The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 837 Zhao Jun takes on the important task (October update 1441)

The car was taking a firewood transport road. Although there was snow on the road, it would still be fine if the driver drove more slowly.

Half an hour later, the car came off the newly opened firewood road and drove slowly along the road.

Midway, Chu Anmin asked the driver to honk the horn from time to time to stop the car in Yongan Forest Farm, and everyone got out of the car to inspect the road.

When they arrived at Xinlang Chang, the car went in and drove around. When it came out, Chu Anmin was very satisfied and called Zhou Chunming aside alone.

For such a big leader, he definitely didn't do this just to ask Li Ruhai some trivial matters.

"Old Zhou!" Chu Anmin said to Zhou Chunming: "This year's fifteen thousand cubic meters, no matter how hard we work, we have to complete it without affecting the country's construction."

"Director, don't worry!" Zhou Chunming promised solemnly: "I know that this year's winter transportation production is half a month late every year. It snowed yesterday, so I lived in the forest farm. When will I make up for the half-month difference? When will I go home?"

When Director Chu heard this, he opened his mouth slightly, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

There was no praise or encouragement. Chu Anmin just slapped his hand heavily on the back of Zhou Chunming's hand, then stretched his neck and shouted: "Xiao Xu, let's go back!"

With people like Zhou Chunming around, Chu Anmin felt that Yongan Forestry Farm would not fall behind. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, as long as the top and bottom work together, nothing is impossible.

There was no need to say anything or read anything. Chu Anmin planned to go back to the forest farm to have a meal, and then he would lead the people away so as not to affect other people's work.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Xu Champion could reply, Chu Anmin frowned and shouted at the top of his voice: "Xiao Xu, Xiao..."


A beast roar interrupted Chu Anmin.

A sudden roar of a beast rumbled through the mountains with a trembling sound. The bodies of Zhou Chunming, Chu Anmin and others were all shaken, and their faces felt numb and numb.

A cold air went straight to the top of the head, and everyone felt like their scalps were exploding!

"Black blind man!" Although Chu Anmin is the director, forestry cadres these days, even the director has to go into the forest. How can he not know the black blind man?

"Liu Jinyong!" Zhou Chunming shouted. He was more cautious when he came and brought Liu Jinyong, the leader of the security team.

Liu Jinyong also didn't expect that he would have such a good opportunity to perform just by going out with the leader. He hurriedly rushed in front of Zhou Chunming and Chu Anmin and said to Zhou Chunming: "Chief, I'll shoot it to scare it." Walk!"

"No!" Zhou Chunming glared and shouted, "If you shoot, will it come here again?"

Chu Anmin understood, and Zhou Chunming, who had been in this mountain farm for twenty years, was also unambiguous. They were not hunters, and the purpose of going up the mountain was not to hunt, so they couldn't afford to fight with the black blind man.

After all, it’s easier to eat the table if you’ve cooked the meal and added the dishes!

"That's not right!" At this time, Chu Anmin frowned and said to Zhou Chunming: "Why don't you go into the warehouse with this hard work?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Chunming also reacted and said in surprise: "The snow that fell yesterday should have gone into the barn!"

Hei Xiazi is such a thing that he immediately enters the barn as soon as the snow falls, without missing a moment.

And Zhou Chunming noticed something was wrong again, pointed down and asked the people around him: "You just heard, did it put down its head and call?"



When Yu Quanjin and Xu Guanjun nodded, Zhou Chunming looked at Chu Anmin, and Chu Anmin also reacted, frowned and asked Zhou Chunming, "No, the terrain here is not high! It can't enter the warehouse now. , even if it is walking on a camel, it should go up to the foot of the mountain, right?"

"That's right!" Zhou Chunming also agreed: "When we built this Lengchang, I followed the mountain field technicians to find a place. I chose this place because I thought I could avoid big animals before the winter transportation. "

"Let's go!" After hearing what Zhou Chunming said, Chu Anmin waved his hand and said, "Let's take a closer look."

"Chu Bureau!" Chu Anmin's words shocked the people around him. Xu Guanjun hurriedly stopped him and said, "That thing is quite dangerous!"

"We're not going forward." Chu Anmin said, "Let's stay away and see what's going on."

As he spoke, Chu Anmin pointed at the semi-automatic rifle in Liu Jinyong's hand and said, "There is a gun here, what are you afraid of?"

Then, Chu Anmin asked Zhou Chunming alone: ​​"Old Zhou, do you dare to go?"

"Let's go!" No matter how old you are, when have the Northeastern men ever been scared?

Zhou Chunming not only agreed, but also extended his hand to Liu Jinyong and said: "Give me the gun, I will lead the charge."

"Pull him down." Chu Anmin hurriedly stopped him and said, "Just let him get the gun. I'm afraid you won't be able to do it."

After saying this, Chu Anmin and Zhou Chunming both laughed.

This group of people didn't even drive, so they just walked down the firewood road.

A director, a director, and a deputy director were all dispatched. How dare the two drivers and a secretary not follow?

