The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 875 My mother-in-law can’t eat and my father-in-law can’t drink.

A flat broken enamel basin fell in front of Zhao Jun's feet. The left and right sides of the basin repeatedly hit the ground alternately, making a "thumping" sound.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." The black tiger raised its neck and howled at Zhao Jun. Its angry voice was full of dissatisfaction with the Zhao family and his son!

Black Tiger wanted to say that the big guy with the horns was the result of their hard work. He worked hard for his master and even finished a mouthful of meat without eating it. He also suffered two big blows from Zhao Youcai.

After coming back, these people divided and cooked the meat and refused to let it eat the scraps. Now they would rather throw away the bones than let it eat. Isn't this reasonable?

"You idiot!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's curse, Black Tiger's screams suddenly stopped, he turned around and ran towards the kennel.

But at this time, Zhao Jun was really angry. At that moment, Zhao Jun was so frightened that he was trembling, and now his heart is still pounding.

"Come out!" Zhao Jun arrived at the kennel and saw the black tiger with its butt facing him, its tail between its two hind legs.

Some older people always say that the habits of black bears are somewhat similar to those of dogs, so black bears are also called dogs.

Let's just say that a dog crawls into a den and a black bear squats in a barn. After they get in, they will turn around and turn their heads outward.

But today Black Tiger knew that Zhao Jun was going to beat it, so it came with its butt facing outward.

Zhao Jun grabbed the black tiger's tail with his left hand, and swung his right hand to hit the root of the black tiger's tail.

"Pah! Pah!"

"Fuck you!" After two slaps, Hei Hu was fine. Zhao Jun lowered his head, squinted his eyes, tightened his nose, and gritted his teeth. He lifted up the right hand that he had just slapped.

Dog, it has a brass head and numb legs, an iron butt and a tofu waist.

Zhao Jun's two slaps only hit his iron buttocks. He felt numbness and pain in the index, middle and ring fingers of his right hand, and he seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment.

This is why the black tiger does not turn its head outward. It is not afraid of being spanked. As for the two hind legs, as mentioned before, dogs are like children in front of their owners.

Black Tiger is now a naughty and mischievous child. He treats Zhao Jun as if he is making trouble with his parents. His behavior is: I am disobedient. If you hit me, do you still dare to break my legs?

"What the hell..." Zhao Jun was so angry that his teeth were itching and he insisted on beating the black tiger. He reached out and grabbed the two hind legs of the black tiger.

When Zhao Jun put his hand on Black Tiger's leg, Zhao Jun felt pain in his hand. He hated Black Tiger even more for a while, and pulled its two hind legs to pull Black Tiger out.

But the black tiger, which weighed nearly 120 pounds, lay down in the kennel without cooperating with Zhao Jun at all. Zhao Jun really couldn't control it!

"You idiot!" Zhao Jun stopped his hand helplessly, pointed at Black Tiger's butt and cursed: "Believe it or not, I demolished the kennel, and I'll beat you to death too!"

Listening to the scolding outside the kennel, the black tiger in the kennel opened his mouth like he was panting in the heat.

It's winter, the dog didn't run or jump, so it wouldn't be so hot.

Therefore, Black Tiger is smiling.

Seeing that he could not call out Black Tiger, Zhao Jun kicked Black Tiger on the butt twice. The black tiger, which usually screamed when touched, was silent now.

Zhao Jun stood in front of the kennel with his waist pinched. He was so angry at this time that he was afraid of kicking the black tiger, so he didn't use his feet too much, and he couldn't really tear down the kennel.

"You're not coming out, are you?" Zhao Jun squatted down and stretched out his hand to pull up one of Black Tiger's hind legs. The black tiger inside didn't move, as if he had the ability to break my legs.

Zhao Jun touched the inner part of Black Tiger's thigh with his other hand. The hair on this part of the dog was sparse.

