The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 828 Zhao Jun trains lynx (October update 1241)

The tiger and the leopard are like colts, but they have the aura of eating cows.

Lynx cubs are weaned from milk and meat around the full moon.

As Wang Meilan said before, Little Lynx is not even willing to drink malted milk recently.

Zhao Jun recalled that this little guy was brought back by Li Ruhai on October 12th before it started to rain heavily.

And today is November 7th, plus the days when the little lynx followed the big lynx, it is estimated that it is now full term.

At this time, the little lynx's eyes were still dark when he was held in his arms. A pair of bright black eyes were staring at an enamel helmet on the windowsill.

This enamel helmet has a cover, and it is now covered tightly. I don’t know what is inside.

Seeing the little lynx like this, Wang Meilan put her finger on the little lynx's forehead.

Wang Meilan laughed and said: "This little thing is so treacherous!"

When Wang Meilan's fingertips touched the little lynx's forehead, the little lynx's ears moved toward the middle and she squinted her eyes, looking very cute.

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this. Wang Meilan's "treacherous" just now did not have the slightest derogatory connotation. This treachery is opposite to stupidity and means smart.

And Wang Meilan's tone was full of endearment, this little guy is so cute now!

Wang Meilan reached back and took the small helmet from the window sill, and opened the cover with her other hand.

At this moment, the little lynx pulled out of Zhao Jun's arms and stretched its little head towards the little helmet.

Zhao Jun raised the hand that was scratching its neck, pressed the little lynx's head, and pushed it back into his arms.

"What?" This time it was Zhao Jun's turn to stretch his neck. He took a look inside the helmet and saw that it contained the internal organs of birds, with intestines connected to the heart and liver, one string after another.

"Shabanji'er cleaned it up." Wang Meilan said: "When I clean it here, it runs out and scratches the door to close the house for it."

"Ah!" Zhao Jun nodded slightly, and then asked: "Have you fed it?"

"No." Wang Meilan put the cover on her helmet and said, "You haven't left home, can mom feed you?"

Zhao Jun smiled at Wang Meilan and entered his room holding the little lynx in one hand and holding the helmet in the other.

Seeing the blood food in front of him, the little lynx became less honest in Zhao Jun's arms.

Zhao Jun put his hand around its abdomen and pressed its back against him. At this time, the little lynx pressed its front palms against Zhao Jun's neck, and its back palms pushed up Zhao Jun's forearm.

Although Zhao Jun was wearing a cotton-padded jacket and was covered by the sleeves of the cotton-padded jacket, no matter how anxious the little lynx was at this time, it did not dare to expose its paws from its paw pads.

Not showing his claws in front of others is not the result of Zhao Jun's training, but a coincidence.

I remember one time, Zhao Na snatched this little guy from Zhao Hong's arms. When the little lynx was suddenly dragged away by Zhao Na, it may have been frightened. One of its hind paws was exposed, and the tip of its claws scratched it. Zhao Hong’s cotton-padded jacket sleeves.

The lynx has five toes on its front paws and four on its back paws. That time, Zhao Jun used a file to smooth the four tips of the little lynx's paws.

This is actually the same as raising pet cats and dogs, whose nails must be trimmed regularly. At that time, Zhao Jun's movements were quite gentle, but the little guy was afraid. When it moved its paws in confusion, he rubbed his smoothed paws hard on the file.

Zhao Jun had not studied lynx much before, but he guessed that this little guy should be like a cat or dog. There are blood lines in the claws, and you should not cut the nails too deeply.

At that time, the little lynx's claws were still immature, and after rubbing it, it bled. Although the blood flow was not large, it could be that the fingers were connected to the heart? Anyway, this little guy screamed in pain.

From then on, the little guy never showed his claws when he was with people.

Zhao Jun was very satisfied with this.

You say the lynx is small, but how big is the leopard? Lynx are just short in body. The largest male lynx in Northeast China is no lighter than a native leopard.

And in terms of ferocity, the lynx is no less ferocious than the Siberian leopard.

Zhao Jun raised this little guy for hunting, but he had to live with his family. Since he had raised him from a young age, even if he let him live in a cage in the future, he had to ensure that he would not be attacked when feeding.

Zhao Jun put the small helmet on the table with the malted milk, then reached into his trouser pocket, took the small copper whistle in his hand, put it to his mouth and blew it.

When the whistle sounded overhead, the little lynx raised its head and glanced at Zhao Jun, but then it looked at the food.

At the same time, the hunting dogs outside the house came out of the kennel one after another. Wang Qiang, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen heard the whistle and saw something strange, and hurriedly walked into the house together.

Zhao Jun held the whistle in his mouth, put the little lynx on the kang, and then took the small basin over.

As usual, the little lynx jumped onto Zhao Jun's lap and put its front paws on the edge of the table, waiting for Zhao Jun to feed him.

