The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 898 Badicang (October update 3441)

The two battlefields are located in two directions of Xiao 43 Lengchang. From here to there, it takes more than 20 minutes to drive on the firewood road.

During the twenty-minute drive, Black Tiger received six slaps from Zhao Jun.

There is no way, if the meat is right in front of you and you don't eat it, what can the black tiger do?

The first time it ran towards a bear, Zhao Jun pulled it back by the rope and gave the black tiger a mouthful.

About five minutes later, there was another slap.

Four or five minutes later, Zhao Jun, who was annoyed and impatient, slapped Black Tiger four times.

After these four slaps, Heihu shook his head, his nose made a "pop" sound, and then a snot bubble bulged out of his nostrils.

The next second, Black Tiger sobbed with tears in his eyes.

"Hold it back!" Zhao Jun raised his hand and spanked Black Tiger on the butt, but Black Tiger lay there motionless. Zhang Yuanmin on the side laughed and said, "Brother, why are you like beating a child?"

"Haha." Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and reached out to touch the black tiger's ears. This dog is not lacking in nutrition at all. The hair on the inside of the ears is thin and soft, and it feels great to the touch.

"Okay." Zhao Jun coaxed, "I'll feed you meat after the next battle."

The black tiger didn't understand the words "this fight" or "the next fight", but the word "eating meat" was familiar to him!

Black Tiger suddenly turned his head to look at Zhao Jun, his eyes shining brightly.

Zhao Jun touched the dog's head, and the black tiger put its chin on Zhao Jun's leg. Its tail stood up instantly, shocking Jie Chen next to him.

Just as Black Tiger was interacting with Zhao Jun with his big tail waving, the car stopped at the foot of a mountain.

Li Baoyu got out of the car and went to the back to pick up the dog, while Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen unfolded a tarpaulin to cover the black bear in the car.

There are people coming and going on this firewood transport road. If you encounter someone with unclean hands and feet, it will definitely be troublesome to look for him later.

At this time, Xing San came to Zhao Jun, pointed to the mountain in front of him and said to Zhao Jun: "Only the top ones."

"Ah..." Zhao Jun raised his head, frowned and glanced up there, and then asked Xing San, "Third uncle, that area is the stone pond zone, right?"


When Zhao Jun heard this, he nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

What Xing San just said contains a certain amount of information.

The stone pond belt is also called the stone pond, the flower stone pond, and the stone cellar.

To put it bluntly, rocks of all sizes are piled up into a beach.

In such a terrain, there must be gaps between the irregular piles of stones.

Some gaps are small, and some gaps are large. The big ones can even make people fall off.

It's fine in other seasons, it doesn't snow, and people can see the road under their feet clearly when walking here.

But winter is different.

Especially in the high mountains, the mountains are covered with snow and the lowlands are covered with frost.

The snow in the mountains is much heavier than below. Under the heavy snow, who knows what is underneath?

Of course, snow can’t fill the pit that people can fall into. But the gaps where the feet can be stuck will be covered with snow. And there are too many such pits in this Shitang belt.

If a person is not careful and his foot sinks into the cracks of stones, he may suffer a sprained foot or a broken foot in serious cases. In hunting, it is even more dangerous.

Xing San just said that he stepped on the footprints of a black bear that day. If a black bear can walk, people can definitely walk.

But it snowed again the next day, and the snow covered the black bear's footprints, so the journey from Shitang to Heixiazicang was a problem.

Xing San specifically told Zhao Jun before that these two black blind men were not easy to kill.

But when Zhao Jun talked to Zhao Youcai this morning, he just said that the two warehouses were somewhat separated by roads.

Sure enough, Zhao Jun killed the first warehouse effortlessly. Now that he was killing this second warehouse, Zhao Jun also looked relaxed.

As Zhao Jun shouted "Let's go", five people and two dogs climbed up the mountain. Li Baoyu led Rhubarb in front to clear the way, followed closely by Zhao Jun and Xing San, who led Black Tiger, and Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen came to the rear.

Li Baoyu has strong legs and walks very fast without stopping or slowing down.

After that, Zhao Jun and Xing San were both experienced people. But their foot strength is not as good as that of Li Baoyu, and their steps are sometimes fast and sometimes slow. When they were fast, they were no less fast than Li Baoyu, but every twenty minutes, they would slow down again and walk slowly like a stroll for five minutes, and then pick up the speed again.

The three of them walked for two hours without resting. Looking at the fish-scale pine forest in front of them, Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed forward and asked Xing San: "Third uncle, is it just ahead?"

Zhao Jun knew it without Xing San saying anything.

This is experience, judged by the fish-scale pine forest in front of you.

Fish scale pine, also called smelly pine, only grows in high mountains, near the stone pond zone.

Sure enough, Xing San nodded, and there was an immediate report from the front.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu clasped his fists at Zhao Jun, then pointed sideways and said, "That's right in front!"

"Have you gone to see it?" Zhao Jun asked, and Li Baoyu replied: "I didn't dare to act without my brother's orders."

This year he became rich, and the collections of books in the Li family and Zhang family gradually increased, so Li Baoyu learned a lot of new words and phrases.

