The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 963 Zhao Youcai: This is ruined!

Li Chunming looked at Zhao Youcai in surprise.

Zhao Youcai was about to take action just now, and Li Chunming was also ready. He chased the tiger for two days and saw the speed of the tiger.

Simply put, when the naked eye catches the tiger's figure, the gun is no longer handed over.

This is also the reason why Zhao Youcai, Zhou Chengguo, Xue Baojun, and Han Shengli were hunting tigers at night twenty-three years ago. Although the four of them fired eight shots in total, Zhao Youcai, Xue, and Han did not take down a single tiger hair. .

Therefore, Li Chunming was more thoughtful, thinking that Zhao Youcai would startle the tiger, and he would shoot the tiger in mid-air.

Li Chunming didn't do this for anything else. When we were drinking potato soup at No. 42 Lengchang last night, everyone agreed that if the five hundred yuan bonus for hunting tigers was divided among five people, it would be one hundred for each person.

Therefore, even if the tiger was killed by him, Li Chunming would only get one hundred yuan.

But how many times in this life has a person encountered such a big scene? Whoever kills a tiger will be able to brag about it for a lifetime.

But when the first shot fired from Zhao Youcai's side, Li Chunming saw a yellow shadow flash through the gun star. But he failed to hand over the gun, and when he reacted again, the tiger was no longer in front of him.

At this time, Zhao Youcai's second shot rang out.

If Zhao Youcai's second shot was blinded, there would be no need to say anything. But if he wasn't blind, it would prove that his acuity and reaction speed were far superior to Li Chunming's.

"Master Zhao." Li Chunming asked, "Where did you hit?"

"I don't know." Zhao Youcai shook his head and said, "I didn't see (zháo) in the gun star, but I feel like it must have been hit!"

Li Chunming was even more surprised when he heard this.

When a hunter fires a gun, he can see the prey bleeding or its body crooked through the gun star. When this happens, you must have hit your prey.

But the Siberian tiger was too fast. Zhao Youcai shot it, and the gun star was empty.

But Zhao Youcai, who is a master of marksmanship, has reached another level.


As soon as the shot was fired, whether it hit or missed, the feeling had already told him.

Li Chunming is a retired soldier. Although he did not join the war in time, his marksmanship is really good, otherwise Chu Anmin would not have sent him to lead the team here.

But in today's hunting, Li Chunming was blocked by Zhao Youcai.

Li Chunming gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't feel jealous. He just lamented that in the past few years after he retired from the army, he had fallen behind too much in terms of getting married, having children, working step by step, and in actual combat.

Zhao Youcai held a gun in front of him and strode upwards. At this time, Zhao was unsuspecting because he believed that his shot must have hit.

The tiger that was shot, no matter whether the injury was serious or not, was like a frightened bird. Because it knows that someone here can kill it, it never dares to ambush nearby.

Zhao Youcai found the bullet from his first shot first. Zhao Youcai took a look at it and thought: "It's too low!"

Then, Zhao Youcai went for another shot.

If you want a gun to shoot well, feeding it with bullets is one thing. In addition, there is another very important point, that is, you must watch the gun slide after shooting. Only in this way can we be aware of where we missed the shot, and we can try to avoid this situation again in the future.

Finally, Zhao Youcai found a bunch of hair, a bunch of blood-stained tiger hair.

Zhao Youcai pinched the handful of tiger hair, smiled at Li Chunming, and said: "The skin is inside but the flesh is outside."

Li Chunming smiled. Logically speaking, he was a department-level cadre, and there were only a few people on the same level as him in the entire Yongan Forestry Farm. But in front of the strong, Li Chunming behaved very humbly.

"Let's go!" Zhao Youcai waved his hand upwards, and as the tiger's fur fell, he heard Zhao Youcai say: "Let's keep chasing it, just believe me, it will go 57!"

Li Chunming quickly agreed, and then praised: "Master Zhao, I have been to all the nearby forest farms, and I have seen their gunners, but I feel that this is what you are doing for sieges!"

When Li Chunming said the word "this", he raised his thumb with his right hand.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Youcai smiled when he heard this and said, "Hey, what do you say? Haha, that's all."

Although the words were modest, there was a sense of pride in his tone.

Zhao Youcai and Li Chunming continued to chase the tiger. At the same time, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Xie Zhong were also chasing the Siberian tiger.

An hour later, Zhao Jun took the lead and came down from the top of the post. At this time, his face looked bad, and Wang Qiang shouted from behind: "Jun, please slow down!"

Zhao Jun stopped under a tree and looked around. But you don’t need to look any further, just over a mile further down is where he buried them.

It's back again!

Come full circle and come back again!

This tiger is taking them in circles!

At this time, Wang Qiang and Xie Zhong followed up. They were not far behind Zhao Jun. Wang Qiang called Zhao Jun just now because he was afraid that he would be attacked by a tiger.

