The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 747 The temptation of heavy money

Zhao Jun had already noticed that the four Shao family members, except for Shao Jun, all wanted him to take the dog into the old gutter. And their target should be those two tigers.

"Master Shao." Zhao Jun said to Shao Tianpeng, "What do you mean?"

"Child." After hearing Zhao Jun's question, Shao Tianpeng said to him: "What do we have to say to the public? We... want you to lead the dog and go up and knock off those two big paws."

"What?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, and then asked repeatedly: "Drop him down?"

Zhao Jun thought to himself that this family was more domineering than him. The tiger was left alone on the mountain and they had to drive it away.

"Yes!" Shao Tianpeng nodded and confirmed, but Zhao Jun asked again with some confusion: "Master Shao, I heard from my brother Huang that you are joining the gang, right?"

"Yes." Shao Tianpeng said with a smile: "My father, me, and Zhiqiang, the three of us are all leaders."

Zhao Jun smiled and asked again: "I also heard that your gang has about ten guns."

After Zhao Jun said this, Shao Tianpeng smiled and nodded, but the old man didn't say anything.

This Shao Tianpeng is the type who doesn't talk much, so Zhao Jun could only continue to ask questions, saying: "Master Shao, there are about ten of you, just like laying sticks on the mountain, pushing up in one go, and shooting into the sky halfway. , not to mention two big claws, even twenty of them were scared away."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Shao Tianpeng smiled and shook his head and said, "Son, you have never been here before. Let your uncle Shao tell you about the mountain farm."

As soon as Shao Tianpeng finished speaking, Shao Zhiqiang nodded to Zhao Jun with a smile, then pointed to the window and said, "Zhao, have you seen the tallest one?"

When Shao Zhiqiang spoke, Zhao Jun raised his head and looked out the window. At this time, Shao Zhiqiang said again: "That's the nest of those two tigers. We call that place Motian Dingzi."

Hearing Shao Zhiqiang's words, Zhao Jun couldn't help but glance out the window again. As the name suggests, "touching the sky" refers to the height of the mountain, so high that one can touch the sky by raising one's hand on the mountain.

Shao Zhiqiang continued: "The old sewer you just mentioned has a long tube and a big mountain. There are three forks in a row as you go up. We call them three forks. Go east for the first fork. Wild boar and roe deer are all there. Duo, there is a place that we older generations call the Old Pig Cellar."

Mountain runners always like to give names like this, like old pig pen, old pig cellar, old pig nest, all saying that there are many wild boars in this place.

Shao Zhiqiang continued: "We are going north. After passing the second fork, follow the northwest fork and go up to the mountain next to it."

After saying that, Shao Zhiqiang pointed out the window again. Zhao Jun and others looked up and saw that Shao Zhiqiang was probably pointing to the mountain on the right side of Tiandingzi.

When Shao Zhiqiang retracted his finger, he continued: "If you don't go past the fork, you should go north. After passing the third fork, the top will be full of jumping stone ponds and stone pond belts."

Terms like Jumping Stone Pond, Flowering Stone Pond, and Stone Cave all refer to a certain part of the mountain that is full of big rocks and stone tiles.

The stone pond zone is a large area of ​​jumping stone ponds.

Shao Zhiqiang said: "The higher you go up, the steeper the mountain becomes. There are many ridges that none of us can climb up. The snow is still thick on the mountain. Do you want to shoot? It is prone to avalanches."

"Ah." After listening to Shao Zhiqiang's words, Zhao Jun probably understood. The Erlenkanzi that Shao Zhiqiang said is like a staircase, except that there is only one step, which is an almost vertical hillside, with a small platform in the middle, and then going up.

It is impossible for people to go up to such terrain, especially it is still winter.

Shao Zhiqiang probably wanted to bring the dogs to drive the tiger away, and then they would join the gang to contain it.

But how dare Zhao Jun take this job? They are Siberian tigers, and there are two of them. Although Shao Zhiqiang has not introduced the situation of the two tigers, Zhao Jun guessed that they should be one big and one small.

Although an adult female tiger's fighting ability is not as good as that of a male, if she wants to deal with a dog, it can only be done with one move.

As for the little tiger, it doesn't have to be too big. It weighs seven or eighty pounds, but it's not something a dog can compete with.

And you can’t shoot on that mountain, so who can do that?

"Uncle Shao." Zhao Jun always says what he wants when doing things. At this time, he said to Shao Zhiqiang: "I don't know what you are going to do, but I don't seem to be able to come here."

