The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 777 Wang Dalong: Help

Qiao Xiaoli, who was also awakened by the barking of the dog, felt her head buzzing for a moment.

She didn't usually pick up some, but it was always when no one was home and Li Mingxiang was sure he wouldn't come back.

And for so many years, although Li Mingxiang knew it well, he didn't grasp the current situation, that's all.

Otherwise, why would his uncle say that he is a meat-headed turtle?

Li Mingxiang and Qiao Xiaoli have had a tacit understanding in this regard for so many years, but Qiao Xiaoli was ruined by a bottle of canned hawthorn today!

If the house is blocked and the bed is blocked, how will it end?

But Qiao Xiaoli knew that she couldn't just sit there and wait for death. She shook her head suddenly, woke up and shouted in a low voice: "The light is over there, quickly turn on the light and get dressed!"

Now that the matter has come to this, Qiao Xiaoli is also thinking about it, why can't she just be caught without showing off? At least you have to put on your clothes and then think about it!

"Can't turn on the lights!" Wang Dalong growled and threw a ball of clothes to Qiao Xiaoli in the darkness.

In other words, Wang Dalong has been wandering around for so many years, so he is very experienced.

Before, when Wang Dalong helped Qiao Xiaoli take off her clothes, the clothes she took off were not thrown all over the kang, but were piled together separately.

As for his own clothes, Wang Dalong put them in another pile alone.

What’s amazing is that there’s an order in which these clothes are stacked. The cotton trousers are on top. Take them and put them on your feet and legs, and tie them with a hemp rope around your waist.

Underneath the cotton trousers is a big cotton monkey, pick it up and put it on your body and you're done. But these days, there are no autumn clothes or autumn trousers in the mountainous areas. There is only a pair of pants under the cotton trousers and a hurdle vest under the cotton-padded jacket.

Wang Dalong was not anxious at all when doing anything. When he took off his clothes, he stuffed his vest and trousers into the big cotton monkey's left pocket, while his leggings, felt socks, and hat were stuffed into the big cotton monkey's right pocket.

This is called being prepared. Otherwise, in a crisis, if you leave things behind in a hurry, wouldn't you leave evidence for others?

Under the big cotton monkey is Wang Dalong's pair of cotton shoes. After taking off his shoes, Wang Dalong tied the shoelaces into a cross pattern again, and they were not tied tightly. At this time, he took the shoe over, held the tongue of the shoe with one hand, and the heel with the other hand, and pushed his foot inward.

As for roads in rural areas, it is not easy to wear shoes that irritate or prick your feet.

And the shoelaces must be tied properly, otherwise you will be in big trouble if you step on them or scratch them.

For example, last time when Zhao Jun went to Yongfu Village and met Wang Dalong, he broke his shoes and was beaten. It was precisely because when Wang Dalong ran through the tent and ran away, the loop of the shoelace buckle hung on the stick. Then, Wang Dalong was given a head-first blow.

Thanks to the weak stick of that house, Wang Dalong plunged into the ground. Otherwise, if it was hung on the tent like that, he wouldn't be able to run away.

But just that fall caused Wang Dalong to be kicked out by the villagers, and then he was beaten violently.

In other words, experience is accumulated through repeated failures.

At this time, Qiao Xiaoli took the clothes in her hand and was groping for which ones were cotton pants and which ones were bras. Wang Dalong was already dressed neatly.

He put the gun and shoulder bag beside him and put them on his back, and whispered: "Sister-in-law, I'll go through the back window of your house! Come with me and close the window!"

With that said, Wang Dalong got off the kang and went out to the outhouse. Then he went to the door, took advantage of the moonlight coming in from the window, put his hand inside and pushed the door open, and then walked towards the opposite room!

Again, this is all experience!

Wang Dalong ate at Qiao Xiaoli's house yesterday and slept at Qiao Xiaoli's house today. He was active in the west room for both days. Wang Dalong had not been to the east room in the past two days, but as he walked by, he noticed the east room. There is a window.

After a while, Li Mingxiang and the others came in through the north door, and Wang Dalong happened to go through the south window!

From being woken up, to putting on clothes and shoes, to getting off the kang, to opening the door to the east room, Wang Dalong didn't even use two minutes for the whole process!

Although Qiao Xiaoli couldn't see clearly what he did in the dark, she could feel the "security" this man brought to her.

When Wang Dalong hurried to the east room, Li Mingxiang and Qin Dong had not yet arrived at the door. At this time, as long as Wang Dalong opens the window and goes out, he will definitely be able to escape.

Indeed, his three dogs were tied up outside in the front yard, but there was no flaw in the house at all. There was no one and nothing was left behind. No matter how suspicious Li Mingxiang was, Qiao Xiaoli had room for maneuver.

Just find any reason and cover up the matter of the three dogs. If it doesn't work, Qiao Xiaoli just picks up three dogs, what else can Li Mingxiang do?

