The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 773 Zhao Youcai was overshadowed by his son’s light

As soon as Zhao Youcai moved, Little Bear, Little Flower, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon stood up one after another, and the dogs of Wang Dalong's family also raised their necks and cocked their ears to look at their master.

At this time, Wang Dalong looked at Zhao Youcai with some surprise. He had just said to sit down and smoke a cigarette, and then chew a mouthful of dry food before leaving. Now they have just finished smoking and haven't eaten any dry food yet, so why are they in a hurry to leave?

But Zhao Youcai was not only his elder, but also the leader of the hunting gang. Whatever he said, Wang Dalong had to listen to him.

So, Wang Dalong whistled, and his four dogs also got up one after another, and the group of four and eight dogs continued to walk up.

They turned over and climbed down to the opposite post. Not far away, before a fork in the road, there were many wild boar footprints on the snow.

These are the wild boar tracks that Zhao Youcai and Wang Dalong discovered yesterday when they went up the mountain to walk roe deer.

Looking at these footprints, the hunting dogs did not show too much excitement, but lowered their heads and kept sniffing.

It can be seen that these footprints must be at least a few days old, and the pig that left these footprints is not nearby.

Qin Bei stepped forward out of curiosity to take a look. He had been running in the mountains for many years. Looking at the two rows of pig tracks, he knew that there were about seven or eight wild boars in this group.

Qin Qiang carefully distinguished the hoof prints, then stood up and said to Zhao Youcai: "Uncle Zhao, there are no cannon eggs?"

"No!" Zhao Youcai said: "Two old sows and five or six piglets."

"Ah?" At this time, Li Mingxiang went over to look at the wild boar footprints, and couldn't help but curiously asked Wang Dalong beside him: "Brother Dalong, how did I, Uncle Zhao, and the others see that there are no cannon eggs?"

Wang Dalong smiled when he heard the words, took off the cotton hand mongzi on his right hand, opened the index and middle fingers of his right hand together, and gestured like a pair of scissors, and said: "Look at the hoof flowers. When they are together they are cannon eggs, and when they are separated they are female."

"Ah!" Li Mingxiang suddenly realized it and muttered: "I wonder if I can fight a big lone man!"

Hearing what he said, Wang Dalong twitched the corner of his mouth and thought: "Why do you still act like a solitary man? If you catch me, it's not your dog anymore."

Zhao Youcai and Wang Dalong conducted an on-site inspection yesterday and felt that these wild boars were capable, so they came to fight this battle today.

Zhao Youcai was in the front, leading the hunting dogs to the west along the wild boar's feet.

Gradually, new traces left by wild boars in the past two days appeared on the snow, and the hunting dogs walked in front of Zhao Youcai. After Zhao Youcai found out, he quickened his pace to keep up and kept urging Wang Dalong and the others.

Suddenly, a mountain wind blew by. The little bear, who was walking with his head lowered to sniff the snow, trembled, raised his head suddenly, and twitched his nose twice in the air, and then walked up the slope with a cry of "woof, woof". .

As soon as the little bear barked, the other seven dogs gathered and chased it from all directions.

Eight dogs were walking across the hillside on the hillside, picking up snow as they ran.

To the west, a gang leg crosses down to the northeast. On the sunny slope at the back, a group of wild boars that have just raised their nests are strolling around, looking for a place to eat when they are ready to move around.

At the head were two female wild boars, one weighing over 200 kilograms, the other less than 200 kilograms, followed by six small yellow boars.

Nowadays, wild boars have gradually migrated to high mountains, preparing to thrive before and after light snowfall.

Suddenly, the big sow boar's ears flashed, her head raised, and her nose made a "command" sound.

As soon as they heard it making a noise, the other wild boars immediately fell silent. Then they saw the big sow wild boar running into the ditch and pond, followed closely by the little sow wild boar.

Although the two female wild boars were one step ahead, they were not as fast as the little yellow boars. When the six little yellow boars saw that their mother and aunt had run away, they all started chasing after them, and they quickly overtook them.

At this time, the barking of dogs has become chaotic. Not only did the little bear bark, but the little black dragon also barked.

