The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 914 Catching a live mink to train a lynx (October update 4041)

Zhao Jun was stunned by Xing San. When Yang Shuqiu next to him saw this, he said to Xing San, "Look at you, old man. Their children care about you. How can you say that..."

Before Yang Shuqiu finished speaking, he was glared at by Xing San. When he met Xing San's eyes, Yang Shuqiu immediately swallowed back the unfinished words.

"Two uncles." Xie Zhong hurriedly smoothed things over: "Let's eat quickly, or the vermicelli will be lumpy in a while."

"Come on, Mr. Third, let's eat." Zhao Jun did not get angry with Xing San. Instead, he helped Xing San by his arm and sat down at the round table, and said, "After dinner, let's go back to the house and take two tablets of oxytetracycline."

Xing San didn't say anything, he just picked out some vermicelli with chopsticks, put it in his bowl and started sucking it.

Generally, when a technician goes to a forestry farm, he or she will have to pay a visit to his or her head on the first day. Jie Zhong was unprepared, but he also prepared braised river fish with soy sauce for Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun did not drink, but Xie Zhong gave up and invited Zhang Yuanmin, Yang Shuqiu, and Xing San to drink with him. Except for Xing San, no one else refused.

As for Xing San, after eating, he got off the table and returned to his shack. Xie Zhong and the others didn't drink much. After eating, they rested for a while and then went to work.

Working in the mountains is not for raising an uncle. Even if he is the boss, he still has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

At this time, the only person free was Zhao Jun. He lay down in the shack until one o'clock, then took the tools and went out to the Leng yard to continue checking the rulers.

The winter afternoon is the warmest time of the day, and workers take advantage of the warmth to work quickly.

There are no returning workers in this small corrugated yard yet, so Zhao Jun is the only one working in the corrugated yard. But from time to time, covers would come in. After unloading the logs, the workers would leave in a hurry with the covers.

They have to rush for time. If they can make three round trips in the afternoon, they can earn more money.

More than an hour later, Zhao Jun had picked up all the wood in the Leng yard. When the remaining wood comes in, he doesn't plan to pick it up again, leaving it for another time.

But Zhao Jun did not go back. Instead, he went to the sunny side to find a piece of wood to sit on, and took out a copy paper note from his pocket.

Then, Zhao Jun issued invoices to each worker based on the data recorded in his own account book.

Each time the ruler checks the ruler, he will issue a ticket after summarizing the results of each worker's work. This bill is a triple bill, one for the worker, one for the foreman, and one for the ruler to hand over to the forest farm.

When it comes time to settle the accounts at the end of the month, the boss will take the note in his hand to the forest farm to reconcile the accounts. If the accounts are correct, he will wait for the money to be issued at the beginning of the month.

After getting the money back, we will reconcile the accounts with each worker and pay each worker a salary.

Zhao Jun first marked a 1 on the first page of the bill according to the account book. This 1 represented account No. 1.

Then, Zhao Jun found the data of Set No. 1 in the ledger, added the total and prepared to write it on the ticket.

But at this moment, Xing San slipped over.

Seeing the old man's cunning look, Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Third Master, it's just us and no one else."


Looking at the account book, it was written something like 4.30 meters, 5.30 meters, etc. Xing San knew these words, but he couldn't understand what they meant.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "This is the ruler I picked up."

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed to the wood over there and said, "I have hammered on it. That one is 4.30 meters tall."

"Ah..." Xing San glanced at what Zhao Jun was pointing at, and then asked: "How much can they earn from a piece of wood?"

"Not much money." Zhao Jun said: "4 meters 30 is 4 cents 4 cents 4, and 5 meters 30 is 5 cents 4 cents 4."

"So many?" What Xing San thought was completely opposite to Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, looked at Xing San and asked: "Third uncle, do you feel that there is nothing uncomfortable about you?"

After all, he was fighting against someone, and at such an old age, Zhao Jun was afraid that something would happen to him.

"No, no." Xing San waved his hands, then stretched his neck and glanced to the side, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Boy, Qian is in the house, there are such old people, I can't tell you."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was startled and then heard Xing San continue: "Why should I occupy that nest?"

Speaking of this, Xing San asked himself and answered: "When Old Lin was alive, he could make seven or eight big skins every year."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Third uncle, didn't you say one or two?"

Xing San twitched the corner of his mouth, then rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun, and said angrily: "You kid, don't you understand the rules of the mountain? Even if it's fine, we can't tell anyone!"

