The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 594: Equivalent to Killing Di Cangzi

When he heard that Zhao Jun was making pig head stew, Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at him and said, "What kind of pig head stew are you going to eat? It's so troublesome. I'll eat it tomorrow and dip it in garlic paste."

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun felt that he seemed to have figured out some rules. Before the incident of hiding money in cotton-padded jackets and cotton trousers was exposed, although Zhao Youcai was a chef, he basically did not cook at home, and he did not do any housework.

These days, the living standards of people in forest areas generally lag behind those in cities and towns, and there are no daily recreational activities. They basically go to bed as soon as it gets dark.

Zhao Youcai didn't go out of his way to do anything, so he went to bed at around eight o'clock in the evening. When Wang Meilan got up the next morning, he couldn't sleep.

But even if Zhao Youcai woke up, he would lie down on the kang until he could smell the fragrance of the food before getting up.

Later, it was revealed that he had hidden his private money. Just in time to take annual leave, Zhao Youcai accepted labor reform at home and served the whole family.

Later, for some reason, Zhao Youcai took the initiative to make breakfast every once in a while, but he made delicious food for whomever he asked for. Otherwise, ignore it.

What’s more, it’s a pay-as-you-go type!

Zhao Jun was also speechless, but this was his father. Even if Zhao Youcai was like this, Zhao Jun couldn't do anything!

While the two men were talking, they heard Wang Meilan setting the table. Zhao Jun and Zhao Youcai hurriedly went to serve the dishes and get the bowls and chopsticks. Jie Chen also came out of the back room and went to the bowl rack to pick up the white wine that he and Zhao Youcai usually drank.

Xiaohuang Maozi's short ribs were tender and not too spicy. Wang Meilan added dried potatoes and stewed it in a big pot. The whole family had a delicious meal.

Then early the next morning, Zhao Youcai really didn't make pig head stew for Zhao Jun, but only sauced the pig head. It was soft and tasty, so it was good to eat.

After dinner, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen put on their clothes, took their things, packed everything up, and went out to fetch their dogs with their guns on their backs.

Today, Zhao Jun still did not plan to take Little Bear and Black Tiger to fight the siege, and Li Baoyu's unit was busy and could not go, so it was Zhao Jun and the minister who took the nine dogs to pick up Zhang Yuanmin.

After picking up Zhang Yuanmin, the car left Yong'antun and went straight into the mountain field.

They had been to the place they were going to go to today several times, so they were familiar with it. No need to show the way, Jie Chen can find it by himself.

When they arrived at the place, the car stopped by the side of the road. Zhao Jun and the others took the dogs into the mountains and walked straight to the top of 86 Linban.

Zhao Jun still planned to go to the place where he met the bear last time. Although it was frightened away by the gunfire before, Zhao Jun did not chase it. If no one hits it these days, it may Will come back for a stroll.

After all, it and its mother were separated nearby. According to the habits of wild beasts, the black bear should come back to find its mother.

The three of them took the nine dogs over the mountain and came to the top of the 86 forest class. They followed the fork to the right, which is No. 5 to No. 10. The last time Zhao Jun found the black bear was in No. 5.

Suddenly, Zhao Jun stopped Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen and asked them to take a rope from their pockets to tie the dog.

Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen were very puzzled. Logically speaking, at this time, all tied dogs should be let go. Why did Zhao Jun do the opposite?

Zhao Jun did not explain to them for the time being. He just kept whistling and gathered the dogs in front of him. Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen tied them up with ropes.

Jie Chen and Zhao Jun have gone up the mountain so many times, but he knows how to tie a dog. There are nine dogs. Except for Qinglong and Black Dragon, the other seven dogs have chain buckles tied around their necks.

As for Qinglong and Black Dragon, these two puppies listened to Zhao Jun's words. Zhao Jun asked them to follow, and they followed Zhao Jun obediently.

In this way, Zhao Jun led Big Fatty, Big Yellow and White Dragon alone, Zhang Yuanmin held the flowered cat and flowered wolf, Jiechen held Sanpang and Xiaohua, and the three of them led seven dogs and walked strenuously in the mountains.

In this group of dogs, not counting the two young dogs, the other seven dogs, except Xiaohua, are all big dogs. Ordinary people would have a hard time walking their dogs on the road with one dog, not to mention each of them holding two or three dogs on a mountainous road.

Especially Zhao Jun, who grasped the three strands of rope with both hands and kept leaning his body back, trying to delay the huge impact of the three dogs.

If you encounter a tree, it will be even more troublesome. You must be prepared to go around the tree in advance. Otherwise, if one dog goes to the left and the other to the right, the dog leader will be in trouble.

Because there was a job on hand, Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers did not have time to ask Zhao Jun why he tied the dog. When they entered the fifth trumpet, as they went deeper, Big Fatty was the first to struggle.

This big fat guy jumped forward suddenly and staggered Zhao Jun without any warning!

Zhao Jun gritted his teeth and held on to the rope, and then shouted to Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen: "Hurry and tie the dog to the tree!"

"Woof! Woof! Woof..." Zhao Jun's voice was suppressed by the loud barking of the big fat dog. The big fat dog pulled the rope forward desperately. It was so strong that it dragged Zhao Jun forward!

"Hurry up..." Zhao Jun wanted to shout, but was pulled forward by the big fat man, and Zhao Jun couldn't even scream.

