The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 887 Dogs really understand human nature

When Li Baoyu drove to the gate of Yong'an Forest Farm, he happened to meet a jeep driving out slowly.

Zhao Jun hurriedly asked Li Baoyu to pull over. When they all got out of the car, people also got out of the jeep.

Chu Anmin, his secretary, and driver walked towards Zhao Jun and others.

"Chu Bureau." Zhao Jun greeted Chu Anmin with a smile and said, "Have you eaten in the morning?"

"Eat it!" Chu Anmin said with a smile, "I ate carrot soup and pancakes."

Zhao Jun laughed, then introduced Zhang Yuanmin to Chu Anmin and said: "Chu Bureau, this is my eldest brother."

"Hello, Director!" Zhang Yuanmin shook hands with Chu Anmin and said, "My name is Zhang Yuanmin."

Chu Anmin was the biggest leader Zhang Yuanmin had ever seen in his life, so he was a little nervous. When he was nervous, he forgot to say his congratulatory number.

"Hello." Chu Anmin really didn't have any airs in private. After shaking hands with Zhang Yuanmin, he extended his hand to Li Baoyu.

Li Baoyu couldn't help being flattered, and when he held Chu Anmin's hand, the director smiled.

Chu Anmin: "Hehehe..."

Li Baoyu, who probably knew why he was laughing: "..."

Next, Chu Anmin introduced his driver. The driver's surname was also Zhao, and his name was Zhao Ziyang; his secretary's surname was Song, and his name was Song Zhiyuan.

The six people had met each other. Chu Anmin moved to the trunk of the Jiefang car and visited the Zhao family dog ​​gang. After several times of admiration, Chu Anmin looked around at the surrounding mountains and asked Zhao Jun, "Little Zhao Pao, where are we going now?" Walk?"

"Let's go to the sow forest." Zhao Jun pointed at Nanshan and said with a smile: "There are many wild boars over there, and the pigs are even bigger!"

"This is OK!" Chu Anmin's eyes lit up, and he immediately pointed to Li Baoyu and asked: "Little...boy, do you know him?"

After getting a positive answer from Li Baoyu, Chu Anmin said to Zhao Jun: "You drive with me, you give directions to Xiao Zhao, and then let that... Baoyu drive his own car."

After saying that, Chu Anmin led Zhao Jun towards his car.

In this way, driver Zhao Ziyang drove, secretary Song Zhiyuan sat in the passenger seat, and Chu Anmin and Zhao Jun sat in the back.

When Zhao Jun opened the car door, he saw a gun lying across the back seat.

At this time, Chu Anmin on the other side took the gun and made room for Zhao Jun. When Zhao Jun got into the car, Chu Anmin put the gun across his lap, smiled at Zhao Jun and said, "Do you know what kind of gun this is?"

Zhao Jun stared at the gun and blurted out an answer: "Bayi Bang!"

"Ouch!" Chu Anmin was startled, but he didn't expect that Zhao Jun actually knew him.

This is not because Chu Anmin looks down on people, but the Bayi Bar was only mass-produced in 1983, and it is only a transitional gun type and is generally only issued to the army.

But this gun once accompanied the soldiers in Laoshan to protect the frontier and intimidated the enemy invaders.

Here in the Northeast, it is rare to see the Bayi Gun. Chu Anmin thought that Zhao Jun could not recognize this gun.

Seeing Zhao Jun staring closely at the gun, Chu Anmin handed the gun over casually.

Ten or twenty years later, it is said that men love cars and watches.

In fact, what men love most is probably guns.

If he has never seen a real gun, he may be close to it, but as long as he has touched a gun, there is no one who dislikes it.

Zhao Jun took the gun over. The space in the car was small and he couldn't hold it open, so he put the gun across his lap and rubbed it curiously.

This gun is 81-1, commonly known as the Bayi Gun. The gun handle is made of metal.

Seeing Zhao Jun looking like he couldn't put it down, Chu Anmin smiled and said to him: "It's rare. I'll get out of the car and shoot twice."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun looked at Chu Anmin in surprise, and Chu Anmin nodded with a smile.