Like Wang Dalong, Qiao Xiaoli also had no time to dress too thinly. She put on a cotton-padded jacket and cotton trousers, and packed up the small items of clothing that she had no time to wear. She grabbed her bare feet and ran to the opposite room.

After running through the east room, Qiao Xiaoli stuffed the clothes into the cabinet for old things, and then came behind Wang Dalong.

Wang Dalong told her just now that after Wang Dalong goes out from the window, Qiao Xiaoli has to close the window inside. Only in this way can there be no flaws left.

These days, many people's windows are made entirely of wood, just like the ones promoted by Pan Jinlian in "Water Margin", with no glass on them and covered with window paper.

Wang Dalong went to the window and reached out to touch the black hole. Without touching the insertion ring, he turned to one side and raised his arm with an elbow!

"Huh!" Wang Dalong opened a crack under the window with an elbow, but then there was a "crash".

The window is not open!

"What the hell!" The dragon returned to the sea and the tiger entered the mountains before his eyes, but something unexpected happened at this moment. Wang Dalong, who had always been calm, suddenly started to sweat.

"Oh, brother!" Qiao Xiaoli exclaimed at this time: "There is plastic sheeting nailed outside!"

Not to mention this time, even in the northeastern rural areas 20 or 30 years later, especially in the provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, the outside of windows must be sealed with plastic sheets, glued or nailed to resist the severe cold in winter.

Not to mention the current rural areas, the walls are all open for ventilation, and the windows are even less tight.

Old-fashioned wooden windows like Qiao Xiaoli's house have had their frames deformed over time, and when the northwest wind blows in winter, the wind blows in.

So in the old autumn, Li Mingxiang nailed a plastic sheet outside the window of his house. And one layer was not enough, so he nailed two layers.

This is normal, but it sets up an obstacle for Wang Dalong. The two layers of plastic sheeting were stretched flat and nailed to the window frame on all four sides. No matter how hard Wang Dalong tried, he couldn't push away the two layers of plastic sheets for a while!

"Don't be afraid, sister-in-law!" Wang Dalong was not afraid in the face of danger. He pushed the window from the inside out with one hand, and took out the invasion knife from his shoulder bag with the other hand. He bit the knife magazine with his teeth, took out the knife and tentatively scratched the bottom of the window.

The knife passed by, and the plastic sheet underneath was all scratched. At this time, Wang Dalong turned sideways and slammed his shoulder and head against the window.

"Wow... Boo!" The windows and plastic sheets were knocked open, and a gust of cold wind penetrated through the windows.

At this time, the barking of three dogs in the yard became chaotic, and the movement behind the house was not so obvious.

"Let's go, sister-in-law!" Wang Dalong deftly climbed through the window and left. At the same time, he heard someone shouting from the other side of the room: "What the fuck, it's that boy named Wang!"

Li Mingxiang didn't see Wang Dalong at this time, but he saw Wang Dalong's three dogs tied up in his yard, and the lights in his house were still turned off. How could he not know what was going on?

After all these years, even his uncle looked down on him. How could the people in the brigade not talk about him? Many people behind his back call him Li Wangba.

As for Li Mingxiang, his parents didn't get it early, he just had a half-sister, so what could he do?

Of course, the main reason is because he is not very good at that and feels a little inferior in front of Qiao Xiaoli.

Therefore, Li Mingxiang gritted his teeth and endured it. As long as he didn't see Qiao Xiaoli sharing the bed with another man, he would pretend that it didn't happen!

As for Qin Dong and Qin Bei's talk about setting up a trap to trap Wang Dalong, Li Mingxiang still stuck to the bottom line. He also said in the afternoon that his family, Xiaoli, could not suffer a loss. According to the plan, as soon as Wang Dalong and Qiao Xiaoli got on the kang tomorrow, they would rush in and arrest them.

But what Li Mingxiang didn't expect was that Wang Dalong acted too quickly. Before they could set up a trap, Wang Dalong stole it directly from his house!

At this time, Li Mingxiang's eyes were red, and he rushed to his house and pushed the door open. When I pushed the door open, I found that it had been locked from the inside!

"Open the door!" Li Ming roared, "I'm going to go in and beat you to death!"

When he didn't shout, Wang Dalong didn't move and kept squatting under the wall. When Li Ming shouted, Wang Dalong knew that this person was coming from the courtyard gate, and he ran to the south tent with confidence.

If Wang Dalong ran towards the tent as soon as he came out, Li Ming would be able to see him at the door of the courtyard. At this time, Li Mingxiang couldn't see anything across the house!

Wang Dalong’s experience in this area is really great!

When he fled to the south tent, Li Mingxiang and Qin Dong both called the door in front of the house.

As Wang Dalong rushed to the tent, he heard a woman shouting in the distance: "Run to the south! Run to the south!"

It's Yin Chunlan!

Just now, Li Mingxiang and Qin Dong ran towards Li's courtyard like crazy, leaving Yin Chunlan and Li Guoqing behind.

