The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 789 Wang Meilan: My son!

"Brother!" Li Ruhai saw Li Baoyu coming out of the toilet and waved his arms to call him.

Li Baoyu glanced past Li Ruhai and landed on Zhao Youcai. When he greeted him with a smile, he said, "Master, why are you so idle?"

Zhao Youcai did not answer Li Baoyu's words, and only asked: "Where is Shunzi?"

"Where's the house?" Li Baoyu pointed toward the house and asked Zhao Youcai, "Uncle, should I call him for you? Or should we go into the house?"

"Call him!" Zhao Youcai gave the order. Li Baoyu hurried to the front of the house, opened the door curtain, and called Lin Xiangshun inside, saying: "Brother Shunzi! My uncle is looking for you."

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Lin Xiangshun quickly put down the teapot in his hand, then picked up the cigarette case on the table and walked quickly outside the house.

"Second uncle!" Lin Xiangshun came out and saw that it was Zhao Youcai. He quickly greeted him and asked as he walked: "Why are you so idle?"

"What am I doing free?" Zhao Youcai replied with a bad expression, but when Lin Xiang handed over the cigarette, Zhao Youcai still took it with his hand.

"What's wrong, second uncle?" Lin Xiangshun didn't care about Zhao Youcai's attitude. After giving the cigarette to Zhao Youcai, he took out two more cigarettes from the cigarette box and gave one to Li Baoyu.

Lin Xiangshun was about to stuff the remaining cigarette into his mouth when he saw an extra hand in front of him.

Lin Xiangshun was startled. When he saw Li Ruhai's smiling face, he couldn't help but smiled and scolded: "Get over here."

After saying that, Lin Xiangshun put the cigarette into his mouth. At this time, Li Baoyu had already struck a match and lit a cigarette for Zhao Youcai first and then for Lin Xiangshun.

Zhao Youcai took a puff of cigarette and said to Lin Xiangshun: "Shunzi, let's see who has the time between you and Baoyu to drive Ruhai back."

"No, what are you bothering with?" As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Li Baoyu asked Li Ruhai angrily.

He didn't know what happened. He just thought that Li Ruhai had had enough of staying at the forest farm and wanted to go home, so he went to Zhao Youcai to beg him.

After being questioned by Li Baoyu, Li Ruhai immediately moved to Zhao Youcai's side and grabbed the sleeve of Zhao Youcai's cotton-padded jacket.

Zhao Youcai glared at Li Baoyu and shouted, "What are you doing, Baoyu?"

"Huh?" Li Baoyu was stunned by Zhao Youcai's drink, and then he heard Zhao Youcai educate him: "Baoyu, you are the elder brother, you have to love your younger brother? You can't just tell Hei as soon as Ruhai says something. It’s like the wind in your eyes!”

Li Baoyu: "..."

Black eye syndrome is a cerebrovascular disease in medicine. But in Northeastern dialect, it means enemy.

At this time, Lin Xiangshun also looked at Zhao Youcai with a strange expression. He had lived in Zhao Jun's house for several years, and he knew best that Zhao Youcai had never been a spoiled parent.

Zhao Youcai usually behaved like a black-eyed man when getting along with Zhao Jun. Why did he protect Li Ruhai now?

"Ah!" Li Baoyu finally recovered, nodded numbly, and said: "Uncle, I understand."

"Hmph!" Li Ruhai, who was next to Zhao Youcai, raised his neck and let out a "hum" sound from his nose.

Li Baoyu opened his mouth, but closed it again. At this time, he couldn't help but think: "Just now, I saw that this kid was acting like a fox and pretending to be a tiger, but now I see that he is really relying on his own strength!"

"Shunzi! Is it convenient?" The impatient Zhao Youcai urged Lin Xiangshun again.

"Convenient!" Lin Xiangshun turned to Li Baoyu and said, "Well, Baoyu, you can send Ruhai back."

"Okay!" Li Baoyu greeted Li Ruhai and said, "Come on, come with me!"

"Uncle, I'm leaving then." Li Ruhai greeted Zhao Youcai and followed Li Baoyu to the garage.