Zhao Jun was very direct. He said that if he couldn't come, he meant it couldn't be done.

"That's okay." Shao Zhiqiang was not angry even after being rejected. He smiled lightly and did not force himself any further.

Zhang Yuanmin on the side knew that it was time for him to appear, so he spoke to ease the atmosphere and asked Shao Zhiqiang: "Uncle Shao, those big claws are not something that ordinary people can handle. What are you going to do with that thing?"

"Oh!" Shao Zhiqiang was about to speak, but he heard Shao Tianpeng sigh softly from the kang. After attracting everyone's attention, Shao Tianpeng smiled bitterly and said: "Whoever has nothing to do can poke it, isn't that right... In our family, starting from my father's generation, we have been resting on the 18th hillock. My family has moved here since 1959, but we also go back to the other side to enjoy the mountains."

Speaking of this, Shao Tianpeng paused slightly, and then specially explained to Zhao Jun and the others: "We have an old village over there, which is the same as the old nest you surrounded."

Shao Tianpeng was afraid that Zhao Jun and the others would not understand. Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen did not dare to show off in front of the old man. They all listened to Shao Tianpeng quietly.

Shao Tianpeng continued: "Back then, when I was the leader, something happened at the Shiba Post. Not only did I lose a big mallet, but I also injured two of my men. This doesn't count. It turns out that the one called Xishan Tun, what is it called Tun now, I don’t know.

Anyway, there is Pang Sanyanzi there. He is an old man. You juniors may not know this. He came to our house and told me about the mountain rules and so on. "

Shao Tianpeng was talking, but Zhao Jun frowned. What Shao Tianpeng said sounded familiar to him.

At this time, Shao Tianpeng raised his hand to the old man Shao Yunjin, and then said: "That Pang Sanyanzi turned out to be my father's apprentice, and he came to Fangshan with us earlier. Later, our family moved to Lingnan, and my father gave him directly Now that the Shen Gang has been dismantled, everyone in Lingnan is jealous of Pang San.

According to the mountain regulations, we should not go there to farm the mountains anymore, but at that time we had just moved here, and there were landowners here who farmed the mountains, and we couldn't compete with them. Isn't this a waste of time? I'll take them back to Lingxi and start from my father's old village. Just like that, our family started to join the gang. "

"Ah!" Zhao Jun took advantage of Shao Tianpeng's pause and asked tentatively: "Master Shao, what happened to you over there? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Hi!" As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Shao Yunjin waved his hand and said: "You are only a little older, but I probably didn't have you before."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, and then heard Shao Tianpeng sigh and said: "Oh, there is a guy named Xing Laosan over there. In the early years of liberation, he had a bit of a feud with me. Isn't that... I bumped into him that day."

"Huh? That's true." Zhao Jun thought to himself, and then recalled what Shao Tianpeng said just now, they threw a big mallet over there. And that big mallet should be the Miao Ginseng King that is currently hidden in his home.

As for Shao Tianpeng and his group, they should be the people who released the mountain as recorded in Jianghua's pamphlet.

Although what Xing San said was somewhat different from what Shao Tianpeng said at this time. But one thing Zhao Jun can conclude is that it was indeed Shao Tianpeng who led the people to carry out the seedlings.

But even so, Zhao Jun had no intention of returning the seedling stick to Shao Tianpeng.

This has nothing to do with whether Miao Bangchui is noble or not, or whether Zhao Jun is benevolent or righteous, but Zhao Jun cannot make the decision. After all, Miao Bangchui belongs to Xing San.

Therefore, Zhao Jun would not even mention the matter of Miao Bangchui in front of the Shao family. Anyway, Mr. Shao Yunjin said that Zhao Jun was too young to know about this.

While Zhao Jun was thinking about something, Shao Tianpeng was still talking about the history of his family, saying: "Pang Sanyanzi is my senior brother, but he told me according to the rules of the mountain, and I said at that time that we will not go to ten places in the future. Even if Badaogangzi releases the mountain, they won’t come over, that’s all.”

Logically speaking, that's exactly what it should be.

Not to mention the huge profits from raising ginseng from the mountains, even the group of people who use clamps to beat yellow leaves still have to divide the territory.

Shao Tianpeng continued: "Later we wandered around here and found many old people on both sides of the old sewer. It is slowly getting better."

If a gang of more than 20 people wants to support these people and these guns, it will definitely not be possible without a certain amount of income.

Therefore, Zhao Jun knew as soon as he heard it that the history of the Shao family was by no means as simple as Shao Tianpeng said.

