The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 929 Ruhai’s last piece of equipment

One bucket of water, two buckets of water...

When Jiang Jinyou filled most of the sixth bucket of water, the water finally covered the opening of the tree hole and flowed down the trunk.

Jiang Jinyou hurriedly straightened the bucket and handed it down to Ma Xiaoguang. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin picked up the barbed wire in front of his feet and handed it to Jiang Jinyou with his own hands.

Jiang Jinyou took the wire mesh and held it at the entrance of the hole. This net was made of strands of No. 8 wire. After weaving the middle net, there were large sections of thread left on the four outer circles.

It is said to be threads, but each strand is composed of eight No. 8 threads. Together they are thicker than a finger, and the length is more than one meter.

At this time, Ma Xiaoguang used a vise to hang a piece of wire under the tree. He twisted the vise, clamped down on a piece of iron wire, and then pulled it down hard.

Zhang Yuanmin also wrapped the diagonal iron wires around the tree trunk. When the two wire ends were twisted around the tree and then twisted together, the iron mesh was initially tied to the tree.

There are eight iron wires in total, four on the left and four on the right. Each wire is thicker than a finger. Holding the tree and binding it like this is called a strong one.

Just when Zhang Yuanmin and Ma Xiaoguang each held vise and twisted the last set of wire ends together, the water in the tree hole suddenly overflowed.

Most of the overflowing water flowed down the tree, and a small amount fell on Zhang Yuanmin and Ma Xiaoguang.

At this time, Jiang Jinyou, who was shining a flashlight at the entrance of the tree hole, screamed and shouted: "The Black Blind Man is coming up!"

Jiang Jinyou saw half of a bear's head emerging from the water in the cave, opened its mouth and bit into the iron mesh covering the entrance of the cave.

There were gaps in the iron net, but it was flatly placed over the hole in the tree. The bear's nose hit the net, but its mouth did not bite.

And even if it is bitten, the bear can't stop biting the iron fence.

"Hangwu..." the black bear howled and rushed upwards, trying to knock the iron fence away.

Cold water splashed out from the hole, and Jiang Jinyou was so frightened that he jumped down from the tree. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin and Ma Xiaoguang had finished their work, and they pulled Jiang Jinyou and retreated aside.

Water kept splashing out of the tree hole, but less and less. At this time, the black bear was lying under the iron fence. As some of the water in the cave was pushed out by it, its entire head was exposed, but the rest of its body was soaked in the cold water.

The trunk of the tree is slanted, but the opening of the tree hole is facing the sky. The black bear exerts its strength not forward, but upward. But as soon as it goes up, its body will inevitably hit the tree trunk, and only its head can touch the iron fence.

And in this way, not much force hit the iron net.

In addition, eight strands of iron wire as thick as fingers were woven into an iron net, and the ends of the wires were twisted together two by two after being wrapped around the tree. It was impossible for a trapped black bear to break it open.

The harder it is to hit, the more anxious the bear becomes. But at this moment, it felt something was wrong, and its companion was pushing up.

Black bears can swim and are good swimmers, but swimming is different from diving. Besides, even polar bears can't stay in the water forever.

This black bear is lucky because it can show its head outside, while the other black bear is completely submerged in the water.

The tree became thicker as it went down. It turned out that they were lying down underneath, and the bear below was warmer. But now, the bear below is in trouble.

Under the water, the bear gave up. It flapped its body and used its front paws to dig at its brother's buttocks and hind legs.

Being slapped by the bear's paw, the black bear roared loudly near the entrance of the cave. But it has rough skin and thick flesh, and its companion attacks underwater, so the attack power will be greatly weakened, and it will not be able to break through its defense.

What really makes this black bear uncomfortable is the biting coldness. They have been in the barn for more than ten days, and they are squatting inside to stay warm. Suddenly, the cold water surged, and the whole bear was instantly frozen.

It's not the coldest time of the year yet, but the temperature in the mountains and forests has already reached minus 27 or 8 degrees. The cold water was brought by Zhang Yuanmin and others from Little 43 Lengchang. When they arrived outside the forest, the three of them pulled the rope to this place. The water in the bucket was already freezing.

It had only been a few minutes since the water had been filled, but ice had formed around the surface of the cave's mouth. The entrance to the cave is sealed by an iron net, and the cold air will continue to enter the tree hole along the net.

This tree barn is like a cellar. It gets warmer as you go down. If you don't put some water in it, it won't even freeze. But after a while of drinking water, it was no longer like that.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin unscrewed the last bucket and poured the remaining water on the ground. If the water is not poured out, the bucket will freeze and crack.

After screwing the lid on the bucket, Zhang Yuanmin called Jiang Jinyou and Ma Xiaoguang, and the three of them returned with two buckets each.

It's almost half past six!

At this time, Zhao Jun drove back to Yong'an Tun with Ma Ling and Ma Yang.

Upon entering the village, Zhao Jun saw the two people in front of him stopped and turned to look at the car.

"Hey? Ling'er!" Zhao Jun hurriedly called Ma Ling and asked, "Do you think that's my uncle or aunt?"