Indeed, the mountain rules are first come, first served. But the first comers should keep a low profile, even if the harvest is good, they can’t say it.

Otherwise, when people ask, how is this year? This guy said it was great, I could do two big ones in half a month.

Then tomorrow, if someone builds a shack next to him, there will be nothing wrong with that.

This is also the rule of the mountain, because the wealth of the mountain cannot be used exclusively. If you want to eat too much, you have to take care of others.

Therefore, we can’t talk about it outside. As long as he doesn't say anything, even if others know that he is good, they can't rob him.

Zhao Jun suddenly understood and asked Xing San with a smile: "Third uncle, how do you know that his area is good?"

"Xing Zhiyong said it!" Xing San mentioned this nephew, his tone suddenly became unpleasant, he said: "He told me the year before last, saying that he went down the mountain to sell spring fungus, and met the old forest boss selling skins, saying that the old man A bunch of them only sell seven or eight big skins."

"Ah!" Zhao Jun clicked his eyes twice, thinking that those seven or eight big pieces of leather really cost a lot of money. No wonder the conditions of the old Lin family were good.

"Who is as honest as you!" Suddenly, Zhao Jun was slapped by Xing Sanyi on the arm, and then heard Xing San say: "Last winter, I met the old Lin leader, and I asked him a question. I asked him how he is doing this year. So, he said it was not good."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this. "Not so good" is the correct answer. As long as you say this, no one can come and steal the meal.

"Boy, let me tell you." Xing San put his hand on Zhao Jun's forearm and patted it three times in succession, and said, "Didn't it snow last night? When I went up in the morning, I saw the big leather footprints."

"Really?" Zhao Jun's eyes lit up, and he heard Xing San say: "I think I won't need more in this year, just five of them will be enough!"

"Oh, Third Master!" Zhao Jun said with a smile: "If you don't tell me, I don't know if you will still trick me."

After hearing Xing San's words, Zhao Jun wondered if this old man knew this craft.

"Huh?" But what Zhao Jun didn't expect was that Xing Sanyi was stunned and said: "How can I do that?"

After saying this, Xing San added: "In all my life, I have never touched that thing."

"No..." Zhao Jun was a little confused and said in surprise: "Third uncle, you gave back five or eight cards. You don't know how. Where are you going to fight?"

"You..." Xing San looked at Zhao Jun dumbfounded and said, "Are you stupid? I can't do it, why can't you?"

Zhao Jun: "..."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "In the shack, I asked you, you criticized me, I was wondering..."

"What are you thinking about?" Xing San said angrily: "There are so many old people in the shack, what should I say?"

As he spoke, Xing San counted his fingers and said to Zhao Jun: "Your eldest brother and brothers all look like good people, but what about Mr. Yang? Your sister-in-law's family is related to his family. What can I do? I still have my relatives and friends, can I talk about this to others?"

At this point, Xing San raised his hand and gestured to Zhao Jun: "Boy, we really don't need to do much this winter. Just count it as five big skins, so four or five thousand yuan, right?"

"Well!" Zhao Jun's face became serious. The old man was right. You have to be careful when it comes to money, and there is still so much money.

"Really?" Sell ​​it for money. When all the money is sold, you keep it."

Hearing what Xing San said, Zhao Jun nodded. He was not polite to Xing San at all.

It is said that the most difficult thing to overcome between people is money and interests.

But Xing San trusted Zhao Jun, and even dared to entrust King Shen and the coffin to him. As for Zhao Jun, he will not let down Xing San's trust. So it was actually simpler between them.

At this time, a tenant came in with a sledge. Zhao Jun and Xing San looked at him together. Zhao Jun shouted: "Is this Li Guisheng No. 25?"

"Yes, technician!" The man smiled and said, "I'll unload this wood here!"

"Unload it." Zhao Jun replied, then leaned into Xing San's ear and said to him: "Third uncle, the black blind man was killed yesterday."

Because of the special nature of the bear bile, Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen did not mention it during lunch today. But if others don’t tell, Zhao Jun has to tell Xing San.

"Golden gallbladder." Zhao Jun gestured with a smile: "It's so big, it's worth a lot of money, haha."

Xing San also laughed. He patted Zhao Jun's knee twice and said, "Put my ass over there."

"Okay, we two have two shares." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "But third uncle, let me tell you, I don't plan to sell this courage. I may keep it for future use."

“That’s up to you!”

With that said, the old man stood up and said, "Okay, I won't tell you two anymore, I'm going back, you can do your work."

