The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 814: Picking up roe deer all over the mountain (who can be the leader of the alliance withou

Chapter 814: Picking up roe deer all over the mountain (who can be the leader of the alliance without knowing the heart of a prodigal son? Additional update 5\\5)

The next day, November 6, 1987, was the 15th day of the ninth lunar month, a Friday.

Zhao Jun, Jie Chen, Zhao Youcai, and Wang Meilan got up before five o'clock. Jie Chen got dressed and hurried out the door. He had to cook for Jie Sun and the old lady first. After having breakfast there, he came back and went up the mountain with Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Youcai came in from the outside, came directly to Zhao Jun's house, sat down on the edge of the kang, hugged the little lynx, wiped the little lynx's fur, and asked Zhao Jun, "What are you doing, Mr. Xie?"

"I'm cooking for my mother." Zhao Jun replied, just in time to see Wang Meilan come in to fill the hot water, and hurriedly told Wang Meilan: "Oh my god, my Auntie Xie doesn't do any work at home, so don't let her do it either." She worked.”

It stands to reason that when there are guests at home, Wang Meilan is also a hospitable host, so there is no reason to make Xie Sun work.

But Zhao Jun was afraid that Jie Sun would take the initiative to ask for work. If this was the case, Wang Meilan would not necessarily refuse. Because for them, housewives, it is very pleasant to work and chat together.

Especially these two days when they were picking beans, it was a job that even a child might be able to do unless they knew Mrs. Sun.

"Can't work?" Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai were both surprised. Zhao Youcai even asked directly: "How can she live to such an old age if she doesn't know how to work?"

"Jie Chen's father used to be..." Zhao Jun briefly reported the situation of Jie Chen's family and his parents. After hearing this, Wang Meilan said with emotion: "This Jie Chen is so damn lucky!"

As soon as Wang Meilan said this, Zhao Youcai pinched her sideways with his eyelids and frowned: "Why are you so envious?"

"Then why aren't you envious?" Wang Meilan also glanced at Zhao Youcai and said, "How much work will I do when I marry you? I will give birth to children and provide for the elderly in your family. As for you, a cook, you still have to work a day. I’ll cook for you!”

This is true. Before Zhao Youcai hid money in his cotton jacket and trousers was exposed, he never cooked at home.

After talking to Zhao Youcai, Wang Meilan said to Zhao Jun: "When I am a girl at home, your little grandma won't let me do anything!"

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and asked curiously: "Mom, why can you do everything now?"

Zhao Jun was really curious. If nothing else, let’s just talk about eating. Wang Meilan can make dumplings, pancakes, or cook.

"Alas!" Wang Meilan let out a long sigh, shook her head and said, "Let's learn. If your mother does the work, I will follow her, watch what she does, and ask her what she does."

Speaking of this, Wang Meilan couldn't help but sigh again and said: "I will suffer so much and be so tired!"

Zhao Jun was also idle and teased Wang Meilan by saying, "Mom, you have a good brain and a strong learning ability. Now you have taught yourself how to kill big animals!"

"Move over!" Wang Meilan smiled, slapped Zhao Jun on the arm, and said angrily: "I've told you so many times, I didn't kill that sheep..."

The two of them were joking, and that was all they could do. But at this time, something happened.

Zhao Youcai listened to the conversation between the two of them, curled his lips, twisted his body, and faced the window. Although he did not look at Wang Meilan, he scolded: "On this day, you prodigal mother-in-law, you will cause harm to others if you leave the family alone! "

"Huh?" Wang Meilan was stunned when she heard this. She knew that Zhao Youcai was talking about herself without asking.

"Who are you calling a prodigal bitch?" Wang Meilan lowered her face and glared at Zhao Youcai: "What happened to me?"

"What's going on?" Zhao Youcai didn't turn around, but turned his head slightly, squinted at Wang Meilan from the corner of his eye, and said, "You can't eat anything for a day, but you still have to kill a sheep? A sheep is gone in two meals. Isn’t this a waste of money?”