The index and middle fingers of Zhao Jun's hand were bent, and they spread out to pinch the black tiger's thigh, and then pulled it back hard.

"Ouch!" Black Tiger screamed and pulled his leg back.

"Hehehe..." Zhao Jun said cheerfully: "Can you get out?"

Seeing that the black tiger was motionless, Zhao Jun pulled up the black tiger's leg again. This time, the black tiger resisted, but he couldn't get rid of Zhao Jun's black hand by kicking his legs continuously.

Zhao Jun changed his tactics this time, because the meat on the dog's legs was too solid to pinch!

This time, Zhao Jun pinched the skin on the inner side of Black Tiger's thigh with his thumb and index finger, and then twisted it.

"Ouch..." Black Tiger turned around in the kennel and turned his head out.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun smirked. His hand that had just pinched the dog was hanging in front of the kennel. Black Tiger quickly stuck out his tongue and licked Zhao Jun's hand twice.

What is dog licking?

Even if you are clearly being bullied, you still have to humble yourself and show kindness to others.

"Hit you!" Zhao Jun stretched out his hand and patted Heihu's head twice. Every time it fell on the head, Heihu narrowed his eyes, but did not dare to scream.

Zhao Jun laughed, stood up and walked to San Fat's kennel, kicked Black Tiger's dog food bowl to the side of San Fat's kennel, then pointed back at Black Tiger and said: "You threw it away, you can take it back yourself." , or you won’t eat tomorrow.”

Black Tiger raised his head, glanced at the food bowl about ten meters away, which was out of his reach, and then looked at Zhao Jun sadly. This guy is too grandson, and he pinches the dog, which is just a trick for bitches!

Zhao Jun climbed over the wall to the other side and served Rhubarb with rice first.

Dahuang sat there and looked at Zhao Jun. He was the oldest hunting dog in the dog gang. He and Hua Xiaoer had grown up together with Zhao Jun.

To be honest, Rhubarb is not that strong, and its fighting power is not even much better than Xiaohua at the moment, but this old dog is as brave and strong as any hunting dog.

Zhao Jun reached out and touched Da Huang's chin. When he touched the dog's mouth, Da Huang stuck out his tongue and licked Zhao Jun's hand.

Suddenly, Zhao Jun frowned, stood up suddenly and grabbed Dahuang's dog's mouth.

"Don't move!" When Zhao Jun went to turn Dahuang's lips, Dahuang resisted by shaking his head and trying to break away from Zhao Jun's hand. However, Zhao Jun gave an order and Dahuang became obedient again.

"Ouch!" Zhao Jun opened Dahuang's lips and found that the dog was missing one of its upper front teeth, and there was blood in the gums. It must have just fallen out.

Although this dog is quite old, it has not yet lost its teeth. The front teeth should have been ripped out by the old cow today.

"Oh!" Zhao Jun sighed, gave another spoonful of rhubarb, then touched its head, and then walked towards the little flower with the basin.

It has been almost a year since Xiaohua arrived home. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu bought it from Xu Changlin's house. It is the offspring of the original flowery female dog and the yellow dog. Although it does not have the blood of the green wolf, according to Zhao Jun's observation, this little flower has the potential of a head dog, and it can still be developed if it is to follow the little bear all the time.

The little bitch was docile and lazy. As soon as she saw Zhao Jun approaching, she pounced directly on Zhao Jun.

Compared with Xiao Hua, Tabby Cat and Hualang have a much lower sense of presence, and their personalities are not showy. This is the characteristic of Lingnan Dog.

There are many hunting dogs in Lingnan, and eight families lead the hunting dogs up the mountain. Therefore, the hunting dogs there see a lot of battles and are eliminated quickly. The ones that remain are either powerful or slippery.

These two dogs used to be naughty, but they met Zhao Jun. Now, except for the Siberian tiger they have never seen before, these two dogs dare to do anything.

When the two dogs were ready to eat, Zhao Jun gave them the same amount as Bailong and Erhei, four tablespoons each.