"Third uncle!" Zhao Jun stood up hurriedly and said: "If something happens to you, just tell Jie Zhong and the others. If you encounter someone on the mountain after that, don't fight them. We are not alone. .”

"Yeah, okay." Xing San responded and walked forward, while Zhao Jun continued to sit on the log and write notes.

After moving all the data in the ledger to the bills, Zhao Jun tore off the first of every three bills, which he had to take back to the forest farm.

Then, Zhao Jun went to the front to find Jie Zhong and handed the last two bills to Jie Zhong.

Xie Zhong was quite curious when he received this thing for the first time. He took the ticket and asked Zhao Jun some related matters.

"Okay, big brother!" Zhao Jun, who had already seen the truth in his words, said with a smile: "I'm telling you now, but you'll forget it when the time comes. My brother won't tell you anymore. I'll wait until you get there. If you don’t understand, just ask me and let them do it for you. Go once, and you’ll understand it the second time.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun smiled and said: "If you want to mention me, it won't work, so just mention my dad."

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Jie Chen pushed open the door and came in. He patted the dust on his pants with his hat and said to Zhao Jun: "Let's go, Brother Jun."

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun folded the account book and said to Jie Zhong with a ruler in his hand: "Brother, I'm leaving."

"You two, please slow down." Jie Zhong said to Jie Chen while sending them out, "Tomorrow morning, come up early."

When Jie Chen heard this, he glanced at Zhao Jun, then smiled at Jie Zhong and said, "Brother, I won't come tomorrow."

"Let's go down the mountain." Zhao Jun whispered to Xie Zhong: "Sell all the bear bile in the house that should be sold."

"Ah." When Jie Zhong heard that this was a serious matter, he nodded and looked at Jie Chen and said, "Then come early the day after tomorrow."

After Jiechen agreed, he rode down the mountain with Zhao Jun and went straight to Yong'an Tun.

By the time I got home, it was already past four in the afternoon.

Zhao Jun came in from the courtyard and interacted with the dogs who hadn't seen him all day. After entering the house, Wang Meilan said to Zhao Jun: "Son, a car came from the forest farm this morning and was taken away by the big black blind man."

After waking up from his drunkenness this morning, Chu Anmin remembered that his secretary Zhao Ziyang seemed to have told him something about being a black blind man yesterday.

After he got to work, he called Zhao Ziyang to ask, and then he called Zhou Chunming. Chu Anmin said that he would contact Sentie and arrange a Mosga. Then, let Yongan Forest Farm send the black blind man up.

After putting down the phone, Chu Anmin sat on the chair with a smile on his face. Zhao Ziyang next to him did not dare to disturb the leader. After about a minute, Chu Anmin asked Zhao Ziyang to go to the supplies department and ask if there was any film left. If not, prepare quickly.

When Zhao Jun arrived home, Chu Anmin had already finished shooting the night scene. He would shoot another set tomorrow morning to send this big black blind man away.

Zhao Jun returned to the house and took off the cotton monkey and sat on the kang. He pulled the pine box and started feeding the little black bear. At this time, the little lynx in the West House broke free from Zhao Na's little black hand and ran all the way to the West House.

When they arrived at the kang, the little lynx kept walking and jumped onto the kang without even needing to gather momentum.

At this time, Zhao Jun was feeding the little black bear malted milk. The little lynx came over and got close to the little black bear with its nose twitching.

"Here!" Zhao Jun pushed the spoon out and brought it to the little lynx's mouth. The little lynx did not drink this, but lay down at Zhao Jun's feet.

After Zhao Jun finished feeding the little black bear, he went to the outhouse, took the lunch box on the window sill, and returned to the house to feed the little lynx meat.

"Ah wow..." When chewing meat in his mouth, this little guy not only looked bad but also made a sound.

Zhao Jun rubbed his hand on its back and thought, "Can this gadget catch minks?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun picked up the little lynx.

Suddenly flying into the air, the little lynx relaxed its mouth in shock, and the wild boar meat fell from its mouth.

Zhao Jun took a look and put the little lynx down again, letting it continue drying the meat.

"Hmm..." Zhao Jun was thinking in his mind. If he wanted this little guy to hunt, he must first train him to go out and come back. Otherwise, if it ran away and never came back, wouldn't it be a loss of prey and a loss of troops?

The second question is, can this little guy fuck a sable now?

"Oops..." Zhao Jun suddenly thought that he should try to catch a live sable first.

It's going to be a little late today. I'll be working on my manuscript at night so that it won't be too late tomorrow.

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