The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 754 The abnormality of the black tiger on the high mountain

When the Zhao family's hunting gang rushed to the Yongxing brigade to fight the siege, the Zhao family's gang was not idle either.

It snowed the day before yesterday. Zhao Jun and the others did not go up the mountain all day yesterday. When they went back to the mountain today, the mountains and plains were covered with new traces and shells left by wild beasts.

During the siege, the footprints of the beast on the snow were divided into old tracks and new tracks.

The old traces are the footprints left by wild beasts a few days ago, while the new traces are usually no more than twenty-four hours old.

Zhao Jun had previously analyzed how long the roe deer had passed by grabbing snow with his hands and poking the roe deer's feces with tree sticks. But this is only useful for prey that has passed by for about half an hour. If it takes a long time and the weather is freezing, whether it is footprints or anything else, they are all frozen. What else can be distinguished?

But people can't, but dogs can.

Just from the footprints left by prey, hunting dogs can tell whether they are old or new.

If it is a new shell, the leading dog will follow the footprints. If it were Lao Zongke, the leader would have given up.

It snowed heavily the day before yesterday, and today the snow is covered with new traces!

Big Fatty disappeared as soon as he entered the mountain. Within fifteen minutes of leaving, Big Fatty spoke up.

Hearing Big Fat's cry, the hunting dogs roared out.

In addition to Big Fatty, Zhao Jun's family also has six dogs. As for Huang Gui's family, there are three older dogs, two younger ones, and five dogs.

Together with the eleven dogs, they rushed down the hillside, causing snow to fly all over the sky.

For a moment, the hillside seemed to be smoking.

Half an hour later, a group of dogs surrounded a female wild boar weighing more than 230 pounds, watching Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen hang wild boar lanterns and other things on the tree.

Huang Gui chopped two sticks, opened the wild boar's chest, and kicked the snow in with his feet.

As for Zhao Jun, he sat quietly and rested. If you are a leader, you must look like a leader.

Although the other dogs were drooling with greed, they all stayed aside and waited quietly to share the meat. Only the black tiger called "Aoao" twice at Zhang Yuanmin. When he found that Zhang Yuanmin ignored it, he called out to Jie Chen twice.

Jie Chen heard the sound and looked towards Black Tiger. At this time, Jie Chen was cleaning the belly of the wild boar.

Things like the wild boar's heart, liver, intestines, and lungs can be hung directly on the tree. However, the wild boar kidneys and belly are required.

There is no need to clean up the pig kidneys, but the dirt inside the pig belly must be removed. Jie Chen didn't mind the trouble, so he opened the wild boar's belly with his knife. Just as he was about to take the next step, he heard the black tiger barking at him.

Jie Chen knew that the dog wanted to eat meat, but just now Zhao Jun said that he would not feed the dog and would fight again. After all, it’s only been more than an hour since I left home, and the dog still came out after eating at home. If I feed it now, it’s not enough to feed it too little!

So Jie Chen just smiled at Heihu and continued busy with his work.

It is very convenient to clean up wild boar belly in the mountains in winter. You can open it and pour out the dirt inside. Then roll the pig's belly in the snow. When the snow is shaken off, the snow will take away the remaining dirt on the pig's belly.

Jie Chen smiled at Hei Hu, and Hei Hu's eyes suddenly lit up. Then Jie Chen opened the open pig belly and poured out the dirty things inside.

Black Tiger is a smart dog, but it can't overcome its greediness. When it saw this scene, it thought Jie Chen had thrown something edible on the ground. Therefore, Black Tiger hurriedly lifted his buttocks from the snow, swung his head and swayed his tail, and hurried towards Jiechen.

"Huh?" Seeing the black tiger coming, Jie Chen was stunned. He thought to himself, I didn't even say I would give you something to eat.

Several people were killing pigs here, making the surrounding air smell of blood and wild boar. So even with the black tiger's nose, it could only tell what it was when it got close.

Black Tiger put his nose in the pile of dirty things and smelled it, and the whole dog exploded instantly.

"Ouch! Ouch..." The black tiger monster screamed, then turned its head and took a bite. This bite bit Jiechen's calf, but it didn't exert any force, and it came loose at the touch.

