The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 908: The Bear Spirit sneak attacks on Zhao Jun and slaughters Xiong Shaobao Zhang Yuanmin (O

Boss Zhao is really capable. He determined the black bear's route accurately.

The big stone roof he was talking about was the place where the big black bear lay down yesterday.

Moreover, if the black bear had not met the tiger and had not fought that battle last night, then it would have followed the route drawn by Zhao Youcai and walked directly to Daguokui via Erlengkanzi.

However, the black bear encountered a tiger and was seriously injured, lying directly on the roof of the big stone mill.

The seriously injured big black bear wanted to find a shelter in this stone pond area.

But as soon as it entered this stone pond area, the big black bear smelled the blood of the same kind.

When little Zhuge was just starting out, he once carried a chain saw on his back to hunt bears. Before setting off, when talking about the barn where the black bear squatted, Zhao Youcai once said that if a bear died in this barn, then no bears would live in this tree or stone barn in the next ten or twenty years.

The bear's nose is so evil!

The day before yesterday, Zhao Jun and others called Cangzi in the stone pond area. They even called for more than twenty shots, but the reason why the big black bear refused to come out was because a bear had just died outside.

The big black bear smelled the same kind of blood, even if Xingsan shot it more than twenty times, it still refused to come out!

Therefore, no matter how seriously injured the bear was, it would not live on the roof of this big stone mill.

After a night's rest, the big black bear recovered a little mentally, but it was really uncomfortable.

At this time, lying down in this windy and sunny place, the more I lie down, the warmer I feel. When I get up, there are gusts of cold wind.

So, the big black bear is lazy in bed.

This lazy bed just happened to be surrounded by hunting.

At this time, Zhao Youcai took a detour, but his horizontal position was already above the big black bear. In more than half an hour, Zhao Youcai will reach Zhankou, which is what he calls Erlingkanzi.

At the same time, Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen got out of the car. Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin each carried a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, while Jie Chen carried the barrel-mounted gun.

The three of them entered the mountain field and walked up the old sledge road. According to Zhao Youcai's design, when they reached the larch forest, Zhao Youcai arrived at the entrance of the battle.

In this way, the encirclement is formed and the encirclement is perfect.

More than forty minutes later, the three of them walked through the larch forest and followed the footprints of the big black bear.

This journey was not as expected by Zhao Youcai, and it was right in the middle of the two Lin classes, Lao 13 and Lao 14.

But as he walked, Zhao Jun realized something was wrong. This mountain field was very quiet, which made Zhao Jun feel very uncomfortable.

He paused, took off the semi-automatic rifle from his shoulder, held the gun with one hand, pulled the bolt with the other hand, and then loaded the bullet.

Seeing Zhao Jun's actions, Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen took out their guns one after another.

After looking around, Zhang Yuanmin took a step forward and asked in a low voice from behind Zhao Jun: "Brother, what's going on?"

"No!" Zhao Jun said without looking back.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yuanmin looked down at the black bear's footprints and muttered to himself, "Did the black bear take a detour again?"

Zhao Jun frowned. He felt a little mysterious at this time. He felt a kind of desolation after the war.

"Be careful." Zhao Jun reminded the two of them, then held his gun and opened the way.

After walking for more than a mile, the three of them arrived at the place where the bear and tiger fought last night.

It snowed last night, but the wind was strong and the snow was clear. The little bit of snow that fell had long been blown away by the wind.

At this time, the three of them were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

Half of the hillside has been flattened, and there is blood everywhere!

There was blood on the snow, blood on the nearby trees, and blood on the branches around the roots of the trees.

The snow in the main battlefield has been trampled firmly, making it difficult to distinguish the footprints. But looking out, Zhao Jun immediately understood.

They looked like human footprints, but without the heel part. They were left by a black bear. And the footprints over there are round, like a cat but much larger than a cat. They must be feline beasts.

If the snow is deep, the footprints left by the beast are smaller than the soles of its feet. If the snow is light, then the footprints left by wild animals are very close to reality.

Yong'an Forestry Farm has only had two snowfalls this winter, and the snow was not heavy, so no need to ask, these footprints must be tigers. As for leopards and lynx, their footprints are not that big.

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin took one look and his body reacted, his scalp numbing.

Zhang Yuanmin said in surprise: "Big claws!"

"Big claws?" Jie Chen's hand holding the gun trembled. He hurriedly looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "Brother Jun, what are you doing?"

When Jie Chen asked this question, Zhang Yuanmin suddenly had a backbone. Yes, your brother is here, what are you afraid of? Who is my brother? This is also the case with Fuhu General Zhao Jun!

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Zhao Jun could really support them. At this time, he calmly pointed to the direction where the tiger's footprints were leaving and said, "The big paw is going that way, what are you afraid of?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen swallowed their saliva, and then moved closer to Zhao Jun.