Watching Li Ruhai go away, Zhao Youcai's eyes were full of sorrow.

At this time, Zhao Jun had arrived at Xie Chen's house.

On the way here, Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin bought some things for Jiechen's family. In addition, Song Lan also cut off the waist pole of the wild boar they shot yesterday and loaded the entire back seat into the car.

When they arrived at the Chen family, Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin were warmly received by the Chen family.

Currently, Zhao Jun is sitting on the Kang of Jie Chen's house, eating melon seeds. Zhang Yuanmin is opposite him, and Jie Zhong and Jie Chen are sitting on the edge of the Kang. And in the kang, sitting against the wall was a little old lady in her fifties.

She is the mother of Xie Zhong and Xie Chen. Her maiden name is Sun and her nickname is Erya, but she has no given name.

During the August Festival, Jie Chen came back with a cart of prey and a pocket of money, but the old lady was very happy!

The son has a promising career and can make money.

But after asking, Mr. Xie Sun found out that her son had no future and could not make money. He just made a good friend.

It is said that when you are hungry, you should never forget the person who dug the well. Xie Sun is a person who knows how to repay kindness. Even Zhang Yuanmin followed Jie Chen back to check people a while ago. When he came to Jie's house as a guest, Jie's family entertained him warmly.

Today, the real benefactor came, and Mrs. Xie Sun immediately said, except for people in the house, kill all other living creatures.

In this way, the big rooster that was originally reserved for breeding in the coming year has been drained of its blood.

This was not enough, Xie Sun also shouted that he wanted to kill the dog. Thanks to Zhao Jun's words, "Mom, I am a dog owner and I don't eat dog meat," the little white dog outside escaped with his life.

At this time, the puppy didn't know that he was almost strangled to death. When he saw a group of people in the yard making a fuss, he jumped back and forth in cooperation and barked. When it barked, Zhao Jun's dog also barked.

After finally coaxing Jie Sun back into the house, Jie Sun asked Jie Chen to drive out to buy fish and meat. However, Zhao Jun persuaded him to stop him. He had just unloaded the half-drawn wild boar, what kind of meat should he buy?

As soon as they sat down, Xie Zhong's daughter-in-law Liu Lanying brought tea to them. Jie Chen's second brother-in-law is the manager of a supply and marketing cooperative. His second sister always goes to her parents' house to get things. There is no shortage of tea, peanuts, and melon seeds.

"Brother Xie." Zhang Yuanmin, who was holding peanuts, raised his chin out of the window and asked Xie Zhong, "What's wrong with the whole dog?"

"That's right!" Jie Chen also said, "I didn't even look at it last time I came back."

"It's only been two days since I came back from the hospital. I'm thinking about leading it to Lengchang." Xie Zhong first answered Zhang Yuanmin's question and then pointed at Xie Sun, who was asking about Zhao Jun's marriage. After this dog was groomed, my mother thought it was too noisy and would strangle the dog to death every day."

Hearing this, Mr. Jie Sun glanced at Jie Zhong and said angrily: "That thing is called Sa Huan'er. I can't sleep well all day because of (yōng) it (hu)!"

After hearing what Sun said, the people on the kang all laughed. Zhang Yuanmin's smile was not mixed with any other emotions, but Jie Zhong and Jie Chen were a little helpless.

As for Zhao Jun, from the moment he saw Mrs. Jie Sun, he matched her with the old lady in his impression.

It is said that it has been ten years since Jie Chen's father died. When old man Jie died, Jie Chen was only seven years old. But before he died, the old man told Mrs. Xie Sun: "When I die, hang yourself."

What Mr. Xie said had nothing to do with feudal superstitions such as burial. He said this simply because he didn't want Mr. Xie to cause trouble to his children.

It stands to reason that ten years ago, Mrs. Xie Sun was only forty years old, and she had no problem doing rural work easily and skillfully. She could work in the fields when she went out, and she could wash clothes, cook, and take care of her children when she came home. This was just to help her children. time.