Jie Chen didn't feel any pain, but when he reacted, he found that a canine tooth of the black tiger was hanging on his trouser leg.

"Holy shit! Don't pull!" Jie Chen watched as Black Tiger pulled and opened a small opening in his trouser leg.

As he pulled open the legs of Jie Chen's trousers, Black Tiger's teeth also left Jie Chen's pants. But at this time, the black tiger also knew that he was in trouble. He originally wanted to frighten the minister, but he didn't expect to bite the man's pants.

Black Tiger was just about to find a place to run when he heard Zhao Jun shout: "Black Tiger!"

When hearing the owner's call, dogs will usually go over subconsciously as long as they are not eating.

The black tiger is somewhat rebellious. At this time, it knows that it will definitely be beaten in the past, but it dare not not go.

Just as Black Tiger reluctantly took two steps, he was suddenly kicked on the butt. Jie Chen laughed and kicked Black Tiger, and said, "I told you to bite me!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." Black Tiger gave up immediately, turned around and shouted at Jie Chen.

"Come here!" But hearing Zhao Jun yell loudly, Black Tiger's heart skipped a beat. At this time, the other dogs brought by Zhao Jun heard Zhao Jun shouting and got up hurriedly.

"Black Tiger!" Zhao Jun shouted: "You're stunned!"

These dogs can tell whether their owner is in good or bad mood. Dahuang and Dapang felt that Zhao Jun was angry. When they heard that Zhao Jun was not calling his name, they stopped in a hurry and watched the black tiger crawling towards Zhao Jun.

At this time, the dog was like a cat like a cheetah or a tiger preparing to ambush its prey. It almost laid its belly on the ground and moved forward slowly. Moreover, Black Tiger would stop after taking two steps, and then tilt his head to the side, not looking at Zhao Jun.

"I told you to hurry up!" Zhao Jun felt funny and angry when he saw it like this. But no matter what, biting people cannot be tolerated.

The black tiger came squeaking in front of Zhao Jun, and was greeted by Zhao Jun's slap.

Before Black Tiger had time to call out, Zhao Jun grabbed Zhileng'er on the left side.

"Ahh..." The sharp cry of the black tiger rang out in the mountains and forests. Mountain mice and other small animals were hiding nearby. Even when Zhao Jun shot and killed the pigs, they did not run away, but hid in the cave. But when the black tiger barked, they heard this strange cry and didn't know what kind of strange beast was coming from the mountains, so they ran away in panic.

Zhao Jun let go of Heihu's ears and slapped him again, causing Heihu to shake his head and let out a "whoosh".

Zhao Jun grabbed the black tiger's mouth and pulled its head towards him. Zhao Jun scolded: "If you bite anyone again, I will kill you!"

As soon as he said these words, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered that Black Tiger had taken out Zhang Laibao before. Thinking of this, Zhao Jun let go of Black Tiger, tapped his head with his finger, and said: "You can't bite your own people!"

How can Black Tiger understand this? It just wanted to eat meat, but it turned out that Jie Chen was playing tricks on itself and wanted to vent its dissatisfaction. Unexpectedly, after venting his dissatisfaction, he was punished again.

"Okay!" Zhao Jun slapped Black Tiger on the head again, and then said: "Get out of here!"

The black tiger did not roll away, but lay down directly in front of Zhao Jun, raised its tail, wagged it twice, and shouted at Zhao Jun twice: "Ouch! Ouch!"

"You just know how to eat." Zhao Jun cursed with a smile, then raised his foot and pushed the toe of his shoe towards Black Tiger's face. While Black Tiger was hiding from his shoe, Zhao Jun said: "Look at this fat man, he's looking for a pig." , no one else is like you!"

At this time, the fat man who was lying not far away looking at the wild boar heard Zhao Jun calling his name and hurriedly raised his neck to look at Zhao Jun.

The dog's eyes are changing. At this time, the fat man looked over and saw that Zhao Jun was not looking at him, with a little disappointment in his eyes.

It is also greedy!

"Brother!" Huang Gui walked towards Zhao Jun with a smile, and said as he walked: "We have all cleaned up!"

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun tugged on the gun standing next to him, grabbed the gun with his left hand, took out a small copper whistle from his pocket with his right hand, puffed up his cheeks and blew hard.

