The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 588 Leave all the money to me!

In the warehouse of Zhao Jun's house, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhao Jun. Whether the deal succeeds or not depends on what Zhao Jun does next.

Zhao Jun raised his right hand, stretched out his thumb and index finger, made an eight sign, and said to Zheng Xuekun: "Eight thousand."

Eight thousand!

When these two words came out of Zhao Jun's mouth, everyone present was shocked!

Eight thousand yuan, four bear bile, although there is a big one, the price is quite scary.

If these four are worth eight thousand dollars, what about the rest?

Hearing this, Zheng Xuekun shook his head with a smile and said, "Xiao Zhao, I asked you to give me a real price, you... haha."

Zheng Xuekun laughed out loud as he spoke. He wanted to collect these four bear bile, just as Zhao Jun thought, he wanted to pour some mung beans into them.

But even if you are planting mung beans, there must be restrictions. You can’t just fill in as much as you want.

At Zhao Jun's price, Zheng Xuekun tried thirteen tricks, but in the end he ended up with no profit or loss. So what was he doing?

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Master Zheng, if you don't like these four brave men, then look at others. As for these four courages, I am not in a hurry to sell them. I will sell them after they are dry." It can also be sold for six or seven thousand yuan."

Just now he was called Uncle Zheng, but now Zhao Jun calls Zheng Xuekun Master Zheng.

The title "Master" these days is just like in the entertainment industry twenty years later, everyone can be called "Teacher" when meeting someone. It can be applied to anyone.

And after listening to what Zhao Jun said just now, Zheng Xuekun also understood what Zhao Jun meant.

Zhao Jun knew what Zheng Xuekun was up to, but Zhao Jun's attitude was very clear, that is, he made it clear that he was not willing to make this money. That's why we asked for a high price to make Zheng Xuekun quit.

Not only that, Zhao Jun didn't want to have a close relationship with Zheng Xuekun, but the two sides were discussing business. Zhao Jun also said that he would let Zheng Xuekun look at other bear bile. These four bear bile would not be sold, but the rest would be as usual.

Zheng Xuekun took a deep look at Zhao Jun. At this moment, he knew that the young man in front of him was not only very skilled, but also experienced in dealing with people.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xuekun glanced at Wang Meilan quickly again, thinking to himself, no wonder this old woman, a widower, could still buy such a large family property. Having a good son is much better than a man.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Xuekun looked up at the bear bile on the beam, and then asked Zhao Jun: "Xiao Zhao, what is the price of the remaining bear bile?"

"Master Zheng." Zhao Jun said: "Which one you like will be weighed on the scale. They are all grass gallbladders. Black blind man's gallbladder costs four thousand yuan per catty; Xiongba's gallbladder costs three thousand yuan per catty."

This seems to be the first time I buy and sell bear bile by the pound. But think about it, there is probably no other home in the Northeast or even the whole country that can hang so much bear bile in one’s home.

Hearing this, Zheng Xuekun made a rough calculation in his mind and asked Zhao Jun with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, your price is a bit high, isn't it? You can't sell it to a drugstore in the city for the same price."

"Haha." Zhao Jun chuckled and said, "Master Zheng, you are right, but if you want to go to the city drugstore to buy bear bile, I'm afraid it won't be at this price, right?"

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Zheng Xuekun smiled, took a few steps forward, and glanced at the row of bear bile.

Zheng Xuekun raised his hand, pointed at a small bear bile, then moved his finger to the right and said: "Xiao Zhao, please take down all these bear bile for me, and we will weigh them."

As soon as Zheng Xuekun finished speaking, he saw two people flashing out from behind Zhao Jun. It was Li Baoyu and his ministers.

How could Zhao Jun take action on such a trivial matter?

Li Baoyu, who was about 1.90 meters tall, raised his hand to untie the rope from the beam. He untied a bear bile and handed it to Jie Chen, who then placed it on the horse stool.

The one that Li Baoyu took off first was the one that Zheng Xuekun pointed at first. This bear was not very brave.

It came from a black bear weighing less than 200 kilograms. That day when Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Zhang Yuanmin were carrying the mallet, they heard the roar of a black bear above. They followed the sound and saw that the black bear had got into the trap.

The second bear bile Li Baoyu picked was from a large female black bear. This black bear and the black bear in the trap were mother and son. When Zhao Jun shot her son that day, the female black bear came down the mountain and sat Zhang Yuanmin on her butt.

This female bear was not small when she was alive, weighing 356 pounds.

Or maybe Zhao Jun said that the black bear that can deal with Zhang Yuanmin must weigh more than three hundred pounds. Anyone weighing less than 300 pounds is not qualified to have a big crotch.

Immediately afterwards, there were two black bear gallbladders, one small and one large. These were also produced by a mother and son, but they were smaller than those of the mother and son just now. This little bear bile came from a bear that weighed more than 120 kilograms, while its mother only weighed less than 300 kilograms when she was alive.

Then, there was a half-full of gallbladder from a brown bear. This brown bear weighed 700 to 800 pounds during his lifetime and was also known as the Tyrant Bear. Its bear bile, after drying in the shade, is eighty-nine taels.