Who knows, this Xie Sun is also a top-notch person. Apart from eating, she seems to know nothing else in her life.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Zhao Jun remembered this solution and Sun lived until 2010. And until the day she died, the old lady did not recognize the time displayed on the quartz clock.

It can be said that when there was no electronic watch, what Xie Sun did most every day was to sit on the kang and ask family members "What time is it?"

The clock hung above her head. She knew the numbers on it were from 1 to 12, but she didn't know what time it was.

As for daily labor, this means that Sun has lived in the countryside all his life, but has never farmed in his life.

When cooking, she will make porridge.

What's even more amazing is that by lighting the stove pit, she can make the dry corn leaves ignite the dry corn kernels. She couldn't even replace a pile of branches or firewood for her.

It's like needlework, don't even think about it. Therefore, Mr. Xie persuaded Mr. Sun to follow him before he died.

Xie Sun did listen to her old man's words, but she hanged herself seven times and was discovered by her family every time.

This means I don’t want to die!

There are four brothers and sisters in the Jie family, two boys and two girls. Xie Zhong is the eldest, Jie Chen is the old boy, and there are two sisters in the middle. These four children are all very filial. The key is that Xie Zhong's daughter-in-law Liu Lanying is particularly kind.

You must know that Jie Zhong is sixteen years older than Jie Chen, and Jie Zhong's son is only less than one year younger than Jie Chen.

I remember when Jie Sun gave birth to Jie Chen, who was in confinement, and there was no one at home to take care of her. Liu Lanying herself had a big belly and had to take care of her mother-in-law during the confinement period.

Later, when Liu Lanying was in confinement, fortunately, Jiechen's second sister, Jiehua, was on vacation. As for the solution to the Sun family, at that time it was difficult for her to solve the problem herself.

Then after Liu Lanying finished her confinement, Xie Hua returned to the city to go to school. Liu Lanying took care of the two children by herself. Jie Chen almost grew up on Liu Lanying's milk.

Later, when she saw Ms. Xie Sun hanging herself again and again, Liu Lanying said, "Mom, don't worry about it, I'll take care of you until you grow old."

With this sentence, Xie Sun's hanging record ended at the seventh time.

Since then, Mr. Xie Sun has lived a life of eating and cooking.

After so many years, Liu Lanying never said a word about Xie Sun even when she was at home with Xie Zhong.

This made Xie's brothers, sisters and sisters have special respect for Liu Lanying. Even if Xie Zhong drank too much, he never quarreled with Liu Lanying.

As for Xie Sun, he is truly a person who knows how to repay kindness. To her, no son or grandson was as important as Liu Lanying.

In this village, if anyone dared to mess with Liu Lanying, Mrs. Xie Sun would go to that person's house with a pack of rat poison. She would sit on the other's kang and put the rat poison on the kang table, which would make everyone confused.

Seeing Zhao Jun looking at her with joy, Xie Sun, who didn't know why, also smiled at Zhao Jun. Then she turned her head and said to Jie Zhong and Jie Chen: "You two, stop sitting and go help Yingzi prepare the meal. I can just chat with Zhao Xiao and Zhang Xiao."

When Xie Zhong heard this, he immediately stood up and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, sit down while we go help your sister-in-law with her work."

"Hey!" Zhao Jun just responded when he heard a dog barking outside. Xie Zhong looked out the window, quickly grabbed his cotton-padded jacket and walked out.

Jie Zhong pushed the door open and saw a person standing at the door of the courtyard. At this time, the white dog's bark caused the Zhao family's dog gang to bark non-stop, making it impossible to hear the voices even though they were too far apart.

Xie Zhong put on his cotton-padded jacket, ran to the door of the courtyard with his arms clasped, and asked, "Xiao Wangzi, what are you doing here?"

"Brother, is there a visitor at your house?"

"Ah!" Xie Zhong asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"There was a call from the village department, saying it was from Lingxi Yong'an Forestry Farm, and asked your family to come and answer the phone!"

"Ouch! Then wait for me!" Xie Zhong ran back again, entered the room and told Zhao Jun this, and Zhao Jun suddenly became excited.

"Something happened at home!" Zhao Jun had this thought in his mind at this time. He hurriedly pulled up his shoes and ran out without even lifting the heels.