More than forty minutes later, the car stopped at the side of the road. Zhao Jun hurriedly got out of the car and took aim at the woods high up with his gun.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu, who got off the Liberation Vehicle, saw Zhao Jun holding a gun he had never seen before and ran towards him excitedly.

"Two shots, haha." Chu Anmin smiled magnanimously: "You guys shoot, a few shots per family, it's okay."

Zhao Jun handed the gun to Li Baoyu, then turned around and smiled at Chu Anmin: "Let's not fight now, Chu Bureau."

With that said, Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed towards the mountain and explained to Chu Anmin: "A shot will startle the mountain animals."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun added: "We came out early. The wild boars were all lying in their nests just now. Let's block their nests!"

When Zhao Jun said the last sentence, he laughed, and Chu Anmin and others also laughed.

At this time, Li Baoyu reluctantly returned the gun to Chu Anmin, and then went to let out the dogs with Zhang Yuanmin.

When the hunting dogs got off the car and ran around, or surrounded Zhao Jun, Chu Anmin also made a "tsk tsk" sound to tease Dahuang.

He touched Dahuang's neck, raised his head and said to Zhao Jun: "This dog is very similar to my little Qian'er and the Dahuang dog I have at home."

"That's right." Zhao Jun responded with a smile, and Chu Anmin continued: "That dog is good. My family was poor when I was a child. One year, the Chinese New Year is coming, and there is nothing to eat at home. My mother Look at our three brothers and sisters, thinking about buying two taels of candy balls for these children.

You say, two taels of candy balls, we six children, our family can share two or three pieces. At that time, those two taels of candy balls only cost 500 yuan, but my family couldn't even afford them. My dad and mom, oops... they rummaged through all the clothes pockets and cupboard doors, but they couldn't get the five hundred yuan together. "

The five hundred yuan Chu Anmin mentioned was the first set of RMB. At that time, the denominations were large. Ten thousand yuan at that time was equivalent to one yuan today, and five hundred yuan was equivalent to five cents.

In fact, no one understood it. He was obviously talking about dogs, so why did Chu Anmin talk about eating sweets?

But no matter what he said, the other five people present did not dare to object.

"Back then, our family lived in the countryside, unlike you in the forest area, where we could also do some side jobs." Chu Anmin continued: "We can't hunt, our family is still poor, and we will never see meat in our adult lives. Alas, Unexpectedly, my yellow dog ran away in the garden on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. My mother shed tears at that time. She said, they say dogs don’t mind the family being poor. This family was so poor that the dogs ran away hungry. "

This seemed to be a very sad thing, but when Chu Anmin said this, he stopped and laughed. When he was happy, Zhao Jun and others could laugh along with him.

After being amused for two seconds, Chu Anmin continued: "I remember that, it was around six o'clock in the afternoon, it was already dark outside, and the eight members of our family were sitting in the house, drinking porridge, and lighting a horse-shoe lantern. After that, I listened to scratching at the door, and my mother said that the dog was back. So I went down to the ground and opened the door to see, oh my god, that dog came back with half a fan of ribs in its mouth."

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this, but these people were all from forest areas and rural areas. Who didn't know what was going on?

As soon as winter comes, the Northeast becomes a natural refrigerator. Bury the pork in the snow and save it to eat during the Chinese New Year. It will not dry out and the taste will not change.

That dog must have been stolen from someone's New Year supplies.

Sure enough, Chu Anmin said: "This was stolen from our village chief's house. The next day is twenty-nine, and the next day it will be thirty. We have to eat it. Twenty-nine came out to look for meat, and when he saw it, he lost the ribs." .”

"Hahaha..." Everyone followed Chu Anmin and laughed, Chu Anmin said again: "My father said that he should be sent back, but when he thought about it... our two families don't get along well. It's unclear whether he will be sent back. If he bites us, will our family survive in those years?"

At this point, Chu Anmin laughed even louder, and then said: "After that, my mother stewed the ribs. It may be because I haven't seen oil and water for a year. Oh my, I felt that the ribs were so fragrant at that time!"

Suddenly, Dahuang broke away from Chu Anmin's hands, ran to Li Baoyu's side, stood up and used his front paws to pick up Li Baoyu's pants.

