The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 961 The Zhao family dog ​​gang fights against the Siberian tiger

The tiger raised its body and instantly landed twenty meters away. Then it pounced out and swept out another thirty meters.

As the saying goes: Clouds follow the dragon, and the wind follows the tiger.

As soon as the tiger moved, it was enveloped by a gust of evil wind and flew down the hill in several straight steps.

At this time, Huang Long and Hua Long, who had left Zhao Jun and rushed to the battlefield, smelled a strange smell.

"Ouch!" Huanglong's voice changed. He screamed, raised his tail and immediately put it into his belly.

The same was true for Hualong, who was half a step behind it. The two dogs turned around and ran back.

At the same time, the hunting dogs hunting the wild boar also smelled the strange smell.

But now they are tearing at the wild boar, and even if they smell the smell of tiger, no dog will let go.

Suddenly, the big fat man biting the boar's nose raised his eyes, with a fierce light in his eyes, and his teeth were slightly loosened and he made a "Woo" sound in protest.

Immediately afterwards, all the dogs were like big fat dogs, and the demonstration sounds of "woo-hoo" and "hoo-hoo" came one after another.

The Siberian tiger stood on a steep slope more than ten meters away, its amber glass body and black eyes revealing greed and ferocity.

This is called: watching with eager eyes!

It doesn't need to accumulate strength, it just lifts its body and jumps down from the steep peg in the blink of an eye.

The moment the tiger landed, the hunting dogs scattered the wild boar and retreated. But they did not run back like Huanglong and Hualong. Instead, they formed a circle, surrounding the tiger and wild boar.

"Woof woof woof..."

The dogs barked in confusion, but the tiger walked like a leisurely stroll, looking around but never paying attention to these "little things".

Donkeys in Guizhou can scare away tigers because tigers in Guizhou have never seen donkeys before.

But this Siberian tiger has been in Laogui Touziling for several years, and it even killed a group of hunting dogs at the beginning of this year.

In the eyes of Siberian tigers, they don't even need to use a second move to kill a dog.

Therefore, even if the Zhao family's dog gang has a large number of dogs, they are not taken seriously by this Siberian tiger.

But what it doesn't know is that although the Zhao family dog ​​gang has only been a gang for a short time, they have been invincible throughout the mountains and forests over the past year. They have tempered their will and built their self-confidence in the fighting and fighting.

That night, he fought in the sow forest and killed an orphan pig under a hanging kettle. Early the next morning, he tore an Amur leopard alive on the way home.

From then on, they were not afraid of any living creature in the forest.

Although they were frightened by the tiger's power at this time, every hunting dog had a strong fighting spirit in their hearts. Even the always naughty black tiger and the young green dragon and black dragon never thought of retreating.

On the other hand, even though it was not dead, it didn't dare to run away or scream. It just lay there shivering.

"Ang..." The tiger opened its mouth slightly and let out a deep roar. Birds in the surrounding forest soared into the sky, and jumping cats and greyhounds hurriedly hid in the holes.

Tigers roar in the mountains and the beasts are terrified!

Although the hunting dogs were shaken by the tiger's roar, they still bravely raised their heads and roared, trying to suppress the tiger's roar by mixing their barks together.

But at this moment, the Siberian tiger moved.

It didn't even need to accumulate strength, it rose up from the ground and went straight to kill the tabby cat in front of it on the right.


The tiger rises, the tiger pounces, and the tiger falls cannot be detected with the naked eye!

When the tabby cat reacted, its cry suddenly stopped in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the Siberian tiger appeared where the tabby cat had just stood.

The tabby cat that was standing there just now was pressed under the claws of the Siberian tiger and pinned to the ground.

Tigers usually walk with their claws hidden in their sheaths. But when it attacked the cat just now, its four claws popped out of its paw pads and grabbed the cat.

After Zhao Jun hunted bears for the first time after his rebirth, Hua Xiaoer and Dahuang had a close encounter with a lynx. At that time, Rhubarb was pinned under the lynx's claws. Thanks to Zhao Jun's shot, the lynx was frightened away and Rhubarb's life was saved.

But now, the tabby cat was grabbed by the Siberian tiger and pinned to the ground. There was blood coming from the four holes on its back. Its two front paws scratched the ground desperately, but the back half of its body could not move.

Tiger's press directly broke the cat's spine.