According to Zhao Jun's speculation, the Shao family may have made up the story about evil in Lao Gutter and even spread it.

As for what Huang Yan said, Jiang Ming from out of town came here to fight for siege. After entering Laogengou without knowing it, he felt cold and gloomy in the mountains. This is not an unsolved mystery to Zhao Jun.

The temperature is lower these days than it was 20 or 30 years ago, especially in the mountains, especially in the deep old sewers that Shao Zhiqiang just mentioned.

In a ravine like that, in June, there is even ice in the gullies and ponds that have not yet melted.

This results in low temperatures around there, making people feel cold as soon as they pass by.

Moreover, there are many fish-scale pines growing on the high mountains. The tree plows every year, and smaller trees grow around it. Over the years, this mountain farm has not been developed, making the mountains densely covered with fish scale pines and blocking out the sun, which makes people feel eerie.

If this is the case, I have to say that the old Shao family is quite talented, and the stories written are quite decent. In this way, few people would enter the old sewer, and their old village would be difficult to be discovered.

But what Zhao Jun didn't understand was, how could the Shao family tell him such a confidential matter?

Soon, Shao Zhiqiang solved Zhao Jun's doubts and only heard him say: "Five years ago... Oh, it's almost six years. At that time, if you touch the top of the sky, there will be a tigress. When we started No one paid any attention to it, and then another son came along."

They say: One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless they are one male and one female.

But according to Northeastern people, tigers are unique. They never get together except during mating season.

Sure enough, Shao Zhiqiang said: "In the spring of the next year, the young man left, and the tigress was left alone. She seemed to have given birth to two cubs in the first litter, not even one. But the remaining one even bit us. Song Laosan’s bomb is on fire.”

"Oh my God." Zhang Yuanmin couldn't help but said: "Isn't this blind?"

"Then look." Shao Zhiqiang said with a bitter smile: "No one is pure."

"That's true." Zhang Yuanmin nodded and asked Shao Zhiqiang, "Uncle Shao, what about it?"

"It's over... Oh!" Shao Zhiqiang sighed and said, "It's over, it attacks us. You said that guy came over after looking for it. The two times we were there, some went to the toilet and some were beaten. Let him take out all the water."

"Then Uncle Shao..." Suddenly, Jie Chen interrupted: "Why don't you report it?"

Tigers are dangerous animals, especially tigers that are used to hurting people. They are more ruthless than the big bear that protects its cubs in spring. That year, the death of a pig and a cow in Yongan Forest Farm had to be reported, not to mention the fact that two people were injured.

But as soon as Jie Chen's words came out, Zhao Jun hurriedly said: "Uncle Shao, I just heard you say, what's the matter? Did the tigress give birth to cubs again?"

You can't ask everything. Someone must have a reason for not reporting it, so Zhao Jun hurriedly made a fuss.

Shao Zhiqiang followed Zhao Jun's words and said, "That's right. Before spring this year, the tigress left. We were still thinking that it would never come back. Who would have thought that it would come back after two months of absence. After giving birth, It’s just a cub, even if it abandons the cub at home, it still has to come down to find us. As soon as we release the cub, it will definitely come, but we still can’t find it.”

Tigers are more like assassins, and during the mountain season, not only do they leave no footprints on the ground, but the vegetation is lush, allowing tigers to hide their whereabouts.

What's more, there are only those who are thieves all day long, and there are no people who guard against thieves all day long.

But...this has nothing to do with Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun lowered his jaw and said to Shao Zhiqiang: "Uncle Shao, I really can't help you with this. There are only a few dogs like our Hua Xiao'er. Other dogs, let alone their big paws, are frightened by the smell." Pee."

"Don't be afraid of this!" At this moment, Shao Yunjin said on the side: "This thing can be trained."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled and said, "Can this thing still be trained?"

"Yes!" Shao Yunjin nodded and said, "Xiao Yang was out of time. We went back to the mountain to pack his things and found that he had left a piece of leather with some words written on it."

"What's the secret book?" Upon hearing Shao Yunjin's words, Zhang Yuanmin couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Shao Yunjin nodded to Zhang Yuanmin, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Boy, let's not talk about this today. You are here today, so let's have a good time. We will talk about other things later. .”

"Okay!" The old man's attitude made Zhao Jun feel very comfortable, but Shao Yunjin then added, "After you go back, you can think about it again. Anyway, as long as you can get rid of these two big claws, , Our house has four old forts on both sides of the old ditch. From now on, we will leave it there every year, and no matter how much we enter, you will have a share!"

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