The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 916 Taking Ma Ling into the city

More than a month ago, Zhao Youcai got up early and went out to hunt a lynx. When he came back, his tail almost reached the sky.

When he was proud, Zhao made a promise to his two little daughters, saying that he would ask someone to buy a doll for Zhao Hong and Zhao Na.

Many times, when adults make wishes for their children, they forget them later, but the children remember them clearly.

Just now Zhao Youcai said that he had made money and took out a handful of money from his pocket. This was heard and seen by Xiao Zhao Hong. At this time, she wanted Zhao Youcai to return his wish.

"Baby!" When Zhao Na was led over by Wang Meilan, her eyes lit up instantly when she heard this. She broke away from Wang Meilan's hand, rushed to Zhao Youcai, grabbed Zhao Youcai's trouser leg, and said, "Dad, you said you wanted to buy it for us."

"I said... I said..." Zhao Youcai was confused. He wasn't a deadbeat, he really couldn't remember!

"Hmm..." Zhao Hong said "hmm" with a long nasal voice, nodded and said: "You said you asked someone to buy it for us. How long has it been?"

"Hehehe..." Wang Meilan gloated from the sidelines: "I said I won't let you make blind wishes, so why don't you listen? Is it okay this time?"

Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at Wang Meilan, reached out and hugged Zhao Na onto the kang, then looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "How much does the doll cost?"

"Then I don't know." Zhao Jun thought for a moment and said, "How about ten yuan?"

"Ten yuan..." Zhao Youcai couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this. Although he had made money in the past few days, it was still a drop in the bucket compared to what he had lost before. This made Zhao Youcai feel a sense of crisis.

"Dad!" When Zhao Hong saw Zhao Youcai's hesitation, he grabbed Zhao Youcai's arm and said, "You don't mean what you say!"

"I..." Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun, thinking it's time for you to appear.

But at this time, Zhao Jun looked up at the clock on the wall and said to Wang Meilan: "Oh my God, how many minutes will it take?"

Steaming dry food definitely takes time, but the sauerkraut basket is filled with plain stuffing, so it only takes a few minutes.

Wang Meilan looked back and replied: "It's not quite yet, there are still three minutes."



The two little girls were making coquettish sounds one after another, and Zhao Youcai couldn't stand it anymore.

These days, if we talk about people’s traditions, they still have some. Especially in rural and forest areas, it is definitely the sons who provide for their parents in their old age, and they are also the ones who inherit the family business.

But that doesn't mean that a father doesn't care for his daughter, especially his little daughter. Zhao Youcai gritted his teeth and took out the money from his pocket again and again as he shouted.

"Here you go!" Zhao Youcai took out ten dollars angrily and threw it towards Zhao Jun.

This one is not new, it is relatively soft, and it fell halfway in the air.

When the money fell on the kang, Zhao Na rushed over, picked up the big unity sheet, and presented it to Zhao Jun like a treasure.

"Brother! Here you go."

For some reason, Zhao Youcai's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.

Zhao Jun took the money with a smile, and at this moment Wang Meilan stretched out her hand and tapped Zhao Youcai on the shoulder, then flipped her hand, from one finger to two, and said, "No? You can buy it for our two daughters." One?"

"Then how many more should I buy?" Zhao Youcai suddenly became anxious and shouted, "The two of them can play together."

Zhao Na was still young, but Zhao Hong heard the key information. When he thought about buying another one, Zhao Hong hugged Zhao Youcai and begged: "Dad, buy another one! My little sister and I will One for each person!”

Zhao Hong's words were already in place. Zhao Na knew to follow her sister even if she didn't react at this time. She immediately grabbed Zhao Youcai's arm and shook her.

"You bitch!" Zhao Youcai said to Wang Meilan angrily, "Just go ahead and buy it. Why did you buy so much of it?"

"Hehehe..." Wang Meilan laughed happily. She definitely didn't need the money. Even if Zhao Youcai didn't pay, she could still buy it for her daughter. The key is that the whole family is laughing and having fun.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun on the side laughed and bent over. But when Zhao Jun bent down and lowered his head, Zhao Youcai hit Zhao Jun on the back of the head.

"Oops!" Zhao Jun covered his head and stood up, laughing: "Your daughter doesn't care what you want, why are you hitting me?"

After beating Zhao Jun, Zhao Youcai was happy. He shrugged his arms and said to Zhao Na: "Stop hanging around, dad will buy it for you."

As soon as Zhao Youcai said these words, Zhao Na stopped and Zhao Hong stopped hugging him. The two little girls stared at Zhao Youcai as he took out the money from his pocket, took out a ten-dollar note and slapped it on the table, saying: "Take it!" "

Zhao Na picked up the money, turned around and gave it to Zhao Jun.

"What a day!" Zhao Youcai twitched his lips, but then he saw Wang Meilan reaching out and nodding towards his shoulder.