"Ha!" Wang Meilan heard this and sneered: "If we eat it, wouldn't it be better than (pǐ) letting you lead us up the mountain to feed the leopards?"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

The couple lives together, and the noise is nothing but fireworks in the world. But one drawback of quarreling is that as the words continue to be output, the anger in the heart will slowly accumulate. Maybe it was all a joke at the beginning, but in the end both of them were worried.

Leading sheep to feed leopards was a rare stain in Zhao Youcai's siege career. The scars were mercilessly uncovered by Wang Meilan. Zhao Youcai was angry and said: "I'll feed whatever I want! I bought that sheep with my own money. What's wrong with it?"

"You..." Wang Meilan also got angry and retorted: "How rich are you if you buy it? You even borrowed ten yuan from Dalong's wife!"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

"Where did you get those ten yuan?" When Wang Meilan asked again, Zhao Youcai remained silent.

"Before you leave, I'll get you fifty yuan!" Zhao Youcai didn't say anything. Wang Meilan was still not done yet, so she asked again: "Have you spent all (liǎo)? If you haven't spent it, why don't you get it for me?" Come back?"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

When he went to Yongxing, Wang Meilan gave him fifty yuan and asked him to buy things for the Tao family and Li Wencai.

As a result, after Zhao Youcai left, he fetched a barrel of wine for Li Wencai, and he arranged it with roe deer for the Tao family.

But when he came back, Zhao Youcai felt sorry for Li Wencai, so he threw him 20 yuan.

After that, he lent ten yuan to Wei Xiaojuan and arranged ten yuan to Li Ruhai. Now Zhao Youcai only had seven and a half yuan left in his pocket.

"Didn't I give you a hundred yesterday?" Zhao Youcai said angrily: "Why are you still looking for it?"

"Didn't you promise to give me that hundred?" Wang Meilan stretched her neck and said, "Aren't you rich? Aren't you rich?"

"Who said I was rich?" Zhao Youcai suddenly realized that he had been led astray by Wang Meilan, and hurriedly said: "I said you are a prodigal! The sheep has grown so big, why should you kill it on the spot?"

"I didn't kill him!" Wang Meilan slapped her legs with both hands and said anxiously: "I've said it eight hundred times..."

"Ah! That sheep has hit the ram!" Zhao Youcai answered this sentence. At this time, he said with a sarcastic look on his face: "Is it blind? Or is it a tiger?"

"You..." Wang Meilan was speechless for a moment. She was angry and wronged!

"Okay, okay!" Seeing this, Zhao Jun quickly hugged Wang Meilan and tried to persuade her: "What's the fuss about?"

Then, Zhao Jun said to Zhao Youcai: "Dad, don't always be angry with my mother!"

"Get lost!" Zhao Youcai shouted: "You little bastard, do you still care about me?"

Although he said this, Zhao Youcai turned away after saying this, and reached into his pocket to take out cigarettes and matches to start smoking.

Although he scolded Zhao Jun just now, he was looking for a way out for himself. Then, he could accept Zhao Jun's advice naturally, and he would be done without saying a word no matter what Wang Meilan said.

Zhao Jun knew what was going on, so he was not angry. But at this time, Wang Meilan quit. She said to Zhao Youcai: "I'm not even old enough to talk to you. You took Wang Dalong out and he broke his shoes outside. Why did you lie to his wife?"

"I..." Wang Meilan's blow hit Zhao Youcai seven inches, leaving him speechless for an instant.

"You're such a big man, you have such a red mouth and white teeth, why are you making such a fuss with the younger generation?" Wang Meilan scolded: "What good thing did Wang Dalong do? You helped him hide it?"

Seeing that Zhao Youcai put out the fire, Wang Meilan took advantage of the victory and pursued her: "Yesterday, Dalong's wife came to look for me at home. I wish I could find a crack in the ground and crawl through it!"

