The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 750 Give me an old man

Li Dayong couldn't help feeling a little envious when he saw Zhao Youcai running into the house like a dog.

In fact, for people like them, hunting is not only a way to make money, but also one of the few hobbies.

Especially those who attacked Dawei. They carried guns and knives on their backs and roared in the mountains with fierce dogs. Even bears and wild boars were killed by their guns. After such an experience, they were too lazy to do things like pick fish, touch shrimps, or dig out bird's nests.

But today Li Dayong is different from Zhao Youcai. Although Zhao Youcai is the master chef in the canteen, the workers still eat without him in the canteen. The leaders were running a small business without him, as was the canteen director Zhang Guoqing.

Li Dayong is different now. As the deputy leader of dispatching, he is always busy with official duties.

"Sister-in-law." Li Dayong called Wang Meilan, and at the same time raised his hand towards his home and said, "I'm going back first!"

"Dayong, let's eat here." Wang Meilan was about to go down to the cellar to get the cans. Although these two people were unreliable, she still had to have basic hospitality skills.

"Unbelievable!" Li Dayong climbed over the wall to return to his home, Wang Meilan went down to the cellar to get cans, and Zhao Youcai pulled the door open and entered the house.

After Zhao Youcai entered the room, he turned around but saw Wang Meilan not following him. Before he could walk into the back room, he heard someone shouting: "Uncle, is he off work?"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was stunned, wondering why this kid is here?

At this time, Wang Dalong had gotten off the kang and came out to greet Zhao Youcai. He held Zhao Youcai's arm with his right hand and guided him into the room with his left hand, saying, "Uncle, we have a visitor."

Zhao Youcai nodded slightly to Wang Dalong, and the late Wang Dalong stepped into the room. At this time, both Qin Dong and Qin Bei had already stood up.

When Zhao Youcai looked at the two of them, he felt that Qin Dong was older, so he extended his hand to Qin Dong and said with a smile: "Welcome."

Not to mention whether you recognize him or not, let’s welcome him first.

Qin Dong held Zhao Youcai's hand and said with a smile, "Is it Uncle Zhao?"

"This is my uncle." Wang Dalong helped introduce him and said, "Zhao Jun's father."

"Oops!" Upon hearing that this was Zhao Jun's father, Qin Dong's smile became even brighter. At this time, he heard Zhao Youcai say: "I just heard from your aunt that you are from Yongxing Brigade."

"Well." Qin Dong let go of Zhao Youcai's hand and guided him towards Qin Bei, saying, "This is the fourth child in my family. My name is Qin Dong and his name is Qin Bei."

"Ah." Zhao Youcai shook hands with Qin Bei again, and then invited the two brothers to get on the kang.

After they all sat down on the kang, Zhao Youcai took out a cigarette from his pocket. While passing the cigarettes to the Qin brothers, Zhao Youcai asked, "Aren't you busy at home right now?"

When Qin Dong heard this, he knew that Zhao Youcai was asking about the purpose of his brothers' visit. He took the cigarette and put it in his hand, and said with a smile: "It's not bad. It snowed for the first time over there on the 15th. I’m almost done with my work, and there’s only a little rice left lying in the ground, so the ladies at home can do it.”

As he spoke, Qin Dong gestured towards Qin Bei with his cigarette-filled hand, and said: "We brothers, let's leave the Forest Iron's nailing team behind and do some work so that our family can be comfortable and comfortable."

"Ouch!" Zhao Youcai said, "The work of the nailing team is not easy."

"Oops!" Qin Dong said with a grin as he blew out smoke: "It's a bit tiring, but what if I don't do it? My son still has to get a wife."

"Hey." Zhao Youcai flicked the ash into the ashtray made of cans and asked curiously: "How old is your son?"

"I'm sixteen." Qin Dong frowned and replied, "In two more years, you can't talk about your wife?"

"Ah!" Zhao Youcai took another puff of cigarette and asked, "Where is this kid?"

When Zhao Youcai asked this, he was asking whether Qin Dong's children were at work and where they were working.

"Oh!" Qin Dong sighed: "In the spring of this year, I will find someone to send him to learn carpentry, but now he is still sawing with the master."

"Oh my god." Zhao Youcai helped Qin Dong worry and said, "It takes two years to become a serious disciple."

"No!" Qin Dong choked out a cigarette with one hand and patted his thigh with the other, saying: "Uncle, you said, children are not allowed to get married in another two years? How can he find a wife as an apprentice? If I don't do it, what can I do? all?"

When Qin Dong was talking to Zhao Youcai, Wang Dalong listened happily. He had a fight with his wife at noon today. His wife went back to her parents' house and no one cooked for him. Wang Dalong made up his mind to stay at Zhao Jun's house today. meal.

Qin Bei listened to Qin Dong's words with a straight face and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. If others don't know, how can Qin Bei not know?

When Qin Dong started spring, he sent his son to learn carpentry, but the boy's hands and feet were not clean. After three days there, he was beaten by the master for stealing money. Then that kid stole money from Qin Dong and his wife, and followed the gangsters on the team to the city to explore the world. So far, there has been no news.