"Huh?" Ma Ling took a look and saw that the two people were Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua.

Zhao Jun stopped the car. He and Ma Ling, who was leaning against the car door, opened the door and got out of the car almost at the same time, leaving Ma Yang alone in the car.

"Uncle! Auntie!" Zhao Jun greeted the two of them respectfully as soon as he got out of the car.

When Ma Ling got out of the car, she shouted: "Dad, Mom! What are you two doing out here?"

It’s warm at night, but why are you wandering around in the countryside?

"You idiot!" Suddenly Ma Dafu gnashed his teeth and cursed, leaving Zhao Jun and Ma Ling stunned.

Although it is not as open as it was ten or twenty years ago, Zhao Jun and Ma Ling just entered the city and did nothing else. How could they even curse people?

The point is, he still scolded me so harshly!

Even if he is his future father-in-law, Zhao Jun has the urge to talk to him.

But who were the two of them that Ma Dafu was scolding?

There was a light in front of the car at this time. Even though the light was weak, Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua recognized the person in the car. Wasn't it their unlucky son?

Outside Yongan Village, where the commuter bus arrived at 5:35 as usual, Ma Dafu arrived at his home at 5:35. They didn't stay at home for more than two minutes before the couple came out to look for their children.

After searching for nothing, the couple hurried to school again. But before they got to school, they met Ma Yang's class teacher on the way.

Teacher Xiao Nanxiao felt very bad. Four years ago, she was assigned to teach the first batch of students at Yong'an Middle School. Teachers and students have been together for three years. During those three years, not only the students have grown, but Xiao Nan has also been trained and accumulated a lot of teaching experience.

A year ago, when Xiao Nan took over her second class of students, she was very ambitious and met a top student Li Ruhai.

There are thirty-two students in the class, and the other thirty-one together can't cause as much trouble as Li Ruhai alone.

Moreover, not only did this child not learn, he also ruined the learning atmosphere in the class.

There were not many students in Yong'an Forest District. At that time, there were two classes in the first grade of junior high school, with about 60 students. However, the first, second, and third from the bottom were all students from Xiao Nan's class. This made the very hard-working teacher Xiao very happy. Hard to accept.

At that time, Xiao Nan was leading Class 2, and the teacher of Class 1, Teacher Liu, was not only Li Baoyu's future father-in-law, but also Xiao Nan's mentor when he first entered the workplace. Teacher Liu once comforted Xiao Nan and said that if Xiao Nan could educate students like Li Ruhai into talents, then no matter what kind of students she encountered in the future, it would not be a problem.

Xiao Nan drank this bowl of chicken soup with his head raised.

But not long after she finished the chicken soup, Li Ruhai went to work, catching Xiao Nan off guard.

What Xiao Nan didn't expect was that after Li Ruhai left, the last student in the grade would still be a student from his own class.

Looking at Ma Yang, and then thinking about Li Ruhai back then, Xiao Nan felt that this child was much easier to discipline than Li Ruhai.

But unexpectedly, Ma Yang skipped school!

In the past, when Li Ruhai was studying, although he was often late, he rarely played truant.

Even if he skips school, he only skips for half a day, unlike Ma Yang who doesn't see anyone for a whole day.

So after school, Teacher Xiao put out the fire in the class stove and hurried to Yong'an Village before she could go home and cook for the man.

When Xiao Nan said that Ma Yang had not shown up at school all day, Wang Cuihua suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and Ma Dafu was also frightened. After saying goodbye to Xiao Nan, the couple hurried back to Yong'an, wondering and asking from door to door. , ask who saw Ma Yang today.

As soon as they entered the village, they found their son, but there was no joy at all on the couple's faces.

Under the blank gazes of Zhao Jun and Ma Ling, Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua rushed straight to the passenger door.

Ma Dafu pulled open the car door, rushed forward, and grabbed Ma Yang out of the car. Then without saying a word, he opened his mouth with two big mouths.

These two loudmouths were so stunned by Ma Yang that the hats flew off their heads.

Originally, Zhao Jun planned to give Ma Yang some eye drops in front of the two elders when he arrived at Ma's house. Seeing this situation, Zhao Jun hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded: "Uncle, it's up to me today. I took my little brother out."

These days, whether you are a brother or a brother-in-law, you have to take the blame for your mistakes when you see your younger brother being beaten.

And with two angry slaps, the fire in Ma Dafu's heart dissipated a lot. At this time, he looked at his uncle again, and immediately took a breath and said: "Why do I have to rely on you? This kid is nothing."

With that said, Ma Dafu also raised his foot and kicked Ma Yang.

This kid was tougher than Li Ruhai. After being slapped twice, he gritted his teeth without making a sound.

"Uncle, let's get in the car and go home. It's very cold." Zhao Jun persuaded him kindly.

"Let's go then!" Ma Dafu heard this and immediately called Zhao Jun and said, "Auntie Qi has prepared the food. You can eat it at home soon."

"No, no." When Zhao Jun heard this, he quickly refused and said, "Uncle, I won't eat at home. I'm going out for the day today, and my mother is waiting for me at home."


