Hu Manjiang's words ignited the flame of hope in Xing Zhiyong's heart.

I’m really scared of poverty, and I really don’t know how powerful black bears are.

After lunch, Xing Zhiyong came to Li Hu's house, discussed with Li Hu, and then drove the sledge to Yong'an Tun before it got dark to borrow dogs and invite Zhao Jun.

According to the agreement between Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu, Zhao Jun was asked to bring dogs to hunt bears. After killing the big black bear, the three families would share the bear bile.

As for the little black bear, they were caught alive and raised as they imagined by Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu.

After sleeping one night at Xing Zhiyong's house, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu got up just after six o'clock the next morning.

The two of them washed up briefly and chatted a few words with Xing Zhiyong when Hu Erya served them breakfast.

Zhao Jun took the bowl and chopsticks and was about to serve corn stubble porridge when he suddenly remembered something and asked Hu Erya: "Second sister, have you fed my two dogs?"

"Ah?" Hu Erya was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Xing Zhiyong.

Xing Zhiyong put down his chopsticks and raised his voice involuntarily: "Then we have to go up the mountain and don't know how to feed the dog?"

Hu Erya rolled her eyes at Xing Zhiyong, turned to Zhao Jun and smiled: "Jun, you eat first, I will feed the dog with some food now."

"Okay." Zhao Jun responded lightly, and ate with his head down, thinking that Xing Zhiyong was a little different from his previous life.

It may be that the time for the two parties to interact has been advanced. Xing Zhiyong has not been severely beaten by society and is a bit immature.

After the three of them finished eating, they walked out with their four dogs. When Xing Zhiyong's two black dogs saw Hua Xiaoer and Daqing, they kept hiding behind Xing Zhiyong.

Yesterday, as soon as Zhao Jun and his dogs entered the yard of Xing Zhiyong's house, two gangs of dogs started fighting. If there weren't more people and more strength, and the fight could be pulled faster, Xing Zhiyong's two black dogs would have been buried today.

Since entering the mountain, Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu led a black dog in front, while Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu led Hua Xiaoer and Daqing behind.

But when Xing and Li met the bear's fallen tree yesterday, the situation was reversed.

Hua Xiao'er sniffed the bear's footprints with his nose, then sniffed the sky, turned his head to look in one direction, sniffed, and then ran away.

As soon as Hua Xiaoer moved, Daqing followed closely and went out.

Zhao Jun shook his shoulder, and the gun hanging on his shoulder was thrown in front of him. He grabbed the gun in his hand and said to the people beside him: "Quickly go!"

After saying that, he held the gun in both hands and strode forward.

Today he only has two dogs, and Daqing has never beaten Heixiazi. As for Hua Xiaoer, her buttocks were injured yesterday by a cannon egg. Although the wound was not deep, it slightly affected her movements.

As for the two dogs of Xing Zhiyong's family, Zhao Jun could tell from the moment they entered the mountain that these two dogs were for nothing.

Li Baoyu naturally listened to Zhao Jun's words. As for Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu, they were afraid that Zhao Jun would get there first and shoot the little black blind man to death, so they all followed desperately.

The four of them went downhill and entered Ranggou Pond. When they climbed up the opposite slope, they heard the sound of dogs barking from the camel's waist.

"Release the dogs!" Xing Zhiyong shouted and immediately tugged on the rope in his hand. When he tied the dog, he tied it with a chain-horse buckle. As soon as he pulled the rope, the buckle opened.

The person who cooperated with Xing Zhiyong was naturally Li Hu. He also pulled the rope and let go of the dog he was holding.


Before Xing Zhiyong could finish his words, a bear roar came from above.

As soon as the bear roared, Xing Zhiyong's two black dogs ran away.

"Fuck!" Xing Zhiyong blurted out a dirty word.

Li Hu, on the other hand, pointed at the two dogs on the slope, opened his mouth and kept saying: "Hey! Huh..."

But what he and Xing Zhiyong didn't expect was that the more he cheered the dog, the more the dog hid behind.

"Baoyu, come on!" Zhao Jun curled his lips helplessly and called to Li Baoyu, who took the lead and ran up the slope.

At this time, seeing Xing Zhiyong going to beat the dog, Li Hu quickly grabbed him and said, "Brother, let's go too!"

"This dog..." Xing Zhiyong pointed at his two dogs, feeling angry all over. If I couldn't pinch the trace that day, I just forgot about it. Today, I can’t even help.

"Leave them alone!" Li Hu grabbed Xing Zhiyong and said, "Don't let Zhao Jun beat the little black blind man to death."

"Yes!" When Xing Zhiyong heard this, he immediately ignored the dog and ran upwards with Li Hu.

At this time, Zhao Jun, who was running in front, suddenly grabbed Li Baoyu and said, "Baoyu."

"What's wrong?"

"Listen!" Zhao Jun tilted his ears and gestured upward.

Li Baoyu listened attentively and discovered something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

What's wrong?

The dog barks wrong!

If dogs fight with wild beasts, their barks will be loud and ferocious. But now, the voice is erratic and unhurried.

"This is..." Li Baoyu tilted his neck, feeling incredible no matter what he heard. After three or four seconds, he looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "Did the blind bear climb the tree?"

After speaking, Li Baoyu asked and answered again: "Not in winter!"

"Let's go up and take a look and we'll find out." Zhao Jun said, then he stopped running and walked up calmly.

Although there were many speculations in his mind, Zhao Jun knew that no matter what happened above, at least his two dogs were not in danger.

This is the advantage of leading dogs to fight bears. With their warning, the black bear attack on Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu yesterday would not have happened.

At this time, Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu both caught up. Xing Zhiyong came to Zhao Jun's side and asked, "Brother, why didn't you run away?"

"Don't worry." Zhao Jun said.

As soon as Zhao Jun said there was no need to worry, Li Hu secretly tugged on Xing Zhiyong's sleeve, and then said: "Brothers, you two, please go slowly. My eldest brother and I will go up and take a look first, in case there is any danger." , let’s go first.”

"Ah!" Zhao Jun glanced at Li Hu and responded simply, but he was a little embarrassed in his heart. I thought to myself that this kind of person is not a person who would sacrifice himself for others. Who could believe that he would be the first to attack someone if there was any danger?

But Xing Zhiyong instantly understood Li Hu's intention, which was that the two of them wanted to take action before Zhao Jun could, killing the big black bear and capturing the little black bear.

So the two of them ran upwards desperately, and Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu followed slowly and leisurely, but after waiting for a while, they never heard the sound of shooting.

This made Zhao Jun even more confused.

Since I heard a bear barking and a dog barking just now, it must be that the two sides have met on a narrow road.

Now that the dog is still barking, it means the black bear has not left.

But judging from the barking of dogs, the black bear must have climbed a tree.

This is one of the reasons why Zhao Jun is confused. If you bring a dog around a black bear in spring and autumn, and the dog digs the black bear a few times, the black bear will climb the tree.

But if it's winter, a hunted bear won't be able to climb a tree easily.

In fact, when hunting a bear, all hunters expect it to climb a tree. Because once a bear climbs a tree, it becomes a living target. The hunter just needs to hold the gun down and aim to shoot, aim upward, and it will be done with one shot.

Logically speaking, Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu should have arrived long ago, but why didn't they shoot?

"Baoyu, it doesn't seem right."

"I don't feel right either."

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun felt a little worried and ran up with Li Baoyu. After they came to the top of the hunchback, Zhao Jun was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"What kind of talents are these two people?"

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