These three bear gallbladders were killed by Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu on the same day. This coincidence was because the brown bear was chasing the black bear mother and her son, but the two of them followed behind.

Looking at the big brown bear bile, Zheng Xuekun felt a little regretful. Such a big brown bear bile cannot be passed off as black bear bile.

The sixth bear gallbladder was still black bear gallbladder, but it was not small. It was bigger than the previous black bear gallbladders, nearly half a catty.

The owner of this bear bile during his lifetime was also unusual. Both Lao Jiang and Tao Dasheng died under its claws.

The seventh bear bile, another black bear bile, was bigger than the previous one. It might have weighed more than half a catty.

It was precisely because of the size of this bear that Gu Yang regarded it as a big black blind man weighing 700 to 800 pounds. He even peed his pants in fear and was promoted by Li Ruhai in the village.

The bear bile in Zhao Jun's house was hung on the beams in order of acquisition. Zheng Xuekun stretched out his hand and selected these that were harvested after the beginning of spring.

But no matter morning or evening, it has been dried in the shade, and the bile skin is full of bear bile powder.

Next, it’s time to settle accounts.

Zheng Xuekun turned around and waved to Zheng Donghai, who took out a scale from his snakeskin bag.

This scale is used by the two of them to collect fungus and mushrooms. Today is a special situation, so it doesn't hurt to use it to weigh the bear's courage.

First, weigh the dried brown bear gallbladder, put it on the scale plate, lift the handle here, and hang the scale weight there. A big star is one pound, and the small star in the middle is one tael.

The weight was between eight and nine liang, slightly closer to nine liang. Zhao Jun asked Zheng Xuekun to take advantage and gave him eight and a half liang.

According to the price the two of them just set, a pound of brown bear bile costs three thousand yuan, and eight and a half taels equals two thousand five hundred and fifty yuan.

He took the brown bear gallbladder off the scale and put it aside. Zheng Xuekun picked up the largest black bear gallbladder and put it on top first. When he went to get the second one, he was stopped by Zhao Jun.

Zheng Xuekun thought, since the unit price of black bear bile is the same by the kilogram, let’s put them all on top and weigh them together. But for Zhao Jun and others, some of the bear bile was divided into three parts and some was divided into four parts, so they had to be weighed one by one.

Zheng Xuekun did not refuse Zhao Jun's request. From the fact that Zhao Jun refused to sell his four bear bile, Zheng Xuekun could tell that Zhao Jun was different from other mountain runners and could not be controlled by himself.

It’s just a bit of work anyway, why not do it if you can make money?

Zheng Xuekun picked up the scale and showed the weight to Zhao Jun, but Zhao Jun called Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, come and take a look."

Although Zhang Yuanmin stood not far away, he lowered his head, raised his hand above his head and shook it. At this time, Li Baoyu and his ministers also retreated behind Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun looked at the scale pole and saw that the scale weight was hanging at exactly five ounces, so he said: "Half a catty."

Zheng Xuekun did not take down the bear bile, but put another bear bile on it, and then quickly moved the weight. Zhao Jun saw that the weight of the two bear bile was about ninety-two four cents, so in other words, the second bear bile The courage is four taels and four cents.

"Four two four!" After Zhao Jun said, Zheng Xuekun put bear gall bladders one by one on the scale. Each time he put one, he weighed it and showed it to Zhao Jun.

The remaining four bear bile, calculated by Zhao Jun, weighed three to one, two to three, four to four and two to six.

Six black bear gallbladders, totaling two kilograms, one tael and five cents.

According to the agreement between Zhao Jun and Zheng Xuekun, black bear bile costs four thousand yuan per pound, and those six black bear bile are worth eight thousand five hundred and sixty yuan!

Including the brown bear bile worth 2,550 yuan just now, the total is 11,110 yuan.

At this time, Zhao Jun looked at Zheng Xuekun and asked, "Master Zheng, are there not two more coming?"

Hearing this, Zheng Xuekun smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Zhao, let's collect these first and wait for the next time."

With that said, Zheng Xuekun waved to Zheng Donghai, and Zheng Donghai took out a canvas bag from the snakeskin bag. The two men came from their hometown and brought a total of 20,000 yuan, but they couldn't collect all the bear bile, they had to get something else back.

Zhao Jun saw that Zheng Xuekun was about to pay and said hurriedly: "Master Zheng, let's go into the house and sit for a while."

These days, there are no hundred dollar bills.

The largest denomination circulating in the market is ten yuan. The third edition of the ten-yuan note is commonly known as the Great Unity. Hundreds of large pieces of paper are combined into a stack, and each stack is worth one thousand yuan. These seven bear gallbladders would have to be exchanged for more than eleven stacks.

Such a large amount of money must be settled and counted in person.

Zheng Xuekun had no objection to this and followed everyone into the house. But while walking through the courtyard of Zhao Jun's house, Zheng Xuekun pointed at the badger skin draped on the wall separating Zhao and Li's family and asked, "Xiao Zhao, I want that badger skin."

Zhao Jun said directly to Zheng Xuekun: "Master Zheng, you give me the price for this."