"That's right!" Zhao Youcai didn't know. He and Qin Dong were bragging at each other. Zhao Youcai put out the cigarette butt and said to Qin Dong, "Father, what are you going to do about it?"

As he said that, Zhao Youcai raised his right hand, clenched his four fingers into a fist, and raised only his thumb back, saying: "As for my son, he said a few days ago that he wanted to pay tribute, and I squeezed out four hundred yuan. "

"Oh haha!" Qin Dong heard this and gave Zhao Youcai a thumbs up, saying: "Uncle, you are really like that."

At this time, Wang Meilan had already brought the cans in. She was holding the jar that Zhao Youcai usually used to make tea, and was about to go into the house to make tea for Er Gudong. But as soon as she reached the door, she heard these words. Wang Meilan took the teapot, turned around and came out.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qin Dong asked Zhao Youcai in surprise: "Uncle, you are all off work. Why hasn't my brother come back?"

"He!" Zhao Youcai took out another cigarette and distributed it to the three of them while saying, "He went to Lingnan?"

"Going to Lingnan?" Qin Dong frowned and asked, "Where is he going and what is he doing? He doesn't go to work?"

"Hey, he's having a bad day." Wang Dalong lit the fire next to him. Zhao Youcai frowned and took a deep breath. While leading the cigarette, white smoke kept coming out from between his lips and teeth.

I only heard Zhao Youcai say: "My brother, he doesn't go to work properly all day. After coming back from your place, he didn't stay at home for a few days, and he went to Lingnan to fight with others."

"Oh!" When Qin Dong heard this, he slapped his thigh in annoyance and said, "Why did he leave before? How could he come back?"

"Then he didn't say anything." Zhao Youcai responded first, and then asked Qin Dong: "Man, why did you come all the way to see him?"

"Uncle!" Qin Dong said: "We came here to find him to come to our place and fight with us! Now that he is gone, won't our trip be in vain?"

"What's going on?" Zhao Youcai asked hurriedly: "What big thing do you have there? Or is it a mountain animal?"

"The big thing didn't look at it." Qin Dong replied: "But in the mountain farm where I practice Taoism, there are many roe deer and wild boars."

The forest railway Qin Dong mentioned before is the forest railway. As for the track nailing team, to put it bluntly, it is a group of temporary workers hired by Sentai Railway to repair and care for the train track.

At this time, Qin Dong continued: "On the first day we got there, there were pigs on both sides of the hillside and the pigs running up when they heard the noise!

The pigs came back to the nest within two days. After that, they didn't care about what we were doing or what else we were doing. They just slept when it was time to sleep, and put food out when it was time to do so. "

"How many pigs are there?" Zhao Youcai asked.

"I saw seven or eight pigs on the south post." After Qin Dong finished speaking, he pointed to Qin Bei and said, "My fourth son also saw a bunch of pigs on the southeast corner. There were quite a lot of them."

"Yes!" Qin Bei continued from the side: "There are also many roe deer. Before we work, we can always hear the roe deer calling."

"Really?" When Zhao Youcai heard this, he suddenly became interested. At this time, Qin Dong nodded and said: "When we brothers were resting, we also went up the mountain for a walk. There was a shack on the top of the mountain, where an old mountain dog lived to shoot yellow leaves. I never saw any sieges again. That’s it.”

"Isn't that right?" As soon as Qin Dong finished speaking, Qin Bei continued: "Isn't it already November? We are the only ones who have contacted the Forest Railway employees. Some of them want to buy roe deer and wild boars as gifts. I Brother Zhao Jun came back to our place, caught a lot of roe deer in the mountains, and sold them for a lot of money. My eldest brother said, come and ask brother Zhao Jun to come with us. It's snowing now, and it's snowier than before. Very tidy."

Indeed, finding a roe deer trail in autumn is certainly not as convenient as this time.

Once he heard what Qin Bei said, Zhao Youcai understood in his heart. Zhao Youcai really dared to agree to other things, but he didn't dare to agree to this trivial matter.

In fact, the foot-catching method Zhao Jun did is quite simple, and anyone who runs in the mountains can understand it at a glance. This is why, when Zhao Jun went to the Yongxing Brigade to catch the roe deer, he had to stop the capture halfway in advance.

I’m just afraid that this skill will be copied by others!

Although Zhao Youcai is eager to get rich, he is not stupid. He just smiled and said: "Well, I really don't know. I've done a lot of work, and I won't poke holes in all the messy things."

"Uncle!" Upon hearing Zhao Youcai's words, Qin Dong's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked, "Are you also doing a siege?"

"Ah..." As soon as Zhao Youcai opened his mouth, before he could speak, Wang Dalong said to Qin Dong: "Then what are you thinking about? My uncle! That's Zhao Pao! You are not thinking either? His son is It’s been going on for a while, don’t think you’re just me!”

"Hehehe." Zhao Youcai chuckled, accepting Wang Dalong's flattery.