Today is November 2, 1987, the 11th day of the ninth lunar month, when the moon is about to be full.

Coupled with the fact that it was a sunny day today, Yin Chunlan, who had just walked to the northwest Zhanggener, saw a person going from the back of the house to the South Zhanggener!

Over the years, Yin Chunlan has always felt that there is something wrong between her husband Qin Dong and Qiao Xiaoli. Sometimes Qin Dong pulls back the roe deer, and Yin Chunlan suspects that Qin Dong gave the roe deer to Qiao Xiaoli.

After all, they have been together for more than ten years, so who doesn’t know who they are? Qin Dong digs like that. Even his father couldn't eat him when he was alive. How can he give the roe deer to others?

But these days, rural women are not divorced. Either deal with it or hang yourself. If you want to drink pesticides, you are reluctant to spend money.

Therefore, Yin Chunlan, like Li Mingxiang, also turned a blind eye.

And given this opportunity today, Yin Chunlan wanted to make Qiao Xiaoli suffer! So, when Yin Chunlan saw someone running south, she shouted at the top of her lungs!

It turned out that there was a dog barking non-stop at night, and the neighbors on the left and right heard it. The group of people were still howling and shouting. They had already gone to bed and the neighbors got up in a hurry, dressed and got ready to come out to watch the fun.

As soon as he heard Yin Chunlan shouting, Li Mingxiang jumped up and ran to the back of the house, while Qin Dong took two steps toward the door of the courtyard, pointed at Yin Chunlan and shouted: "Go back! Why don't you take the child back!"

As soon as Qin Dong shouted, Yin Chunlan understood what was going on. No matter what the adults do wrong, they cannot involve the children.

Yin Chunlan, who reacted at this time, suddenly thought of her son, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful for a moment. If I had known that Xiao Li Guoqing was here, I would have let Qiao Xiaoli go.

But now that the matter has come to this, Yin Chunlan can only lower her head and say to Li Guoqing: "It's National Day, follow my aunt and go to my aunt's house."

"Auntie!" Li Guoqing burst into tears at this time and asked, "What happened to my family?"

"Your home..." Yin Chunlan had an idea and said, "There was a thief in your home. Your father and your uncle went to catch the thief. We don't care about them. You and my aunt go back to my aunt's house."

"What about my mother?" When Li Guoqing thought of Qiao Xiaoli, he cried louder. At this time, the child was holding a cloth bag in his hand. The cloth bag contained an aluminum lunch box, and the lunch box contained dumplings, which Li Mingxiang asked Sun Yuhong to cook for Qiao Xiaoli.

"Don't worry about your mother, is your mother okay?" Yin Chunlan knew that she could no longer let Li Guoqing stay here at this time, so she immediately dragged the child home.

While walking, Yin Chunlan thought: "Qiao Xiaoli, Qiao Xiaoli, you really don't want to make faces for your children!"

At this time, Wang Dalong was running all the way on the village road to the south. Behind him, Li Mingxiang, in the words of Li Ruhai, chased him day after day!

Although the village road was bumpy, there were no cars these days, and the brigade was well managed. There were no obstacles on the road. Wang Dalong didn't care about the southeast, northwest, and was just flirting with his life.

Li Mingxiang wouldn't be able to catch up with him if he chased like this, but he was a local snake after all, and Wang Dalong was an outsider after all. He was not familiar with the road, so he could only run along the road.

Just like that, Qin Dong jumped out from the yard of a house and knocked Wang Dalong down.

At this time, Li Mingxiang was thrown about ten meters away by Wang Dalong. Wang Dalong and Qin Dong were rolling on the ground. Qin Dong held Wang Dalong tightly and refused to let go.

"I'm cnmd!" Li Mingxiang rushed over and raised his feet towards Wang Dalong's head. Wang Dalong felt his head sink and he was instantly confused!

"You bastard!" Qin Dong took the opportunity to ride on Wang Dalong, grabbed the collar of Wang Dalong's clothes with his left hand, and punched Wang Dalong's right eye with his right hand.

Wang Dalong's eyes were sore and tears were streaming down his face. Just as he ducked his head, Qin Dong punched him in the nose for the second time.

Li Mingxiang, who was on the other side, kept kicking Wang Dalong hard. He kicked and cursed at the same time: "You bastard! I let you pry my wife!"

At this time, Qin Bei, who came out to watch the excitement, vaguely heard Li Mingxiang's words and hurriedly ran over.

When he got closer, he pushed Li Ming away and said, "Don't scream! You're not afraid of people hearing the joke!"

"What's going on? Qin Laosi, what's going on?" Suddenly, a voice came from the west, talking to Qin Bei.

"It's okay, it's okay." Qin Bei responded: "Here comes a brother, he drank too much and went crazy and fucked his grandma!"

At this time, Wang Dalong groaned vaguely: "Help..."

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