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai raised his hand, pulled Wang Meilan's hand away, and said with a smile: "What are you going to do? Whatever you want to buy, you pay for it yourself, don't bear on me all the time."

"Hahaha..." Wang Meilan laughed and said: "The eldest daughter will come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You bought them both. The eldest daughter can't be picky?"

"Get out of here." Zhao Youcai scolded with a smile: "She is such a big girl, can she still play like that?"

"It's not for Chun'er." Wang Meilan turned around and looked at her watch. Although it was already time, Wang Meilan still took the time and continued to say to Zhao Youcai, "Don't you have a grandson?"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun was so happy that he lay down directly. Fortunately, there were few children at home, otherwise Zhao would be starved even if he had money.

"Hurry up and start cooking. It's time!" Zhao Youcai waved to Wang Meilan and said, "He's such a little kid, what can he do?"

"Look!" Wang Meilan said: "If you can't play now, why can't you play in the future? There are only a few children in the house and you bought them for these two girls. How can you leave our eldest grandson alone?"

After saying these words, Wang Meilan added another sentence, saying: "It would be better to leave a whole village than a single person!"

After Wang Meilan finished speaking, she hurriedly walked to the outhouse. If there is no meat in the pickled cabbage basket and it is steamed for too long, the pickled cabbage inside will not be crispy and the taste will not be good.

Wang Meilan went out to get the pot, and Zhao Jun followed her out to get the bowls and chopsticks. When she came back, she heard Zhao Youcai mutter: "I haven't seen your eldest sister for a long time and I really miss her."

"Haha." Zhao Jun chuckled, took out a pair of chopsticks and a bowl and placed them in front of Zhao Youcai, and then asked: "Dad, are you going to buy a doll for my eldest nephew?"

When he came to the last three words, Zhao Jun couldn't hold back his joy.

Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "As an uncle, why don't you show your child some respect?"

"What do I mean?" Zhao Jun handed the chopsticks to Zhao Hong and said, "Dad, you only have three daughters. You bought them both, and you still need my eldest sister? My eldest sister can't play with her. My son can’t play yet?”

"Get out!" Although Zhao Youcai said so, he still took out the money from his pocket, drew two five-yuan coins and gave them to Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Youcai always regretted that he should not have rushed to buy a damask for the two little girls.

It is better to arrive early than to arrive late.

As soon as Wang Meilan picked up the basket of pickled vegetables into the basin, Jie Chen came back. When he was taking off the cotton monkey after entering the house, Zhao Jun asked him, "Did Jiang Nai say what she wanted?"

"I want you to buy thread." Jie Chen hung the cotton monkey on the back of the door, and then added: "I want you to buy more thread of various colors."

"What is this old lady going to do?" The person who asked the question was not Zhao Jun, but Wang Meilan who was about to scoop out water and make egg soup.

Wang Meilan came over and said, "She drew away all the lines in my house that day."

"They say they want to sew two pockets for my brother Jun's son." Jie Chen said with a smile, "I also want to embroider a big lion on top."

No matter how hot the weather is, children have to protect their bellies, so in the past, children from wealthy families had bellybands.

"This old lady, my eyes are exhausted." Wang Meilan muttered, turned around and went out to make soup.

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen went to the kang to eat. When they were full and drunk, they were almost dressed. Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to go to the warehouse to pick bear bile.

According to Zhao Jun's instructions, except for the three bear bile killed in the past two days, the rest were packed and taken down the mountain to sell for money.

After Jie Chen went out, Wang Meilan came over with 500 yuan, handed it to Zhao Jun and said, "Son, I am poor and rich, I will buy all the things I asked for for my mother."

"You don't need to take money, Mom." Zhao Jun raised his chin and said, "You are so brave, why can't you buy enough after everything is sold out?"

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Wang Meilan suddenly burst into laughter. Yes, those bear biles are sold and Old Nose gets money.

Zhao Youcai, who was sitting on the kang, looked at Zhao Jun, then at Wang Meilan, and cleared his throat with "uh huh".

But neither of them paid attention to him. Wang Meilan said to Zhao Jun: "My son, you are going to the city today. If you want to see what your grandma Jiang can eat, buy more for her. She is so old." ha."

With that said, Wang Meilan waved her hand and then continued: "It doesn't matter whether you have money or not."

In terms of money, Wang Meilan is richer and more generous than Zhao. I remember back then, when Zhao Jun and his grandfather were called kings, they slapped him hard.

This big slap means big and loose hands. According to Northeastern dialect, it is similar to giving away wealth through righteousness.

The main thing is that this wealthy king is not a landlord. He started his business as a businessman. Therefore, he does not exploit the working people. Instead, he is charitable and unites the villagers.

Later, the situation suddenly changed and the Wang family fell into decline. Wang Meilan married a cook. But even so, Wang Meilan is open and generous. Otherwise, Lin Xiangshun would not have been able to live in Zhao Jun's house for such a long time.