"Let's go!" At this time, Zhao Jun called on the two of them to move forward, because he saw the blood and traces around him and knew that a fierce battle took place here last night. And the fighting party is exactly his goal today.

Zhao Jun didn't care about the tiger's life or death, but he was afraid that the black bear was dead, so he took Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen and rushed forward.

After walking more than three miles and entering Dashi Modingzi, Zhao Jun told Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers to slow down.

There might be a crack in the stone somewhere under your feet. If you insert your foot into it, wouldn't it be an unnecessary trouble?

"Brother, please slow down." Zhang Yuanmin looked around and said, "I think the terrain is dangerous and there may be an ambush!"

"It's okay, brother." Zhao Jun pointed to the place where the black bear's footprints extended and said, "The black bear has lost his footing and kept going up. It's not good. My dad is taking the risk."

Zhao Jun was not careless this time. If the black bear wanted to den, it would have to circle and knock it down. You can't see it in other seasons, but you can clearly see the snow in winter. The black blind man passed all the way and made no trace of it.

But who could have imagined that the black bear was seriously injured last night and could no longer hold on, so he omitted this step.

At this time, Zhao Jun felt a little anxious. If this black bear didn't stand up overnight, it must have been on the cauldron overnight. In this way, it would be fine if the bear bile cannot be killed. The key is that Zhao Youcai is still waiting at the top. If he can't block it, it will be in vain to wait and freeze.

This is his own father, can Zhao Jun not feel distressed?

So even if the black bear can't be beaten now, Zhao Jun still has to move forward. At least he has to greet Zhao Youcai back.

Zhao Jun held his gun in front and gradually came to the big stone. He saw the black bear's footprints turning toward the side of the stone. Zhao Jun was stunned and thought to himself: "Has this black bear changed its route?"

If the black bear changes its route, it must first call Zhao Youcai back, and then the two men can chase him away.

But at this moment, a huge black thing emerged from the big stone.

The moment its eyes met, Zhao Jun was very close to it!

"Ouch, fuck me!" A stream of cold air "brushed" from Zhao Jun's chin to the top of his head, and Zhao Jun's entire face went numb in an instant.

After his rebirth, Zhao Jun encountered dangers. In addition to being tricked by Minister Li and Li Erchen, there was another time when Zhuge was just starting out and missed killing Heixiazicang and threw the chain saw into the mountains.

When Zhao Jun went there the next day, he followed the black blind man to a big fallen tree. When he stepped on the fallen tree to fight the bear, his foot slipped and he fell directly in front of the black bear.

But on those two occasions, Zhao Jun saw a bear before he encountered danger, so how could he be prepared in his heart.

But now, Zhao Jun suddenly came face to face with the black bear!

At this time, Zhao Jun's mind went blank, but he didn't know what was going on, so he immediately picked up the gun with both hands.

But when the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Black Bear's forehead, Black Bear raised his hand and slapped him. Not only did the gun fly away, but he also twisted Zhao Jun to the right.

At this time, Zhao Jun finally realized what he was doing. His legs flipped up and he wanted to run out.

But the next second, Zhao Jun, who had his back to the black bear, felt his body light up. The black bear grabbed his cotton monkey's back and picked up Zhao Jun in an instant.

The black bear's arms fell down, Zhao Jun's ears filled with wind, and then he saw the ground.

The black bear was directly sent to Zhao Jun's body, and then the black bear sank down.

Below is the stone pond belt, which will be compacted all of a sudden, and Zhao Jun's intestines will jump out.

But the moment he lay on the ground, Zhao Jun felt a light touch on his back, and he knew that the big black bear had let go.

In critical moments, Zhao Jun pushed alternately on the snow with both hands, using the reaction force to push himself backwards.

When the black bear landed on its butt, Zhao Jun's head was right behind the black bear's butt.

Zhao Jun stood up quickly using his hands and feet, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Black blind man! Save me!"

Zhao Jun shouted, and the black bear turned around and ran towards him. Zhao Jun hurriedly ran around Shi Lizi.


"Brother Jun!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's call for help, Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen, who were more than 40 meters away, suddenly became anxious.

But at this time, Shi Lizi was blocking them. The two of them did not see Zhao Jun for the first time, so they grabbed their guns and ran forward.

In a hurry, Zhang Yuanmin couldn't care less about his steps. A raised stone was hidden under the snow, causing Zhang Yuanmin to stumble.

The moment he fell out, a thought flashed through Zhang Yuanmin's mind, and he raised the gun behind his head with both hands.

The next second, Zhang Yuanmin fell heavily on the stone covered with a layer of snow.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin suffered severe pain in his chest from the fall, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced. But at this time, although he was lying on the ground, he held the gun above the back of his head with both hands.

This was Zhang Yuanmin's only thought before he fell.

He did it!