These chicken entrails were intended to be fed to jackals, so Wang Meilan and the others tried their best to remove the intestines as cleanly as possible.

The three jackals are still in a cage in the backyard of Li's house, but they are living a miserable life.

There is no other way. If you have something at home, even if people don’t eat it, you still have to let the dog eat it.

Moreover, each of the more than ten dogs from the two families was fatter than the last. After they finished eating, what would be left?

These three jackals had never touched a bite of the leftover rice and vegetables from Lao Li's family. What they usually eat the most are potatoes and melons. Zhao Jun and the others caught badgers a while ago, but the dogs wouldn't eat the badger's internal organs, so they took advantage of these three jackals.

The Shaban chicken had too few internal organs. Today, the family dog ​​went hunting again. Wang Meilan also believed in her son's ability, so she became kind and planned to give these internal organs to the jackals to satisfy their appetite.

But then the little lynx appeared, and they had no part in it.

There is no way, people will be biased. Those three guys behind the Li family's house can't be surrounded or sold for money, and they look ugly. They really don't want to be seen.

Thinking of the three jackals, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something.

Jackals are also carnivores, but now the three jackals of the Li family eat potato seeds and melons, and they are still alive!

"My great nephew, you're here!" Wang Qiang walked in at this time, with Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen following behind him.

"I'll feed it some food." Zhao Jun took the open helmet and gave it a look at Wang Qiang and the others. Then he remembered something and asked Wang Qiang, "Uncle, do you have any cannonball skins in your family?"

"Yes!" Wang Qiang asked, "You want it?"

"Give me a piece." After Zhao Jun said to Wang Qiang, he turned to Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, before you go home in the evening, you go with my uncle and ask him to give you the piece of cannonball skin."

What Zhao Jun said about the shell skin is literally what it means. These are all left over from previous wars. Some mountain people use them to make knives, and some use them to make spearheads.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Zhang Yuanmin asked, then Zhao Jun said: "Be a sentry for me."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Jun pointed to the whistle made of bullet shells on the table and said to Zhang Yuanmin: "It has to be different from this one."

"Then I understand." Zhang Yuanmin responded, and Zhao Jun took out a set of lantern hangings from the helmet, pulled the intestines and handed the relatively heavy heart to the little lynx's mouth.

"Ouch! Woah woah woah..." The little lynx bit into it, nodding and swallowing it in his mouth. After swallowing the heart and liver, it kept nodding downwards and pulling at the intestines.

After the intestines were eaten, the little lynx still stretched its neck and looked at the little helmet.

"Okay!" Zhao Jun put his hands on his belly, threw him into the kang, then covered the little helmet, picked it up and left.

Seeing this, the little lynx jumped directly off the kang, causing everyone to exclaim.

These hunters in the Northeast call the lynx a tiger cub, not just because it looks like a tiger cub.

Another important reason is that it is good at jumping. This is different from the Amur leopard, but it is very similar to a tiger.

Wang Dalong's hunting dog was killed by a large lynx. There is also the old cook of 78 Lengchang, Hu Dahai, Zhao Jun's master in his previous life. His nephew Song Dong went up to the mountain with eight dogs to hunt, but a Siberian tiger killed seven of them.

Zhao Jun had visited both battlefields, and by observing the injuries of the dogs, he could tell that lynxes and tigers killed their enemies by grabbing and biting.

And it was repeatedly grabbing and biting.

As for how they hunt down escaping hunting dogs, as mentioned before, they are good at jumping.

Not only pounce, but also jump.

It can be seen from here that compared to the Siberian leopard, it is good at running and chasing. Tigers and lynx generally don't run, some just jump one after another.

This saves more energy, and they are more focused on killing with one hit.

Tigers are the king of beasts and should be rampant, but their hunting is more about ambushes and sneak attacks.

The same is true for lynx, but compared to tigers ambush in the grass or behind trees, lynx prefers to ambush in trees.

They are somewhat similar to leopards in that they can climb trees. But leopards can leap between trees, but lynxes don't do that. They mostly do it from the bottom up or from the top down.

Just like the dogs that died in Wang Dalong's family at the beginning of this spring, they were killed by lynxes that climbed up trees repeatedly.

Although the little lynx was just one month old at this time, its physical fitness was really good. It jumped out of Zhao Jun's room, but was stopped by Wang Meilan with her feet.

Zhao Jun pushed the door open and went out, placing the small helmet containing the entrails of a half-sand chicken on the outside window sill.

Because he had just blown the whistle, the hunting dogs were all in the yard. Seeing Zhao Jun coming out, the black tiger waggled its tail happily at Zhao Jun.

Black Tiger didn't eat less today. It's an exaggeration to say that his belly was touching the ground, but it was also quite bulging.

Zhao Jun glanced at Black Tiger, then at the small helmet placed on the windowsill, and hurriedly picked it up and placed it on another window sill farther away from Black Tiger.