Of course, he said it nicely, but actually he didn't dare to go there alone.

"Okay!" Zhao Jun said, "Let's find a place, have something to eat, and wait for them when we're done."

The three of them found a suitable place. Li Baoyu took out the supplies Wang Meilan had brought from his shoulder bag, divided out a large pancake and handed it to Xing San first, and then gave one to Zhao Jun.

It was cold outside and the pancake was a bit hard. Zhao Jun broke off a piece and stuffed it into Heihu's mouth, then lowered his head and took a bite of the pancake.

As soon as he took the pancake into his mouth, Black Tiger's dog's head came close to him again. This dog eats really fast.

"Go, go!" Zhao Jun pushed Black Tiger's head away with his elbow and said, "I'll give you some meat later."

Black Tiger didn't listen at all, and put his mouth towards the pancake in Zhao Jun's hand, but heard Zhao Jun shout: "I'll beat you!"

Black Tiger retreated in dismay, standing aside and rolling his eyes at Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun ignored it and took a drink from the military kettle handed over by Li Baoyu.

They ate and drank enough, Xing San and Li Baoyu smoked another cigarette, while Zhao Jun got up and led Black Tiger around in the nearby forest.

When he came out of the woods, he saw Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen approaching like stragglers.

This journey is quite long, and it is indeed difficult for both of them.

Zhao Jun asked Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen to rest here, and asked Zhang Yuanmin to hand over the semi-automatic gun to Xing San.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin volunteered to fight, but was rejected by Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun said that they were just exploring the road so that Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen could eat and rest here.

The three of them walked through the fish-scale pine forest. Zhao Jun, Xing San, and Li Baoyu chopped down several fish-scale pine poles.

In this primitive forest, the seeds of fish-scale pine trees fall to the ground every year, and small trees will sprout the next year.

So the forest is getting denser and denser, and there are fish-scale pines of various sizes.

The four fish scale pine poles were all cut to about two meters long, slightly thicker than walking sticks.

But when the three of them came out of the woods, only Li Baoyu and Xing San each carried a gun, while Zhao Jun held a gun with both hands.

Not only that, Zhao Jun also tied the black tiger at the edge of the forest, but Li Baoyu led the big yellow to lead the way.

Xing San pointed in the direction, and Li Baoyu led Dahuang forward. During the march, Da Huang, who was urged by Li Baoyu, walked in front of Li Baoyu. Li Baoyu and Xing San each used their fish scale poles to light the place where Da Huang walked.

The three of them walked around a large stone slab. Xing San suddenly stopped Li Baoyu, then turned back to Zhao Jun and said, "Just put it in front?"

"Slow down!" Zhao Jun looked at Li Baoyu and warned him. Li Baoyu nodded heavily and continued to lead Da Huang to clear the way.

After walking less than fifty meters, Zhao Jun saw Dahuang pulling the rope forward and Zhao Jun hurriedly called to Li Baoyu.

As Zhao Jun waved his hand, Li Baoyu pulled Dahuang and retreated along the footsteps he came from.

Zhao Jun tested step by step and moved forward cautiously.

The entrance of this stone cave faces the sun and the high sky in the northwest. Its shape in the stone pond zone is like a cellar, with the hole almost facing upward.

There was snow swirling around the entrance of the cave. Zhao Jun followed and took a closer look. There was also snow on the rocks going down the entrance of the cave.

I didn't see any frost hanging on the entrance of the cave. Maybe it's because the cave is deep and the black bears live there for a short time. It's also possible that there are other exits to this stone cave. It's also possible that there are no bears inside.

Zhao Jun took a few steps back. He did not turn around, but raised his left hand and moved forward.

Seeing Zhao Jun's gesture, Li Baoyu led Rhubarb forward. All the way to the entrance of the cave, he saw Rhubarb grinning and making a "whooshing" sound, and plunged his head into the cave.

Li Baoyu hurriedly pulled Da Huang back and pulled Da Huang away from the cave entrance. Zhao Jun also retreated with him.

After the two men met Xing San, Zhao Jun nodded to Xing San and then exited the Shitang belt along the footsteps he came from.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen were walking through the fish scale pine forest. When they saw the two of them, Zhao Jun raised his chin and said, "Jie Chen, you lead the black tiger."

Zhao Jun didn't hold Black Tiger just now because he wanted to be on guard. The terrain here is dangerous, and Dicangzi is more dangerous than Tiancangzi, so Zhao Jun is no easier than when he killed the first Cangzi.

As for Xing San's age, Zhao Jun was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold Black Tiger back, so he simply didn't take him.

If this was Bai Long, he would have given up long ago, but Black Tiger felt nothing and was led by Jie Chen towards the stone pond.

When passing the Shilizi, Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu to hand the pistol to Zhang Yuanmin, and then asked Xing Sandao: "Third uncle, can you do it?"

"Don't worry, man!" Xing Sanyi said with his chest raised.

"Brother!" At this time, Zhang Yuanmin stepped forward and wanted to fight again. But Zhao Jun raised his hand to stop him and said: "Brother, take the rhubarb over."