Running, running, Qinglong surpassed the little bear, but he was a male dog and he would not bark until he was in front of the pig.

Seeing the green dragon moving forward, the black dragon quickened its pace and overtook the little bear, and its bark led the four hunting dogs of Wang Dalong's family forward.

When the big sow wild boar approached the ditch and pond, she had fallen to the last place among the running pigs, and her butt that trembled as she ran fell into Qinglong's sight.

They say the rabbit that goes up the mountain, the dog that goes down the mountain!

The little green dragon only weighed more than forty pounds, but it was full of momentum when it came down the mountain. It rolled up the snow like smoke, passed directly by the wild boar, and stepped forward to intercept the wild boar's head.

The female wild boar paused and stopped to look at Qinglong. Qinglong roared twice fiercely!

"Woof! Woof!" As Qinglong opened his mouth, white air rushed out from between his lips and teeth, and his childish bark revealed bravery and tenacity.

The wild boar flicked its head and tried to run away. But at this time, Black Dragon and Wang Dalong's four dogs arrived!

Wang Dalong's four dogs all came from Lingnan, and his knowledge in fighting sieges was much better than Du Chunjiang's. Therefore, it's not that Wang Dalong's four dogs are incompetent, it's just that he usually messes around and doesn't take the dogs up the mountain. These dogs have seen less fighting and have become somewhat rejuvenated.

Now that winter has arrived, Wang Dalong thought about hunting for money, so he approached Zhao Youcai on the spur of the moment.

There was a dog with him these days. Even though the first dog was less than one year old at this time, Wang Dalong's four dogs still dared to come.

The four dogs pounced on the wild boar. When the wild boar turned around and shook its head to slap the dogs, Qinglong came out from the side. When the wild boar turned its head, Qinglong opened its mouth and bit the wild boar's ear.

Although the puppy was underage, Qinglong was very high-spirited. That night in the sow forest, when he surrounded the lonely man under the hanging kettle, Qinglong dared to grab him and hang pliers on him.

But two dogs had to work together to hang the pliers and suppress the pig's head. As soon as Wang Dalong's black pliers-hanging dog was thrown away by the wild boar, Qinglong hung up. The wild boar, which was in full strength, swung the pig's head and threw the little Qinglong away. Started swinging.

This puppy's jaws are very ruthless. Even if it was thrown in the air, it would bite the wild boar's ear and not let go. At this time, I saw the green dragon rising to the sky, and the black dragon rushing towards the wild boar's butt.

With this bite, the wild boar trembled, its body froze, and the green dragon fell down immediately.

When it fell, Qinglong couldn't control it and let go. Fortunately, there was snow below, so Qinglong fell on the wheel and stood up.

This female wild boar had just gotten out of her nest and was at the peak of her strength for the day. She got into a fight with six dogs.

When the little bear arrived, the wild boar was fighting its way out of the dog siege. The little bear jumped in front of the wild boar and stopped it.

When the wild boar saw another dog coming, he lowered his head to pout, but when he lowered his head and looked up again, he saw that the little bear had run away with Xiao Hua.

But at this time, two hunting dogs, one green and one black, appeared around the wild boar.

A piece of the cub made the wild boar fall into the siege of the hunting dogs again.

The barking of dogs and the roar of pigs echoed in the mountains. The little bear stood outside the battle group, cheering for his companions at the top of his lungs.

This dog is over five years old. When it was at Huang Gui's house, it had four litters. Not only does it have rich experience in fighting sieges, but it also has rich experience in giving birth and raising babies.

Nowadays, the little bear goes up the mountain to hunt, and can pinch or run and bark. When it comes to the wild boar, it can participate in the pig pen, but it will not easily take risks.

Since the first time Xiaohua went up the mountain, she and the little bear had been advancing and retreating at the same time. At this time, if the little bear didn't go up, it wouldn't go up either.

But seeing her companions fighting fiercely with the wild boar, Xiaohua looked around and finally decided to bark along with the little bear.

The wild boar struggled with the six dogs for more than 20 minutes, and was finally beaten by the black dragon. When it sat on the snow against the tree, its pig life had also entered the countdown.