At this time, the tabby cat was still grinning, twisting its neck desperately, trying to bite the tiger's claws that were pressing on its body.

This cowardly dog, who saw two hundred wild boars turning around and running away more than half a year ago, refused to admit defeat at this moment.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The Siberian tiger pressed down on the tabby cat in the blink of an eye, and then it abandoned the tabby cat and turned to the right.

The sacrifice of the tabby cat bought time for Erhei, White Dragon, Qinglong, and Black Dragon. When the tiger attacked, they all scattered and dodge.

The Siberian tiger failed to pounce. When it landed, Big Fatty, Sanpang, Dahuang, and Xiaohua all attacked from behind the Siberian tiger, attacking its retreat.

Even if it is a bear, it will take two bites.

But the Siberian tiger leaned back again, instantly rose in the air, turned around and pounced on the four dogs.

I felt the darkness above my head, and Sanpang opened his mouth to bite, but his dog mouth was not as fast as the Siberian tiger's claws.

The Siberian tiger pressed its paw on San Pang's back, and then rushed forward, heading straight for Big Pang.

At the same time, the tiger's tail whipped up like a steel whip and swept away the rhubarb and small flowers!

Xiao Hua saw something was not going well and ran away, but Da Huang bit the tiger's hind leg regardless.

"Poof!" With a muffled sound, the tiger's tail slapped Da Huang on his back and slapped it on the snow.

Dahuang let go of the tiger's legs and blood flowed from his mouth.

"Water Margin" says that tigers have three moves: pounce, lift and scissor, and what Rhubarb hit was the tiger's tail scissor.

At this time, Dahuang was different from Tabby Cat and Sanpang. Dahuang suffered internal injuries. The bite that Rhubarb took just now, although it only took a bite of tiger hair, still caused some interference to the Siberian tiger.

The tiger that was about to kill the big fat Siberian tiger missed the target with one pounce. But when it flew into the air, the tiger's claws were less than a punch away from the big fat butt.

The big fat man didn't know that the Siberian tiger would pounce in the air. When he turned to dodge, he felt the evil wind coming. He turned around and risked his life in the fight!

It's a coincidence that when Big Fat turned around, the dog's mouth and the tiger's mouth were directly facing each other.

"Ouch!" The big fat man opened his mouth and bit, just like he usually does when catching wild boars, this time he bit the tiger's nose.

Then, the big fat man was like catching a wild boar, pulling the tiger's nose and squeezing it down.

This is a Siberian tiger, not a wild boar!

But Big Fat's blow caught the Siberian tiger by surprise. And even though it has hair all over its body, there is no hair on its nose!

"Ah Ang..." The Siberian tiger howled in pain. But Big Fat bit its nose, and it couldn't bite Big Fat anymore. It could only lower its belly and arch its butt upwards. After its body was supported, it raised its head and picked up Big Fat, and then a pair of front paws moved together. Come out and go straight to the big fat guy to catch him.

Caught by the tiger's claws, the fat man's neck and chest were all torn open from the neck down.

The aorta was broken, and hot blood spurted into the Siberian tiger's eyes. The Siberian tiger howled, shook its head, and instantly picked up the big fat man again.

But at this time, the big fat dog's mouth was still biting the Siberian tiger's nose!

This big fat dog was once the top of the four cowards. Big Fatty, who just followed Zhao Jun, is not qualified as a leader, nor is he qualified as a helper.

It stands to reason that the leading dog relies on talent, and the supporting dog relies on physical fitness. This big fat guy is just a fat guy with a bad head and a long walk. How can he fail to be a gangster?

There is only one reason, that is, it does not bite its prey harshly.

But for more than half a year of fighting with the Zhao army, since the night battle in the sow forest, as long as the wild boar has its head captured by the big fat, it will be doomed no matter how big it is.

Big Fatty, who is getting more and more aggressive with his mouth, not only qualified as a helper dog, but also became an excellent alpha dog with his own diligence and hard work.

Today Little Bear is in confinement. As the big dog of the dog gang, Big Fatty used his bravery to win opportunities for his companions.

The tiger's mouth was restrained, and its eyes were blurred by the dog's blood. The Siberian tiger dragged the fat man biting its nose away.

But at this time, the remaining hunting dogs of the Zhao family swarmed up and started biting the Siberian tiger.

Hualang, Erhei, Bailong, Qinglong, the four dogs attacked the tiger's neck, front elbow, and back from both sides, and Xiaohua bit the tiger's hind legs.