"Uncle!" Zhao Jun pointed down and said to Wang Qiang, "We are back again."

"Yeah, I know!" Wang Qiang said: "This is a tiger sitting in the mountain. The more you chase it away, the more it won't go away!"

Jiangdong is not without boats, and it is shameful to raise troops against Soochow again.

Zhao Jun watched "Story Club" in his previous life and read a passage like that.

Kings are all dignified, just like Sha Damu and Ka Dazuo. When they were in trouble, foreign countries expressed their position and could provide them with asylum, but they were all rejected.

Because the king will never leave his own land. Once they are gone, they are no longer kings.

The main territory of this Siberian tiger is Lao Guitouzi Ridge, but the nearby mountains are also its territory.

Being chased at this time, the Siberian tiger has been looking for opportunities to fight back, but Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang are experienced. Once there is any trouble, they will immediately attack them with a gun.

In this case, the Siberian tiger did not run away, but just led the three people in a circle.

Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang had no choice. The three of them were not as powerful as Zhao Youcai and the five others. Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang could not be separated, so they would not be able to surround the Siberian tiger.

At this time, Zhao Bantou and the Tiger Fighting Team had already begun to close the net.

Qin Zhusong, Zhang Dongzhi, and Zhao Jicheng arrived at the Gaojianzi pointed by Zhao Youcai and found hidden ambush points.

The Siberian tiger was still three or four miles away from the battle entrance they were blocking. When he heard a gunshot from behind, the Siberian tiger suddenly raised his body and jumped up, then got up again and headed straight for the battle entrance.

Tiger was not the only one who heard the gunshots. When Qin Zhusong and the others heard the gunshots, they knew that this was a warning from Zhao Youcai and Li Chunming. The intention was to tell the three of them that the big claw was coming!

But just when the three of them were on alert, waiting for the Siberian tiger to appear, the east side of the mountain followed the hills all the way down, and finally there was a big turn in the winding mountain road.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin was holding rocks with both hands and smashing them against the wooden supports. While smashing them, he said: "This old Chiang, on the first day he came here, I told him to repair the sledge. What a lazy day!"

Zhang Yuanmin told the truth. On the first day of construction at Lengchang, he asked Jiang Jinyou to repair the sledge. At that time, his voice was a little loud, and Xing San said that he was talking too loudly about his wife.

But in the conscience of heaven and earth, Jiang Jinyou really packed up the sledge that day. But this sledge is used to pull heavy wood up the mountain and down the ditch every day. It is not repaired once and then it will be fine again. Therefore, Lengchang Boss had to give tenants a half-day holiday every now and then, for no other reason than to give them time to repair their sledges.

Lengchang is on holiday these days, and tenants are repairing sledges in their spare time. But Zhang Yuanmin drove Jiang Jinyou's sledge every day. Yesterday he went home to deliver fish to Zhao Jun, and today he went home to deliver dogs.

Just like that, when turning that big bend, some problems occurred with the sledge, forcing Zhang Yuanmin to stop and repair it.

Otherwise, Zhang Yuanmin would have left the mountain at this time.

After hammering the last ocean nail into the wood, Zhang Yuanmin threw the stone aside and called the two dogs to get up.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanmin remembered something. He pulled the sack containing the double jiangzi, took out a bundle, opened it and took one in his hand.

These days, the firecrackers are not placed on the ground, but are held with hands.

Zhang Yuanmin lit a cigarette, lit the cigarette butt and twisted the firecrackers. Then he took a step towards the mountain and threw the firecrackers up with his hands.

"Listen..." When the firecracker was raised in the air, it burned out. It instantly shot up into the sky and exploded from a high place.


In fact, from the foot of the mountain to the top, which is four or five miles, no matter how high the firecrackers are, they can't reach very high.

But the mountain wind is blowing, and the sound of firecrackers is echoing in the mountains!

When they heard the sound of firecrackers, the three people who were lying in ambush on the top of the mountain turned pale.

"Listen... ugh! Listen... ugh! Listen! ugh! Listen! ugh!"

The sound of firecrackers came one after another, and they were getting faster and faster!

As long as they are men, no matter adults or children, they are happy to set off firecrackers. Zhang Yuanmin is no exception. Moreover, his family conditions were not good when he was a child, and he did not fare well when he grew up.

But the conditions have been getting better and better recently, especially the opportunity to save money for private housing, so Zhang Yuanmin, who was confident, started playing here.

It didn't matter what he was doing, the mountains were full of echoes of firecrackers. For a moment, I couldn’t tell where the sound of the firecrackers came from!

In Dawei, this is called covering up!

It's just that guns are used for siege, not firecrackers.

Back then, Zhao Youcai, Huang Gui, and Xu Changlin nicknamed each other. Where did Xu Changlin's explosive rod and Xu Pao come from?