When the wild boar let it go, Qinglong and other dogs immediately surrounded it and tore the wild boar down.

Seeing this scene, the little bear sat down, and Xiaohua surrounded it, stretched its neck and sniffed the little bear's neck.

The little bear just sat there quietly, squinting his eyes and raising his neck, letting the little flower sniff.

When Zhao Youcai arrived, he was not surprised to see this scene. He flicked the bayonet on the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, walked around behind the wild boar, and strode towards the wild boar.

Seeing Zhao Youcai going into battle with his sword, the hunting dogs worked even harder, and Little Bear and Little Flower all got up and moved toward the center of the battlefield.

Zhao Youcai came behind the wild boar. After a quick look, he saw Wang Dalong's two spotted dogs biting the wild boar Haraba. Zhao Youcai strode forward and gave it a hug.

At this time, Zhao Youcai grabbed the gun with his right hand and leaned forward. He quickly reached down with his left hand and directly grabbed the wild boar's left front leg.

Not to mention what Zhao Youcai was like before, just saying that he has been a cook for almost twenty years, and his hands and arms are quite strong. When Zhao Jun was attacked, Zhao Jun couldn't even stop him.

If Zhao Youcai had to wrestle with a wild boar, he would definitely miss, but it would still be possible to catch the wild boar off guard.

With this pull, Zhao Youcai directly pulled the wild boar's front legs over. The wild boar suddenly fell this way. Zhao Youcai pulled the pig's leg with his left hand and stabbed it with the knife in his right hand!


The sharp bayonet went in along the seam of the wild boar's elbow. When the bayonet was completely submerged, Zhao Youcai flipped his wrist holding the knife, twisted the bayonet inside the wild boar, and then pulled it out!


A stream of blood came out with the knife!

But before the blood arrows could finish spraying, Zhao Youcai's second sword came in again!

"Woof woof..." The six dogs tore at the wild boar like crazy, and then Little Bear and Xiaohua also joined the battle group.

This Zhao Youcai is more powerful than the sword hunting king Huang Gui. At first Huang Gui was just pulling the boar's bristles, but Zhao Youcai was pulling the pig's legs!

It was Zhao Youcai's ferocity that aroused the hunting dogs' fighting spirit to its peak.

"Ouch..." The wild boar roared and struggled. With its struggle, Zhao Youcai couldn't hold on to the pig's leg.

But before Zhao Youcai let go, the second knife had already entered the wild boar's body!

As Zhao Youcai let go of the pig's leg, he grasped the handle of the gun with his free left hand, pushed forward with both hands, and stabbed the wild boar with his bayonet to the ground!

"Ouch! Ouch!" The wild boar screamed sharply, and the hunting dog's cry was full of excitement and ferocity.

On the other hand, Zhao Youcai had an expressionless face, cold eyes, and a little bit of pig blood on his face and clothes, which added to his murderous aura!

The wild boar, which had been stabbed twice, fell to the snow and twitched. Zhao Youcai knew that the wild boar was going to die, so he gathered his strength and stepped forward with his left leg. His knees and calves pushed away the dog biting Zuo Haraba of the wild boar. Then he pulled out the bayonet, thus avoiding hurting the dog.

As the bayonet was drawn out, the spotted dog jumped under the wild boar's elbow, biting the wound and drinking the hot pig blood.

Zhao Youcai glanced at the blood on the bayonet. He lowered his head and saw that after the wild boar fell, the pig's butt that had just been hidden was exposed again.

Zhao Youcai lowered his hand and rubbed the bayonet against the wild boar's butt. He then found a tree pillar with the knife and sat down. He thrust his pistol into the snow beside him, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and started smoking.

Zhao Youcai had just taken two puffs of cigarette when Wang Dalong, Qin Bei, and Li Mingxiang ran over.

In fact, they were only less than two minutes behind Zhao Youcai, but Zhao Youcai even started smoking.

"Uncle!" Wang Dalong saw his four dogs and the cubs biting the wild boar together. He couldn't help but feel secretly happy. He came to Zhao Youcai and said, "Let's do it!"