As soon as the brass whistle sounded, his dogs got up.

Zhao Jun put the whistle in his pocket, raised his hand and said, "Let's go!"

After saying that, Zhao Jun walked down first. When Dahuang saw this, he was the first to follow, followed by Bailong.

Whose dog follows whom? If Zhao Jun moves, the seven dogs he brought will have to get up and follow him even if they are reluctant to let go of the wild boar.

Black Tiger was last, looking back at the wild boar three times a step. At this time, as we approached the ditch and pond, Big Fatty went out again. Wasn't he staring at something again?

"Black Tiger!" Zhao Jun turned around and shouted as he saw the big fat man going out.

Black Tiger ran up to Zhao Jun with a bang, and was about to act coquettishly, but he heard Zhao Jun say: "Look at this fat guy, just swish out!"

I have to say that in terms of fragrance, Black Tiger is definitely better than Big Fatty. But in terms of diligence, Big Fatty can beat Black Tiger by several blocks.

The black tiger fragrant head is usually dominant. When there are no cubs, the dog gang relies on it to find prey.

But today there were new tracks all over the ground, and the big fat man grabbed the wild boar's footprints and went out.

About ten minutes later, the big fat one came back panting. It had traveled not far, only two or three miles, but it was born and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

As the large army moved forward, Big Fatty, who had rested for a while, ran down the south slope again. Seventeen or eight minutes later, Big Fat's screams floated on the wind.

Listening to Big Fat's voice, the hunting dogs roared out like arrows. In an instant, only the black tiger was left beside Zhao Jun.

The dog probably felt a little unwilling because he didn't eat meat just now, so he started to work passively.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Jun lowered his head and glanced at Heihu. Heihu, who heard the voice, raised his head and looked at Zhao Jun.

"Are you just waiting to eat ready-made food all day long?" Zhao Jun had already kicked out his right foot as soon as he finished speaking. But the moment he took action, the black tiger had already jumped out.

Zhao Jun kicked the snow, and the snow was kicked up by Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun couldn't help but cursed: "You idiot!"

This dog has learned to commit adultery!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." Black Tiger shouted at Zhao Jun a few times, turned around and ran away.

They came all the way to the top of the mountains and hills. The higher the mountain, the heavier the snow. Going further, the snow was already up to my knees.

Of course, this is for Zhao Jun. For Zhang Yuanmin, he would already be squatting.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun said to Huang Gui: "Let's go up quickly. After this battle, we'll come down!"

"Hey!" Although Huang Gui had an old injury on his leg, he knew the urgency of the matter. He grabbed his semi-automatic gun and followed Zhao Jun.

"Wait for me!" Jie Chen took his gun and was about to chase Zhao Jun and the others, but was held back by Zhang Yuanmin. Just listen to Zhang Yuanmin say: "Brother, don't worry, they can't get you to shoot. Why are you running? You can't even sweat your pants by running."

"That's true!" Jie Chen muttered, and then asked Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother Zhang, why are my military brothers so busy? Isn't it certain that they will die?"

"It snows heavily up the mountain." Zhang Yuanmin explained to Jie Chen: "It's easy for dogs to escape in a fight."

In fact, hunting dogs has very high requirements on the mountain topography. Just like not hunting in summer, the main reason is that the grass in the mountains is high and thick, and when hunting dogs are attacked, the dogs cannot hide away.

And if the snow is heavy, wouldn’t it be the same?

Jie Chen frowned when he heard this, looked up the mountain, and said to Zhang Yuanmin with some worry: "Brother Zhang, can't he be a blind man?"

"It doesn't look like it!" Zhang Yuanmin shook his head and said, "Listen to the dog barking, sometimes it's over there, sometimes it's here, it should be a wild boar."

"Huh?" Jie Chen was startled and then asked, "Can a wild boar reach such a height?"

Zhang Yuanmin laughed, raised his hand to pat Jie Chen on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother, you still have to learn!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yuanmin said: "It will snow lightly in less than a month. The wild boars are looking to make a circle. At this time, they will go up."