When Chu Anmin saw this, he sighed softly and said to Zhao Jun beside him: "How do you think my dog ​​died?"

"How did you die?" Zhao Jun asked cooperatively.

"Starved to death." Chu Anmin grinned and said, "My father was transferred to the town, and our family moved. It was quite far away. At that time, he said that he would give the dog to my second uncle's house. After that, my mother fed the dog. Talk to the dog, and after you talk to the dog, the dog will stop eating."

As he said that, Chu Anmin raised his hand and made the sign of four, saying: "You will starve to death after four days of starvation!"

"Oh!" Secretary Song Zhiyuan frowned and grinned, empathizing: "Isn't this blind in vain? Such a good dog!"

"Who didn't say it!" Chu Anmin also sighed with emotion: "You say haha, my mother just said this, we can't take you with us when we move, so we have to give you to someone else. You go to someone else's house and look after it." .”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Anmin added: "That's it, the dog stopped eating! From that day on, I knew that dogs are human beings. Later I raised dogs, and when I got them back, I raised them until they died. .”

"Yes!" The driver who has been with Chu Anmin for four years echoed from the side: "Chu Bureau, why don't you keep your big black for ten years?"

"No!" Chu Anmin nodded and said to Zhao Jun: "I was busy with work in the first few years after I changed my career, and I was all over the mountains and forests every day. In the first year of my marriage, my wife did not dare to be at home by herself.

My mother hadn't moved here yet, and my wife told me that no matter how old the dog was, even if it was a puppy, he had to get a whole dog, and she would make a lot of difference if he lived with them. After that, we had to deal with such a big black hole. Later, our work unit assigned us to different floors. If I wanted a fourth floor at my level, it would be 65 square meters. Because of that dog, the first floor I want is only 47 square meters. "

These days, the unit assigns a room number first, and then uses the room number to select a house. The higher the level, the higher the room number is, and you can choose first.

Now in the Northeast, especially in this small place, most of the cities are bungalows, and there are very few buildings, let alone high-rise buildings.

For example, the family building of their forestry bureau has eight floors on the top floor. In this layout, the third and fourth floors are the best floors, while the top and bottom floors are the worst.

Listening to Chu Anmin's words just now, Zhao Jun felt that this person was unusual.

After all, these days are different from ten or twenty years later. At this time, few people give dogs any family status. Dogs are equivalent to cattle and horses in a family. They are not called tools, but they are still livestock. People may care about whether dogs are hungry or cold, but almost no one cares about how they feel.

Therefore, after Zhao Jun got along with Chu Anmin, he felt that he was a good person.

Director Chu's story was finished at this time, and Zhao Jun came out of home early today, and it was not yet half past eight. When the cold wind blows in the mountains in the morning, everyone feels cold.

At this time, Chu Anmin started walking. As soon as he started walking, his body felt warm.

Before setting off, Chu Anmin asked his secretary and the driver, "How about you two stay here? You two make a fire here and wait for us. It will still be warm when we are done."

Zhao Ziyang and Song Zhiyuan, one a secretary and the other a driver, usually accompany Chu Anmin. But wouldn't it be a fool not to seize such a good opportunity to accompany the leader on hunting?

"Chu Bureau." Zhao Ziyang said hurriedly: "We are all here, so let's follow you."

Hearing what Zhao Ziyang said, Song Zhiyuan nodded repeatedly.

"I'm afraid you two won't be able to walk." Chu Anmin said, turning to Zhao Jun and saying: "This Xiao Zhao, your family just came here after graduating from college this year. Xiao Song, he drives every day, and he doesn't exercise either."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Let's walk along the gangliang and walk slowly, and a pig has been pulled up in the afternoon."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Ziyang and Song Zhiyuan both looked at him gratefully.

Next, a group of six people walked up the mountain on Gangliangzi just as Zhao Jun said.

This is a north-south hillock with crisscrossing ditches on the east-west slope. Pig nests are most likely to be found here.

Moreover, this is a sow forest, and big pigs are easy to appear here. That day, the Zhao family's dog gang fought fiercely with 400 kilograms of cannon eggs here from dawn to dusk, and finally bit the wild boar to death while hanging a kettle.