As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound from the other side, which even shocked Ma Dafu.

Wang Cuihua took action, and the mother had been worried since noon. How could she not be angry?

She slapped Ma Yang's cotton-padded jacket, and then scolded: "Look at your brother Jun, everyone knows how to worry about you, mom, what are you thinking about?"

At this time, Ma Yang did not dare to say anything, but Zhao Jun over there smiled and persuaded: "Auntie, let's get in the car, I will send it back to you, and I won't leave it at home to eat after that."

"Then what else can I give you as a gift?" Ma Dafu raised his hand and pointed in the direction of his home, and then said, "It's just these two walks. I'll be home in a while. No need to give me anything."

Just now, Ma Dafu was just being polite, but the two families will be polite the day after tomorrow. It is not appropriate to leave Zhao Jun at home for dinner at this time. So after Zhao Jun refused, Ma Dafu came down shunpo.

"Yes, Jun." Wang Cuihua waved her hand and said, "Go home quickly. You have been tired for the whole day."

"Then..." Zhao Jun turned to look at Ma Ling and asked, "I'll take the things down."

"Okay!" As Ma Ling nodded, Zhao Jun got on the trunk and handed Ma Ling's things off one by one, and Ma Dafu, Wang Cuihua, and Ma Ling took them.

"Why did you buy these things?" Wang Cuihua asked Zhao Jun, "Did I ask you to spend money again?"

When Wang Cuihua asked, Ma Ling suddenly glanced at Ma Dafu nervously.

"No, no." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "I didn't spend much money. I just bought some snacks and so on. Ling'er spent the rest by herself."

Zhao Jun spent some money on Ma Ling today, but the money he spent on shopping for Ma Ling, plus the meal, was not as expensive as the two pieces of stone forest smoke that Ma Ling bought for Zhao Youcai.

Although Ma Ling didn't say anything yet, Zhao Jun knew where her money came from, so he didn't dare to mention it here.

Ma Dafu and Wang Cuihua didn't believe what Zhao Jun said, but what they didn't believe was that they thought Zhao Jun had spent money on their own family again.

Although the marriage between Zhao Jun and Ma Ling has been settled, the Ma family does not like to take advantage of others. Even if Zhao Jun and Ma Ling get married, the Ma family will not be willing to take advantage of Zhao Jun.

At this time, Wang Cuihua felt a little lucky. Fortunately, when she ordered clothes for Zhao Jun a while ago, she specially ordered two more sets for Zhao Jun. Otherwise, if we book now, we probably won’t make the trip.

Wang Cuihua felt that with two pairs of clothes, she could cover the cost of Zhao Jun buying things for herself.

But Wang Cuihua didn't tell Zhao Jun about the extra clothes she ordered because she wanted peace of mind.

Not a family, don't enter the same door. Ma Dafu was also such a person. After the couple simply said goodbye to Zhao Jun, they took their daughter and escorted their son back home.

After watching the Ma family leave, Zhao Jun got in the car, turned right and headed straight for his home. But what Zhao Jun didn't expect was that the car put out the fire not long after it drove away!

"Fuck!" Zhao Jun was angry but also a little lucky. Fortunately, the car didn't break down on the road. It would have been troublesome if it had broken down on the road. I'm also glad that Ma Dafu didn't let me give it away, otherwise it would be so embarrassing!

Not far from home now, Zhao Jun got off the car and ran home. When Zhao Jun was about to arrive home, the dogs of the Zhao and Li families began to bark.

At this time, in Zhao's house, men, women, old and young gathered together happily, but no one started eating, they were all waiting for Zhao Jun to come back.

Hearing the dog barking outside, Li Baoyu jumped up from the bench and shouted: "My brother is back!"

With that said, Li Baoyu and Jiechen ran out. Next came Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong, Lin Xiangshun and Li Ruhai, followed by a group of women. They knew that Zhao Jun was out shopping, so they all came out to help move things.

But even after repairing the car and moving things, it took more than half an hour for everyone to enter the house.

"Brother, what kind of car do you have?" As soon as he entered the house, Zhao Jun said to Xie Chen: "There is not even a warm air, and it will always break down."

Although a normal Jiefang brand car does not have air conditioning, it does have heaters. But Jiechen's car was bought second-hand and had a lot of problems.

Jie Chen smiled and said nothing, but at this moment Zhao Hong and Zhao Na rushed over, one grabbed Zhao Jun's hand, the other hugged Zhao Jun's thigh, and shouted in unison: "Brother, where's the baby!"

"Eat first!" Wang Meilan rubbed her face and stopped the two little girls. It was already past seven o'clock, and there was no need to eat if they kept going for a while.

When Wang Meilan spoke, the two little girls did not dare to say anything, but drove the two little girls away. Wang Meilan came to Zhao Jun and asked, "Son, where is the money?"

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, rolled the sack to Li Baoyu who was standing aside, then picked up the triangular bag in his hand, placed it on the edge of the kang and opened it, instantly revealing the briefcase inside.

When he saw the briefcase, Li Ruhai's eyes suddenly went straight!

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