In Zhao Jun's previous life, after Wang Meilan's death, all the people in Yong'an Tun except Zhang Zhanshan and Xu Guohua's family came. Even Zhang Zhanhe's family also saw Wang Meilan off for the last time.

The scene was much more dignified than when Zhao Youcai left later.

"Okay, Mom, I understand." Zhao Jun responded with a smile, and then Jie Chen came in carrying a triangular bag.

This triangular bag is more than half a meter long at the bottom and nearly half a meter high. Such a big bag is almost full.

"Brother Jun! Look!" Jie Chen held both sides of the bag and showed it to Zhao Jun excitedly.

A bagful of bear bile!

When these bear bile are hung in the barn, everyone who sees them will be shocked. And when it is put in the pocket, it makes people feel shocked at first sight.

Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai also came over. After taking a look, Wang Meilan's eyes were bright and she thought to herself, "Isn't this going to happen?"

"You two, please be careful!" Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Why don't you come back as soon as you run out of money? I can buy things someday."

As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he met the resentful eyes of his two little daughters.

"Oh!" Wang Meilan also reacted at this time and said hurriedly: "Son, why don't mom go with you?"

"No, Mom!" Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed at the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle hanging on the wall, and said, "I'm driving with a gun, so nothing will happen to me."

"Then I'll find a sack!" Jie Chen said and walked out, while Zhao Jun took the triangular bag containing bear bile, tied the mouth twice, and smiled at Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai: "Those who don't know still think that It’s a fake potato, haha.”

Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai: "..."

Ten minutes later, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen left in a car under the watchful eyes of Zhao Youcai, Wang Meilan, Zhao Hong and Zhao Na.

But not far away, before the car left the village, Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to stop the car.

Zhao Jun pushed the door open and got out of the car. He waved to Ma Ling and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go to the market." Ma Ling replied with a smile: "What are you doing?"

"Go down the mountain." Zhao Jun said: "Save the bear bile in the city and then come back with some things."

When Ma Ling heard this, she blinked twice. Zhao Jun's words sounded familiar to her. Her third aunt's family was not in good condition. Every winter, she would say, "I sold the mountain goods I picked up when I went down the mountain. After selling the money, I used to make pieces of cloth to make new clothes for my children in time for the Chinese New Year." .

"Huh?" Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly: "Are you going alone?"

"My mother is going too." Ma Ling said as she looked back. But at this time, Wang Cuihua was nowhere to be seen.

This is not Ma Ling lying, Wang Cuihua really went with her. But when Wang Cuihua goes out, except for pouring swill and changing tofu, even when she goes to work in the fields or visits other people's homes, she has to stay at home for a while before setting off.

According to Ma Dafu's complaints, when his daughter-in-law went out, her eldest daughter would leave the palace.

More than a month ago, when Zhao Jun went up the mountain to collect chicken tree slivers and seeds, he met Ma Ling going to the market. That time, the girl was also alone. She stood on the roadside chatting with Zhao Jun for a long time before Wang Cuihua arrived belatedly.

And since Zhao Jun gave Wang Cuihua a moisturizing cream on behalf of Wang Meilan, Wang Cuihua had even more trouble going out.

The two families will have an in-laws meeting the day after tomorrow, and Ma Ling's uncle, aunt, and third aunt will all come. They will go to Ma's house first, and then go to Zhao's house together.

When you have guests at home, you have to prepare something. Even if there is nothing else, I still have to buy several kilograms of candy.

There happened to be a market in Yongshengtun today, so Wang Cuihua went to the market with Ma Ling.

"What do you want to buy?" Zhao Jun suddenly had an idea and said to Ma Ling, "How about you come with me for a walk in the city."

"Come in..." When Ma Ling heard this, she felt a little moved for a moment, but the girl was thin-skinned and said a little embarrassedly: "That can't be done, then people have to watch..."

"Who can watch?" Zhao Jun interrupted Ma Ling with a smile and said, "Who knows you when we get to the city?"

"This..." Ma Ling glanced around and said, "It's not good for the villagers to watch."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhao Jun said: "You go back and tell my aunt, and I will wait for you at the village entrance first. When you come, we will get in the car and leave."

"This..." Ma Ling blinked twice. Who among those living in forested areas and rural areas these days doesn't want to go to the city? Especially young people, they want to see what the city is like?

"Go back." Zhao Jun said to Ma Ling: "Tell my aunt that it's over..."

At this point, Zhao Jun looked back at the car and whispered, "I'll send him away."

"Huh?" Ma Ling was startled and saw Zhao Jun walking under the cab and raising his hand to slap the door.

"Huh?" Jie Chen, who was watching the excitement, was also stunned. He opened the car door and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Jun?"

"It's okay." Zhao Jun gestured towards home and said, "Go back, I'll take your sister-in-law for a walk around the city."

Jie Chen: "..."

Brothers, there will be more updates tomorrow. I will check tonight to see how many bear biles there are in total... I can’t remember... I can’t write.

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