At this time, Zhao Jun looked into the basin and casually added half a spoonful to each of them. Seeing that there was still a bottom in the basin, Zhao Jun walked towards the back of the room with it.

Behind Li's house, there are three jackals!

But as they grew up, they changed from three jackals in one cage to one jackal in one cage.

The weather has been cold recently. Zhang Yuanmin built a frame with wooden square nails and put up all three cages. They are usually covered with plastic sheets to protect them from wind and snow.

It's okay for now, but if it continues like this, when the cold comes, these three jackals may not be able to survive this winter.

However, with today's cattle slaughter, Zhao Baotou must be able to tame them soon. Zhao Jun is also curious about Zhao Youcai's method of taming these three jackals.

Zhao Jun brought a long spoon into the cage and gave each jackal half a spoonful of food. Seeing the three jackals gobbling up the food, Zhao Jun shook his head with emotion.

Who says carnivores can't be vegetarian?

When night fell over Yong'an Village, the lights in the east room and outhouse of Zhao Jun's family were lit.

"Sizzling..." The beef slices coated with starch paste were lowered into the large oil pan. They sank to the bottom and floated up again in an instant.

Pieces of beef are put into the pot, and a layer of fried beef slowly floats on the oil. Wang Meilan used the fence to fish out the beef. The starch paste hanging on the beef was now light yellow.

"Add fire!" Wang Meilan ordered, and Yang Yufeng stuffed a large handful of dry branches into the stove pit.

"Woohoo!" The fire in the stove suddenly became fierce. After more than ten seconds, the oil bubbles exploded on the oil surface, making a crisp "ding" sound.

Wang Meilan put the fried beef in the big basin into the pot. There was a sizzling sound and oil bubbles continued to bubble around the meat.

Wang Meilan fished it out with a fishnet, and the golden fried pork slices came out of the pan. Wang Meilan held the spatula hanging over the oil pan, weighed it up and down twice, drained as much oil as possible from the meat, and then poured it into a large basin.

At the same time, in the Li family's house next door, Jin Xiaomei and Zhao Ling were sitting in front of the stove, looking at the pot and chatting.

What is stewed in the pot is beef and radish.

Many places like beef stewed with tomatoes, but here in the Northeast there are no tomatoes in winter, so it is usually stewed with potatoes or radishes.

But it wasn't until 1965 that an old man wrote a lyric to satirize a certain phenomenon by using potatoes and beef stew. Since then, no one here eats beef stew with potatoes, only beef stew with radish.

Peel and cut large carrots into cubes and stew them with beef brisket cubes of similar size. This dish is one of the rare stews in Northeastern cuisine that does not use soy sauce, and there is no need to collect the soup. It is served with the soup and vegetables. The soup is white, and the clear soup is delicious and can help digestion and digestion.

Suddenly, the dog in the yard barked several times.

Li Dayong and Li Baoyu, father and son, walked along Zhao's tent with their son. When they passed the door of Zhao's house, they did not go in but went to their own home.

Because in Li Dayong's view, Zhao Youcai should be sleeping in the mountains now and should not be at home, so the Zhao family will not set up a banquet today.

"Dad! That's wrong!" Li Baoyu suddenly realized something was wrong, and pulled Li Dayong and said, "Why are all the dogs back?"

"Huh?" Li Dayong was startled, and Li Baoyu continued: "Look at my uncle's house, the stove is still smoking!"

The stove Li Baoyu mentioned was the two earthen stoves in the yard. How about setting up so many stoves instead of setting up a banquet?

Listening to the anxious barking of the dogs in his yard, Li Baoyu said: "Dad, the dogs are all back!"

Li Dayong walked quickly to his yard because he saw the lights on at home!

Li Dayong and Li Baoyu ignored the dog that showed kindness to them and walked all the way to the door of the room. They saw the door being pushed open from the inside. When Li Dayong was about to speak, he saw it was Zhao Ling.