If the gun falls in the snow, whether it can be used is another matter. Because if there is snow in the barrel of the gun, it will explode if you fire again.

At this time, Zhao Jun's gun was shot away by the black bear. Jie Chen was holding a No. 16 barreled gun. After firing a shot, he had to cock the gun and change the ammunition.

Therefore, most of the life and death of the three people depended on the gun in Zhang Yuanmin's hand.

Zhang Yuanmin's efforts were not in vain. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind: save my brother.

When Zhang Yuanmin gritted his teeth and climbed up from the snow, regardless of the severe pain in his body, Zhao Jun turned around again with the black bear.

Zhao Jun is still safe at the moment. He is running ahead, almost leaning against Shi Lizi. But the black bear couldn't do it. The circle it made was larger than that of Zhao Jun.

Of course, the main reason is that the black bear's speed has been affected to a certain extent due to repeated battles and serious injuries.

But when Zhao Jun turned around with the black bear, Jie Chen rushed over!

Seeing the black bear driving away Zhao Jun, Jie Chen also became red-eyed. He watched Zhao Jun running past him, and the black bear was less than two meters away from him. Jie Chen didn't have time to take aim, so he shot him with his gun!

"I'm from CNM!"


As Jie Chen cursed angrily, the gun rang out!


The black bear fell on its back.

Jie Chen's shot really hit.

The bullet entered the black bear's body at an angle. It was shot from the black bear's left shoulder and from the right side of the black bear's back.

The impact of the bullet overturned the black bear. Jiechen cursed again, swung the gun handle and was about to charge upward.

He is going to fight!

But Zhao Jun suddenly jumped out, stopped Jie Chen, and then dragged him away.

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin's voice echoed over Shitang Belt, "Come to me!"

Zhang Yuanmin's legs were stung by the fall just now. He ran two steps and felt numb in both legs.

He took a look at the situation and hurriedly asked Zhao Jun to lead Jie Chen and come to him. Zhang Yuanmin believed that Zhao Jun understood what he meant.

Zhao Jun dragged Jie Chen and ran towards Zhang Yuanmin. At this time, the black bear stood up, holding on to the bleeding gunshot wound, and rushed towards Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Jun pulled Jie Chen to the side, and the entire black bear was exposed to Zhang Yuanmin's gun.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin was kneeling on one knee on the snow, with his buttocks sitting on the heels of his kneeling legs. The handle of the gun was firmly placed on his shoulder. The gun star aimed at the black bear and fired directly!


Zhang Yuanmin fired all the bullets in the gun in one go, and the first shot hit the black bear in the head. As the black bear fell back, all the next nine bullets were fired into the black bear's belly, piercing the intestines of the big black bear.

When the last shot was fired, Zhang Yuanmin fell forward and fell into the snow.


"Brother Zhang!"

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen hurriedly ran towards Zhang Yuanmin. When they came closer and helped Zhang Yuanmin up, they saw Zhang Yuanmin's eyes closed, his lips trembling, and his face full of pain.

"Brother! Big brother!" This frightened Zhao Jun, and he slapped Zhang Yuanmin's face repeatedly.

"Oh haha..." When Zhang Yuanmin slowly opened his eyes, two lines of hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Zhao Jun responded twice, but Zhang Yuanmin turned to Jie Chen and asked, "What about you, little brother?"

"I'm fine too." Jie Chen asked anxiously, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yuanmin bared his teeth and said, "My chest, ribs, and fan are hurting."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled and said hurriedly: "Brother, don't move. I'll touch it for you."

As he spoke, Zhao Jun inserted his hands into Zhang Yuanmin's clothes. After touching it, Zhao Jun relaxed his brows and said, "Brother, the bones are not broken. I'll give you two painkillers first."

After taking the pain-relieving tablets into his mouth, Zhang Yuanmin said to Zhao Jun and Jie Chen: "What about... you two, stop covering me, you two hurry up and take a look at the bear bile!"

At the same time, ten miles away on Erlingkanzi, Zhao Youcai frowned and murmured: "Why the hell haven't you come up yet?"

The blind bear finally died.

In fact, my initial plan was to kill him directly when I encountered him.

But after killing Shucangzi, I thought that with the current equipment of the Zhao family, killing Xiongcangzi would be a shooting. Just after shooting one person, and then shooting the second one, wouldn’t the story be boring?

Therefore, I made a temporary change that day and added an extra black bear to the stone barn.

After killing the first one, the smell of bear blood made the black bear spirit alert, and then there was the story behind it.

After that, I thought about it and took the dog out the next day and fucked it to death. But that day a tiger suddenly appeared. This tiger would be useful in the future, so I added another bear-tiger fight.

After it was over, some brothers said that I didn’t keep my words and that I was disgusting.

It's true that I broke my promise, but I really didn't expect it at first. I apologize to my brothers, but I won't make any promises in the future, haha.

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