There were three roe deer standing on the hillside opposite. Xu Changlin used his gun to shoot them, and shot them twelve times in one go.

But when the gunfire passed and the snow smoke fell, the three roe deer were still standing on the opposite hillside.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the mountains. The three roe deer didn't know where the gun came from. They were all confused at the time!

At this time, the Siberian tiger was just like the three roe deer. It stopped and looked around blankly.

There were "嘡" sounds coming out from all directions, and the Siberian tiger didn't know what was making the noise, but the smell of gunpowder brought by the mountain wind made the Siberian tiger dislike it very much.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Siberian tiger lift up its body, stretch its body in mid-air, and plunge straight into the steep slope to the west!

At this time, the Siberian tiger was only more than a hundred meters away from Zhankou. There were trees blocking its way up, and the three people at Zhankou were unable to spot it even though they were from a high position.

But when it moved, Qin Zhusong saw a yellow shadow in the gun star, and immediately moved the muzzle of the gun in the direction where the Siberian tiger disappeared.

But at this time, the Siberian tiger was no longer around.

Qin Zhusong jumped out from behind the tree, held the gun in both hands and ran down. Upon seeing this, Zhang Dongzhi and Zhao Jicheng quickly got up and chased after them.

When the Siberian tiger disappeared, Qin Zhusong stopped and looked at the steep slope in front of him that was almost straight up and down.

Siberian tigers can go down this slope, but humans can't!

"I'm so damn CT!" Zhang Dongzhi and Zhao Jicheng both grabbed their guns and ran east to kill. Qin Zhusong did not dissuade him and followed the two of them with their guns.

The three of them have been freezing on Gaojianzi for an hour. They use Northeastern dialect to say that they are so cold that they are drunk. Just as they look at it, the tiger comes over and gives you a firecracker. If I catch you, I won't kill you with a gun, but I'll give you a beating!

The three of them rushed down the mountain holding their breath. But by the time they reached the bottom of the mountain, Zhang Yuanmin had already left with the sledge!

Zhang Dongzhi cursed loudly, and Zhao Jicheng pulled Zhang Dongzhi twice and said, "Okay, stop scolding."

With that said, Zhao Jicheng pointed forward and said, "Let's go around here and go back by car."

Their car was parked in the south of the mountain, and now it was on the east side of the mountain. They only had to go around the front turn and walk five or six miles before they could see the car.

"What are you going back for?" Qin Zhusong said angrily: "Old Li and Master Zhao are still doing it!"

"Oh my god!" Zhang Dongzhi cursed, "I'm so angry!"

The three of them were busy going back up, and at this time Zhao Youcai and Li Chunming had arrived at the battle entrance.

They both heard the sound of the firecrackers just now, so both of them didn't look good.

After looking at the traces left by the tiger where it disappeared, and looking at the footprints of the three people going down the mountain, Zhao Youcai and Li Chunming greeted the three people.

After meeting halfway, the five of them went down the mountain together, talking about the man who set off the firecrackers as they walked.

In fact, as soon as the firecrackers went off, Zhao Youcai thought of Zhang Yuanmin. But no matter how angry you are, you can't sell it to your own people.

But Zhao Youcai didn't mention it, but Zhang Dongzhi said to him: "Master Zhao, we met a little guy in front of us, I guess he did it!"

"Little..." Zhao Youcai clicked his eyes twice without saying anything.

"Who is it?" Li Chunming asked, "Aren't you going to let them wander around for a while?"

"He said he was going home." Zhao Jicheng added from the side: "He also said he was from Master Zhao's hunting gang."

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai couldn't help feeling a little flustered when he heard this.

But at this time, Qin Zhusong said: "It can't be him!"

"Then what's wrong?" Zhao Jicheng said: "If it's not him, who could it be?"

"Tsk! Why are you so stubborn?" Qin Zhusong defended Zhang Yuanmin: "Where did you meet him?"

"Ah..." Zhao Jicheng hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and pointed: "It's at the west end!"

"That's right!" Qin Zhusong stamped his foot and said, "Can we still walk for an hour from the west end to the east end?"

As soon as Qin Zhusong said this, Zhang Dongzhi and Zhao Jicheng were speechless. They walked for an hour and that was climbing. But Zhang Yuanmin didn't need it. He couldn't have transferred here in an hour.

"Okay, okay!" At this time, Li Chunming stopped the argument among several people and said, "Who can do anything else?"

After stopping a few people, Li Chunming turned to Zhao Youcai and said, "Boss Zhao, what do you think we should do next?"

After seeing Zhao Youcai's ability, Li Chunming was particularly polite to him. Not knowing what they were talking about on the way, Li Chunming started calling him Boss Zhao.

Zhao Youcai was very satisfied with this title, but at this time, he was a little distracted and said: "This is ruined!"

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