Ruhai took a breath, and the chicken brains entered his mouth. Before Li Ruhai could spit out the bones, he watched Zhao Jun pick up a chicken foot and put it into his bowl.

"This..." Looking at the chicken feet sticking out of his bowl, Li Ruhai looked at Zhao Jun with aggrieved eyes, but Zhao Jun said: "Ruhai, you just went to work, eat some chicken feet and scratch them. "

"Ah?" Li Ruhai glanced at the chicken feet in the bowl, then looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Brother, I'm just a guard, where can I scratch it?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jun seemed to have come to his senses, but then he said to Li Ruhai: "Then eat some chicken feet, and you can make money this year."

Li Ruhai: "..."

Li Ruhai didn't want to eat chicken feet. The chicken feet of this native chicken had only one layer of skin, and he had to break every joint on the feet when eating. In the past, Li Dayong would eat chicken and chicken feet with wine at home.

Regardless of whether he has money or not, Li Dayong's tutoring is very strict.

Especially at the dinner table.

Whether it's Li Baoyu, Li Ruhai or Li Xiaoqiao, you must eat all the rice that is put into the bowl. Things caught in the bowl are not allowed to be sent back. Another thing is like when eating chicken, if you already have one piece in your bowl, you can't put a second piece in your bowl, otherwise it will make people feel worthless.

At this time, Li Ruhai was reluctant in every way, but he also picked up the chicken feet and fought hard with it.

But as soon as he put down the chicken foot bones, he saw Zhao Jun pick up another chicken foot in the basin.

Li Ruhai raised his face, held the bowl with his left hand, raised his right arm above the mouth of the bowl, and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, you don't have to pick it up for me, just eat it yourself!"

This chapter is to make up for yesterday. I fell asleep while writing it yesterday...I adjusted it today, and I will be earlier tomorrow.

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