"Brother Li!" Zhao Ling waved to Li Dayong. After Li Dayong entered the house, he saw Jin Xiaomei fishing for vegetables in a big basin!

"What is this?" Li Dayong frowned, looking at the large pot of beef stewed with radish, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

Because he knew that the meat used to stew radish is usually either badger meat or beef. But at this time, he had just come back from outside and his nose was cold. Li Dayong could only smell the aroma of meat, but could not tell what kind of meat it was.

"Come on, brothers and sisters." Jin Xiaomei handed the spoon in her hand to Zhao Ling, then called Li Dayong and Li Baoyu aside and said to them, "I have something to tell you two."

"What's wrong?" Li Dayong's eyes widened. At this time, he had already realized that something was wrong.

Jin Xiaomei raised her hand and pointed to the east and said, "Our eldest brother is back."

"Ah?" Li Dayong asked anxiously: "Why are you back?"

"Um..." Jin Xiaomei had already organized her words and said, "They walked to the southern land today, and they ended up grazing cows with their tongues open..."

"Ah!" Before Jin Xiaomei could finish speaking, Li Dayong interrupted: "My eldest brother went there by sledge and came back by sledge, so he came back early? Huh? That's not right!"

As he said that, Li Dayong looked over and muttered: "Then what kind of meat is this?"

Yes, if wild boar is to be stewed with vegetables, sauerkraut is used here. The Heixiazi meat is all done and braised.

To say that this is badger meat, Li Dayong thinks it is impossible. His eldest brother led twelve dogs up the mountain and made a nest of badgers?

"Don't interrupt!" Jin Xiaomei said: "This is Zhang Lifu's old cow. Did he buy it for him from his uncle's village when we went to Baoyu?"

After saying that, Jin Xiaomei pointed out and said: "Let these two dogs in our family do it!"

"What!" Li Dayong and Li Baoyu all stared wide-eyed. Li Dayong looked at Jin Xiaomei and asked seriously: "Is this true?"

"The meat is all here, so what's real or fake?" Jin Xiaomei raised her hand and pointed at the pot and said, "We all had a meal in the afternoon!" "

"Brother!" Li Dayong shouted, turned around and ran out the door!

"Hey! Hey!" Jin Xiaomei wanted to shout again, but she couldn't stop Li Dayong.

"Son!" Jin Xiaomei waved her hand at Li Baoyu and said, "Hurry up and catch your dad and tell him not to talk nonsense!"

"Let me serve the food for you two!" Li Baoyu saw Zhao Ling holding such a big basin, so she stretched out her hand and said, "Why bother? I won't get involved in the affairs of these two brothers."

Zhao Ling smiled and gave the basin to Li Baoyu. Jin Xiaomei opened the door for Li Baoyu. Li Baoyu went to the partition wall and put the big basin on the top of the wall. When he climbed over the wall, he saw a figure jumping into the Zhao courtyard.

"Brother Shunzi!" Li Baoyu shouted with a smile, and Lin Xiangshun took a breath and said, "I didn't expect your sister-in-law to come here to eat!"

"No one is thinking about it!" Li Baoyu answered, turned over and walked to Zhao's house, closely followed by Jin Xiaomei and Zhao Ling.

Lin Xiangshun greeted them, looked at the steaming cauldron in the yard, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is my second uncle cooking today?"

Just as Jin Xiaomei and Zhao Ling were muttering to Lin Xiangshun, the lights in the west room of Zhao Jun's house turned on. Li Dayong came in and looked at Zhao Youcai lying on the kang, calling: "Brother! Brother! Are you okay?"

"Dayong!" At this time, Zhao Youcai felt as if he had met a relative. The two brothers threw themselves together. Zhao Youcai did not cry, but said very frustrated: "Brother, this is ruined!"

