The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 81 Look at me today

Three people came from the left, each carrying four or five slender ash sticks.

The man walking at the front is not tall, only about 1.6 meters tall.

The two people following him were tall and tall, but they were timid at this time.

Li Baoyu stared at these two people and sneered: "Hey, aren't these Minister Li and Li Erchen? What's going on? Are you two going to kill Hei Xiazicang again?"

The last time they met, Li Baoyu called them brother, but this time they called them by their first names.

Hearing Li Baoyu's sarcastic remarks, Minister Li and Li Erchen blushed but did not dare to speak.

"Oh, Baoyu, how did you know that we were going to kill Heixiazicang?" Hearing this, the little man couldn't understand the meaning of Li Baoyu's words. He just said in surprise: "I was picking Yuan mushrooms in autumn and saw a The big linden tree barn, that's an old barn, let the black blind man strip it to the ground, why don't we come and kill it today?"

"Haha." Li Baoyu sneered again, and did not save face for the Li brothers. He only said to the little man: "Brother Zhang, do you still dare to fight against the black man with them? Are you afraid that they will trick you? ?”

The short man's name is Zhang Yuanmin. Because his legs are too short, when he stands there, he seems to have no hip bones. No matter what pants he wears on weekdays, his crotch looks very big.

Therefore, he has had a nickname since he was a child, called Big Crotch.

When Zhang Yuanmin was picking mountain products in the fall, he found a tree hole. Outside the tree hole, there were black bear paw prints on the bark.

In autumn, when the black bears couldn't get in, Zhang Yuanmin bravely climbed up and looked into the tree hole.

When he saw that the inside was extremely smooth and there was no rotten wood at all, Zhang Yuanmin knew that a black bear had cleaned it up in advance and was preparing to hibernate in it during the winter.

From that time on, Zhang Yuanmin had the idea of ​​killing bears in winter.

But he didn't have a gun, so he had to use a big ax to chop. But this is extremely dangerous, and you must find a helper.

So Zhang Yuanmin found his neighbors, Minister Li and Li Erchen.

The two families are neighbors, just like the Zhao and Li families. Zhang Yuanmin believed that these two people must be reliable as they live next door.

The key is that on the day Zhao Jun rescued the Li brothers, he only took the bear bile and left the entire black bear to them.

The two brothers brought the black blind man back home. As a neighbor, Zhang Yuanmin came over to help pick out the black bear, and asked them about the experience of hunting the bear.

Minister Li and Li Erchen were naturally embarrassed to tell the truth. They only said that they were helping a tenant in the mountains and were doing some tricks on the side.

After killing the bear, the tenant took the bear bile and gave the black bear to them.

He does not mean that.

At that time, when Zhang Yuanmin heard that these two brothers had experience in killing Black Bear Cang, he had the idea of ​​​​looking for the Li brothers to go up the mountain and kill the Black Bear Cang.

From that day on, Zhang Yuanmin asked them several times.

But the Li brothers always push back and block everything.

The reason is simple, it's because of fear.

The last time they were chased away by a black bear, they were both frightened. Not to mention going to kill the black bear in the warehouse, just hearing people mention the black bear makes me feel a little scared.

But why are you still here?

The reason is also very simple, because of lack of money.

Both brothers have reached the age of marrying wives, but because of the lack of food rations and difficult life these years, no girl is willing to marry them.

As the saying goes: Man and money are the deadliest, and a man has to be busy with his wife.

The Li brothers thought twice and followed Zhang Yuanmin up the mountain with their axes. However, their large mirrored axes were taken away by Zhao Jun that day, so they could only go up the mountain with their home axes for chopping firewood.

Along the way, Zhang Yuanmin picked up an ash tree as thick as his forearm and chopped it. After cutting it, he carried it up.

It is quite strenuous to carry a slender stick while walking in the mountains and forests, hanging on the stick along the way.

As they walked, the three of them heard someone shooting not far away. Zhang Yuanmin wanted to come and see who the shooter was. If he was an acquaintance, he could invite him to kill the black bear together.

Although one more person means one cent more. However, having a gun is safe after all.

But as soon as he heard what Li Baoyu said, Zhang Yuanmin knew something was going on. He turned around and glanced at Minister Li and Li Erchen. The two brothers met Zhang Yuanmin's gaze and lowered their heads hurriedly.

When Zhang Yuanmin saw this, he understood better, so he gathered the five ash sticks he was carrying on his shoulders, stood them on the ground, turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

"Brother Zhang, that's what happened." At this time, Zhao Jun spoke and told Zhang Yuanmin a brief summary of what happened that day.

Before Zhao Jun could finish speaking, Zhang Yuanmin pointed at the two brothers and yelled: "Are you two human beings? Zhao Jun risked his life to help you two, and you two were left alone..."

Minister Li and Li Erchen were extremely ashamed. Minister Li stepped forward, bowed to Zhao Jun, and said in a sincere tone: "Brother, we were wrong, we are no longer human."

At this time, Li Erchen also stepped forward and bowed, but it took him several seconds to hold back a few words: "Brother Zhao Jun, I will apologize to you. If you really don't understand your hatred, you can just hit us a few times."

"Yes." Zhang Yuanmin answered from the side, and separated one of the five sticks held in his left arm with his right hand, handed it to Zhao Jun, and said, "Brother, why don't you use a stick to beat them both."

Although Zhang Yuanmin said this, he was actually trying to resolve the conflict between the two parties. Based on what Minister Li and Li Erchen did that day, Zhao Jun couldn't beat them more than once.

Moreover, if Zhao Jun really beats them, the conflict will be resolved, which will be a good thing for the Li brothers.

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, shook his head and said: "No need, Brother Zhang, things have been settled in the past.

If you should kill Heixiazicang, go and kill Heixiazicang. Baoyu and I will leave first. "

Now that Zhao Jun said so, Zhang Yuanmin knew that it seemed impossible to recruit Zhao Jun to join the group.

Unless Minister Li and Erchen Li are driven away, there is no way to save face if they live next to each other and can't see each other when they look down.

Therefore, Zhang Yuanmin could only say goodbye to Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu. Before leaving, Li Baoyu added: "Brother Zhang, if you go with them, you have to be careful. If anything happens, they will be left behind." "

"No, they can't do it this time." What could Zhang Yuanmin say? That's all he could say.

But Minister Li and Li Erchen could only stand there blankly, letting Li Baoyu talk to them.

Zhang Yuanmin watched Zhao Jun leave, then turned around, his eyes moving back and forth on the Li brothers.

Minister Li was furious at the sight of him. He couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "What's wrong with Brother Zhang?"

As soon as Minister Li spoke, Zhang Yuanmin focused on him alone, "We will kill Cangzi later. If we encounter danger, you two can't run away, right?"

"No, no." The two brothers waved their hands repeatedly, making various promises to Zhang Yuanmin.

Zhang Yuanmin nodded and asked Minister Li: "Minister, how did you kill that black blind man of yours? How can you still kill the bald man?"

Minister Li told Zhang Yuanmin what his two brothers had done that day. When Zhang Yuanmin heard them taking two big wooden sticks and saying goodbye to the warehouse, he laughed.

Zhang Yuanmin carried five ash sticks on his body and smiled at Minister Li: "You two are inexperienced. The entrance to the warehouse cannot be so different. You can see mine today."

Minister Li continued. When he mentioned that Li Erchen's attack on the black bear missed the target, Zhang Yuanmin smiled again, pointed at Li Erchen and said, "Second brother, he has no experience, how can you let him attack him? Today you see what I am doing!" "

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