At this time, the dogs barked in confusion. The other dogs didn't know what was happening, but when Big Fat barked, they followed.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers didn't know what Zhao Jun said, but they knew what they should do by looking at Zhao Jun's appearance.

They quickly tied the cat, wolf, Sanpang, and Xiaohua to a nearby tree, then stepped forward from the left and right to separate the white dragon and rhubarb from Zhao Jun's hands.

When only Big Fat was left in his hand, Zhao Jun's pressure was much lessened. He shouted twice, pulled the rope back with both hands, and pulled Big Fat back two steps.

Big Fat stopped shouting and raised his head to glance at Zhao Jun. In fact, it could have dragged Zhao Jun down, but Zhao Jun was the master, and Big Fat had been holding back his strength.

At this time, the big fat man became quiet, and Zhao Jun hurriedly raised his head to call Qinglong and Heilong back. These two little guys had just taken advantage of the chaos and ran forward, but they didn't run too far, just ten meters away.

Zhao Jun pointed to the trees on both sides and said to Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen: "Brother, Jiechen, you two will be tied here to Dahuang and Bailong."

Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen still didn't know Zhao Jun's intentions, but no one of them asked a question and they all followed Zhao Jun's instructions.

In this way, Zhang Yuanmin tied the white dragon to the tree on the left, and Jiechen tied the rhubarb to the tree on the right.

Then, Zhao Jun asked the two men to get ropes and tie the green dragon and the black dragon.

The two puppies were not tied up just now, firstly because they were obedient, and secondly because Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen were the only ones who could control two dogs each. If each of them had one more puppy, they might make mistakes.

Fortunately, Qinglong and Black Dragon listened to Zhao Jun and did not run or scurry around.

Zhao Jun watched as Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers tied the ropes around the necks of Qinglong and Heilong, and asked them to tie the two puppies to the back, and then bring the four big dogs to the front.

Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen obeyed the orders, and soon everything was done as Zhao Jun told them.

At this time, Zhao Jun was standing in the center holding Big Fatty. On his left was Zhang Yuanmin. Bailong, Sanpang and Xiaohua were tied to the tree on Zhang Yuanmin's left. On Zhao Jun's right was Jiechen, and on the tree to Jiechen's right were tied. The ones are rhubarb, tabby cat and tabby wolf.

"Listen to me!" Zhao Jun greeted the two of them: "Are you looking at the lime tree in front of you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen followed Zhao Jun's direction and saw a four-meter-long piece of basswood lying alone on the ground a hundred or ten meters away.

"Look!" Zhang Yuanmin responded first, but he didn't come with him last time, so he didn't know what happened to the linden tree.

Then Jie Chen had an idea and remembered that Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu to shoot three times into the trunk of the lime tree last time, so he asked: "Brother Jun, do you mean where the black blind man is hiding?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "I'm afraid it's hiding there."

To fight a siege, one must be bold. A timid person cannot defeat a mountain animal.

In addition to being bold, you also need to be careful. Because sometimes a small mistake will cost people.

The moment he entered this mountain farm, Zhao Jun recalled the last time he came here. When he thought of the basswood tube, Zhao Jun knew that he had to be on guard against black bears getting into it.

You know, a black bear hiding in a tree tube is different from a black bear hiding behind a big rock or a big tree. A black bear hiding in a tree tube is like entering a barn.

It doesn't matter if a dog usually chases a black bear or frightens the bear from behind a tree or a rock.

But if the dog wants to chase the bear to the tree tube, it will easily burrow in.

Once a dog enters the tree tube, it will be difficult to get out.

It was precisely because of this concern that Zhao Jun asked Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers to tie the dogs to the trees. If the black bear really got into the tree tube, it would have to be called Cangzi in the same way as the black bear Cang was killed.

At this time, Zhao Jun ordered the two of them: "I will lead the big fat man forward in a while. As long as you two watch the black blind man coming out of the tree tube, you two will let the dog go. If you can't see the black blind man, you won't let him go."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, the two of them agreed, and then Zhao Jun held the big fat man by himself and moved forward cautiously.

After being led forward by Zhao Jun, the big fat man became happy again after only a few steps. He jumped up and dragged Zhao Jun forward, but Zhao Jun did not dare to let him run too fast, so he still held on to the rope. Controlling the big fat man's speed, he came to a place forty or fifty meters away from Basswood.

Then, Zhao Jun led Big Fatty around to the left, tied Big Fatty to a tree, then took off the gun on his back, raised the gun and fired at the basswood.


There was a gunshot, and the hunting dogs that heard the gunfire instantly became restless, roaring and pulling on the rope to rush forward.

Zhao Jun moved the muzzle of his gun and shot again at the left section of the basswood.



"Woof woof woof..."

Sure enough, with the second gunshot, a scream came from the basswood, followed by the sound of dogs barking like an explosion.

Zhao Jun quickly moved the muzzle of his gun to the right, but he was too slow. He saw a group of black things rushing out of the basswood. When he came outside and stretched out his body, a black bear went directly into the forest on the right. Go.

Zhao Jun raised his gun and found that his view was blocked by trees. He immediately tugged on the rope buckle tied to the big fat man next to him, and the big fat man who was roaring and leaping out was instantly out.

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