Zhao Youcai didn't say anything and nodded lightly. When Wang Dalong saw this, he knew that this was a characteristic shared by gunners, and he had to pretend to kill the prey.

So Wang Dalong called to Qin Bei and Li Mingxiang: "Come on, let's turn the pig over and disembowel it...Huh? No!"

Wang Dalong suddenly remembered something and said to Zhao Youcai: "Uncle, call your little green dog over here!"

"Ah!" When Wang Dalong said this, Zhao Youcai suddenly remembered it and turned around and shouted: "Qinglong, Qinglong!"

The green dragon that was biting the wild boar stopped when it heard the sound. It relaxed and looked up at Zhao Youcai. When it heard Zhao Youcai calling the green dragon for the second time, it ran towards Zhao Youcai quickly.

Qinglong came to stand next to Zhao Youcai's legs, opened his mouth and stretched out his tongue, gasping for air. Zhao Youcai put the cigarette into his mouth, touching Qinglong's head with one hand and Qinglong's neck with the other.

Being touched by Zhao Youcai, Qinglong narrowed his eyes and sat down against Zhao Youcai's legs. Seeing this scene, Wang Dalong waved to Qin Bei and Li Mingxiang, and the three of them walked towards the wild boar.

Except for Qinglong, none of the other dogs in Zhao Jun's family occupied the prey. Wang Dalong and the others successfully drove the dogs away, and then turned the wild boar upside down.

Wang Dalong immediately took out a basswood-handled knife and disembowelled the wild boar, then first removed the pig's heart and liver and sent them to Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai called Little Bear, Little Flower and Black Dragon over, cut open the pig's heart with a knife and fed the Little Bear first.

Wang Dalong, on the other hand, fed pig lungs, intestines, and stomachs to his four dogs.

While they were feeding the dogs, Qin Bei and Li Mingxiang went to the side to cut sticks to prop up the wild boar's chest, and then kicked some snow inside to prevent the chest from smelling.

While cutting the ash willow, Li Mingxiang said to Qin Bei: "Brother-in-law, these dogs are quite evil!"

"Yeah!" Qin Bei secretly pointed at Zhao Youcai and said, "That old boy is pretty good at gouging out his eyes, but just think about it, his son is so powerful, what else did he say?"

Qin Bei only thought that the tiger father had no sons, but little did he know that with the rise of Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai was almost lost in the Yong'an Forest Area.

In fact, Zhao Youcai's marksmanship, mastery of the habits of wild animals, cooperation with hunting dogs, and experience in hunting sieges are all top-notch!

It's just that the birth of his son has obscured Zhao Youcai's original talent!

There is nothing that can be done about it, let alone Zhao Youcai. Think about what an unparalleled hero the Han general Wei Qing was. When Huo Qubing was shining brightly in the sky, didn't he have to succumb to him?

But Wei Qing is a kind and honest elder, and Zhao Youcai is a famous Gudong. Gudong people must have some chicken intestines.

This was his own son. If Zhao Youcai was not convinced, there was nothing he could do to deceive others. He could only find an opportunity to show off on his own merits.

It was the fourth day since he came to Yongxing Brigade to fight siege. Zhao Youcai felt very good, but Zhao Jun took all his powerful dogs away. The four dogs Zhao Youcai brought out were either half-grown or pregnant. Zhao Youcai felt sorry for the dog and would fight every day.

After catching his prey in this battle, Zhao Youcai immediately went back. In this way, the four of them simply ate their dry food and walked back.

On the way back to Yong'an Brigade, Zhao Youcai asked Wang Dalong, Qin Bei, and Li Mingxiang to drag the pigs, while he himself took the lead.

According to Zhao Youcai, he wanted to wander around again to see if he could fight again.

But what he said could only be heard by Li Ming. Those eight dogs ate meat, and their bellies looked like they were pregnant. Why were they fighting?

In this way, Zhao Youcai returned to Yongxing Brigade with his four dogs. While walking through the third team to the first team, I heard someone shouting: "Zhao Youcai? Is that Zhao Youcai?"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai looked back when he heard the sound, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

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