"Ten yuan." Zheng Xuekun said, "I'll charge this price wherever you put it."

Zhao Jun heard this and looked back at Zhang Yuanmin. Zhao Jun did not sell this thing, but Zhang Yuanmin, who was once known as the badger, must understand this.

Seeing Zhang Yuanmin nodding, Zhao Jun said: "Okay, seven bills are worth seventy yuan. You can just pretend until you leave."

Badger skin is different from bear bile, so no one cared about it, so everyone entered the house together.

At this time, Yang Yufeng and a few little girls had finished their meal. On the table of women and children, only Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei were left.

However, they were not in the mood to eat at all now. After everyone returned to the west room together, Zhao Jun invited Jin Xiaoshan, Zheng Xuekun, and Zheng Donghai to get on the kang, and asked the elder Zhang Yuanmin to accompany them.

Before Zhao Jun handed over the cigarettes, Zheng Xuekun took out a large stack of cigarettes from his canvas bag and placed them on the edge of the kang.

There are eleven piles in total, plus eighteen cards.

Although they were brought in by Jin Xiaoshan, they had little friendship with each other. Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei began to check the money without any politeness, opening each stack and counting them over and over again.

Zheng Xuekun and Zheng Donghai had no reaction to this. They smoked cigarettes given by Zhao Jun, drank jasmine tea bought by Wang Meilan from Lingnan Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and chatted with Zhang Yuanmin.

In Northeastern terms, they are in trouble!

Zheng Donghai asked out of curiosity where the two big bear gallbladders came from. Zhang Yuanmin told them and his son about Zhuge's plan to destroy the big bear tyrant. The Zheng family and his son were stunned when they heard this. Li Ruhai was eager to try.

It's a pity that he is still young and cannot take the stage on this occasion. Otherwise, Li Ruhai believes that he would never be inferior to Zhang Yuanmin in terms of eloquence and expressive ability.

Eleven wads of money, a thousand pieces, Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei counted them five times. Finally, Wang Meilan stood up, took off the shoulder bag that Zhao Jun usually wore as a belt from the wall, and put all the money in it. Then, Wang Meilan carried her bag to the opposite room. She still had to entertain guests, and she believed in Yang Yufeng, so she put the money bag in Yang Yufeng's hands.

With so much money in her arms, Yang Yufeng sat motionless on the kang. Wang Meilan was about to go back to the west room when she suddenly looked at the leopard skin hanging on the north wall.

The poor local leopard was torn apart by the dog gang that day, but there were not many parts missing from it.

After being brought back by Zhao Jun, after being flogged, the hair was soaked in a wine barrel, and the skin from the rest of the body was peeled off. After being sutured by Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei, it became a handicraft of Zhao Jun's family.

Wang Meilan raised her legs to get on the kang and took off the patched leopard skin, but she made a sudden move and hung it on the wall again.

When Wang Meilan returned to the West Room, she heard Zhang Yuanmin telling the Zheng family and his son the story of Wei Yan's escape from the tiger's mouth.

These stories don't have much to say, they just describe the terror of the roaring tigers in the mountains and forests at that time.

At this time, Wang Meilan suddenly interrupted and said to Zheng Xuekun: "Master Zheng, let me tell you, the superiors are not allowed to fight, otherwise my son will sell you two tiger skins today."

When Zheng Xuekun heard this, he thought that this was just a mother praising her son, but he didn't take it seriously. But for Zheng Xuekun, even though he spent more than 11,000 today, he can definitely make some money by taking the bear bile to Guanli, or even to the capital. Therefore, Wang Meilan and Zhao Jun are the gods of wealth to Zheng Xuekun.

So, Zheng Xuekun followed Wang Meilan's words and praised: "Big sister, your boy is awesome!"

As he said this, Zheng Xuekun gave a thumbs up.

"That's right!" Wang Meilan pretended to smile proudly: "In this mountain, except for big claws, my son has beaten everything else."

At this point, Wang Meilan raised her chin and said: "As for that local leopard, no matter how many experienced gunners we have here, we can't hit it. And that stupid... man, you can go fishing with lambs and squat for several days." It's all for nothing. My son was knocked to death by the leopard after just two pang pongs."

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard Wang Meilan's words, but Zhao Youcai's incident of using sheep to catch leopards did not spread. Jin Xiaomei and Zhang Yuanmin were surprised, why was Wang Meilan so abnormal?

The father and son Zheng Xuekun and Zheng Donghai were very shocked. They had been traveling in the Northeast for three or four years and had only heard of the legend of the Siberian leopard, but had never seen it. When I heard it, I immediately became interested!

"Xiao Zhao." Zheng Xuekun turned to find the real owner and asked Zhao Jun: "Have you really shot a leopard?"

"Then look." Mother and son connected heart to heart. Zhao Jun understood Wang Meilan's intention at this time and immediately smiled and said: "The leopard skin is still hanging in my room. If you don't believe it, I will bring it to you to see!"

Zheng Xuekun's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Have a look!"

When Wang Meilan heard this, she turned around and walked out, thinking that if you have some money in your pocket, don't even think about taking any of it away, just leave it all to me!

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