"Here you go!" Li Baoyu smiled and put the rope tied with rhubarb into Zhang Yuanmin's hand.

Zhao Jun told Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen, "Remember, I don't say that you are going to let your dog loose, and neither of you can do it."

This stone pond area is full of rocks and no trees. There is no place to leash the dog, so Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen can only hold it.

After receiving responses from Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen, Zhao Jun called Li Baoyu and Xing San to come forward.

It was only a few steps away from Shilizi, and when he was still more than thirty meters away from the warehouse, Zhao Jun stopped, took out a fully loaded magazine from his shoulder bag and put it in the cotton monkey's pocket.

Zhao Jun also carried a bag when he went up the mountain, but his bag only contained bullets, medicine, and bandages. He let others carry all the supplies.

At this time, Zhao Jun pointed forward and said to Xing San: "Third uncle, call it!"

"Okay!" Xing San aimed his gun at the top of the warehouse and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The gun shot out, and the bullet flew to nowhere.

This is the Shitang area, so you have to be especially careful when shooting to call a warehouse. Don't hit the rocks, otherwise the bullets will bounce back and injure people easily.

"This shot is good!" Xing San turned to Zhao Jun with a smile after finishing the shot.

This old man has lived alone in this mountain for more than 20 years, and he is running amok alone. He has a really good psychological quality. But he got used to it carefully and stopped after taking one shot.

"Hit, Third Master!" Zhao Jun said: "The bullets are all gone, call it!"


When he killed Nangangzi before, Zhang Yuanmin shot three times and there were seven bullets left in the chamber.

When Xing San fired the fifth shot, there was a "squeak" in the warehouse. Black Tiger and Dahuang, who were led by Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen, rushed forward together. The two dogs stretched the ropes until they were straight.

"Third uncle!" Zhao Jun called Xing San, handed his gun to Xing San, and took the gun that Xing San had shot empty.

Zhao Jun held the gun in his hand, pushed the magazine under the gun, then took out the bullet from the cotton monkey's pocket, stuck it into the gun, and pressed the bullet with his thumb. Then he reached back and pulled out the magazine, then pulled the bolt, and ten bullets were loaded instantly!

At this time, a black bear crawled to the entrance of the cave. It froze and clasped the stone cave wall with its four bear paws.

Suddenly, the black bear's limbs and body exerted force together and rushed out of the cave in an instant.

This is where Dicangzi is more dangerous than Tiancangzi. The black bear is high above the ground when it comes out of Tiancangzi. Unless someone shoots it down with a gun, it will not jump down on its own.

As for the process of leaving the Tiancang, Black Bear was also cautious.

But the situation in the underground warehouse was different. The black bear was not hanging in the air, and it felt at ease, so it jumped out.

Seeing a black shadow pull out from the hole, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Xing San fired their guns in unison.



Just like killing the previous Xiong Cangzi, the three of them still shot six times together!

Li Baoyu still shot with one shot, and Xing San also shot with one shot. This old man was not used to switching from one shot to another.

But I have to say that this old mountain dog who can hunt wild ducks has really good marksmanship.

With one shot fired, Xing San saw a ball of blood from the gun star.

Black bears emerged, gunshots were fired, rhubarb and black tigers roared wildly, and the roars of black bears echoed in the stone pond belt.

It was shot three times. In addition to Xing San's shot, it was shot twice by Zhao Jun.

But the black bear only has two fatal weaknesses: its head and heart. At this time, it was shot three times. The black bear faced the shot and kicked off the ground with its four palms. It was instantly suspended.

When the black bear jumped up, the snow on the rocks rolled up with it. The black bear jumped five meters. When it fell, it was only 245 meters away from Zhao Jun and others.

The bear raised its head, opened its bloody mouth, and raised its body to pounce.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots rang out continuously, Zhao Jun shot twice, Xing shot three times, and four bullets nailed the black bear to death twenty meters away.

The gunshot fell, and the black bear fell to the ground motionless.

Zhao Jun frowned and aimed his gun at the black bear. At this time, Li Baoyu, who had just changed the bullet, held the gun in his hand. Xing San also put down the semi-automatic gun in front of him. Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen behind were waiting for the signal from Zhao Jun to release the dogs.

"Raise the gun!" Suddenly they heard Zhao Jun shouting. Li Baoyu and Xing San hurriedly raised their guns to their faces, pointing the muzzles at the black bear lying on the ground.

"Third uncle!" Zhao Jun shouted: "Add more guns!"

Xing San heard the words and stepped forward with his gun, aiming at the dead black bear's head and shooting it. The black bear lay motionless on the ground, and at this time Xing San also noticed something was wrong.

This black bear is bigger than the one that killed Tiancangzi, but not much bigger, not like six or seven hundred pounds at all.

At this time, Zhao Jun put down his gun. He stared at the barn door more than thirty meters away. He pulled the bolt of the gun and pulled out the four bullets remaining in the chamber. Then he took out another bullet from his shoulder pocket. Ten rounds of bullets were inserted into the chamber.

Pulling the bolt and loading the bullet, Zhao Jun breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "I was careless!"

There's another update at around one o'clock. If you guys are sleepy, go to bed first.

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