Since separation from Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong returned to the dispatch team and picked up the phone to make a call.

At this time, there were two telephones for forest farm dispatch, one for internal forestry use and one for external use.

If it was within the forestry industry, it would be easier to make a phone call. But neither Qiaotou Village, where the Huang family is located, nor Xiangyang Village, where the Xie family is located, are within the forest area.

Li Dayong made an external call and needed an exchange to transfer it. Finally, it was transferred to Qiaotou Village. The person who answered the call was Chen Huaimin, the village chief of Qiaotou Village.

Upon hearing that Li Dayong was looking for guests from Huang Gui's house, Chen Huaimin immediately sent someone to look for him. Then he took the phone and praised Zhao Jun's benevolence and righteousness to Li Dayong.

His praise stunned Li Dayong. What surprised Li Dayong was that Zhao Jun had only been in Qiaotou Village for a few days, but he actually saved another person!

Li Dayong asked carefully and found out that Chen Xueyi, whom Zhao Jun rescued, was the uncle and brother of Chen Huaimin.

It was precisely because of Chen Huaimin that Chen Xueyi was able to borrow two semi-automatic rifles from the village headquarters, otherwise Jiang Weifeng would not have been able to shoot him.

After listening to Chen Huaimin briefly describe what happened, Li Dayong couldn't help but sigh that Zhao Jun was such a promising kid and could form good relationships as soon as he went out.

For some reason, Li Dayong suddenly thought of Zhao Youcai. Why did Zhao Youcai cause trouble when he went out?

This thought flashed through the mind of Li Dayong, who was loyal to Zhao Youcai.

Then on the other end of the phone, Song Lan had arrived at Tunbu.

As the saying goes: Newly gained gods dance for joy.

As soon as Zhao Jun left in the morning, Huang Gui took his two sons out to lay a trap.

After Li Dayong got the news from Song Lan, he called Xiangyang Village through the exchange station.

What Li Dayong didn't know was that his call frightened Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun hurriedly came to the village headquarters, nodded to the man in the room, and grabbed the microphone.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Jun." As soon as Zhao Jun announced his home address, he heard Li Dayong's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Jun, I'm your Uncle Li. Something happened... in our family. You... come back quickly!"

Li Dayong's guttural words made Zhao Jun even more panicked.

"Uncle Li, what's wrong?" Zhao Jun asked Li Dayong with a trembling voice.

"This..." Li Dayong glanced at the colleague next to him, hesitated and said: "Jun, stop asking, come back quickly."

After saying that, Li Dayong put down the phone. There is no way, there are many people in this room, there are some things that cannot be said!

At this time, in the village headquarters of Xiangyang Village, Zhao Jun, who was holding a microphone, had eyes wide open. When he thought about it, if Li Dayong could call here to find him, something big must have happened at home.

The first thing Zhao Jun thought of was Wang Meilan!

"Jie Zhong!" At this moment, the man from the village department asked Jie Zhong, "Who is this?"

Xie Zhong pointed at Zhao Jun and replied with a smile: "This is my brother!"

Xie Zhong didn't say he was his brother, but said he was his younger brother. Hearing this, he knew that he valued Zhao Jun.

After saying that, Xie Zhong came to Zhao Jun and introduced the man to Zhao Jun: "This is the fourth uncle."

Zhao Jun didn't know what relatives they were talking about. After hearing what Xie Zhong said, he just looked at the man and asked, "Fourth uncle, can I make a call?"

"Fight, let's fight at will!" The man got up and came over, asking Zhao Jun: "Where do you want to fight?"

These days, external transfer is very difficult.

It took more than ten minutes for the call to go through. When Zhao Guofeng heard a "hello" from the other side, Zhao Jun hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhao, this is Zhao Jun."

"Zhao Jun!" Zhao Guofeng said with a smile: "Where are you? Why did you come back before? Hey? Your mother is leaving me here!"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was startled when he heard this, and Wang Meilan, who was chatting with someone in Yong'an Tunbu, was also startled.

Wang Meilan: "My son!"

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