"Ah!" Just as Jie Chen responded, he saw Zhang Yuanmin smacking his thumbs together twice, and said with a bad smile: "If a person wants this, he has to find corn fields, groves, etc., and wild boars want that. What, they have to find a nook and cranny."

After talking about the unreasonable things, Zhang Yuanmin taught this little brother some skills. He just heard him say: "Now the pigs are going up. When you wait for them to dig the ditch, they usually go to the big block behind the mountain. Wait. At the end of the year, it’s time for them to come down again.”

"Ah!" Jie Chen kept all this in mind, then gave Zhang Yuanmin a thumbs up and said, "Brother Zhang, you are really good!"

"Then look!" Zhang Yuanmin smiled proudly and said, "I am also a coward..."

"Hey, big brother!" Suddenly, Jie Chen interrupted Zhang Yuanmin's boasting. He pointed at Zhang Yuanmin's back and said, "My military brother is enough for these two battles today. Then you will have to carry the pig hook in vain." What?"

"Oh my god!" Zhang Yuanmin reacted immediately and hurriedly took off the pig hook and held it in his hand. Then he stepped on the snow pit that Zhao Jun and Huang Gui had just stepped on and ran up.

Before he could run two steps, he tripped and fell directly into the snowdrift. Jie Chen was happy as he went over to rescue Zhang Yuanmin.

"Oops!" After Zhang Yuanmin got up, he straightened the dog-skin hat on his head and then shouted: "Where is my baby?"

When Zhang Yuanmin fell just now, the pig hook came out of his hand and fell into the snow.

This pig hook is made of steel bars. It is heavy and thin, and falling snow will directly hit the bottom.

Just like that, Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen spent a long time looking for a pig-tying hook. When they arrived, Huang Gui had finished opening the cannon's eggs.

The 2,780-pound little cannon egg is moving up the mountain these days, preparing to become a real boar this year.

But what the pig didn't expect was that before it even got up today, a group of dogs broke into the nest.

Such a big cannon egg is the time to pick a fight. A pair of wild boar teeth are like daggers.

Xiao Paozao cheered up, and after two rounds, he left a gash on Dahuang's butt, and then injured Huang Gui's long-haired dog's shoulder.

Injuring two dogs in a row, forcing the other hunting dogs to dare not act rashly, Xiao Paozao was so powerful that when he was about to fight a bloody battle, the black tiger came up.

When the black tiger bit the wild boar egg, the little gun egg turned around abruptly. In a hurry, without paying much attention, he suddenly turned his head and the pig's head hit the poplar tree next to him.

If this tree were an empty bucket, it would be fine. But this poplar tree is a living tree, full of water, and it freezes in winter!

The wild boar turned around and hit him hard. Then Bailong and Erhei caught him in a pair of pincers, and then the big fat guy hit him hard.

Then the other dogs swarmed up and dumped the little cannonball into the snow. Black Tiger even rushed over, took out Xiao Pao Zi's never-used pig gun, bit and pulled it, Xiao Pao Zi didn't get up in the morning to release water, and he peed in an instant!

It stands to reason that after a boar urinates for the first time in the morning, its combat effectiveness will be improved. But Xiaopaozi had blood in his urine, his ears were hung up, his nose was stuffy, and there were seven other dogs helping him out. He weighed more than 200 pounds and couldn't make it through the wind and waves. He could only scream in agony under the destruction of the black tiger.

In this way, as soon as Zhao Jun arrived, Xiao Pao Zi was immediately beheaded. Zhao Jun and Huang Gui were not in a hurry to disembowel the pig. They checked the hunting dogs first and found that Dahuang, Erhei and the long-haired dog were all scratched, but the wounds were not deep. At this time, they stopped bleeding.

Zhao Jun and Huang Gui were relieved. Huang Gui used his knife to disembowel the wild boar to feed the dogs. After Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen arrived, and half an hour later, after all the hunting dogs were full, Zhao Jun asked Jiechen to stow the fire, and asked Zhang Yuanmin to take out the dry food, and prepare to take a bite before going home.

But at this moment, the black tiger who had just finished chewing the coffin suddenly raised his neck. At this time, it was more excited than ever before. It got up and jumped out, only to hear the continuous "ouch" sound. Although the other dogs scattered around were full, they also got up when they heard the black tiger's call.

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