"Okay! Okay!" Wang Meilan suddenly appeared at the door of the house. She tied an apron around her waist, pointed at Zhao Youcai with a frying spoon in her hand, and said: "Don't make a fuss and make a fuss. The children are in that room. What are you doing?" ?”

Zhao Youcai and Li Dayong both turned to look at Wang Meilan, and saw Wang Meilan hit the spoon with a wave of her hand and said: "Hurry up and put the table on the table to eat!"

Today, the Zhao family's banquet is quite simple, including beef brisket stewed with radish, braised beef short ribs, pot-wrapped beef, smoked sauce beef heart, and hand-braised beef liver with salt water. The beef brisket stewed with radish is a soup, so it is four dishes and one soup.

There are two staple foods, rice and steamed dumplings stuffed with beef and radish. Wang Meilan said, anyone can eat whatever they like.

There weren't many radishes in the big steamed dumplings, and the beef had turned into eggs. The key was that before adding the stuffing, Wang Meilan passed the beef stuffing through water twice, washed and squeezed the blood in the beef. There was no such thing in the stuffing of dumplings. The smell of blood, without a trace of evil smell.

Because the water was drained, Wang Meilan added the beef bone soup that had been skimmed off to the meat filling in small amounts and many times when mixing it with the filling.

At this time, use chopsticks to stir the beef filling and slowly eat the soup into the meat until the soup is saturated, then add a small amount of radish, minced green onion, and minced ginger to the filling.

The large steamed dumplings made in this way are stuffed with eggs, and the space except for the meat and eggs is filled with soup.

Don't be anxious when you bite into the dumpling wrapper. You have to wait for the heat to dissipate before sucking in the soup inside.

After sucking up the soup, dip it in chili oil and your favorite seasonings, stuff it into your mouth with the stuffing, and you will feel satisfied from the inside out!

So even though there was not much food today, everyone's mouths were full of food, even Zhao Youcai who was hungry was no exception.

In Ma's house, Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua and Ma Ling and Ma Yang were eating beef stewed with radish.

Ma Dafu was drinking, so he didn't eat for the time being, and the three women soaked the soup and vegetables into the rice. The glutinous noodles stewed with big radish were smashed with chopsticks, and they were pulled into the mouth together with the soup and rice, and then they picked up a piece of beef. Put it in your mouth, it's really delicious.

After all, Ma Ling is a girl, and she has a small appetite and is the first to put down her chopsticks. As a young man like Ma Yang, he ate vigorously and quickly, finishing two bowls of rice in no time.

At this time, only Wang Cuihua and Ma Dafu were left to finish their meal, but Ma Ling and Ma Yang did not leave the table either. The family of four took advantage of this time to chat.

Ma Dafu saw that his children had all put down their chopsticks, so he first gave Wang Cuihua a piece of beef, and then he put a piece of beef in his mouth, and while eating the beef, Ma Dafu said with emotion: "Zhao Jun, this kid, always brings things to us."

"It's okay." Wang Cuihua said next to her: "We're waiting for New Year's Day. I'll buy some things for Zhao Jun's father, mother, and the two girls in advance, and let my daughter deliver them to me after that."

Zhao Jun usually doesn't always send things to his family, but it adds up to a lot, so Wang Cuihua thought about buying something for Zhao Jun's family in time for the festival.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wang Cuihua's feet were not yet healed and she could not get off the ground, so she was not prepared. And after that, we have to wait for New Year’s Day.

"Okay!" Ma Dafu said, "When you're done, go buy something for them. We can't pick and choose."

"Yes!" Wang Cuihua nodded and said, "Don't worry about that."

As she said that, Wang Cuihua took a piece of meat to Ma Dafu and said, "You said this kid is not enough for us. There is still one piece left after the stew. I will think about it for a while and then cut two radishes. Let's make dumplings tomorrow morning."

"Okay..." Ma Dafu just nodded, but before he finished speaking, he heard Ma Yang pinching his throat and holding his neck from side to side and said: "It's good to make dumplings, stuffed with beef and radish."

