The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 761 Zhao Jun rescues people


Almost at the same time as the gunshot, Chen Xueyi, who was running upwards, shook slightly. A cloud of blood mist burst out of his left leg, and he fell headlong onto the snow.

"Ah..." A scream rang out from Chen Xueyi's mouth. In local parlance, his left leg was pinched and broken by the gun from the knee down!

Under the severe pain, Chen Xueyi covered his hands, which were covered with sticky blood.

At this time on the mountain, Jiang Weifeng was still aiming down with his gun. After the shot, he saw a splash of blood from the gun star, and then the black thing rolled down the hillside. Jiang Weifeng thought he had shot " The black blind man" was hit.

With such thoughts, Jiang Weifeng felt a little more confident, but when he took aim with the gun again, his sight was blocked by the tree branches, and he could only see something vaguely below him.

"Brother-in-law!" Jiang Weifeng shouted excitedly at the top of his lungs: "I've beaten the blind man!"

When Chen Xueyi below heard this, he felt hatred in his heart, but at the moment his leg was bleeding. If it continued like this, just the bleeding would kill him!

"I'm CNM! Jiang Weifeng! You hit me!" Chen Xueyi pinched the bleeding part of his broken leg with both hands, stretched his neck and shouted: "Get down quickly!"

The mountain wind roared, carrying Chen Xueyi's voice upwards. When it reached Jiang Weifeng's ears, it turned into a "oooooooo" sound.

"He's not dead!" Jiang Weifeng, who was in full swing, turned down the safety switch he had just closed, and took a glance down, waiting for his brother-in-law to show up.

At this time, Zhao Jun in the northeast corner heard something was wrong!

But now Zhao Jun dare not rush over to rescue people, because he is afraid that the "mountain guy" above will treat him as a blind man!

Zhao Jun made a decisive decision and raised his gun in the air to fight.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Jiang Weifeng and Chen Xueyi heard three shots in a row. Jiang Weifeng raised his face from behind the gun, looked down and around, thinking: "Is it my brother-in-law who is shooting?"

And Chen Xueyi was almost scared to death!

Chen Xueyi, who was suddenly shocked, his mind went blank at this moment. He thought it was Jiang Weifeng who had opened fire on him again!

After three shots, Zhao Jun quickly jumped out from behind the tree, advanced seven or eight meters quickly, and ducked and hid behind another tree.

"Bang!" Zhao Jun raised his gun and fired again, and then while Jiang Weifeng was looking for the sound of the gunshot, he hurriedly moved up.

Fortunately, Jiang Weifeng's gun was not pointed towards Zhao Jun, and secondly, this man could not pull away from the mountain, that is, he turned into the mountain. Listening to the gunfire at this time, he couldn't tell where the shooter was.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!" Jiang Weifeng shouted: "What are you fighting for?"

"Hey!" Zhao Jun felt familiar with the voice and shouted, "Who's up there?"

What Jiang Weifeng said could be passed down, but what Zhao Jun and Chen Xueyi said could not.

Before Jiang Weifeng could reply, Zhao Jun knew he couldn't force himself, so he raised his gun in the air again.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two more shots were fired, and Zhao Jun jumped out from behind the tree and ran towards a big red pine ahead.

When Zhao Jun hid behind the big red pine and fired again, the straight-line distance between him and Jiang Weifeng was no more than 300 meters.

At this time Jiang Weifeng finally understood. He turned his head and looked to the side and shouted, "Isn't it my brother-in-law?"

"No!" Zhao Jun shouted, "You just hit someone!"

"Hit someone?" Jiang Weifeng, who finally heard what he heard this time, was startled and reacted for two seconds before shouting: "No, I beat the blind man!"

Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth, and his throat was filled with smoke, but he still shouted loudly: "Don't shoot, I'll go up!"

"Ah?" Jiang Weifeng frowned, thinking that this person was probably here to rub some meat, right?

There are mountain rules for mountain runners. When a hunter puts his prey in the mountains and drags him back, even if he meets a stranger, as long as he opens his mouth, he will cut off three to five kilograms of meat.

Therefore, when some people who harvest the mountains heard the sound of gunshots, they came over to see if they were knocking down the prey by the enemies, so they would go up and rub a few kilograms of meat.

Zhao Jun didn't know what Jiang Weifeng was thinking. He took two steps up and shouted: "Don't shoot!"

Jiang Weifeng ignored Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun took two more steps and shouted again.

Zhao Jun was afraid. He was really afraid that the idiot above would shoot him!

There was one lying on the hillside!

But in order to save people, Zhao Jun had to go up. After only taking a few steps, Zhao Jun shouted again: "Don't shoot!"

"No one is hitting you!" Jiang Weifeng didn't know why Zhao Jun kept shouting like this. He even shouted impatiently: "Come up quickly!"

After saying this, Jiang Weifeng murmured in a low voice: "You are so brave, how can you still fight?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun heard it at this time and hurriedly shouted: "Is it Brother Jiang?"

Saying that, Zhao Jun ran up quickly.