The combined weight of the first four dogs exceeded 400 kilograms. They hung on the Siberian tiger and tore at it fiercely.

At this time, the big fat body covered in blood was still hanging on the tiger's nose. The Siberian tiger could not pounce or lift it, so the tiger's three unique moves were only one scissor.

But just as the Siberian tiger pushed its tail upwards, before it could be cut out, the Siberian tiger felt a pain in the middle of its tail, and a huge force suddenly pulled its tail.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" The black tiger bit the tiger's tail and kept shaking its body, straightening the tiger's tail.

The Siberian tiger is lucky to have hid its tiger gun, otherwise the black tiger will definitely be able to remove all the barbs from its gun!

Once the tiger's tail was cut, it was also broken by the black tiger.

The black tiger's damage to the Siberian tiger didn't stop there. As the tiger's tail was pulled up, the black dragon jumped over, opened its mouth and dug towards the tiger's butt.

The black dragon didn't bite its prey hard in the past, but now the remaining dogs are all red-eyed. They bite the Siberian tiger with all their strength.

But at this time, Big Fatty couldn't hold it any longer. It wasn't until Big Fat's life ended and the Siberian tiger kept shaking his head hard that he was able to shake Big Fat away.

After no longer being restrained by the big fat man, the Siberian tiger turned around and bit the flower wolf on its right side.

At this time, Hualang was biting the front elbow of the Siberian tiger. When the Siberian tiger turned around, he bit off Hualang's spine, causing the Hualang's ribs to breathe and spurt blood.

But like its three old partners, Hualang refused to admit defeat and never gave up on the Siberian tiger even if it was locked in the tiger's mouth.

But the Siberian tiger bit the flower wolf hard and tore the flower wolf off its body.

Being thrown away by the Siberian tiger, the flower wolf flew elsewhere. And the Siberian tiger turned its head to the left, trying to kill the white dragon.

From the time the Siberian tiger pounced on the tabby cat, it didn't last more than five minutes. But in just a few minutes, one by one their companions fell, and the remaining dogs fell into madness.

No matter how ferocious your Siberian tiger is, we will fight you to the end today!

Bailong did not hide, but at this moment a gunshot was heard in the distance.


As soon as the gunshot fired, the hunting dogs were in high spirits!

The shooter was Zhao Jun. At this time, he was standing a hundred meters away, with Wang Qiang and Li Baoyu standing next to him.

Huanglong and Hualong had withdrawn from the battlefield before and met Zhao Jun halfway. Zhao Jun felt something was wrong at that time, and when he looked forward, he felt something was wrong even more.

That Hualong was peeing all the way!

This is scary!

Zhao Jun felt bad and hurriedly asked Xie Zhong and Jie Chen to tie the two dogs with ropes.

Before he could tell Wang Qiang and Li Baoyu to leave quickly, he heard a tiger roar from above.

The Siberian tiger never barked from the time it left its den until it met the dog gang.

The Siberian tiger made its first roar when it attacked the tabby cat. Although Zhao Jun was not in front of him at this time, he could tell from the barking of the hunting dog that his own dog had already fucked the big paw.

Therefore, Zhao Jun stopped Li Baoyu who was about to shoot. Although shooting at that time would scare the tiger, it would also send the wrong message to the dog gang.

Because as soon as the gunfire rings out, the hunting dog will abandon all tactics and directly launch a suicide attack. If the tiger attacks back then, none of those dogs will be able to escape.

Fortunately, Zhao Jun grasped the situation and handed over the battlefield to the dog gang. After sacrificing the tabby cat, Sanpang, and Rhubarb, the hunting dogs successfully surrounded the Siberian tiger.

Encircle, encircle. If you don't encircle, you can't attack.

And then Big Fat's desperate struggle gave his remaining companions a chance to survive.

When Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Li Baoyu arrived, they happened to see the Siberian tiger killing Hualang.

At this time, there were still six hunting dogs tearing apart the Siberian tiger at the risk of their lives. Shooting the tiger would easily injure the dogs, so Zhao Jun stopped Wang Qiang and Li Baoyu again, and he fired a shot into the air.

The remaining six dogs were already killing like crazy. Shooting them again would only encourage them, but it would not have any impact on the hunting dogs' actions.