"Hey, Uncle Zhao." At this time, Qin Bei said, "Can you come with me?"

"Me?" Zhao Youcai said, "I'm good at it, but my son has to carry away all the leaders in the family."

When Zhao Jun left, he not only took away the two semi-automatic guns on the wall of his house, he also took away the barrel-mounted gun placed by Li Baoyu. Maybe Zhao Youcai made a mistake when he was not at home.

"Gun..." Qin Dong and Qin Bei looked at each other, and Qin Dong said: "Uncle Zhao, look at it. We don't follow the rules of black blind men or anything like that. We just shoot wild boars and roe deer. If it doesn't work, we use a knife to kill them."

"That won't work." Zhao Youcai shook his head and said, "I'm hunting with a knife, and now my dog ​​is alone!"

What Zhao Youcai said about Shan means that he is single and weak. When Zhao Jun left, he not only took away all the guns, but also took away all the working dogs, leaving only one pregnant dog and a few puppies.

"Don't be afraid of dogs alone!" As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Wang Dalong said: "I have four dogs at home. Uncle, can I go with you too?"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was stunned. What he was thinking was that you can just lend me the dog and you don't have to follow me.

But Zhao Youcai was embarrassed to say this.

At the same time, the old Shao family in Qiaotou Village, Lingnan.

Zhao Jun, who finished his meal first, was taken to another room by Shao Yunjin and Shao Tianpeng.

I don’t know why, but the two old men were very mysterious.

Then, Shao Tianpeng opened the kang cabinet and took out a triangular bag.

The nine-point triangular bag was placed on the kang table by Shao Tianpeng. He unbuttoned the mouth of the bag and took out another bag.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jun felt a little familiar. I remember that when we were in Xing San's Diyangzi, the old man turned to the ginseng king and he looked like this.

Zhao Jun didn't say anything and stood quietly watching. But he was a little surprised in his heart. Even if these two old men wanted to thank them for rescuing Shao Jun from the mountains, they couldn't thank him enough!

I saw that after Shao Tianpeng opened the second bag, there was a third one inside. After untying the third bag, Shao Tianpeng took out a handful of small cloth bags, handed it to Zhao Jun and said, "Child, look at what this is?"

Zhao Jun agreed happily, but when he opened his pocket, Zhao Jun's smile instantly solidified on his face.

At this time, Shao Yunjin and Shao Tianpeng also felt that something was wrong. Shao Tianpeng quickly reached out and took the pocket back.

"Ahem!" Shao Tianpeng coughed lightly and said, "This is the rag that Shao Jun's grandmother used to sew his pants and mend his clothes."

Zhao Jun: "..."

After Shao Tianpeng finished speaking, he took out a small bag from the triangular pocket. After handing it to Zhao Jun, Shao Tianpeng tied the triangular pocket again.

Zhao Jun opened his pocket and looked inside. His eyes widened after just one glance.

He raised his eyes and looked at Shao Yunjin, who was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the kang. This old man drank two ounces of wine today, and his face, which was full of wrinkles and age spots, was red.

Seeing Zhao Jun looking at him, Shao Yunjin knew that Zhao Jun had recognized the contents of the bag, and said with a smile: "Man, you are a good judge of things."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun immediately tightened the mouth of the bag, looked at Shao Yunjin and said, "Old Master, this thing..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun didn't know how to describe it, so halfway through the words, Zhao Jun just smiled.

"Child." Shao Tianpeng said with a smile: "We don't have any use for these things, so we gave them to you."

Zhao Jun took a deep look at the bag in his hand, suppressed his excitement, placed the bag on the edge of the kang, shook his head and said, "Master Shao, this thing is so rare."

"It's useless for us to keep it." Shao Tianpeng smiled lightly and said, "If you can use it, just take it."

After hearing what Shao Tianpeng said, Zhao Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly, then shut up.

After about three or four seconds, Zhao Jun picked up the small bag again, and then said to Shao Tianpeng: "Master Shao, I dare not measure those big claws. But I can guarantee that when you release the mountain, I let it go.”

"Huh?" As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Shao Tianpeng and Shao Yunjin looked at each other. Shao Tianpeng looked at Zhao Jun and said seriously: "Is what you said true?"

"Master Shao!" Zhao Jun said, "I have never told lies since the day I ran into the mountains!"

"Okay!" After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Shao Tianpeng said: "Then let's do what we said before the meal. If you can help us drive away the big claws, one of those old squatters on both sides of the old sewer will be yours. .”

But what Shao Tianpeng didn't expect was that when he tempted him with huge profits, Zhao Jun smiled and shook his head and said: "Master Shao, I don't want your share."

"Huh?" Shao Tianpeng was startled, and then asked: "Man, what do you mean?"

Shao Tianpeng heard it. Zhao Jun said this because he didn't look down on the stock, and he probably wanted to raise the price.

"Master Shao." Sure enough, Zhao Jun said: "If you have hands and feet, you can take the wealth from the mountain. If you agree, give me an old man!"

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