In this way, a group of seven people left Xinrangchang and walked down.


Not far away, a bear roar rang out, and the seven people's feet froze. After hearing the sound, they felt that they were not far away from the bear.

After walking another hundred or so meters, Liu Jinyong raised his hand to tell everyone to stop, then pointed to the west slope and whispered to a few people behind him: "I feel like it's right there!"

"Hurry up then!" Zhou Chunming hurriedly called a few people to the east slope. When they reached the east slope of the road, Zhou Chunming whispered to a few people: "My in-laws are old gunners. Before we drank, he I told you that when the black blind man is on the slope, it is the most dangerous when you are on the slope. If it chases you, it will just run away, and you will have no place to wander around the garden."

"Let's go up!" Chu Anmin raised his hand and gestured upward, saying, "Let's go up there and take a look over there. What's going on?"

As soon as the two leaders had good faith, their subordinates had to follow them. Several people went up to the high slope. Chu Anmin reached out and took out a telescope from his pocket, holding it up and looking towards the west slope.

After looking at it for more than ten seconds, Chu Anmin gave the telescope to Zhou Chunming. Zhou Chunming took it, took a look, and handed it to Xu Guanjun.

Xu Guanjun took a look and when he put down the telescope, Yu Quanjin took it in his hand. But before Yu Quanjin could put the telescope on his face, Liu Jinyong snatched it away.

Liu Jinyong took a telescope and looked across the way, and saw a smear of darkness under a big red pine tree.

Suddenly, the darkness disappeared!

Liu Jinyong was stunned, and the slander appeared again.


Just when Liu Jinyong was wondering, Chu Anmin asked Zhou Chunming: "Old Zhou, what's going on?"

"I don't know!" Zhou Chunming shook his head.

These two people understand it, but they only have a superficial understanding. When it comes to the advanced aspects of the siege, they don't understand it.

"Huh?" Chu Anmin raised his head slightly, moved his chin slightly, and asked Zhou Chunming, "Is Xiao Zhao Pao on the sidelines?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Chunming nodded and said without hesitation: "That child is the best!"

What Zhou Chunming said is true. The child whirled to his house to pull things, such as wild boar, roe deer, and black blind man. He gave him whatever he wanted, and even if he didn't want it, was that okay?

"Then look for him!" Chu Anmin grabbed Zhou Chunming's arm excitedly and said, "I don't know what's going on, but I just thought (jiǎo) that the wild boar meat cooked by him tastes better than others."

"Hahaha..." Zhou Chunming laughed loudly when he heard this. When his laughter fell, the black bear on the opposite slope responded with a roar.

Zhou Chunming frowned and murmured: "Why doesn't it move? Has it been trapped?"

"Oh, maybe!" Liu Jinyong asked, "Secretary, why don't I do it for him!"

"Pull him down!" Without Zhou Chunming's need to stop him, Chu Anmin stopped Liu Jinyong first and said, "Whatever we do, we have to find professionals. Come on, let's go back and let Xiao Zhao Pao come!"

The group of people huffed and puffed down the mountain, returned to Xinrangchang, and took a bus back to Yongan Forest Farm.

Coincidentally, when they returned to the forest farm, they were in time for a lunch break, and the jeep drove directly to the entrance of a canteen and stopped.

At this time, in a cafeteria, Zhao Jun was surrounded by Zhou Jianjun, Zhou Chengguo, Lin Xiangshun, Li Baoyu and others, like stars holding the moon.

This is not because of Zhao Jun's high status, but because his appearance is relatively strange to everyone.

Like Zhou Chengguo, he thought that Zhao Jun would not be able to catch Zhao Jun's shadow.

Just as a few people were talking and laughing, a gust of cold air came in along with Zhou Chunming and others.

"Zhao Jun!" As soon as Zhou Chunming came in, he saw Zhao Jun here. He immediately waved to Zhao Jun and said, "Come on!"

After calling Zhao Jun, Zhou Chunming saw Zhou Chengguo again and called out again: "Chengguo!"

"Hey!" Zhou Chengguo heard this and hurriedly followed Zhao Jun over.

I saw the field secretary coming in accompanied by Director Chu, and a few people wanted to come over to make themselves familiar. When Zhou Chunming ordered generals, they were Zhao Jun and Zhou Chengguo. They all knew what was going on.

"You're rich!" Zhou Chunming called Zhao Youcai towards the kitchen again. The black blind man nestled next to Xinlang Market. Now the production task is so heavy. For Zhou Chunming, this black bear must either get out or die here. !

And Zhou Chunming knew how powerful Heixiazi was, so after appointing Zhao Jun's general, he sent Zhou Chengguo to go with him.

Zhou Chengguo is very capable, but this person is across the road and he never fights with others. But Zhao Jun was none other than Zhou Chengguo who went up the mountain with Zhao Jun without saying a word.

But Zhou Chunming wanted to win the battle, so he called the third general and urged the cook: "My dear, what are you doing?"