"Huh?" Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua were startled, then heard Ma Yang continue to say in a sharp voice: "I remember you said that you would like to eat dumplings stuffed with beef and carrots, eh..."

Before Ma Yang could finish his words, Ma Ling grabbed his ear. It turns out that what this kid said just now was said by Zhao Jun to Ma Ling in the afternoon.

"Why are you so wicked!" Ma Ling let go of the brat's ears, clenched her fists and gave him two pestles. Ma was so shocked that she laughed loudly instead of complaining of pain.

Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua didn't pay attention, and smiled as they watched the siblings having fun.

But Ma Dafu suddenly remembered something and said to Wang Cuihua: "We will have a mobilization meeting at the forest farm the day after tomorrow. After we finish..."

At this point, Ma Dafu didn't say any more, but gestured towards Ma Ling.

Seeing this, Ma Ling, Wang Cuihua, and Ma Yang all understood that what Ma Dafu meant was that it was time for Zhao Jun's family to pay tribute to their family.

Ma Ling was a little embarrassed when she mentioned this, but she was still very happy.

At this time, Ma Yang turned his head and saw his sister's cheeks were slightly red, her head was lowered and she was smiling, and she was not angry at all at that time.

"Look at you like that!" Ma Yang rolled his eyes at Ma Ling and said, "You look like that little fool!"

"Huh?" Ma Ling was startled, glared at Ma Yang and said, "Who are you talking about?"

"Who am I talking about?" Ma Yang nodded heavily to Ma Ling and said, "Are you talking about you?"

"Why are you talking about me?" Ma Ling grabbed the collar of Ma Yang's neck. Ma Yang shrank and said, "You are like a little fool. You are selling someone and you are helping people count the money!"

The two siblings fought for a while. After Ma Yang broke free, he said to Ma Ling: "Brother, I'm not telling you, sister, you should be more careful. Just like you, you don't even know how to hide when it rains outside!"

If you don't know how to hide when it rains, aren't you just a fool?

Ma Ling was furious when she heard this. She went over and grabbed Ma Yang's neck with both hands and shouted, "You can't tell me that no one will stop you even if you get beaten!"

"You don't know how to hide when it rains!"

"No one will stop you when you get beaten!"

The two siblings had a quarrel. Ma Dafu didn't say anything about starting a fight. Instead, he laughed and picked up the wine glass in front of him.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw Wang Cuihua's face darken, and she looked at the siblings with a very unkind look.

"Huh?" Ma Dafu was startled, and he quickly pretended to scold Ma Ling and Ma Yang: "Go! Don't make trouble here! You two have finished eating, and your mother and I are still eating!"

Dang's father's words were helpful, and the siblings stopped fighting. Ma Yang got off the kang and walked to the opposite room, saying he wanted to do homework. Ma Ling went to the field, put on her cotton-padded jacket, and said she was going to go to the cellar to bring up two radishes so that she could make dumplings tomorrow morning.

Seeing that his children were all gone, Ma Dafu smiled at Wang Cuihua and said: "Cuihua, the children are playing around, we don't care about them. Come, I will give you another piece of meat. You think this piece of meat is good and strong." .”

As soon as Ma Dafu finished speaking, he saw Wang Cuihua across from him put down his bowl and chopsticks, and touched his chest with his hand, saying: "My Wang Cuihua's children, one of them doesn't know how to hide when it rains, and the other of them gets beaten and has no one to help them, so what else can I eat?" Na!"

"Huh?" Ma Dafu was stunned and watched Wang Cuihua get off the kang with the bowls and chopsticks.

"Oh, they are making a fuss, they are all joking..." Ma Dafu brought the wine glass to his mouth, suddenly made a movement with his hand, and put the glass down again.

This chapter makes up for yesterday's chapter, 6,000 words, that's it for today, see you guys tomorrow

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