Wang Meilan felt embarrassed, especially Zhao Youcai, who had always been face-saving. When he thought of what happened yesterday, he stopped smoking!

Wang Meilan stood up to walk out, but when she passed Zhao Youcai, she turned to him and asked: "Yesterday Dalong's wife came to make trouble with Qian'er, why don't you go out? Let my son stand up for you!"

After saying that, Wang Meilan walked to the outhouse. After winning the quarrel, it was time to cook.

"Alas!" Minister Zhao Youcai sighed, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. He also felt angry and suffocated. On this trip, I had a lot of money, I didn't get anything, not even a good thing.

Seeing Zhao Youcai like this, Zhao Jun was afraid that he would get sick from being depressed again, so he secretly took out twenty yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Zhao Youcai's hand.

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was startled, looking at the money in his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Zhao Jun pressed Zhao Youcai's hand and looked at him to tell him to put it away quickly.

Zhao Youcai reacted, but at this time he was wearing the clothes he wore at home and had to change clothes before going to work, so he couldn't put it in his jacket pocket.

So, Zhao Youcai stood up, turned his back to Zhao Jun, put the cigarette in his mouth, unbuttoned his cotton pants with both hands, and stuffed the twenty yuan into his specially sewn sock pocket.

Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth and looked helplessly at his father. In his impression, Zhao Youcai in his previous life was not so capable.

Zhao Youcai quickly hid the money, sat cross-legged on the kang again, pinched the cigarette in his hand again, and muttered: "Dalong's wife said, give me the ten yuan when she comes back. You can give me twenty yuan today." , if I have another ten yuan, I can make my money back."

Zhao Jun: "..."

"No, dad." Zhao Jun tilted his head and looked at Zhao Youcai and asked, "You buy things for me, Mr. Tao and Mr. Li, why are you still thinking about getting your money back?"

At this point, Zhao Jun paused for a moment and then continued: "Besides, didn't your capital come from my mother?"

Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun, blew out smoke, and said, "I'll give Ruhai the ten yuan that's missing."

"To whom?" It wasn't that Zhao Jun didn't hear clearly, but he was surprised that Zhao Youcai was so picky, how could he still give Li Ruhai ten yuan?

"Li Ruhai." Zhao Youcai muttered, "He returned to the village the day before yesterday. Why don't you let me settle the matter?"

"Oh!" Zhao Jun sighed heavily, shook his head and said, "What a day!"

"Alas!" Zhao Youcai also sighed and shook his head: "Oh my God!"

Zhao Jun's family of five hasn't had a meal together alone for a long time.

Although there was only millet porridge, steamed buns, and pickles this morning, the family was talking and laughing, and Zhao Jun felt very comfortable after eating.

After eating, Zhao Jun returned to the west room, took out a paper bag from the drawer, and stuffed it into his shoulder pocket.

Then, he started to change clothes for going up the mountain.

When Zhao Jun was putting on his leggings, Jie Chen came back. After entering the house from the outside, he sat next to Zhao Jun and also took the leggings and wrapped them around his shoe uppers and thin cotton pants.

"How is my mother-in-law doing?" Zhao Jun asked casually, then the minister twitched his lips and said, "It's not bad."

"Huh?" At this moment, Wang Meilan also came into the room and asked Jie Chen: "Jie Chen, why did your mother and the old lady come over?"

"I, Jiang Nai, told me that they are waiting for my Uncle Wang and Auntie Wang." The Uncle Wang and Auntie Xiechen mentioned were Wang Qiang and his wife. This time, the old lady had to pay 100 kilograms of soybeans for picking beans and grinding tofu, and this hundred A pound of soybeans can produce about thirteen or four boards of tofu.

This is the first batch. Several families eat it first and do not cook until it is finished.