And with this shot, the frightened Siberian tiger gave up killing the hunting dogs. Its eyes were blurred and it could not see clearly. It just raised its head, exerted its strength on its back, and dragged the six dogs four to five meters.

As it rose and fell, it shook off the six hunting dogs on its body. The moment they landed, the six dogs pounced on the Siberian tiger again.

But at this time, the hunting dogs rushed out, but there was no trace of the Siberian tiger in front of them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Gunshots rang out like popping beans in the mountains and forests, but none of them could catch up with the Siberian tiger.

"Woof woof woof..."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The six dogs chased the Siberian tiger like crazy in the direction where the Siberian tiger was escaping. Zhao Jun shouted: "Watch the dogs!"

Li Baoyu rushed out immediately. When he saw the rhubarb lying on the ground, he shouted heartbreakingly: "Rhubarb!"

Dahuang was not dead after being cut by the tiger's tail. It struggled to get up, but at this time Dahuang could only lie on the ground and raised his head to look at Li Baoyu.

There was blood flowing from Rhubarb's nose and mouth!

Among these dogs, the one who has the deepest affection for Li Baoyu is definitely Rhubarb.

But at this time, Li Baoyu could only abandon Da Huang with gritted teeth and tears, just like Huang Gui before, and then rushed forward.

Rhubarb is in fair condition, he has to go see the next dog!

Dahuang turned to look at Li Baoyu's back, and at this time Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang passed by him one after another.

Big Fatty died and Hualang died. One had his chest and aorta torn apart by the Siberian tiger, and the other had his spine broken and his body bitten by the Siberian tiger.

As for the three fat cats and the tabby cats, they still had one breath left, their spines were broken, and there were two holes on each side of their bodies, allowing for ventilation and bleeding.

When they saw Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, Sanpang and Huamao no longer had the ferocity in their eyes when fighting against tigers. Their eyes are watery, clear and bright.

Li Baoyu knelt on the ground, holding the cat's head on his lap, and tears fell on the cat one drop at a time.

He shed tears not only for the tabby cat, but also for the big fat and tabby wolf who died in the battle.

Zhao Jun was also holding San Pang on the side. Neither San Pang nor the cat would survive.

At this time, the sound of "haha" came, and Black Tiger, Erhei, White Dragon, Qinglong, Black Dragon, and Xiaohua came back.

After a battle with the dog gang, he was shot by three guns again. The Siberian tiger was already frightened, so he did not return to fight the dogs again. The dog could not catch up with it and could only return to Zhao Jun.

Xiaohua went towards Li Baoyu, and the other five dogs came towards Zhao Jun. When they arrived at Zhao Jun, they did not choose to get close to Zhao Jun to express their grievances. Instead, they sniffed the three fat men with their noses.

Zhao Jun closed Sanpang's eyes with his hands. When his eyelids were closed together, a tear fell from Sanpang's eyes.

"Ah..." Li Baoyu's cry came from over there. Zhao Jun turned his head slightly, looked past Qinglong and looked at Wang Qiang who was standing behind him with a stern expression.

"My great nephew." Wang Qiang said in a hoarse voice, "Was he buried by a dog?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jun pushed Black Tiger and Black Dragon away and stood up with San Pang in his arms.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun called to Li Baoyu and said, "Stop crying and take care of Dahuang!"

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was startled, and then heard Zhao Jun say: "Hurry up, carry Dahuang down, he has to go back for an injection!"

At this time, the dog must be taken care of first.

Li Baoyu also understood this truth, wiped away his tears and ran towards Dahuang.

At this time, Jie Zhong and Jie Chen came leading Huang Long and Hua Long. They arrived late, not because they didn't work hard, but because the two dogs didn't come forward despite saying anything. Jie Zhong and Jie Chen were dragged and hugged before they could rush over.

Seeing the tragedy of the battlefield, Jie Chen was heartbroken. He was a member of the Zhao family gang, and he usually hunted with these dogs with Zhao Jun. Over time, he developed feelings for these dogs.

Zhao Jun was not polite and asked Wang Qiang, Jie Zhong, and Jie Chen to tie up all the dogs except Xiaohua, and then they led the dogs down the mountain.

"Nephew, what about you?" Wang Qiang asked, and Zhao Jun gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle, I'll find a place to bury these four dogs first, and then I'll go fuck those big paws!"

At this point, Zhao Jun spat on the snow, looked in the direction where the Siberian tiger was leaving, and said, "I absolutely must kill it!"

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