"Yeah!" Upon hearing that this man recognized him, Jiang Weifeng first glanced at where Chen Xueyi was with his gun in his hand. No "black blind man" was seen jumping up, so he put away his gun and stood up to face Zhao Jun.

"Ouch!" Jiang Weifeng shouted when he saw Zhao Jun and said, "Brother, who is it you?"

At this time, Zhao Jun was running out of breath. He held a gun in one hand and pointed downwards with the other hand, saying: "Brother Jiang, did you just hit someone?"

"Brother, don't hang around!" Jiang Weifeng said with a smile: "I just..."

"What just happened?" Zhao Jun was anxious. He threw his hand down and shouted, "I heard him shout!"

"Huh?" Jiang Weifeng looked at Zhao Jun with wide eyes, but Zhao Jun asked: "Where is my brother Chen?"

"Brother-in-law!" Jiang Weifeng suddenly reacted and ran down in a hurry.

There was thick snow on the hillside. Jiang Weifeng ran a few steps and fell on the snow. He staggered up and ran down without even using his gun.

Zhao Jun followed, picked up the gun dropped by Jiang Weifeng, and then chased him. It's not that Zhao Jun cares about the gun but not the people. If he guessed correctly, the gun should have been lent by Chen Xueyi's uncle and brother who were the village directors.

This is a government gun. If it is lost, Jiang Weifeng may cause trouble.

"Brother-in-law!" Hearing a scream from the front, Zhao Jun ran down and saw that the snow was stained red with blood. He hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Jiang Weifeng away, then took out a small box with matches from his pocket and pushed it away. Inside are small black pills.

This pill was given to Wang Meilan by Xing San in the spring, to prevent heart disease. But there is a medicine in the pill that can relieve pain. After making sure that his mother was fine, Zhao Jun took the medicine up the mountain in case of emergency.

"Brother Chen!" Zhao Jun stuffed two pills into Chen Xueyi's mouth, and then called softly: "Hold on, we will punish you right away!"

As he spoke, Zhao Jun reached into his pocket and pulled out gauze and pain-relieving powder that had been ground in advance.

At this time, Zhao Jun saw Jiang Weifeng standing at a loss and shouted: "What are you looking at? Take off your leggings quickly!"

"Ah? Hey! Hey!" Jiang Weifeng, who had come to his senses, hurriedly followed the instructions. Looking at Zhao Jun again, he opened the paper bag and poured the pain-removing tablet powder on Chen Xueyi's broken leg. He saw the blood quickly soaking the powder. Red, Zhao Jun shouted at Jiang Weifeng again: "Hurry up!"

The most important thing at this time is to stop Chen Xueyi’s bleeding!

If the bleeding doesn't stop, this person will die before he can reach the bottom of the mountain!

Although Zhao Jun had gauze, the gauze was too thin to hold back the blood, so he had to tighten the coarse cloth leggings to prevent the blood from flowing out.

Looking at Jiang Weifeng again, he sat awkwardly on the snow and reached out to roll up his trousers.

Leggings, not trousers!

The outer trousers that people wear these days are generally made of coarse cloth, especially for mountain runners, so they have to choose something that is strong and wear-resistant.

And such pants have no elasticity. If you wear leggings on your outer pants, your legs will not be able to bend when walking.

Therefore, the leggings are all inside. At this time, the leggings must be worn on the cotton pants under the outer pants. First tie the hems of the cotton trousers and the uppers of the high-top shoes with a rope, and then wrap the leggings.

Seeing Jiang Weifeng clumsily untying his leggings, Zhao Jun hurriedly reached out to help, and after tightening Chen Xueyi's broken leg, Zhao Jun looked up, regardless of his hands being covered in blood, and shouted directly to Jiang Weifeng: "Brother Jiang, what are you doing? Woolen cloth?"

"Chop the sticks!" Jiang Weifeng replied not far away. He also wanted to chop two sticks and make a simple stretcher to carry Chen Xueyi down.

But Chen Xueyi was unconscious at this time. When Jiang Weifeng was put on the stretcher, Chen Xueyi and everyone were feeling cold!

Zhao Jun was angry and helpless, and shouted: "Come here quickly!"

"Hey! Hey!" Jiang Weifeng came towards Zhao Jun with a stick in one hand and a machete in the other.

When he saw Zhao Jun, he heard Zhao Jun roar: "Hurry up and lift him off my body! Let's take turns carrying him down!"

Jiang Weifeng hurriedly responded twice, and went over to help Zhao Jun carry Chen Xueyi on his back. Zhao Jun walked down the mountain quickly, and Jiang Weifeng supported Chen Xueyi from behind.

The two changed four times along the way, and their cotton-padded jackets and trousers were all wet. They walked all the way to the driveway. Zhao Jun held Chen Xueyi's butt with one hand and took out a small copper whistle from his pocket and blew it.

After blowing three times in a row, Zhao Jun put away his bronze whistle and shouted to Jiang Weifeng: "Shoot!"

"Ah!" Jiang Weifeng, who was already confused, was even more confused now. He asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, who should I hit?"

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun had no time to curse, so he just shouted: "Hit me in the sky!"