At dawn the next day, on the way home, Goubang met Zhang Zhanshan attending a funeral, and then encountered a golden leopard. The dog gang swarmed up and was torn apart by the leopard.

It was these two battles that reborn the Zhao Family Dog Gang. From then on, they killed bears when they saw bears and bulls when they saw cattle, and they never failed.

Today we visited our old place again. As soon as the Dog Gang went up the mountain, they showed great excitement. They spread out in all directions. Qinglong, Black Dragon, Hualong, Dahuang, and Xiaohua, led by Black Tiger, swept across the east hillside.

The other dogs, commanded by Big Fatty, descended the western slope with great momentum.

"Zhao Jun!" Chu Anmin glanced at Huanglong, who was held by Zhao Jun, and asked curiously: "Why don't you let go of this dog?"

This yellow dragon has been pulling on the rope since it went up the mountain. Anyone can see that it wants to move freely.

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and said: "Chu Bureau, this dog was raised in Xiaocao Mountain. It is still a little wild. I dare not let it go for fear that it will run away."

"Ah?" It's not that Chu Anmin doesn't believe Zhao Jun, but he has never seen such a dog. Chu Anmin believes that dogs are the most humane, how can they still be wild?

Seeing that Chu Anmin didn't believe it, Zhao Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Director Chu, I'm telling you this."

As he spoke, Zhao Jun pointed at the yellow dragon and whispered to Chu Anmin: "This dog was fucked by Lao Niu the day before yesterday."

"Ah..." Chu Anmin's eyes suddenly lit up and he pointed at Zhao Jun and said, "Cow-slaughtering cannon?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Zhang Yuanmin were all stunned. Zhao Jun clicked his eyes twice before tentatively asking: "Chu Bureau, how did you know?"

"How do I know that?" Chu Anmin said with a smile: "I was drinking carrot soup in the cafeteria this morning. Two security guards told me about it. I heard it half-heartedly, but I didn't understand it very well. It seemed like they were saying Your dad’s nickname is Cow Slaughterer or something like that.”

Zhao Jun twitched his lips when he heard this, thinking that it would be best if these two security guards didn't let Zhao Youcai know who they were, otherwise they would definitely suffer something before things got messed up.

"Haha..." Chu Anmin smiled and said to Zhao Jun: "This village of yours is so interesting. You all have nicknames. It's as good as that of Shuibo Liangshan."

Hearing the word "du" that Chu Anmin just said, Li Baoyu cursed Li Ruhai in his heart. He loved watching "Water Margin" and Liangshan Heroes the most, but he never expected that he would be given such a nickname.

"Chu Bureau." At this time, Zhang Yuanmin came over and said to Chu Anmin with a smile: "I also have a nickname."

"You?" Chu Anmin suddenly became curious and asked Zhang Yuanmin: "What is your nickname?"

"My nickname is Da... No, my nickname is Xiao Zhuge!" Zhang Yuanmin quickly changed his words mid-sentence.

"Little Zhuge." Chu Anmin understood immediately and asked with a smile, "Are you smart?"

"Yeah!" Zhang Yuanmin felt like he had met a cultural person. Just as he was about to continue chatting, he saw Chu Anmin pointing at his back and asked, "What are you carrying on your back? Why is it wrapped in cloth?"

"This is a magical weapon passed down from my family." Zhang Yuanmin said proudly: "It's called a pig hook!"

"Huh?" Chu Anmin's eyes widened. Zhang Yuanmin's words really made him feel uncomfortable.

As Zhang Yuanmin spoke, he took off the pig-binding hook from his back and said to Chu Anmin: "It can capture wild boars alive."

"Let me take a look!" Chu Anmin took the pig hook, opened the cloth bag and took a look, and he was suddenly disappointed.

Isn't this just a hook made by breaking off one end of the steel bar?

But as soon as Zhang Yuanmin explained from the side, Chu Anmin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he looked at Zhang Yuanmin and praised: "You little Zhuge is really smart!"

Zhang Yuanmin laughed loudly, and Zhao Jun also laughed beside him, but did not expose it. The group of people walked up talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was quite good.

But when they reached Shanerri, the group ran into trouble.

Brothers, please rest early. I will take care of you for two more days.

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