But the old lady and Mr. Sun couldn't get the one hundred kilograms of soybeans. She made an appointment with Wang Qiang last night, and Wang Qiang went to get them today.

Hearing what Jie Chen said, Zhao Jun chuckled, looked at Jie Chen and asked, "Brother, you drove the two of them last night, why didn't you bring the soybeans?"

"Oh my god! It's not good. I could have just taken it!" Jie Chen patted his thigh after hearing this, and then said with a bitter face: "Brother Jun, you said that I have been so confused in the past two days. Don’t know what you’re thinking about?”

Zhao Jun laughed, and Wang Meilan smiled and asked Jie Chen, "Jie Chen, are you upset because your mother doesn't let you have a date here?"

"Alas!" Jie Chen was speechless. He couldn't tell Wang Meilan that I was upset because my mother was here.

Zhao Jun knew what was going on, but he could not help Xie Chen. He could only pat Xie Chen's shoulders gently twice to express comfort.

After the two of them were dressed neatly and left home with guns in their pockets, they took a car to pick up Zhang Yuanmin, and then left the village and went straight to the mountain.

After entering the mountain farm, Jie Chen went straight to the place where the trap was laid yesterday. According to Zhao Jun, many roe deer must have been caught in the trap last night and this morning. They had to get there as soon as possible to avoid being taken advantage of by passers-by.

On the way to the destination, Zhao Jun suddenly pointed to the right and said to Xie Chen: "Please stop here for a while before coming back."

"Huh?" Jie Chen shook his head and glanced at where Zhao Jun was pointing, nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Jun, I remember it."

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin glanced out curiously and said, "Brother, what's going on here?"

"When we come back, let's put the sand-and-half chicken on it." Zhao Jun said: "Didn't you say there will be snow the day after tomorrow? Pad it once before it snows, and again after it snows!"

Today, Jiechen parked his car directly at the root of the mountain where the trap was laid yesterday, and then Zhao Jun urged the two of them to quickly enter the mountain.

When they entered the mountain yesterday, they were as gentle as possible. Zhao Jun did not even let Zhang Yuanmin bring the chain saw to cut down the trees. Instead, he used the curved saw to cut down the trees slowly.

But today, Zhao Jun walked through the mountains and forests without any scruples, and he didn't mind the sound of his body scraping against branches.

There are five or six hundred meters to go up, and ahead is the third trap set yesterday, which is also the one closest to the root of the mountain.

There is a big roe deer here, with two horns on its head and a green back. It is the big green millet that Dawei people call it!

The big roe deer stepped on its foot and couldn't get away from it after all the troubles in the morning. Tired, it was lying there looking around.

Suddenly, when the sound came, the big roe deer's ears turned in unison.

Roe deer's ears can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and their hearing is also good, but their curiosity often kills them.

But now, it can't even get up, so what's the point of curiosity?

At this time, the big roe deer is like a frightened bird. When it hears the noise, it stretches its neck and screams.

According to Zhou Shujuan, her father-in-law, as a natural scholar, used the word "bark" to describe the roe deer's cry.

The big roe deer screamed, sharp and shrill!

Under normal circumstances, when a group of roe deer is doing collective activities, and when one of the roe deer discovers danger, it will remind its companions like this.

The big roe deer barked, and next to the two traps not far away from it and the one above it, the roe deer struggled to get up one after another, but they had traps on their feet. The legs were not unable to fall to the ground, but had four hooves. It is difficult to walk on the uneven ground.

In a hurry, these roe deer raised their necks and hissed.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

In an instant, the mountains were filled with the calls of roe deer. These sounds converged in one place, causing the nearby small animals and birds to scatter in fright.

"Oh my god!" Zhang Yuanmin looked at Zhao Jun in surprise and said, "Brother, how many roe deer do you need to kill? Why don't you pay for it?"

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun laughed and said, "Brother, this time we will just pick up roe deer in the mountains!"

There's another update in the evening, I'll try to do it as early as possible

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