Zhao Jun came with four people today. Later, the troops split into two groups. Zhao Jun took Zhang Yuanmin to pick up a deer. When Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin separated, Zhao Jun knew that Zhang Yuanmin was walking slowly, so he asked him to wait at the bottom.

Now Zhao Jun asked Jiang Weifeng to shoot and call Zhang Yuanmin. If there were multiple people, there would be multiple helpers. Second, Zhang Yuanmin himself cannot be left behind. Otherwise, with Zhang Yuanmin's character, he would definitely not leave if he couldn't see Zhao Jun!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Jiang Weifeng fired three shots in a row. As soon as the gunfire fell, there was a gunshot response not far away!

Zhao Jun yelled at Jiang Weifeng: "Fight again!"

"Bang! Bang!"

"Brother..." Zhang Yuanmin's voice came from not far away.

"Ahem!" Zhao Jun could no longer shout. He cleared his throat and replied: "Brother, come quickly!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's shouting, Zhang Yuanmin quickened his pace, but because of his short legs, he was one step behind Huang Gui and Jie Chen.

"Ouch!" Before Zhao Jun came near, Huang Gui saw his brother-in-law and Zhao Jun, who was carrying someone on his back and covered in blood.

"What's going on?" Huang Gui asked as he approached. Zhao Jun had no time to pay attention to him and only said to Jie Chen: "Jie Chen, take it over!"

"Hey!" Jie Chen agreed and stepped forward. Zhao Jun, with the help of Huang Gui and Jiang Weifeng, put Chen Xueyi on Jie Chen's back.

"Go quickly!" Zhao Jun said: "Save people!"

Jie Chen walked quickly. The snow on the driveway was smooth and smooth. Fortunately, someone kicked up the dirt. If you were carrying someone on your back, you could walk quickly, but don't even think about running.

At this time, Zhao Jun only felt that his two arms were no longer his. Previously, he and Jiang Weifeng carried Chen Xueyi down the mountain. He carried Chen Xueyi for three sections and Jiang Weifeng carried two sections. Moreover, this last section of the road was also carried by Zhao Jun.

No matter how Chen Xueyi separated the road, there was no deep hatred between the two sides, especially since human lives were at stake. Now that Zhao Jun encountered him, he had no reason not to save him.

It's just that it's 11 or 12 miles to go back to Qiaotou Village from here, and nearly 15 miles to Beitun where there is a health center.

Zhao Jun, Jie Chen, Huang Gui, and Jiang Weifeng took turns carrying Chen Xueyi on their backs. Zhang Yuanmin was short. If he carried Chen Xueyi on his back, Chen Xueyi's remaining foot would hit the ground, so Zhang Yuanmin pulled the deer.

When passing Qiaotou Village, Zhao Jun said to Huang Gui and Jie Chen: "Brother, let Brother Jiang lead the way. You, Brother Zhang, and Jie Chen will go home first and bring the car over!"

Now Chen Xueyi has passed out. I don't know what his condition is, and I don't know if this small health clinic in Tunbei can treat him. If not, he will have to be sent to the city.

In this way, the group of soldiers split into two groups. Huang Gui and Jiechen returned to Qiaotou Village to pick up the car, while Zhang Yuanmin followed to see off the deer. Zhao Jun carried Chen Xueyi on his back and headed straight for the so-called Beitun, led by Jiang Weifeng.

Zhao Jun's entry into the village immediately attracted the attention of the villagers. Seeing Chen Xueyi's miserable condition, they couldn't help but follow Zhao Jun, ready to see and ask what happened.

To put it bluntly, just watch the fun!

"Uncle Tang!" Jiang Weifeng rushed into the health center first and shouted: "Save people!"

At this time, in the health center, three old men, one old lady, and four others were reading cards.

The oldest old man among them was none other than Shao Tuzhao.

Song Lan once said before that when Huang Gui's parents were alive, he and the old man of the Shao family were poker friends. At that time, Zhao Jun was still wondering, how could this old man read cards with one hand?

I saw the old man sitting cross-legged on the earthen bed, grabbing cards with one hand without any slowness. After grabbing a card, he inserted the card into the socket of his knee.

Because he had his legs crossed, he inserted the card into the knee socket and was pinched by his thighs and calves, and he just stood upright.

In this poker game, not only Shao Yunjin was present, but Shao Tianpeng was also present. But the other two were afraid that they would take care of each other, so they asked the Shao family to sit opposite each other, thus preventing the upper family from giving cards to the lower family.

The person sitting at Shao Yunjin's house was an old man with a gray beard. He was wearing a white coat. He was Tang Erkui, the doctor at the health center.

As for Shao Yunjin's next home, she was an old lady who had lost her front teeth. This old lady was neatly dressed, wearing a small floral cotton-padded jacket, with small knots pricked, and a pipe and pot on her knees.

At this time, the old lady was crossing her legs and squinting her eyes to touch the cards.

The old lady's cards were pretty good, she had a waist and a palm. The happy old lady's eyes curved downwards and the corners of her mouth curved upwards.

Suddenly, Jiang Weifeng rushed in and screamed, which made the old lady tremble in fright. She dropped the cards in her hand and said "Oh my God". Her whole body started to tremble and her head started to sweat!

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