These days, there is no such mess between people here in the mountainous area. Everyone knows that they are in-laws, and Zhou Chunming does not shy away from it and directly calls "in-laws".

"Hey, here we come!" Zhao Youcai ran out from behind and wiped his hands with the apron around his waist.

Zhou Chunming and Chu Anmin took the three of them to the cubicle and told Zhao Jun and others what happened on the mountain. Chu Anmin asked Zhao Jun first, "What's going on, little Zhao Pao?"

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and looked at the two people next to him. Although he knew that, one of the two people next to him was his eldest brother and the other was his biological father.

When Zhao Jun looked over, Zhao Youcai looked at his nose and his nose without saying a word. Zhou Chengguo smiled and nodded at Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun saw this and smiled at Chu Anmin: "Director Chu, that blind man is going to have a baby."

"Huh?" Chu Anmin was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Isn't it allowed to go into the barn to give birth to cubs?"

"It snowed late this year." Zhao Jun said with a smile, "It also entered the barn late."

"Ah..." Chu Anmin nodded slightly, but still had doubts: "Then why doesn't it go into the barn to give birth?"

"It should want to go." Zhao Jun explained to Chu Anmin: "It's barn is occupied by someone else, or something happened. Anyway, it should be unable to hold on even halfway and lie there. It’s ready to grow under the roots of the tree.”

After saying this, Zhao Jun added: "If it doesn't enter the tree hole, it will have to dig a hole, otherwise the little black blind boy won't be able to bear it."

"Ah!" As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Liu Jinyong beside him couldn't help but interjected: "I said it was arching one after another!"

Zhao Jun smiled and nodded when he heard this, and said: "It has dug to the bottom. It has to dig a big hole!"

"I don't care how big a hole it digs." Chu Anmin raised his hand and stood in front of Zhao Jun and said, "Give it to me!"

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned and said: "This thing is a fool, it's not good to do it!"

Zhao Jun remembered that when he and Mr. Xu went up the mountain to hunt lynx and drank in Xing San's cellar, Xu Changlin said personally that he had killed a female black blind, and when he disemboweled the black blind, he found There is still a baby in the belly.

When Xu Changlin talked about this matter, he looked sad.

There are many situations like Xu Changlin's.

Many old gunners had no inhibitions when they were young. When I get older, sometimes I think of the mountain creatures I killed when I was young, and I talk about how many roe deer and wild boars I killed.

But for Zhao Jun, even if he had no taboo on killing, he would definitely feel uncomfortable if he was killed by the female bear carrying her cubs.

Seeing Zhao Jun's hesitation, Zhou Chunming frowned. He probably guessed Zhao Jun's thoughts and said bluntly: "Zhao Jun, that black blind man is lying in the wrong place. If you can get rid of it, we men can do anything." Let’s not talk about it anymore. If it doesn’t move away, you have to knock it there! Nothing can affect the production. If it lies down there and howls, which tenant in Lengchang dares to go in?”

"Yes, Secretary Zhou, I know." Zhao Jun nodded, knowing that Zhou Chunming had no choice but to delay production. Otherwise, construction would be delayed, and even the whole team from bottom to top would not be able to shoulder this responsibility.

"Well..." Zhao Jun thought for a moment and said to several people: "Secretary Zhou, Director Chu, I'll go up and take a look first to see what's going on."

"Then please pay attention!" Zhou Chunming urged: "Let your father and your old brother Zhou accompany you."

"Okay!" Zhao Jun nodded with a smile, and first told the leader: "Let's go up and have a look, think about whether we can have other tricks, and try not to hit it."

"It should have snowed tonight, and it will snow tomorrow too." Chu Anmin raised his hand and said, "It will clear up the day after tomorrow, and our site owners and contractors will all have to come in. So..."

Chu Anmin paused, pointed at Zhao Jun and said: "When it gets light the day after tomorrow, that black blind man can't be there!"

After saying that, Chu Anmin asked Zhao Jun again, "This is a mission, can it be completed?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun clicked his eyes twice, exhaled, and responded: "Don't worry, Director Chu, I promise to complete the mission!"

"Okay!" Chu Anmin waved his hand and said to Zhou Chunming: "Old Zhou, give me a gun and whatever you want."

"I know." Zhou Chunming responded, and then said to Zhou Chengguo: "Chengguo, you are in charge of the equipment warehouse. You can use the semi-automatic gun."

The wealth of Yong'an Forest Farm is not as rich as that of Yongxing Brigade, and Zhou Chunming's killing spree is not as good as Xuewen's.

If this bear was near the Yongxing Brigade, Yu Xuewen would have killed it by pulling the cannon.

"There will be rewards after the fight!" Suddenly, Xu Guanhua, director of the bureau's production department, added: "Your forest farm has rewards, and our bureau also has rewards."

"Yes!" Chu Anmin, who had always admired Xiao Zhaopao, decided at this time: "Our bureau will reward you with three hundred yuan. You guys should give it to me quickly!"

I'll take a nap and I'll update as usual at 6pm tomorrow!

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