But when he thought that this guy often untied the rope by himself, Zhao Jun turned around and pointed at Hei Hu and shouted: "I'll give you a bad leg if you dare to pick up the window sill!"

When Zhao Jun pointed at him, Black Tiger's wagging tail suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he was yelled at by Zhao Jun. Maybe Black Tiger still couldn't understand Zhao Jun's complicated words, but it could feel that what Zhao Jun said was not a good thing.

The black tiger lowered its tail, tilted its head and glanced sideways at Zhao Jun, then turned around and headed back to the kennel.

"You are so stupid!" Zhao Jun also had nothing to do to bully the dog. He caught up with the black tiger, raised his foot and hit the black tiger's butt, and the black tiger plunged into the den with a "ouch".

Then Black Tiger turned around in the kennel, stuck his head out and said to Zhao Jun: "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..."

"Haha." Zhao Jun ignored it. Instead, he turned around and went into the house and said to Wang Meilan, "Mom, I have to go out early tomorrow."

"What are you doing?" Wang Meilan said, "It will snow tomorrow."

"It's okay." Zhao Jun said, "I'll go to the north of Yongfu and I'll be back in less than two hours."

"What are you doing?" Wang Meilan asked again, and then heard Zhao Jun say: "I'm going to grab some medicine."

Black Tiger's legs need treatment.

Speaking of Black Tiger's leg, after it was broken, I went to the Yongxing brigade to find a doctor to splint it and give it anti-inflammatory injections. The bones grew fine, but after the leg grew, it didn't dare to touch the ground and walked slowly. It's okay, but I'm limping when I start running.

It happened that Huang Gui had such a trick, so Zhao Jun thought about giving Black Tiger a pair to make his injured leg stronger.

Back in Lingnan this time, Lao Shao's family gave Zhao Jun a seedling of ginseng, and Hen's family still had it. Now that they have ginseng chicken soup, they just need some topical medicine.

There is no traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Yong'an Forest District, but there are a few local doctors, such as Lao Xu Tou, who reattached Li Baoyu's arm, and Mrs. Sun, who specializes in treating dog bites in Yongsheng Tun.

But these two rely on craftsmanship and folk remedies. If they want to buy medicinal materials, they have to go to Yongfu Village. They have a local doctor there whose skills are passed down from their ancestors. Not only does he go into the mountains to collect herbs, he also goes down to the mountains twice a year to exchange for herbs he doesn’t have in the city pharmacies.

For example, the medicinal materials written on Huang Gui's prescription are common muscle-strengthening and bone-building medicines. As Song Lan said, Dr. Fang'er is very capable, and the medicinal materials he wrote are all available to people in the village. of.

There is only one medicine, Heixiazi Bolenggai. This medicine is stored in the mountainous area and can be obtained by asking for help.

For Zhao Jun, this was no longer a problem. Every time he beat a blind bear, he would not only put away the bear's bile, but also pry off the bear's nose, corrugated cap, and even the bear's teeth.

Over the past year, Black Blind Man Bolenggai had saved a small pocket.

As well as the cannon egg fangs, Zhao Jun also put them away. Don't look at these things, no one recognizes them now, but in ten or twenty years, when Mingzi who started the fire will be treated as a piece of literature, will these teeth still be worth it?

In Zhao Jun's collection, the most impressive ones are the two canine teeth of the Siberian leopard. The pair of leopard teeth are nearly five centimeters long and have sharp and slightly curved tips.

Zhao Jun told Wang Meilan before that he would take medicine to treat Black Tiger's legs. Wang Meilan did not object, but Zhao Jun said he was going to get medicine. Wang Meilan also knew why he kept silent.

I was afraid that Mrs. Jiesun in the room would hear it.

But this is not because Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan are afraid that Jie Sun will steal the black tiger chicken soup, but because they are afraid that Jie Sun will not understand what they are doing.

After all, these days, people in forest areas and rural areas don't know what pets are, and people who hunt for dogs are not willing to spend so much on dogs, even if they are good hunting dogs.

When a dog is injured, it is okay to give him two bottles of anti-inflammatory injections. It is impossible to say that hens and ginseng are used to make soup for the dog.

Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan were afraid that Mr. Sun would make irresponsible remarks, so no one said anything.

But at this moment, Wang Qiang came in from outside and called Wang Meilan: "Sister, you are killing the pig, you need a basin to catch the blood!"

"Hey!" Wang Meilan agreed, and she and Jin Xiaomei each took a basin and ran out.

Zhao Jun also followed him out of the room and saw a small yellow-haired creature lying on the chopping board, with its mouth open and constantly wailing and roaring.

"This is a cry!" Wang Meilan couldn't help but say something when she heard the pig's screeching sound.

Hearing what she said, Wang Qiang smiled and said, "How about fixing it, sister? Bind the pig's mouth?"

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